Logan (For The Love Of A Good Woman Book 3)

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Logan (For The Love Of A Good Woman Book 3) Page 2

by Giulia Lagomarsino

  “You are so fucking sexy. I saw you dancing and I knew I had to fuck you tonight.”

  I moaned at hearing his words and he picked up the pace. His thrusts were hard and punishing and I relished in the feel of his cock thrusting inside me. With every pound, I felt myself slamming against the wall.

  “Oh, God. Fuck me hard. I need this!”

  He continued to thrust into me and his hand moved to my clit to bring me to orgasm again. I felt my walls tightening around his cock and he slammed into me a few more times before he stilled, coming inside me.

  “Fuck. You are so fucking sexy. I’m gonna need to have you again as soon as my cock recovers.”

  That brought me out of my sex haze. I had just had sex with my ex-boyfriend and he didn’t even know it was me. I needed to leave before he realized who I was.

  “That was fucking fantastic, but I need to go.” I leaned down and put my shorts back on, pulling them up around my waist. “See ya round, cowboy.”

  “Wait.” He pulled me in close and nuzzled my ear. “Tell me your name, Sugar. I need to see you again.” He was running his hands over my breasts and nipping at my ear. “At least give me your number.” My head was thrown back in desire as he explored my body, but I pulled myself from his grasp and and sent him a sexy grin.

  “Until next time, handsome.” With that, I turned and walked back to the bar, finding Vira talking with a hot guy. She was sending off all the signals that she was available for the night and I knew she wouldn’t be going home alone. Vira gave me the predetermined signal and I headed for the door to grab a cab. I was just about out the door when I saw Logan coming after me. I ducked out the door and rounded the corner to the alley to hide. I watched as he came running out of the club and looked around the parking lot for me. He finally gave up and walked over to a dark colored sports car and climbed in.

  I hid in the shadows, but he passed me as he drove away. I caught his license plate and smiled. Still cocky as ever. SXMCHN1



  The woman from the other night had me all tied up in knots. She was sinfully sexy and had me hard as steel within five minutes of meeting her. When I saw her drinking with her friend, I thought maybe I knew her, but she showed no recognition when I approached her. She exuded confidence when she talked to me and her body, oh man, her body was smokin’. She had blonde, curly hair that hung to mid back and gorgeous, blue eyes. Her lips were full and I wanted them wrapped around my cock. Her ass was nice and tight and gave me a chubby just thinking about how she shook it on the dance floor.

  When her friend approached her and started dirty dancing with her, I about blew my load. It was the sexiest thing I had ever seen. It was dirty, but sensual. They explored each other’s bodies like they were already well acquainted. Maybe they were even lovers, but the way she took my cock said that she craved me. She was so perfect in my arms. She molded to my body like she was meant to be there. Then she left me standing there craving more. She practically ran away from me and by the time that I kicked myself out of my sex haze, she had disappeared out the door. I needed to see her again, so I showed up the next night to see if she came back. I stayed for four hours before finally giving up and going home. I had offers from other women, but they didn’t even tempt me. All I wanted was the sexy vixen that had taken over my thoughts.

  I went into work Monday morning completely distracted. My partner, Ryan, had been trying to tell me something for ten minutes, but I couldn’t keep my mind off that woman.

  “The Winslow project is running smooth, but they want to meet about possibly adding on to the building. Their projections are changing and they think they’re going to need more space. Since we’re still in the early stages of building, I think we can add on without too much trouble.”

  “Uh-huh.” I grunted as I stared out the window. I wasn’t really paying attention and I knew I should, but my interest was elsewhere. I was trying to figure out how to find this girl and other than searching for her at the club, I couldn’t figure out a way.

  “So Sarah came over last night and told me she might be pregnant.”

  “That’s good.” I murmured as I thought of pressing Sugar up against the wall of the club. “That’s real good.”

  “Yeah, she told me it might not be mine either.”

  I thought of how she had latched onto my cock with her pussy and squeezed me tight. “That’s fucking great.” The images of her with her head thrown back in ecstasy were swirling in my mind, making me hard.

  “So then I told her that I was totally cool with that and maybe this dude could move in with us too.”

  I needed to get out of the office or I was going to be embarrassing myself in front of Ryan. I stood in haste and headed for the door, trying to conceal the rather large bulge that had taken over my pants. Shit. This was embarrassing.

  “That’s cool, man. Listen, I got shit to do so I’ll catch you later.”

  “Logan, what the fuck, man? I just told you my girlfriend might be pregnant by another man and you didn’t hear a word I said.”

  “Sarah’s pregnant?”

  “No! I just said that to see if you were listening. What the fuck is wrong with you this morning?”

  Sighing, I lowered my folder in front of my hard on as I turned to face Ryan.

  “I met this chick at a club Friday and she was hot. I fucked her in the club and she bailed on me without even giving me her name.”

  “Maybe you need to work on your seduction skills.”

  “No, she was just as into it as I was, but then she thanked me and walked out the door.”

  “So you got laid and it was a good time. Move on. That’s what you normally do.”

  I walked over to the chair and sat down, running my hand down my face. “This girl was different. She wasn’t just sexy, she exuded this raw sexuality and we fit together in every way. It was….amazing. Like, blow your mind, never gonna meet anyone like that again, amazing.”

  “So what you’re saying is that you want to fuck her again.”

  “No, what I’m saying is that I want to see her again, not just fuck her. I think I met my match with this girl. She’s my fantasy girl. There was something familiar about this girl, but I don’t think we’ve ever met.”

  “Maybe you’ve fucked her before and this is payback.”

  “No, I would’ve remembered her. She actually kind of reminds me of a girl I used to know, but they are nothing alike.”

  “You do realize that makes no sense, right?”

  “I mean they looked similar, but they have totally different personalities. I used to think she was the girl I would end up with.”

  “What happened to her?”

  “I was a dumb shit and broke up with her. I could see she was in love with me and I wasn’t ready for all that. I wanted to be free to stick my dick in other pussy.”

  “She didn’t put out?”

  “No, she did, but I was her first. She didn’t really know what she was doing and it wasn’t that great.”

  “Are you stupid? It’s your job as her man to teach her. Do you realize that you could have molded her to what you wanted during sex?”

  He stared at me incredulously. I knew what a dumb fuck I had been, but I was young and stupid.

  “I know that now, but at the time I just wanted someone that knew what they were doing. When I felt her getting too clingy, I thought, well it’s not like she’s that great in bed and I didn’t want to be stuck with someone, so I broke it off with her. Looking back, it was fucking stupid. She was pretty amazing, but that’s in the past. This girl I met the other night is fucking incredible.”

  “All you did was have sex with her. She could be a total psycho.”

  “I’m not saying I want to marry the chic, I just need to find her and see if there’s something more between us.”

  “I guess I know where I’ll find you from now on. Just do me a favor and don’t spend all your time at the club. We still have a busin
ess to run.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ll get my shit together.”

  I stood and walked towards the door. “I’ve got a few calls to return and then we can head over to the meeting.”

  “Take your time. We don’t have to leave for an hour,” Ryan said as he sat down at his desk.

  I headed to my office and vowed to get my shit together enough to concentrate on this meeting. An hour later, we were on our way to an office downtown. It was a small building that was quite cramped. It was clean and decorated with small feminine touches, but it wasn’t overdone. We were meeting with VAS, Veteran Assimilation Services. The woman running the organization was Cassandra Crawford. She was raising funding for a center for veterans where they could get the care they needed all in one center. There weren’t any VA hospitals within a hundred miles, so this had the potential to be a huge business in the area. We didn’t really have any details yet on what was to be expected, but based on the size of this office, I doubted we would be starting off big. This would probably end up being a cheap rehab center that would take us a few months to complete. There wouldn’t be much money in it, but still, every job put our business out there. Besides, it was a good cause and I had two friends that had been to war. I knew what kind of services were available and I would do anything to help.

  We walked over and introduced ourselves to the receptionist, telling her we had a ten o’clock appointment. The receptionist was a twenty something blonde with a nice smile.

  “Ms. Crawford is expecting you. You may go in. Can I get you some coffee or water?”

  “Coffee would be great, beautiful.” Ryan had a steady girlfriend, but apparently no problem flirting with other women.

  We walked into the office and saw a woman in a tight pencil skirt bent over picking up some papers that were on the ground. She had on black stilettos that had a strap around her upper ankle. I saw Ryan’s eyes trail up her long legs to her tight ass. This woman was sexy as hell and it seemed that Ryan took notice. She stood up and turned around looking shocked to see us.

  “Oh, excuse me. I didn’t know anyone was here.” A blush crept over her face as she straightened her skirt. One of her buttons on her blouse had come undone and I could see the skin of her creamy breasts. Her white, lacy bra was showing as well. Fuck. This girl was sexy and if I didn’t have it bad for another woman, I would be all over her.

  Ryan stepped forward and whispered in her ear and I watched as Ryan’s hands started doing up her blouse that had come undone. I turned and hid my chuckle. It would appear my friend had a thing for this woman. She flushed again and raised her hands to check that her blouse was all back in place. Then she cleared her throat and took a step back.

  “Are you here from Jackson Walker Construction?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I’m Logan Walker and this is Ryan Jackson.” We shook hands and exchanged pleasantries.

  “Well, how about we get down to business. As you are aware, VAS is looking to construct a building that can accommodate a veteran’s every need under one roof. There aren’t any VA hospitals close by and there are many veterans in the area in need of physical, mental, financial, and other services. What we are looking for is a building with at least four separate wings. One will be just for physical needs, a rehabilitation center. There would be a section for inpatient and outpatient treatment. Another wing would be for mental health services. There would be a wing that would be dedicated to helping veterans get their finances in order and help with job placement. The fourth wing would be a staff wing. We are hoping that the center would be open twenty-four/seven with the night time hours being dedicated to the inpatient veterans and emergency calls that we may receive.”

  Ryan leaned back in his chair, thinking out loud. “A building that provides that many services would not be cheap to build or maintain.”

  I was thinking the same thing. Based on this tiny, little building, where would she come up with the funding for something like that?

  “We have quite a few donors on board. They have all requested that before any money is given, they would like plans drawn up for the center. I would need not only building plans, but interior design sketches. They all agree that a center like this needs to be top of the line. We have several companies that have agreed to have employees come work here for free as long as we advertise that we are using their services. I have doctors, nurses, and physical therapists that have agreed to come once a week and donate their time. There is a firm that is willing to send over several lawyers to work pro bono with the veterans every week. I have an interior designer on board to work with you at no cost, and that’s just the beginning of the list of people willing to donate their help to this project. So you see, we are doing everything we can to keep our costs down. I have worked for two years to line up the funding for this project. What I need now is a good construction company to take on a building like this. The questions is, are you willing to do it at cost?”

  I ran my hand over my jaw and smirked. Damn, she was feisty. This girl had spunk and obviously was passionate about this project. I glanced over at Ryan and he nodded his head.

  “We can draw up some plans for you, but Logan will have to sit down with you and get some specifics on what exactly you are looking for in this building. We have an interior designer on staff that we can have help. She works on all our buildings with us and is very good at what she does. If you hire us, we’ ll do it at cost.”

  “I thought you were just a construction firm?”

  “We do construction, architectural, and interior design at our site,” Ryan said.

  “Wow. I didn’t realize that your company was so extensive. Well, how about we set up a time to get together and go over plans for the building. I’m not an architect, so I can only tell you what I am looking for, but I have some volunteers that have worked in constructing this kind of center that would like to be able to attend to help plan out the center. Would you be open to working with them?”

  I could tell that she really wanted this deal to go through. Based on her office, I could tell that she had dedicated a lot of time working on this project. She had samples of other centers hung on the wall and file cabinets all along the wall that were labeled VAS. This project meant a lot to her and I wanted to help her make it happen. I stood and walked over to her, handing her my card.

  “Let me know when they can all get together and I’ll bring a small team along with me to get the ball rolling on this project.”

  She took the card from my hand and I saw her breathe a sigh of relief. Ryan stood and we all said our goodbyes and headed for the door. When we stepped outside, I grabbed Ryan’s arm to stop him.

  “What was all that in there?”

  “What are you talking about?” He cocked his head to the side as if he truly had no idea what I was talking about.

  “You know what I’m talking about. When we walked in, you had your hands on her and you were whispering in her ear. You have the hots for her.”

  “I have a girlfriend.”

  “That doesn’t mean jack shit and you know it.”

  Ryan sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets. “Sarah told me she wants to see other people. Apparently, she met someone new and he’s wonderful.” He used air quotes around wonderful and rolled his eyes. “He doesn’t work long hours and he thinks that they have something special.”

  “That sucks, man. What did you say to her?”

  Ryan huffed out a laugh. “Well I sure as shit didn’t stop her. She pretty much made it sound like she had already moved on. I’m not gonna fight for someone who doesn’t want me.”

  “Had she ever said that she wasn’t happy with the way things were going?”

  “She told me she didn’t like me working so much. She was always nagging me about taking the next step, but honestly, I’m not sure I wanted to. It sucks that it went down this way, but it’s probably for the best. I don’t think she was the one.”

  I patted him on the shoulder. “Well, at least no
w you don’t have to feel guilty about going after Cassandra.”

  “Never mix business with pleasure. I fully intend to go after her, but it’s gonna have to wait until this deal is done. If we do this building right, it could bring a lot of business our way.”

  “No shit. Let’s get back to the office so I can get a team together. We can come up with designs for her to look at when we get together. Then we can go off that.”

  “I’ll get the research team looking into how many potential veterans are in the area that would need this clinic. Then we can at least judge how big this facility is going to need to be.”

  “Sounds good.”

  We got back in the car and headed to the office. We had a lot of work ahead of us and as much as I wanted to sit around and day dream about my mystery woman, it looked like she was going to be put on the back burner until the weekend.



  When I woke up Saturday morning, I felt completely satisfied from last night. Logan was much better than I remembered and he had definitely improved his seduction skills. There was no way that he would have remembered me from our previous sexual encounters because I had a lot more practice and had learned a few things along the way. When I met Logan, I was a virgin and had zero experience besides kissing. I was shy and didn’t know how to ask for what I wanted. Logan had been good in bed, but I always got the feeling that he wanted more from me. The problem was, I didn’t know how to ask for guidance. I didn’t watch porn, I didn’t read trashy novels, and my friends weren’t too much more experienced.

  As I lay in bed, I thought back to our relationship together. He had really fucked with my head. I had thought we really had something great and he just wanted some hot piece of ass that could screw better than me. The real killer though, was when he told me I didn’t act enough like a woman. It had really done a number on my head. I changed completely over the summer, thanks to meeting Vira. It’s not that I didn’t like who I had become, but his words had taken some of my innocence away.


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