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Broken Kingdom : A bad boy college romance (Royal Hearts Academy Book 4)

Page 41

by Ashley Jade

  They both look at me like I’m insane.

  Dylan claps her hands. “Oakley, I need you to focus. What we’re saying is important.”

  Sawyer rubs her temples. “I know Bianca’s stubborn and hard to handle at times. I get it. But you’re not always a peach either, mister.” Frowning, her shoulders sag. “Please don’t give up on her. You can make it through this.”

  “I know you made some terrible mistakes and the guilt is weighing you down, but you’re still a good person.” Looking up at the ceiling, Dylan blows out a breath. “And I never thought I’d say this, but so is Bianca.” Her gaze cuts to mine. “I’m not saying it will be perfect all the time, but I know you two can work it out. Just don’t give up on her, okay?”

  I place my pizza down and wipe my mouth with a napkin.

  I appreciate Dylan and Sawyer coming here to try to knock some sense into me, but it’s not necessary.

  “What the fuck makes you two think I would ever give up on Bianca?”

  No matter how upset she is with me, or how stubborn she can be—I’m always going to fight for us.

  Because I made her a promise that I’d never leave her.

  And I’m fucking keeping it.

  Chapter 71


  The last thing I wanted to do tonight was pour myself into a skintight red dress and show up at some club.

  However, I knew being here for Dylan’s new client’s show would mean the world to her.

  Therefore, here I fucking am.

  I don’t miss the way the bouncer peruses my body from head to toe as I hand him my ID.

  I’ve been cooped up in my dorm room for weeks and haven’t gone out much—with the exception of class—so I made sure to take my time with my hair and makeup.

  Seeing as the grimy dude’s eyes are about ready to pop out of his skull, I’m starting to regret that decision.

  “You’re not twenty-one yet, so no wristband,” he tells me.

  It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell him I don’t plan on drinking, but then he says, “But if you want to meet me in the back and show me what that mouth can—”

  “Wow, that’s so sad.”

  He blinks. “What is?”

  Patting him on the shoulder, I slip past him. “You thinking I don’t have any standards.” I crinkle my nose. “But it’s okay, champ. By the looks of things, you’re not packing what it takes to satisfy me anyway.”

  He tries to blow it off, but I can tell I ruffled his feathers. “Bitch.”

  I quickly snatch my ID from his hand and snap my clutch closed. “I guess we have something in common then.”

  Tossing my blown-out hair over my shoulder, I saunter past the velvet ropes.

  Given the concert hasn’t started yet, the venue isn’t too crowded.

  Looking around, I scan the room for my brothers and their girls, but I don’t spot them.

  Not wanting to stand around by myself like a loser, I decide to grab a seat at the bar.

  “What will it be?” the bartender asks after I sit down.

  “Just a soda.”

  I’m pulling some money out of my purse when I hear the girl next to me hiss, “Seriously, dude? How many times do I have to tell you to leave me alone?”

  I take in her blonde hair with bright pink tips and the various tattoos and piercings she has.

  She looks like a tough chick who can hold her own just fine.

  “Come on, sexy,” the guy whines. “I just want to buy you a drink.”

  Visibly aggravated, the girl slams her hand on the bar. “I’m good. Thanks.”

  When the guy protests, she bites out, “You’re wasting your time, dude. I don’t play for your team.”

  That doesn’t deter the guy at all. “No way in hell is a smoking girl like you gay.”

  I bite back the urge to ask him what being beautiful has to do with someone’s sexual preference, but the girl scowls and says, “I’m serious, douchebag. You’re barking up the wrong tree.”

  Deciding to help her out, I place my arm around her shoulders, “Hey, baby. Sorry I was late.”

  She blinks up at me in confusion before she catches on. “It’s okay.” Leaning into my touch, she glowers at the guy. “I was just telling this asshole here that I was waiting for my gorgeous girlfriend.”

  I narrow my eyes at the asshole in question. “You can fuck off now.”

  He mutters something under his breath before he takes a sip of his beer and the bartender returns with my drink.

  I go to pay for it, but the girl waves a hand. “Nope, it’s on me.”

  When I protest, she shakes her head and says, “You did me a favor and came to my rescue. Paying for your drink is the least I can do.”


  “I’m Kit.” She leans in. “And the name of my new girlfriend is?”

  I can’t help but laugh. There’s a genuine aura about her that I dig. “Bianca—”

  “If you two hotties are gonna hook up, can I at least watch?” the asshole from before cuts in.

  I’m about to tell him off, but out of nowhere, some tall, scary guy rushes over to us.

  Before I can blink, he grabs the dipshit’s collar. “If you don’t stop hitting on my wife, the only action you’re going to get tonight is that beer bottle shoved up your ass.”

  The guy’s eyes widen and he looks like he’s about to shit his pants. “Sorry, man. I didn’t know she was taken.”

  Kit pinches the bridge of her nose and I notice the glint from her wedding ring. “Dammit, Preston. What are you doing here?”

  His entire focus shifts to her. “We need to talk.”

  Despite my curiosity, I slink off the barstool because that situation sounds complicated as fuck and I want a drama-free night.

  I’m about to go to the bathroom to apply some more lipstick, but my phone buzzes with an incoming text.

  Jace: Where you at?

  Bianca: At the bar. Where are you?

  Jace: Look to the left.

  When I do, I spot Jace, Cole, and Sawyer in the middle of the nearly empty dance floor.

  Sawyer’s pretending to reel Cole in like a fish and Cole’s flailing his arms, pretending to be caught.

  Good Lord. It would be embarrassing if they weren’t so damn cute together.

  I smack a kiss on Jace’s cheek. “Hey. Where’s Dylan?”

  He takes a sip of his drink. “She’s still backstage with Landon.”

  Sawyer practically has heart-eye emojis flashing in her brown orbs at the mention of Landon’s name. “I can’t believe we’re hearing Landon Parker sing his new song tonight.”

  I have no clue who Landon Parker is, but he’s obviously a big deal if Sawyer’s this excited about it.

  Then again, her favorite musician is Nick Jonas…so there’s that.

  Cole looks like he’s bursting at the seams and ready to pop any moment.

  “What’s wrong with you?”

  “I tried to wait for Dylan to come back, but I can’t hold it in any longer.” He looks at Sawyer. “I have to tell them.”

  Sawyer beams. “Do it.”

  Excitement lights up his features. “Okay, so…I have some really big news.”

  Jace and I exchange a glance.

  “Great,” Jace says. “Spit it out.”

  Cole takes a breath. “The Patriot’s organization reached out and strongly suggested that I declare for the draft early. Obviously with Tom Brady leaving for Florida and all, they need a new quarterback.” He peers at Sawyer who’s blinking back tears. “And evidently…they want me.”

  Holy shit. This is huge.

  Jace and I both erupt in cheers and rush to give him a hug. I can’t believe my freaking brother is going to be an NFL football player.

  “Damn, that’s huge,” Jace exclaims. “But what about finishing school?”

  Cole shrugs. “What’s the point? Yeah, an education is important, but I’ve wanted to be in the NFL my entire life. Who knows if I’ll ever ge
t another shot at it. Plus, I can always finish school on the off-season.”

  He’s right. He needs to jump now before the opportunity slips from his fingers.

  Jace hugs him again. “I’m really proud of you, brother. I knew you could do it.”

  My heart swells. “Me too.”

  He smiles at Sawyer. “Sawyer’s already agreed to move to New England with me after her senior year is over.”

  Sawyer pulls him in for a quick kiss. “And I’ll visit whenever I can in the meantime.”

  As sad as I am that Cole will be moving away—along with my girl Sawyer—I’m so happy his dreams are coming true.

  Cole grins. “It’s crazy. Never in a million years did I think I’d be taking over for the best football player in the whole entire world. I mean Tom Brady is the GOAT and my favorite football player for a reason. He’s hands down the most skillful quarterback to ever step onto the field.”

  Oh, boy. Here we go.

  As proud as I am of my brother, I don’t want to hear him drone on and on about Tom Brady the entire night.

  “Seriously,” Cole continues as more people pile inside the venue. “The dude has an arm that’s pure fire—” His jaw drops as he focuses on something behind me. “Holy shit.”

  Grabbing Sawyer’s hand, Cole runs over to some tall blond guy wearing a Saint’s jersey. His arm is draped around a curvy redhead.

  “Holy fucking shit,” Cole yells, and I swear his voice cracks. “You’re Asher Holden.”

  Smiling, the guy whispers something into the redhead’s ear before he removes his arm and shakes my brother’s hand. “Hey, how are you? I take it you’re a Saint’s fan?”

  Cole looks like he’s going to pass out. “More like a fan of you. Dude, you’re my favorite football player in the world.” He gestures to Sawyer. “I was just telling my fiancé how you’re the GOAT and the most skillful football player to ever step on the field.”

  Jace and I exchange a humorous glance.

  “Yup,” Sawyer says dryly. “He talks about you all the time.”

  Not stopping for a breath, Cole continues hammering on. “I’m sorry about what went down at Duke’s Heart. They did you dirty, man.”

  Shrugging, Asher puts his arm around the redhead again. “Yeah, but it all worked out for the best in the end.” He gestures to the stage. “Have a good night. I’m gonna try to grab a good spot for the show.”

  Not taking the hint, Cole says, “Can I buy you a drink? It would be awesome if I could ask you a few questions and get your advice about a few things.”

  For a moment I think Asher’s going to decline—because let’s face it, Cole is acting like a crazy fanboy right now—but to my surprise he says, “My boyfriend will be on stage any minute and I really want to watch him perform, but come find me after the show, okay?”

  Cole shakes his hand so hard I’m surprised it doesn’t fall off. “Sweet. Talk to you after the show.”

  Cole turns back to us when Asher walks off. “I can’t believe my favorite football player is here tonight.”

  Sawyer rolls her eyes and smiles. “Funny, I could have sworn Tom Brady had brown hair.”

  Jace smirks. “Not to mention…a lot older.”

  Cole’s about to respond, but the lights in the venue dim and the stage illuminates.

  A minute later, some guy with glasses and a mohawk strides out and takes a seat at the piano.

  He clears his throat before speaking into the microphone. “I’d like to thank everyone for coming out tonight. I also want to give a very special thank you to my manager Dylan Taylor for setting up this awesome gig.”

  Sawyer, Cole, and I start cheering as Landon points to Dylan who’s standing in the front row next to Asher and the redhead.

  Jace cups his hand over his mouth. “Yeah, baby!”

  Landon waits for the applause to die down before addressing the crowd again. “I’m gonna perform some of my old songs tonight, but first—if it’s okay with you all—I’d really like to start off with a new one.”

  The entire venue erupts in cheers.

  Landon smirks. “I wrote this one with my new friend, Oakley. The dude is one of the most interesting people I’ve ever met...and that’s saying something.”

  Everyone laughs…except me.

  Because my heart is too busy trying to pound its way out of my chest.

  Landon’s fingers hover over the piano keys. “Anyway, this one is for anyone who’s ever loved someone so much it hurt.”

  A soft, melodic sound fills the air, siphoning everyone’s attention.

  My skin breaks out in goose bumps and I stand there utterly transfixed as Landon begins to sing.

  Our love wasn't for show because I died for you in secret.

  But I'd still do anything for you...if only you'd mean it.

  Because you showed me things I can't see with anyone else.

  Now, look at this mess you made me.

  But you know damn well.

  That for you I would break myself.

  Just to make you whole again.

  And if wishes came true, it would be me and you forever.

  Because some things you just can't live without.

  So I will never stop trying.

  I'll never stop fighting for you and me.

  I'll never stop chasing you down.

  Even when you want me to walk away and leave.

  I can’t move—hell, I can’t even breathe.

  The melody is beautiful…but it’s the lyrics that have my chest caving in.

  He wrote those words for me.

  Blood rushes in my ears and everything around me ceases to exist when I notice Oakley making his way through the crowd…heading straight for me.

  There’s vulnerability swirling in his eyes—no doubt because he just exposed his entire soul to the world—but there’s also an unmistakable confidence seeping from him as his strides eat up the space between us.

  A moment later, he’s standing in front of me, looking at me like I’m the most important person in the room.

  He’s the first to speak. “If you tell me to let you go so you can move on and be happy with someone else...I will.” His expression turns hollow, as if the thought of me being with anyone else would destroy him. “It will hurt like hell, but I can do that for you…if it’s what you really want.”

  He moves closer, so close my heart stops beating altogether.

  So close, the only thing I can breathe, see, and feel is him.

  “But if any part of you still wants me—despite how much I’ve hurt you and how much I’ve fucked things up—then I’ll never stop fighting for you. Because I’m in love with you—”

  He doesn’t get a chance to finish that sentence because I crash my mouth against his.

  There are times in your life when you realize you’re stuck at a fork in the road and the decision you make will change your life forever.

  I think my mom was stuck at the very same fork when she met my dad. And even though she loved her children…she chose wrong.

  Because she didn’t follow her heart and choose love—which is why she spent the rest of her life searching for it.

  She chose security instead.

  She chose the easy road filled with less obstacles along the way.

  I don't want to make the same mistakes she did.

  I want to take chances, chase my dreams, and live life to the fullest.

  And I want to do all those things with the man I love beside me.

  Oakley isn’t perfect…but he’s perfect for me.

  And the thought of pushing him out of my life for good isn’t a decision my heart can live with.

  I want the hard and unconventional road—the one that won’t always be easy…but will always be worth it.

  Because it leads to him.

  A low, growly sound escapes Oakley as his hands find the curve of my waist and he tugs me against him. “I love you, Bianca.”

  Rising on my tiptoes, I kiss him again. “I lo
ve you, too.”

  So much it hurts sometimes.

  His fingers trail down my neck, sending shivers along my skin. “Good. Because you’re it for me, baby girl.” His hands roam lower, and he squeezes my ass like he owns it. “There will never be anyone else. Just you.”

  As much as I love hearing his sweet declarations, there’s something else I want even more right now.

  Pressing myself against the very prominent bulge tenting his jeans, I flick his earlobe with my tongue. “Prove it.”

  The slow, sexy smile he gives me sends a rush of heat to my core. “I mean, I had a whole speech planned but—”

  He grabs my wrist and pulls me through the crowd.

  We stop at the first room we come across. The bathroom.

  I barely hear the lock on the door click over the frantic beating of my heart.

  The second his hands are on my body and he drops to his knees, I go up in flames.

  “I need you inside me right now.”

  He flicks the elastic of my panties, causing them to snap against my skin. “I need to taste you first.”

  The hunger in his voice makes it clear there’s no room for argument.

  His gaze is so smoldering it burns as he hikes my dress up and tugs my panties down my legs.

  I quickly step out of them and kick them away.

  Oakley makes a low noise in his throat, sliding me closer to his mouth.

  His breath gusts over my sensitive skin, teasing me.

  “Oakley, please.”

  He spreads me open with two of his fingers. “You want my mouth on this pretty pussy?”

  I whimper, the anticipation is so good it almost aches. “Yes.”

  He tilts his head to stare up at me. “Say it.”

  “I want your mouth on my pussy.”

  Ever so slowly, his tongue comes out for a taste.

  My knees threaten to cave as he lightly grazes my clit, driving me out of my mind.

  He moves idly, purposely drawing out every lick and suck like he’s trying his best to savor me.

  An impatient sound rumbles in his chest as if this is killing him just as much as it’s killing me.

  “Fuck this,” he grunts.


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