The White Whispers

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The White Whispers Page 79

by Kizzie Hayes


  I took a shaky breath.

  "I miss you when you are away. Even if only last night. And... I liked waking up with you now. But I do not know about the future."

  "Aye dear, no one does." His gray eyes shined.

  I leaned forward and kissed him softly. When I kissed him, I felt like nothing else was there. I knew it was one of the feelings I could not describe. And when he only held me, I felt so safe.

  I rested my head on his chest and listened to his heart. He brushed against my skin softly. I realized my body was not doing anything but enjoying his touch. I knew our emotions were more connected than they were with Allen. With his it was all mad pleasure.

  "How do you know of these feelings?" He shrugged.

  "I just know."

  I looked up at him. His smile was calming. He was such a beautiful man, I wondered how I got lucky enough to stumble across him.

  "How will I know?" He smiled softly.

  "In time."

  "And what will I do until then?" He smiled wider.

  "I can just show you."

  I planned to ask him what that meant but he just showed me. He kissed me furiously, he squeezed my flesh in his hands. He turned me over and had me on my knees, until the headboard threatened to fall from the bed. Until my legs quaked. And then again, with me straddling him on the bed. My body was so bare to him, but it did not defer me from enjoying it. He looked at my body like it was a lost work of art, a relic to be treasured.

  "Please, I am not tired."

  He lay next to me, holding my body. Then he rolled us over so that I was beneath him. He held my thigh and buried himself inside of me. I held him very close to me, and then he would pull away to watch himself disappear inside of me. Until we both found our release. Then I was tired.

  "I can never tire of you."


  It became sort of a routine. I made sure to tend to my farm, but they often sent one of the men in my place. They plowed the land better than me anyway. Most of the people within the castle knew my name, and greeted me often. But there were still a few, who were all women that did not give me very nice looks. I did my best to ignore them, and Carson often assured me not to pay them any mind. In the coming days I learned he was a very sweet man. His story is almost too sad for me. His family, and everyone in his village died and Allen’s family rescued him. He often thought that he did not belong, and that he was not in their family. I assured him as much as I could, but I have just not been around enough to really offer him good advice.

  He was also very caring. Always made sure I had what I needed, and did not want for anything. I begged him not to buy me things though, I did not want him to think I was after that from either of them. So he would make me things instead. He carved me small wood dolls that I decorated my house with, and a bun oven for my bread. It had only been three weeks. Three weeks of Allen and Carson driving my body places I never thought it would go, and waking up next to Carson. They never made me feel like I was dirty or a common woman. Carson was never jealous, it was just what he liked to do. I would be perfectly fine without our arrangement, but I started to see that I would not be fine without Carson.

  “I want to take you somewhere.” Carson interrupted my bath.

  “You always want to take me somewhere.” I sat in the tub, but did not hide my body from him. There was almost nothing I hid from him.

  “Aye, get ready.” He gave me a quick kiss, well it would have been but I held his face to mine and kissed him longer. He left me with a chuckle.

  I got dressed in a simple blue dress and let my hair fall free. He liked it when I wore my hair down.

  “Where are you taking me?” I asked him. He laughed but did not answer; instead he threw me over his shoulder and ran out to the stables.

  I squealed with laughter as he carried me away. He set me atop a horse but walked next to me, he still stood tall next to me.

  “The sky is so clear today.” I said, leaning back to see the sky.

  “Aye, that means it is to rain soon.”

  I looked at him in confusion.

  “I thought that was when the clouds were out.”

  “Nay. The sky is clear like this, just before it cracks,” he explained.

  There was a look in his eye, one that had been there since the morning. I think something is on his mind, but I did not know how to ask.

  “I had no idea.” He smiled and squeezed my hand.

  We went on the trail a little farther and then he stepped. He lifted me off the horse and set me down.

  “I want to show you this, and I have to tell you something.”

  I nodded. “Okay.”

  He turned me round and pointed to the tree. The stump had been cut, and on it he had carved my name. It was only my name, but he made it look so beautiful and… I did not even know what to say about it.

  “Carson… you did this?”

  “Aye, with a sharpened piece of wood.”

  “Thank you. It is like I am…”

  “Permanently here?”

  I turned to face him.

  “Yes, exactly.”

  He looked down at me and smiled. “You will always be with me.” His voice was stern, but it seemed like more of a question, like he was unsure.

  “Something troubles you. I feel it.” He nodded.

  “Aye. There is something I must tell you.”

  “Okay. What is it?” I touched his face gingerly. He pressed my palm to his face and took my hand to kiss me.

  “I have to… first I must ask you something.”

  My heart fluttered. I was not sure what was troubling him, and it made me uneasy to know he did not feel right about something.

  “I do want you here, permanently. But I know how much you love your land. I could not take you away from that. But I love you and I must ask, I must know.”

  Nothing registered to me except the fact that he said he loves me. He said those real words. Everything else flew right by me.

  “What… what do you want to ask me?” I whispered.

  His steel gray eyes bored into mine. I was so afraid of what he would say.

  “I want to wed ye, Fiona.”


  Time seemed to freeze. There was just us. Nothing else, no group of people ready to judge me. Nothing. Just his flesh against mine. I had not been able to tell him how I felt yet. I just wanted to be sure.

  “You do?” I finally found my words.

  “Yes. Very much. But you must know something else first.” I furrowed my brow.

  “Carson, your brooding frightens me.”

  He sighed.

  “I do not want to frighten you. But I… my brother and I have to leave. To war.”

  I gasped. Of course, how could I forget that they are warriors? I suppose I never expected there to be a war.

  “A war?”

  He nodded. “Aye. The Laird was not smart in his trade, he got into an ill disagreement with another clan. It is too bad to settle without a fight. My brother and I are clan leaders. We must fight.”

  I could hardly digest it. He is going off to war, to fight, he could…he could die.

  “I understand that you must go.”

  “Thank you but…will you be here? Will you wait for me?”

  I looked up into his eyes. I knew in my heart that I would be here, but I could not say the words for some reason. I suppose it was because the words would make it too real.

  “I will be.” I answered fully and truthfully.

  He smiled to himself and held me closer. He pulled me into a hug and I felt his warmth protect me. His arms held me closer, his heart beat in my ear. I could not let him go. Not ever.

  “I will marry you.”

  “Aye?” He held me back and looked into my eyes. I was not Scottish, but I amused him.


  His smile then could light up the darkest of worlds. His kiss could bring me to life if I were dead. I had to have him then. We were nak
ed in seconds, not caring if anyone would see us. He sat me on his lap as I rode his cock, fast and slow and everything in between until we were releasing ourselves over and over.

  When he had me on the floor it almost seemed sad, like we were saying goodbye. I had to trust that he would return. That the war would not take him from me. When we finally satiated ourselves he wrapped me in a quilt and held me close. I inhaled his scent, familiarizing myself with his scent over and over. And then my eyes were moistening with tears at the thought of even being away from him.

  “Fiona, why do you cry?” He cupped my cheek and tilted my face up to look at him.

  “I will miss you. Because I love you. I should have told you sooner. Now it is too late. It means nothing.” I buried my face in his chest so he would not see my tears and I could stifle my sobs.

  “It means everything, and it is not too late. I will return. And we will be married.”


  I had not been this sad since my parents passed and my brother first left the house. But the sadness was rawer, and seemed to be deep in my chest. Right where my heart is. There was nothing I could do to make it better except let the time pass.

  Some women at the keep were kind to me, they had men in the war as well so they understood. I visited my land often, but Carson insisted I were here permanently. Of course I hoped Allen would be all right, too. They are brothers and should not lose each other.

  He had not been with me since Carson asked for my hand in marriage. We had only seven days together after that day in the woods before the horses were mounted, carriages were loaded and the warriors were off to war. Their mother finally introduced herself to me, I expected her to be mean but she was not.

  She complimented my hair, and told me I had great natural beauty. She told me I would bare beautiful children one day and I could not help but smile at the thought of Carson and I having a child. I was not with child, but I wanted to be very much. It did not make sense to me; that his seed would be inside me so many times but no baby had come. Perhaps we were to be married first, and it would happen. I hoped for it.

  He was gone for more than a month. I stopped crying eventually, I spoke to the clan more often and dined with them. It did not make me miss him less. Every time the messenger had word I was afraid of the words, but they never came. Then one day it was not just the messenger.

  Fifteen months later my Carson returned to me. He looked the same, but ridden by war. I collapsed into his arms, and he still had the strength to carry me away to our chambers. He held me all night as I cried and cried, and kissed him over and over to make sure he was really there. When I could stop crying and he regained his strength, we consummated his return properly.

  He wanted the wedding arrangements quickly. So the maids got started, and his mother made me my dress herself. I wished my own mother could be here.

  “I have a gift for ye,” Carson told me the night before we were to wed.

  “A gift? Is it not too soon?” He smiled and shook his head.

  “Nay. Come.”

  He led me outside, and I looked off into the foggy distance. There emerged a figure, but I knew not who it was before he spoke.


  My brother.

  “Klaud! Oh I have missed you!”

  He hugged me very tightly and swung me around like when we were children. My brother at my wedding, giving me away to my husband was the best gift I had ever gotten from anyone.

  Carson was so very kind and loving, tender and rough, and everything in between. And he was mine.


  Another bonus story is on the next page.

  Bonus Story 24 of 44

  The Hiding


  Avery Woods is a single woman who owns a wine shop in Breckenridge, Colorado. She wants to renovate her shop for the upcoming Oktoberfest. Mr. Murphy, an elderly friend and neighbor of Avery, suggests a carpenter to her who is a new settler in town. Mr. Murphy takes Avery to Mason, the carpenter, who lives at Primrose Path with her weird sister, Evelyn. Mason agrees to help Avery in refurbishing her shop. Returning from Mason’s barn, Mr. Murphy finds his dog missing from Mason’s yard. Thinking it might have run home, Avery and Mr. Murphy go back to Mason’s. Mason starts renovating Avery’s shop.

  Avery befriends Mason and soon discovers that Mason likes her. He invites Mason and Evelyn for dinner, and they encounter a moose in Avery’s backyard. The very next morning Avery freaks out finding a dead moose brutally killed in her backyard. Cops are called. She knows that these kinds of savage killings have become an often phenomenon in entire town.

  Cops notify her that a new officer is appointed from the US Forest department to investigate the killings and he will be visiting her soon. Rumors spread of werewolves in the town. Ethan, the newly appointed officer, visit Avery’s shop. Soon Avery finds that Ethan also loves her. Avery holds a soft spot for both Ethan and Mason in her heart. But soon she discovers facts about Mason and Ethan which she had never thought of and her whole life turns upside down.


  Oktoberfest is one month away, and Breckenridge already looks prepared to host the biggest staple of Colorado. Kids’ skiing team have begun their practices to deliver a grand welcome to the celebrations with their performances and stunts. The Martins are excited about participating in a 5k trail run and are seen every morning hunting the beautiful Aspen forest. Mr. Jefferson bands with the boys and is seen practicing Oompah tunes in his backyard every evening. Katie, Nancy and Amelia keep the tailor busy stitching their “Miesbacher tracht” which they have to wear to the Polka dance. Excitement can be seen in new teens that have turned twenty-one this year and are eligible to have their steins and beer tokens. Everyone in the town seems overwhelmed with the coming Oktoberfest, and I’m so worried about my shop.

  Every morning, Mr. Murphy along with Buffy, his icky “khugsa” dog, returning from Carter Park would stop by my shop for beverages and breakfast. Mr. Murphy was a fat bellied mug-faced man who was in his late fifties. Every morning my day started with his nags on my rusting shop. Sometimes remarks from his giggly face were bitter enough to make me think that I should burn down my place. But somehow, I calm myself to overcome such self-harming emotions. His generous daily jabs motivated me to take the step and reinvent my shop. I asked Mr. Murphy if he knows any good carpenter who can help me in renovating. “You can find one at Primrose Path,” he said. “He is a new settler in Breckenridge so you can hire him for cheap.” Being somewhat thrifty I gave a thought to his suggestion. But to make sure about the quality of work, I asked Mr. Murphy about the carpenter’s crafts.

  “I see him every morning working with his tool, lady, so I know what I am talking about,” Mr. Murphy said agitatedly furrowing his brows. “But for some reason, Buffy doesn’t seem to admire the gentleman’s work.” Sometimes it is hard to figure out the wit in his words.

  I asked Mr. Murphy to take me along with him to the carpenter's place. He nodded his head. “Tomorrow at 6 am, I will fetch you from here, be ready”. The next morning Mr. Murphy, Buffy and I reached Primrose Path. It was a quarter-mile walk from my shop located on Ridge Street crossing the Blue River. As we stepped inside his gate, Buffy resisted going inside and barked. Mr. Murphy glanced at me and giggled. “As I said earlier, for some reason Buffy doesn’t admire the carpenter’s work.” I smiled back at him. Mr. Murphy tied Buffy at the gate, and then we stepped inside the barn. We wandered around the barn and found the carpenter chopping wood in his backyard. A tall white brawny man with the chiseled body was playing with his axe. It wasn’t hard for me to guess that he was in his early thirties. He was half-naked, and his bare barrel white chest and round shoulders were glistening with droplets of sweat. His thighs were muscle-bound. For a while, my eyes were stuck on this henchman. It was pleasing for me looking at him swaying his hand in the air and twirling the axe just above his head and striking at the piece of wood, splitting it neatly in two pieces. When he stretches hi
s arm above his head, his face grew strains which made his face look tough and more attractive. He was busy at his chopping without noticing us, and I was admiring him. Mr. Murphy broke our focus with his cough. He stuck his axe on the base log and turned toward us. He quickly passed his glances from Mr. Murphy to me and grabbed his shirt.

  “Well, hello how can I help you,” he said. His voice was dark but smooth.

  “This young lady has some business with you Mr…,” Mr. Murphy answered.

  “Mason, Mason Taylor,” he raised his hand to shake with Mr. Murphy.

  “I am Murphy Benson, and she is Avery Woods,” Mr. Murphy introduced us. “Hello,” I stretched my hands, and he grabbed, I felt his clutch firm and rough on my palm. “Hello! Why don’t you come inside,” he greeted and invited. He led us across the yard and made us sit out on the porch while he went inside the house. I noticed Buffy was restlessly pulling her lease to loosen itself. After a while, Mason came out with mugs of beer. A skinny white girl with curly hair followed behind. She was wearing weird outdated clothes. “She is my younger sister, Evelyn.” Mason introduced her. She looked a bit hesitant and shy from her body language. Mason gave the beers to us and sat in front of me. Grasping the beer, Mr. Murphy wheezed, “We are already warming up for the Oktoberfest.” Mason and I smiled.

  “So what business brings you guys here? I couldn’t be of much help, I’m new to the town, and I don’t think, people know much about me,” Mason asked with a curious face and subtle smile.

  “I was searching for someone who can help me in renovating my wine shop before Oktoberfest, and Mr. Murphy told me you are a good worker,” I explained.

  “But how do you know that I am a woodworker? As I told you I’m new here and hardly anyone knows about me.” Mason showed a gentle smile while reasoning me. On this, Mr. Murphy stepped in and explained to Mason how he had seen him daily working in his barn.

  While Mr. Murphy and Mason were talking, I glanced at Evelyn. She was standing at the door, holding the knob with one hand. I noticed she was staring at Buffy as she had never seen a dog before. Suddenly she moved her face from Buffy to me and caught me seeing her. I smiled at her and brought myself back to the conversation.


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