by Robyn Walker
Rfm. J.B. Mann, age 32
Stanley Village, 1941/12/25
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 25
Cpl. G.H. Martel, age nk
Spanish House between Repulse and Deepwater Bays, 1941/12/23
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 23
Rfm. P. Martin, age 20
Location of battle death nk, 1941/12/23
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 25
Cpl. W. McClellan, age 32
Stanley Village, 1941/12/25
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 23
Rfm. W.J. McGrath, age 21
Stanley Mound, 1941/12/23
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 25
Rfm. R.E. McGuire, age nk
Location of battle death nk, 1941/12/25
Sai Wan Cemetery, Grave #VIII. D. 22
Rfm. J.J. McIsaac, age nk
Repulse Bay Hotel, 1941/12/23
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 25
Rfm. J. McKay, age 21
St. Stephen’s College, murdered at, 1941/12/25
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 25
Sgt. L.R. McNab, age 23
Junction of Repulse Bay and Island Road, 1941/12/22
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 23
Cpl. G.W. McCrae, age nk
Mount Parker, 1941/12/19
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 23
Rfm. J. McWhirter, age nk
Repulse Bay Hotel, 1941/12/23
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 25
LCpl. E. Meredith, age 20
Repulse Bay, 1941/12/23
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 23
Rfm. J.W. Mohan, age 24
Repulse Bay hotel, 1941/41/24
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 23
Rfm. A.R. Moir, age nk
Fort Stanley, 1941/12/25
Stanley Military Cemetery, 5. C. Coll. Grave 4-20
Rfm. C. Moore, age nk
Location of battle death nk, 1941/12/26
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 25
Rfm. W.L. Moore, age nk
Repulse Bay, 1941/12/23
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 25
Rfm. C.P. Murphy, age 18
Location of battle death nk, 1941/12/26
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Rfm. R. Murphy, age nk
Location of battle death nk, 1941/12/21
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Rfm. L.F. Nellis, age nk
Stanley Village, 1941/12/25
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Rfm. L.R. Newell, age nk
Stanley Mound, 1941/12/22
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Rfm. W.H. Noel, age 19
Stanley Mound, 1941/12/22
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Rfm. P. Noseworthy, age nk
St. Stephen’s College, killed near, 1941/12/25
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Rfm. R.J. Oakley, age 20
Salesian Massacre, murdered at the, 1941/12/19
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Rfm. R.V. Poag, age 31
Bungalow C, 1941/12/25
Stanley Military Cemetery, 1. C. Coll. Grave 13-17
Rfm. D.M. Pollock, age nk
Stanley Mound, 1941/12/22
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Rfm. F.W. Pollock, age 24
Wong Nei Chong Gap, 1941/12/25
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Rfm. W.G. Potts, age 20
Location of battle death nk, 1941/12/20
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Rfm. P. Pratt, age 18
Lye Mun, 1941/12/23
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Rfm. A. Rattie, age 20
Eucliffe, murdered at, 1941/12/20
Sai Wan Cemetery, Grave #VIII. E. 13
Rfm. C. Reid, age 18
Overbays House, last seen wound in blazing, 1941/12/23
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Rfm. O. Robertson, age 28
Repulse Bay, 1941/12/23
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Rfm. L. Rooney, age nk
Stanley Mound, 1941/12/22
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Lieut. J.F. Ross, age nk
Stanley Mound, 1941/12/22
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 23
LCpl. A.G.A. Sannes, age nk
Sugar Loaf Hill, recapturing the Vickers gun, 1941/12/22
Sai Wan Cemetery, Grave #VIII. E. 22
Rfm. G. Scobie, age 23
Location of battle death nk, 1941/12/22
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 24
Lieut. A.B. Scott, age nk
Stanley Mound, Stanley View?, 1941/12/24
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 23
Rfm. B. Sheldon, age nk
Location of battle death nk, 1941/12/25
Stanley Military Cemetery, 5. B. Coll. Grave 1-4
Rfm. W.J. Smith, age nk
Stanley Mound, 1941/12/22
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 23
LCpl. R.d. Sommerville, age 21
Repulse Bay, 1941/12/23
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 23
Rfm. F. Sullivan, age nk
Stanley Mound, 1941/12/22
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Rfm. H.A. Surette, age 35
Location of battle death nk, 1941/12/22
Sai Wan Cemetery, Grave #VIII. F. 11
Rfm. K.S.W. Swanson, age nk
Died of wounds, 1941/12/28
Stanley Military Cemetery, 5. B. Coll. Grave 1-4
Rfm. H.J. Tapp, age 33
Repulse Bay, 1941/12/20
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Rfm. M.G.C. Thompson, age 18
Died of wounds, 1941/12/21
Sai Wan Cemetery, Grave #VIII. F. 18
Lieut, R.F. Thorn, age 25
Saddle between Stone Hill and Stanley Mound, 1941/12/23
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 23
LCpl. C.W. Travers, age nk
Repulse Bay, 1941/12/23
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 23
Rfm. L.J. Trites, age 25
Bridge Hill, 1941/12/21
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Rfm. L. Vigneault, age nk
Stanley View, near Water Tank, 1941/12/23
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Rfm. R.L. Vincent, age 28
Location of battle death nk, 1941/12/23
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 23
Rfm. E.G. Watts, age nk
Repulse Bay Hotel, 1941/12/23
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Lieut. G.M. Williams, age 38
Summit of Mount Parker, with Sgt Hughes, 1941/12/19
Sai Wan Cemetery, Grave #VIII. G. 5
Rfm. J.H. Wills, age nk
Middle Gap, Black’s Link, killed by LMG fire, 1941/12/21
Sai Wan Cemetery, Grave #VIII. G. 6
Sgt. A. Wonnacott, age 40
Notting Hill, Repulse Bay?, 1941/12/22
Sai Wan Cemetery, Grave #VIII. G. 7
Lieut. A.R.. Woodside, age nk
Wong Nei Chong Gap, Brigade Headquarters, 1941/12/23
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 23
The Winnipeg Grenadiers
Pte. H. Abgrall, age nk
Location of battle death nk, 1941/12/10
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 25
Cpl. T.G. Agerbak, age nk
Left wounded and killed with Mitchell’s, 1941/12/20
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 25
Pte. J.A. aitken, age 34
Jardine’s Lookout, 1941/12/19
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 25
Pte. W.L. Atkinson, age nk
Mount Blount, 1941/12/19
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 25
Pte. E.H. Baptiste, age nk
Location of battle death nk, 1941/12/19
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 25
Pte. W.P. Barrett, age 24
Mount Cameron, 1941/12/25
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 25
Pte. O.A. Barron, age nk
of battle death nk, 1941/12/19
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Cpl. C.M. Belz, age nk
Mount Butler, 1941/12/19
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 25
Lieut. G.A. Birkett, age nk
Summit of Jardine’s Lookout, 1941/12/19
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 25
Pte. R. Blanchard, age nk
Bennet’s Hill shelter, 1941/12/23
Sai Wan Cemetery, Grave #VIII. A. 12
Capt. A.S. Bowman, age 35
Wong Nei Chong Gap, killed in counter-attack ~0800hrs, 1941/12/19
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 23
LCpl. D.V. Boyd, age nk
Wong Nei Chong Gap, 1941/12/22
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 25
Pte. J. Brady, age 21
Black Hole, killed by shelling of, 1941/12/19
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Pte. S.R. Carberry, age 20
Mount Blount, 1941/12/19
Sai Wan Cemetery, Grave #VIII. A. 17
Pte. W.T. Carcary, age 21
Stanley Village, 1941/12/24
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Pte. G.J. Caswill, age 42
Magazine Gap, 1941/12/25
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Pte. M. Chaboyer, age 25
Location of battle death nk, 1941/12/19
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Pte. K.S. Cooper, age 20
Black’s Link, 1941/12/21
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Pte. W. Crawford, age nk
Last seen Mount Blount, 1941/12/10
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
2Liet. J.A.V. David, age 25
Shot in the head, 1941/12/21
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 25
Pte. A.H. Davis, age 38
Wong Nei Chong Gap, shot in the head, 1941/12/19
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Pte. L. Deslaurier, age nk
Stanley Gap, 1941/12/20
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Pte. V.A. Donovan, age nk
Wong Nei Chong Gap, Brigade HQ, shot in the head, 1941/12/19
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Pte. M.S. Dowswell, age 27
Wong Nei Chong Gap, 1941/12/22
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Sgt. E.C. Dunsford, age 44
Mount Blount, 1941/12/19
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 25
Pte. N.C. Eccles, age 27
Black’s Link, 1941/12/21
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 25
Pte. C.R. Edgely, age 40
Mount Nicholson, 1941/12/21
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
LSgt. C.E. Ferguson, age nk
Last seen Black’s Link, 1941/12/21
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 25
Pte. D.H. Folster, age 19
Killed Wong Nei Chong Gap, 1941/12/19
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Pte. H.T. Folster, age 25
Location of battlefield death nk, 1941/12/19
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Pte. F.M. Foord, age 23
Mount Cameron, 1941/12/22
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Sgt. R.M. Foster, age 27
Mount Nicholson, 1941/12/21
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 25
Lieut. C.D. French, age 20
Between Jardine’s Lookout and Mount Butler, 1941/12/19
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Pte. D. Frobisher, age 27
Location of battle death nk, 1941/12/19
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
WO II W.B. Fryatt, age nk Black’s Link, 1941/1221
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 25
Pte. L. Gagne, age nk
Wong Nei Chong Gap, killed on road above Brigade HQ, 1941/12/19
Sai Wan Cemetery, Grave #IX. E. 6
Pte. V.E. Geekie, age 31
Jardine’s Lookout, 1941/12/19
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Pte. D. Girard, age nk
Location of battle death nk, 1941/12/21
Sai Wan Cemetery, Grave #VIII. B. 22
Pte. O. Goodman, age 22
Stanley Gap, 1941/1220
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Pte. R.W. Grace, age nk
Location of battle death nk, 1941/12/19
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Pte. A.A. Granger, age 17
Black Hole, probably murdered at, 1941/12/19
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Pte. W.O. Grantham, age nk
Location of battle death nk, 1941/12/20
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Pte. J.A. Gray, age 20
Missed last boat, believed murdered by Japanese, 1941/12/13
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Cpl. A.R. Green, age 31
Died of wounds, 1941/12/24
Sai Wan Cemetery, Grave #VIII. B. 24
Maj. A.B. Gresham, age nk
Between Wong Nei Chong Gap and Mount Butler, 1941/12/19
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 23
Pte. H.L. Grierson, age nk
Last seen at Wong Nei Chong Gap, 1941/12/20
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Pte. J.J. Gunn, age 24
Died of septic shrapnel wounds of back, buttock and scrotum, 1941/12/29
Sai Wan Cemetery, Grave #VIII. B. 25
Pte. L. McD. Hallett,, age nk
Jardine’s Lookout, 1941/12/19
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Pte. W.L. Hardisty, age 31
Repulse Bay, 1941/12/19
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Pte. J. Hargraves, age 31
Location of battle death nk, 1941/12/22
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Lieut. R.J. Hooper, age 26
Wong Nei Chong Gap, shot in chest by sniper, 1941/12/21
Sai Wan Cemetery, Grave #VIII. C. 8
Pte. C.H.J. Johnson, age 33
Wong Nei Chong Gap, 1941/12/19 or 1941/12/21
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Sgt. H. Johnson, age nk
Mount Blount, 1941/12/19
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 25
Pte. L.W. Johnson, age 23
Mount Cameron, Chalk Trench, 1941/12/19
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Pte. T. Jonsson, age 21
Mount Blount, 1941/12/19
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Pte. M. Kasijan, age nk
Wan Chai Gap, 1941/12/22
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Pte. W.A. Kellas, age 23
Jardine’s Lookout, 1941/12/21
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Pte. L.B.J. Kelly, age nk
Died in Hospital, 1941/12/25
Stanley Military Cemetery, 6. B. Coll. Grave 3-14
Cpl. H. Kelso, age 25
Wong Nei Chong Gap, 1941/12/19
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 25
Cpl. J.R. Kelso, age 21
Wong Nei Chong Gap, 1941/12/19
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 25
Pte. W.N. Kilfoyle, age 32
Murdered, a stomach wound too bad to march, 1941/12/19
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26
Pte. G.S. Land, age nk
Jardine’s Lookout, bullet to head, 1941/12/19
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 25
Pte. R.C. Land, age 21
Wong Nei Chong Gap AA position, bayoneted, 1941/12/19
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 25
Pte. R.E.A. Larsen, age nk
Black’s Link, 1941/12/21
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26