Perfectly Matched (The Blue Willow Brides Book #3): A Novel

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Perfectly Matched (The Blue Willow Brides Book #3): A Novel Page 20

by Brendan, Maggie

  She paused and looked out at the familiar faces, realizing that they were here because they were genuinely interested to see what she had planned. She noticed now that Daniel had slipped inside and was sitting next to Callie. She was happy to see him here.

  “In Proverbs chapter twelve it says that a good man regards the life of animals, but the mercies of the wicked are cruel. I’m not quoting here, but I think that means we are to be the caretakers of the animals that God has put on this earth. I for one want to be able to say I tried to do this. I’ve read about so many cruel actions against animals that they’re hard to believe. In fact, I’m already housing two extra dogs and a kitten in our barn, and I took in a very old horse that died from such treatment.”

  There was a gasp from the group, but she continued. “If you share my same passion, please join our society, which will be a chapter of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Please add your name to the paper Edward is going to pass around. Are there any questions?”

  “I have one.” Sarah raised her hand. Anna nodded. “What can we do to raise money to house and feed animals that come to us?”

  “That’s a good question, and the floor is open for any suggestions.” Anna directed her gaze to the group.

  “I’m sure we can get the church to hold a bake sale, with the proceeds to go toward the cause,” Mary answered. The reverend nodded his agreement.

  “Great idea,” Anna said.

  “I could offer to shovel sidewalks for those who needed help and donate what I earn. Of course, it’d be after school.” Alan glanced at his mom for approval, and she smiled at her son, touching his hand affectionately. Anna could tell she was proud of him.

  “Why don’t we try to have an auction?”

  Anna turned to Edward. “An auction? What would we auction?”

  “Oh, things like handmade items, some nice or new furniture.” Edward shot a look at Daniel. “I would be willing to donate a watch or two and maybe a piece of jewelry.”

  Cocking his head toward Edward, Daniel remarked, “Thanks for offering pieces of my furniture.” He laughed. “But I have to admit, it’s a good idea.”

  “The jewelry is an excellent thought too,” Pearl added.

  Callie leaned in toward the entire circle. “What about a ball?” she suggested. “You could invite as many of the important people as possible and charge for admission, which would become a donation.”

  “That’s another excellent idea,” Harvey commented. “Women love nothing more than an excuse to dress up!” He chuckled. All the men added to his comment and the women started chatting.

  Anna clapped her hands to get their attention. Their enthusiasm made her heart swell with pride. This was more confirmation of the work God had led her to do.

  Finally everyone quieted down, and Anna said, “I believe we’ve heard some great suggestions, so I think it’d be a good idea to appoint someone now to chair the fund-raiser. Who would you like to nominate?”

  The room was quiet for a moment and the wind could be heard howling outside. “I think Mary could handle the job,” Daniel said.

  Mary, who’d been quiet for most of the time, replied, “I’m honored that you have confidence in me, but with supporting my husband in all the church responsibilities, I’m afraid that I wouldn’t be able to follow through.”

  “I agree with that my dear,” Hank added.

  “Well then, Sarah, what about you? Would you be interested?” Anna questioned.

  “Me?” Sarah’s face reddened. “Well . . . I guess I could. I’ve never done anything like this before.”

  Leola leaned over and patted her arm. “It’ll be a great way to meet people and get you involved. I think you’ll do all right. Remember, we’ll all be your underlings, and of course you’ll have Anna, who will be in charge.”

  Sarah smiled brightly. “Then I’ll give it my best.”

  “Wonderful,” Anna said. “I think we’re finished for now. I’ll send out a letter to each of you outlining our goals and commitment. Once again, thank you for attending. You don’t have to leave if you’d like to stay around and chat. There are more cookies and hot chocolate to warm you before you face the cold again.”

  The group clapped their hands in appreciation, and Anna felt grateful to know them. Everyone rose and stood about chatting, so she made her way over to Harvey.


  “Your spice cookies are now my favorite cookie!” Harvey exclaimed to Anna.

  “Then I shall wrap up a few extra for you to take home. But for now I want to talk to you about something.”

  Harvey focused on her face, his eyes narrowed, and paused with a cookie halfway to his lips. “Of course, Anna. What is it?”

  “I couldn’t help but notice you seem to be having some problems with your vision,” she said quietly.

  “Er . . . yes, I am. Hate to admit that I’m growing old, but it’s true. The doctor has told me that I’m losing most of my eyesight, but I see somewhat peripherally—for now.”

  “Can I make a suggestion then?”

  Harvey shrugged. “I don’t see why not. Pearl adds her two cents when she can.” He chuckled. “Really, she has been very kind to try and help me.”

  “I’ve been training one of my rescued dogs to fetch and how to tell when to cross the street. Simple things like that. I don’t really know what else to teach him.” She gave a slight laugh. “However, I wondered if you’d be interested in having him as a sort of companion and friend, but also to guide you when you’re walking, especially outside the home.”

  Harvey’s mouth dropped open. “You’re serious? Well, my goodness, I never thought of anything like that. I guess I could give it a try. I had a dog years ago.”

  “Perfect. Once I introduce you to Moose, you’ll like him, I’m sure. He’s an older dog, and I’ve had him only a few weeks, but he’s sweet and affectionate.”

  He laughed. “Then we’ll be perfect for one another.” Harvey cocked his head at her. “But won’t you miss him?”

  “Of course, but I can come visit, can’t I? I can’t keep all of them, you know. Besides, this is what it’s all about—finding good homes for these animals, right?”

  He nodded. “Indeed, you’re right, and of course you can come and visit . . . that is, if he likes being with me.”

  “Oh, I can assure you he will. Just give him a bowl of food, a warm fire, and a place to sleep.” Anna grinned, and Harvey smiled and finally popped the cookie into his mouth. “You can take him home tonight if you’d like.”

  Pearl and Edward walked up. “I couldn’t help but overhear the last part of your conversation, Anna. Such an excellent idea for Harvey.” Pearl beamed at them.

  “It’s still snowing out, so we have the dogs in the barn for tonight,” Edward said. He laughed. “Anna already had a dog. Then she found Moose, and then Sarah brought her another one.”

  “Sounds like the program is already under way then,” Pearl stated. “I’m sure there’ll be many more animals to come.”

  “Let’s hope so. Edward, can you go get Moose for Harvey?” Anna asked.

  “Yes, of course. I’ll be right back.” Edward nodded. “Unless you’d like to come with me, Harvey.”

  “That’s a good idea—I’ll come with you. Pearl, can you wait for me here?” Harvey asked.

  “I surely can. I’m glad you’re going to take Moose with you. I promise not to move from this spot.” Pearl clasped her hands in front of her.

  Anna turned to Pearl. “If you’ll excuse me, some people are leaving now, and I want to wish them goodbye.”

  “Go right ahead, Anna.” Pearl flashed her a smile.

  Soon Harvey and Pearl left with Moose, and the last ones to leave were the reverend and his wife. “I completely admire what you’re trying to do, Anna.” Hank helped his wife with her coat.

  “Thank you, Reverend—Hank. I have a theological question for you, if I may?”

  “Of course, but I may not know the
answer.” He smiled down at her.

  “Do animals go to heaven? I was thinking about Belle, the horse we rescued. It started me wondering about that.”

  Hank gave her a mild look of surprise. He hooked his thumbs in his pants pockets, spreading the coat he’d already donned, and paused as if contemplating his answer. “I’m not 100 percent certain, Anna, but Scripture is full of places where God cares for animals throughout history. In Genesis, when a rainbow appears, it’s an everlasting reminder of the covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on earth. And God opened the mouth of Balaam’s donkey to speak, which saved Balaam’s life. To me that speaks to the importance of animals in creation.”

  “Yes, I’ve read that,” Anna said.

  Hank went on. “Your question is a deep one, but I’m reminded from the book of Luke that at Christ’s coming, all flesh will see the salvation of God. Therefore, I see no reason that He couldn’t re-create animals. As to our pets, remember that God is the giver of all good things, and it would be a simple request for Him to give to us if it would please us.”

  “My, my. Your answer has given me hope. Why don’t you do a sermon about this?”

  He grinned. “I just might do that in the future. But we’d best be on our way now. If Mary and I can help in any way, please let us know. As a matter of fact, why don’t you let the church be your meeting place? I think you might have more people attend if it was closer in town.”

  Anna’s heart sang. “Oh, that’s so generous of you! I think that would be better.”

  “Then I’ll see what room isn’t being used and let you know. How’s that?”

  She folded her hands together. “Perfect. I can’t thank you enough. Of course, if more people don’t turn out, we won’t need that much room.”

  Hank strolled to the door where Mary was waiting. “Oh, I have confidence in you. See you soon.”

  Later, when Edward and Anna were nestled under a heavy quilt with the snow outside softly falling, they talked about the meeting.

  “I’m very proud of my little wife. You were wonderful tonight.”

  Anna laid her head on his shoulder. “Thank you, but I must admit that I expected more people. Most of the ones who came were our friends. At least everyone present signed up.”

  “Don’t worry. Things will change as word gets around. You’ll see.”

  “And at least something came of rescuing Moose. I think Harvey was pleased, don’t you?”

  Edward stroked her arm lying across his chest. “Without a doubt. Moose will be a good companion for him, but I have a feeling pretty soon he’ll have to share Harvey with Pearl,” he said matter-of-factly.

  “You think so?”

  “Just a matter of time, my dear.”

  “Mmm . . . I’ll miss Moose, but I’m glad we found each other,” she mumbled.

  “I am too, my sweet one,” he answered, holding her tightly. “I am too.”

  The city awoke to a mere trace of snow, but it was very cold. After pleading with Edward, Anna was allowed to bring Baby and Frankie into the kitchen to stay warm. It was hard to say no where she was concerned. It was funny how swiftly he’d been willing to change some of his habits to suit her. He liked to call it compromise. Daniel teased him that he was tied to Anna’s apron strings.

  Edward made sure that wood was stacked right outside the back porch as he left to walk over to Daniel’s. He was interested in learning what he could to build stronger muscles and gain strength, now that Daniel wasn’t always working out at his father’s ranch. Mainly, Edward wanted to be stronger than he was. His kind of work didn’t lead to staying in shape.

  Walking the few blocks, he enjoyed the crunching sound his shoes made against the snow as cold, refreshing air filled his lungs. He decided that later in the year, with more snowfall, he would pull the sleigh out to take Anna for a wintry ride. For now he knew that the snow they’d just had was a brief warning of things to come.

  He rapped sharply on his friend’s door, and moments later Daniel’s cheerful face smiled back at him. “I see you finally decided to come by,” he said.

  Edward followed his friend inside. “You always look fit as a fiddle, and with my job, I’m not. I decided that I was too young to be flabby. So here I am.”

  Daniel gave a hearty laugh. “You are not flabby, Edward, and you’re not old! But maybe I can show you what’s helped me. Ranch work used to keep me fit, but making furniture doesn’t. Let’s go out to the barn where my secret is kept.”

  Edward was puzzled but followed him outside. The barn held Daniel’s horse, but mostly he had old and new furniture in various stages piled around.

  “I discovered a few of these things when I went to New York to visit my grandparents last year.” He pointed to wooden clubs that looked more like bowling pins to Edward. “These are Indian clubs that were used by the British army, believe it or not, to keep the men in good physical condition. I’ll show you how to use them in a moment. I got this idea on how to make dumbbells there too. Pretty clever, I think.” Daniel lifted the dumbbells.

  Edward took a closer look. “Well, I’ll be. Church bells at either end of a metal rod. Clever, very clever.”

  “Yes, it is. All I had to do was remove the clapper. I made two sets, one with larger bells for a heavier weight after the first one became easy to lift. I’m thinking about buying a bicycle too, but since winter’s coming on I’ll wait until spring. It’s good exercise, plus it gets me outdoors on the weekends that I don’t run over to my dad’s ranch.” Daniel strode over to a box and lifted something out. “I just ordered these. Took a couple of weeks to get here. They’re kettle balls—really nothing more than a painted cast-iron ball with a handle for weight lifting. Just another way to exercise when I’m bored with the wooden clubs. So what do you think?”

  Edward stared down at the equipment and scratched his head. “I’m downright impressed, Daniel. I admit to you that at first I was jealous, but I’m glad I had the nerve to tell you.”

  “Besides gaining strength, if you do this often enough, you’ll gain stamina . . . if you get my drift.” Both of them laughed.

  “Let’s get started then. I told Anna I’d be back in an hour.”

  Daniel clapped him on the back. “Plenty of time.” He demonstrated how to swing the clubs in a certain pattern—in a circle, behind him, overhead, and in forearm swing circles. “You’ll do these in a couple of sets. Here, it’s your turn. Take your time. Oh, and by the way, next time wear some loose clothing—it’ll be easier to execute the rhythms.”

  By the time Edward had run through the routine with Daniel’s instruction, he was sweating, but he actually felt good too. If this could work for Daniel, then it could work for him.

  When he was finished with the set, he wiped his brow with his handkerchief. “Whew! That’s some kind of work, but not bad.”

  “Glad to hear you say that. Let’s move on to the next. I’m thinking of adding some ropes over the rafters with sandbags attached for weight. Just another way of working a different group of muscles, I think.”

  Thirty minutes later, both men were tired but enjoying the camaraderie that the time together allowed them. They guzzled down tall glasses of water in the kitchen.

  “You are welcome to come over anytime to do this with me, or you can pick your day and just go on back to the barn and help yourself.”

  “I’d like to give it a shot, especially if my biceps and shoulders are gonna look like yours!”

  “It can help, that’s for sure, and you’ll see results in no time at all.” Changing the subject, Daniel asked, “How’s married life?”

  Edward stared at his handsome friend. “I’ll tell you, we got off to a rough start, but it couldn’t be better. She’s sweet, smart, and opinionated, and fun too. To tell you the truth, I don’t want to spend one minute away from Anna.”

  “That’s great news, Edward. I truly am happy for you. Now if I could just get the courage to ask Callie out . . .”

  “Why not try to work up the courage at our dinner party tomorrow night?”

  “Mmm . . . we’ll see.”

  “That young Sarah also seemed to be looking you over as a prospect last night at the meeting. Must be nice to have two women interested in you,” Edward teased.

  “Aw, I don’t know if Callie’s interested. Sarah seems nice after I talked with her at the meeting, but . . .” He looked out the window.


  “There’s something that I can’t put my finger on about Callie. I’m drawn to her for some reason. Maybe it’s because she has such a cheerful spirit.”

  “You won’t know what it is about her until you try to court her. Don’t waste any more time thinking about it, Daniel. I have a feeling she’ll say yes.”


  It was apparent that word had gotten out about Anna’s chapter of the ASPCA, whether from her flyers, her ad in the newspaper, or word of mouth. A number of people stopped by with small donations to support the cause or brought another stray or wounded animal. It was also obvious that she and Sarah alone would soon not be able to handle all immediate requests or rescues. They would need help, especially in transporting and taking care of the number of stray dogs. Anna hadn’t stopped all morning long, what with visitors appearing at her doorstep and keeping track of the animals’ care.

  She’d walked across the street to see if Sarah had any free time to lend a hand, and in a matter of hours she was thankful Sarah had become her assistant. Another dog had been found by Alan, and he’d dropped it by on his way to school. Too bad he wasn’t already out of school or she would’ve claimed him as the official dogcatcher. She would have to see about hiring someone for the job, and that would mean they needed another wagon—one that was enclosed. Anna decided to talk to Edward for suggestions.


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