Nobody Else's

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Nobody Else's Page 6

by Nell Iris

  He ripped his mouth from mine and threw his head back. “Oh, God, Levi,” he groaned. “That feels so good.”

  I squeezed, and his eyes flew open. “Kiss me,” I rasped. He lifted his head and pressed his lips against mine.

  Our movements became erratic. His noises grew louder and his breathing shallower. Pressure built in my cock, my balls drew up. It wasn’t long now.

  Beckett stiffened under me, the grip of his legs tightened until he crushed me against him. “I’m gonna…” His hips jerked, and warm seed pumped out of his cock all over my hand. I grunted and jacked my hand faster. As more cum squirted from his dick, I heaved to the side until we lay down facing each other. I let go of his dick, lifted my hand to my mouth, and after making sure he was watching me, I licked off his cum. It was bitter and tasted so good. I moaned.

  “Oh my God.” He rolled me over on my back, scrambled down my body, and swallowed down my cock. Never taking his eyes off me.

  I screamed. His warm mouth and his salty seed were too much for me and I unloaded in his mouth, smearing the rest of his cum on my face as my entire body jerked and quivered.

  He crawled up, framed my face with his hands, and kissed me. When the taste of my own cum hit my tongue, my cock twitched. He ripped his mouth from mine and licked my face clean before kissing me again. His face was sticky, we were both drenched in sweat and smeared with cum and I’d never felt this good in my entire life.

  After a few more kisses, he collapsed beside me and I laid my head on his shoulder. “That was…” I said.


  Eventually, he got out of bed and returned with a wet towel and cleaned me up. Then he crawled back into bed and snuggled close. With our limbs entwined, we fell asleep.

  * * * *

  When I woke up, the bed was empty, but Beckett couldn’t have been up for long. His pillow still had a Beckett-shaped indentation and I burrowed my nose into it and inhaled. His scent lingered, too. Memories of the night before flooded my mind, and my dick twitched, eager to do that—and more—again and again. A happy smile spread on my face, and I stretched my limbs, doing my best to wake up my body. I lingered for another minute, before jumping out of bed, hurrying into the bathroom, splashed some water on my face and finger-brushed my teeth.

  I debated strolling out naked to find Beckett but living in a house full of kids had conditioned me against strutting around without clothes, so I pulled on my jeans and T-shirt. Happy, out-of-tune humming and the enticing smell of breakfast told me where to find my boyfriend—was he my boyfriend now?—and I found my way to the kitchen.

  Beckett had his back to me and didn’t notice me approaching. I took advantage and let my gaze sweep over him. He wore a pair of sweatpants, a T-shirt, and fuzzy socks on his feet, and wiggled his butt in tempo with the music. It was the most adorable sight I’d ever seen.

  I tiptoed over to the stove and wound my arms around his waist.

  He jerked and threw a glance over his shoulder. “You’re awake!” he exclaimed and grinned at me.

  “Mhm. I was lonely in bed.” I snuck my hands under his shirt and tugged lightly on the hairs on his belly with a happy hum.

  He chuckled. “You’re obsessed with my tummy hairs.”

  “Are you complaining?”

  His grin grew wider as he gave my cheek a quick peck. “Absolutely not.” He turned back to the stove and flipped over the pancake. “Breakfast will be ready soon. Sit down. I made you coffee.” He tipped his head to the table and a French press filled to the brim with the nectar of the gods.

  “But you don’t like coffee?” I tightened my grip on him. The coffee smelled divine, but not good enough to tempt me away from Beckett.

  “No, but you do. I bought some last time I went shopping. In case you’d…um…” His words trailed off and he squirmed under my grip. My heart melted into a puddle in my chest at the thought that he’d bought coffee just in case I wanted it.

  “You’re amazing, Beckett Cooper,” I said.

  He twirled around in my arms and gave me a quick hug. “You’re the amazing one,” he mumbled before turning back to the stove and the pancakes.

  A few minutes later, we sat down and ate our breakfast. Everything tasted fantastic, but I could have eaten sawdust and still been happy. He smiled the entire time and I couldn’t stop touching him. It started innocently; I wedged my foot between his feet and then caressed his calf with it. He opened his legs, giving me more room to play. I took advantage; dragging my foot over his knee and all the way up to his inner thigh. His cheeks took on a lovely pink hue, but he widened his legs even more.

  After a while, it wasn’t enough. I jumped off my chair and moved it until it was right next to his.

  “What are you doing?” he asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

  “You’re too far away.” I sat and pressed my leg against his and continued eating. When his palm landed on my thigh, I wanted to scream with happiness. We continued flirting throughout the meal, and it was the best morning of my life.

  We had finished eating when my phone went off in my pocket. I pulled it out with a frown. Mom. I sighed. “I have to take this,” I said, jumped off the chair, and walked out of the kitchen for some privacy.

  I answered the call. “Hi, Mom.”

  “Levi. Samuel says you didn’t come home last night.” She wasn’t happy, that much was clear.

  “I told you I was going on a date.”

  “I remember. But I expected you to be home after it was over.”

  “I guess it’s not over yet,” I said and ran my fingers through my hair.

  She huffed out a strangled noise. “That’s not how we do things in this house.”

  “Mom. I’m twenty-three. Give me a break.”

  “I know how old you are. And I know you won’t get into trouble making a girl pregnant. But that doesn’t mean we condone that kind of behavior.”

  I threw my hands up in the air and forced myself to count to ten before I put the phone back to my ear. “Mom,” I ground out between clenched teeth.

  But it was no use. She continued her lecture and even though I’d heard it a million times, it had never been directed at me before. It was clear they weren’t going to give in on this matter, and I promised I would come home as soon as I’d finished breakfast.

  I took a few moments to calm down after we hung up. It was definitely time to think about moving out. My own room over the apartment was suddenly not enough.

  Beckett was scrolling through his phone when I came back into the kitchen, and he looked up at me. When I threw myself down on the chair next to him, he draped his arm over my shoulders and pulled me close.

  “Was she upset?” he asked and pressed a kiss on top of my head.


  “I’m sorry.” His hand stroked my arm, up and down in a soothing motion, making my frustration bleed away.

  “It’s fine. What are you reading?”

  He held out his phone so I could see the screen.

  Ah. The horoscope. Sierra-Hotel-India-Tango.

  “Uh, I need to tell you something,” I said. Only one person knew about the horoscopes, Dave the senior editor at the magazine. But I didn’t want secrets between us. Even benign ones.


  “Those horoscopes you love so much?”


  I swallowed. Let out a sputtering breath. “I write them.”

  He stiffened. Put down his phone and turned toward me with eyes wide. “What?”

  “I, uh, write the horoscopes. It started out as a stupid joke, but it’s fun and now they’re really popular…” I continued to tell him the story of how I’d been invited to a Christmas party at the online magazine. One of the staff writers kept blabbering about astrology and quoted horoscopes to us. I blurted out that anyone could write stuff like that, but she got annoyed and stomped off, leaving me and Dave by ourselves at the table. And I’d followed through. Made up a stupid dirty horoscope and Dave had laugh
ed so much he’d sprayed beer all over the table. Then he’d spent a couple hours convincing me that I needed to write them for the site, and eventually I’d gotten tired of listening to him and agreed. And now I enjoyed it.

  When I finished my story, a smile bloomed on Beckett’s face, “You? You’re writing them?”

  I nodded.

  “Fan-fucking-tastic,” he said, threw his head back, and howled with laughter. When he calmed down, he grabbed me around the waist and hauled me over until I straddled him. “You’re full of surprises, Levi Byrne.”

  “Is that good or bad?”

  “Oh, it’s very good,” he said and took my mouth in a scorching kiss.

  I surrendered. I’d just have to tell my parents that breakfast ran late.

  Chapter 9: Beckett

  Pisces (February 19—March 20)

  Today you’ll have excellent energy for decision-making, so take this opportunity to finally make up your mind about something you’ve been dodging. Maybe it’s time to let your boyfriend truss you up like a Christmas turkey and stuff you full? Whatever it is, don’t put it off any longer!

  * * * *

  I was invited to Sunday family dinner at the Byrnes. It was far from the first time, but this time felt different. I wasn’t there as Matt’s friend, but as Levi’s boyfriend, so this was basically a meet-the-parents moment even if I’d met them many times before.

  We’d been dating for four weeks when Levi had told me my presence was requested by his mom. The idea made me nervous and I had tried to object. “It’s too soon. Isn’t it too soon to meet the parents?”

  Levi’s only reply had been a displeased face, telling me in no uncertain terms that I was being an idiot. To erase the annoyed wrinkle between his eyes, I’d attacked him with kisses and one thing led to another and we’d ended up in a tangle of sweaty limbs, thoroughly distracted from the topic.

  The next day Levi had informed me he’d told his mom we would both attend the dinner, so here I was. Seated next to my quiet boyfriend, with one Hell Sister on each knee, trying to eat my soup, which was easier said than done even though they were both still and quiet. I was starting to wonder if the tales about the wild and untamed Hell Sisters had been an exaggeration.

  “Who are these little angels sitting so nicely on Beckett’s lap?” Mrs. Byrne asked.

  “And what have they done to our daughters?” Mr. Byrne filled in with a wink. The girls giggled but didn’t say anything.

  “Next time I’m on babysitting duty, I’m calling Beckett for reinforcement,” Abel, Levi’s fourteen-year-old brother, said.

  “Mhm. He’s like the Hell Sister whisperer,” Samuel agreed.

  “Shush, you.” Mrs. Byrne glared at each of her sons until they averted their eyes and mumbled an apology.

  The entire family was present except for Esther and her husband. Morning sickness plagued her all through the day, and she didn’t leave the house unless she had to. Matt wasn’t there either, but no excuse was given for his absence, which meant he was most likely only late. As usual.

  Dinner with eleven Byrne family members was a loud affair, even when the Hell Sisters showed themselves from their best side.

  “Girls, hop onto your own chairs and let Beckett eat in peace,” Mrs. Byrne said, but Leah and Hanna shook their heads.

  “It’s okay, Mrs. Byrne,” I said, even though my legs were getting numb and it was difficult to eat with two five-year-olds on my lap.

  Levi scowled at his sisters and put his hand on my lower back.

  You okay? he mouthed when I turned to look at him. I nodded and gave him a smile that didn’t seem to placate him entirely.

  The front door opened with a bang and after a second Matt hollered, “Hello family. I have arrived.”

  “Did your watch break again?” sixteen-year-old Grace yelled.

  “People, people. One would think you were raised by wolves.” Mr. Byrne shook his head, but he wasn’t angry. He had a fond look on his face, and there was no doubt that he adored his family. Loud or not.

  A few seconds later Matt sauntered into the dining room. “Why is it so quiet in here? Did someone finally cave and drug the H-Sisters?”

  “Matthew!” Both parents admonished him at the same time.

  He did a double take when he noticed me. “Becks? What are you doing here?”

  “He’s here with me,” Levi said, and they were the first words he’d uttered out loud since we sat down to eat.

  I reached out for his hand that lay fisted on his thigh under the table, enveloped it with mine, and gave him a squeeze. The displeased wrinkle between his eyes disappeared. He opened his fist and laced his fingers with mine.

  “Isn’t it too early to meet the parents?” Matt asked after taking his seat. He ladled his bowl full of chicken dumpling soup and grabbed a large chunk of his mom’s homemade bread. “I mean, I haven’t brought Liza to meet the ‘rents yet.”

  Levi’s grip on my hand tightened, but he didn’t say anything, just pressed his lips tight together.

  “Leave your brother alone,” Mrs. Byrne said.

  “It’s not like you ever bring anyone home to meet us,” eleven-year-old Judith said.

  Levi’s silence bothered me. To see my boyfriend—who was usually so talkative and assertive when it was just the two of us—take a step back and let everyone talk over him didn’t sit right with me. I wanted his voice to be heard, too, in this sea of opinions, but if he didn’t feel comfortable speaking up himself, I’d do it.

  “Besides, our relationship is serious,” I said, hoping I wasn’t assuming too much. We hadn’t talked about it, but both of us had been equally eager to spend every possible minute together.

  I hadn’t needed to worry. Levi’s face lit up in a smile that rivaled the brilliance of the sun and lifted our joined hands to his mouth and pressed a quick kiss on my knuckles, before putting them back on his leg.

  “How do you know?” Matt asked, oblivious as usual to when it would serve him better to keep quiet. “You’ve only been together for…what? Ten minutes?”

  “Seriously, Matthew. You and your brother are very different,” Mr. Byrne said. “He’s never needed to…” he threw a glance at his younger children before continuing, “…try every flavor ice cream before deciding which one he likes the best.”

  “Ice cream!” Leah said.

  “I want ice cream,” Hannah agreed.

  “If they get ice cream, I want it, too,” nine-year-old Aaron said.

  “Now you’ve done it,” Mrs. Byrne sighed.

  “We’ll talk about it after all the plates are cleared,” Mr. Byrne said, and all three of them quieted immediately and concentrated on their food.

  “Serious or not,” Mrs. Byrne said, “there will be no more sleepovers and no moving in together before marriage. That’s the rule.”

  My eyes widened at her words, and I wanted to throw the Hell Sisters off my lap and run and hide to avoid this conversation. And judging from the way Levi stiffened next to me, he felt the same.

  “Matt has sleepovers,” Samuel said with a gleeful grin.

  “And he knows how we feel about that,” Mrs. Byrne answered with a pointed look at her oldest son, who kept eating and pretended he hadn’t heard her.

  “But Levi lives under our roof,” Mr. Byrne said, “and he will follow our rules. He will wait until he’s married to make me a grandfather.”

  “But neither Levi nor Beckett can get pregnant,” Judith said.

  My face flamed hot, and if I’d had soup in my mouth I would have choked on it.

  “There are other ways to become parents. Like adoption,” Grace said.

  “Or surrogacy,” Mr. Byrne added.

  Levi hadn’t moved a muscle during this entire surreal exchange and I ached to pull him close and ask what was wrong. But it was impossible with the twins on my lap, and I didn’t want an audience as I did it.

  Fortunately, they changed the subject and we finished the meal without talking more about sle
epovers or babies. After dinner, Matt was saddled with cleanup. Levi and I declined dessert and escaped the rambunctious family.

  But even after we’d shut and locked the door to Levi’s room behind us, he still didn’t speak. He was clearly uncomfortable about something, and my stomach twisted into a knot of worry as he walked away from me and disappeared behind the drape that hid his bed.

  After kicking off my shoes, I followed and found him curled up on his side with his face to the wall. I spooned up behind him and slid my arm around his waist.

  With a deep sigh, he pressed himself back against my chest, and the worry-knot unfurled.

  “What’s wrong?” I caressed his belly. He didn’t answer but relaxed, so I kept touching him. I snuck my hand under his shirt and splayed my fingers on his warm skin. Peppered the nape of his neck with butterfly light kisses and pressed my thighs against his.

  It took a while, but eventually, he relaxed completely in my arms. “It was something Dad said,” he mumbled, and I had to strain my ears to hear him.

  I withdrew my hand and climbed over him, laid down facing him. I put my hand over his heart and gave him a smile. “Tell me about it?”

  He closed his eyes. “I’m afraid it will scare you away.”

  I slid my palm upward until I could cup his dear face. “I can’t promise anything before I know what you’re talking about, but I give you my word that I’ll listen.”

  His eyes fluttered open. “It’s what he said about…about making him a grandfather.”

  “Mhm?” I hooked my leg over his, trying to comfort him with my body.

  “It’s just…I never want kids of my own. Never.” He stressed the word with such vehemence there was no doubt he meant it. “I know this might sound selfish, but when I get married I don’t want to share my husband. I want you to be mine and nobody else’s.”

  His use of pronouns didn’t escape my attention and my heart leaped in my chest.

  “And why would that scare me away?” I traced his eyebrow with my thumb and ran my fingers down his cheek until my hand rested on the side of his neck. I could feel his pulse point under my fingertips.


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