Radclyffe - Safe Harbor 02 - Beyond The Breakwater

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Radclyffe - Safe Harbor 02 - Beyond The Breakwater Page 4

by Beyond The Breakwater (lit)


  "Oh, honey," Tory said worriedly. "I'm sorry."

  "You have nothing to be sorry for. Reese put two fingers beneath Tory's chin and gently tilted her face until their eyes met. “You've made me happier than I ever imagined I could be. Now, with the baby coming, life is even more wonderful. You and this child are the only things that matter to me."

  “ But the Mari--“

  “ I gave most of my life to the Marines. Now Im just yours.

  Tory shifted until she was lying in Reeses arms, facing her. She brought her mouth close to Reeses, holding her gaze. “I love you.

  As often happened when the depth of their love, at once comforting and wild, rose up to confront them, the rest of the world receded. Reese was about to kiss her when a knock sounded on the door. One of them groaned.

  “ I was just getting started, Reese whispered.

  “ Mmm. So was I. Tory kissed her quickly, then rolled away. “Look out when you get home tonight, Sheriff.

  Laughing, Reese took her hand. “Come on in, Grandmoms.

  Chapter Nine

  April, Barnstable, Massachusetts

  It was after 9:00 p.m. on Friday night, and the parking lot that separated the administrative buildings from the training facility at the Sheriff's department main headquarters was almost empty. Reese parked her Blazer around the side of the gymnasium, then exited the vehicle and walked to the buildings side entrance. She walked down the deserted hallway to the last door on the right.

  There was only one other person in a room the size of a basketball court.

  "Hi, Bri."

  Brianna turned away from the hanging bag that she had been lightly punching to loosen up her arms. None of her relief at seeing Reese showed in her face. "Hey."

  "How are things going?" Reese asked as she began to change into her gi.

  Bri looked away. Even though shed seen Reese without clothes in the gym before, she wasnt entirely comfortable with the faint stir of arousal the sight of the well-built body produced. It was probably normal, but she didnt really have any way of knowing. Thered only ever been Carre in her life. Carre. Jesus, I miss you.

  “ I miss you, Bri.

  Carres voice was small and sad. Bris heart ached from hearing the hurt and knowing she had put it there.

  “ I know, babe. Me, too. Her own voice was thick in her throat. She slid down the wall beneath the pay phone in an out of the way corner of the building that housed the classrooms, her stomach in knots. Shed had to call, even though she only had five minutes between classes. She was just so lonely. “Hows school?

  “ Okay. The same--you know.

  “ Your painting going okay? Bri asked, wondering when it had gotten so hard to talk to the woman who had been her lover and best friend for four years.

  “ Uh huh.

  “ Have you heard anything about the scholarship?

  “ Not yet. Caroline voice trailed off, then came back strong. “So, are you working hard?

  “ Yeah. Im taking some classes with the night school group. That way I can meet my minimal hours requirement faster.

  “ Can you come home this weekend? The hopeful note in Carolines voice was obvious.


  Bri said softly, “I cant, babe. I signed up for weapons training on Saturday mornings.

  “ Oh.

  “ Im sorr--“

  “ No, Caroline said hastily. “Thats okay. I knew youd be busy.

  “ Youll be here Memorial Day, right?

  “ That just seems so far away.

  Oh, fuck, dont cry.

  Bri swallowed the lump in her throat. “Do you need moneyfor the bus? I sent the rent check already.

  “ NoIBri She was crying. “I have to go.

  “ I love you, babe, Bri whispered, one hand fisted in her hair, her head down almost on her knees. “Please, dont cr

  “ Hey! Parker! You coming to class or not? a rough male voice demanded.

  “ Yes, sir. Bri jumped to her feet. “I gotta go, babe. Carre?

  But the line was already dead.

  “ Bri?

  “ Sorry. What? Bri blushed.

  “ The academy. Everything okay? Reese tied her pants, shrugged into her gi jacket, and wrapped the gold embroidered black belt around her waist with practiced efficiency.

  "Yeah, sure. Fine."


  Reese stepped onto the mat and knelt, as did Bri, and they bowed to one another. Then, as they had done five or six days a week for the year and a half before Bri had left for college, they trained. Then, Reese called a halt, and they once again knelt and bowed.

  "Thank you, sensei ," Bri said quietly.

  "I hope you don't mind," Reese said, "but I talked to Moriyama sensei about you resuming your training with me."


  "I don't see any reason why we can't keep you on schedule. You can either test for shodan in New York with Moriyama's class sometime this summer, or you can test here with me."

  "How would that work?"

  Reese shrugged. "We don't need to decide that now. You've got enough things to worry about. First priority is getting through the academy with good scores so you can have a shot at picking your field training placement."

  "I know. Im busting my asbutt in class."

  “ Good. See that you keep it up.

  “ Yes, maam. When Bri realized that Reese would probably head back to Provincetown any minute, she said almost desperately, "Listen, we could shower here and then maybe go out for a drink. If you have time?"

  Reese regarded the young woman intently. Bris dark blue eyes were shadowed, and despite her formidable physique, she looked gaunt. "If you don't mind a little healthy sweat, I don't. I'm pretty hungry. Lets skip a shower. Any place near here we can grab a bite?

  “ Yeah, Bri replied eagerly. "There's a tavern out on 6A about 10 minutes from here."

  "Let's go then," Reese said briskly. “And Bri?

  “ Yeah?

  “ Soda for you in the bar.

  Bri flushed. “Yes, maam. Absolutely.

  Nine minutes later they were seated in a booth at the back of a beer joint that was packed with locals and academy trainees. If Reese wasn't mistaken, at least one young women had eyed Bri with an appreciative glance that was definitely more than friendly.

  "Hamburger, fries, and a root beer," Bri said when a woman approached with a pad and pencil at the ready.

  "Make that two," Reese added. “Along with whatever beer you have on tap.

  "I'm really glad you came up," Bri said shyly. It was still difficult for her to relate as simply a friend to the woman who had been her teacher first.

  "That's okay. I wanted to see you," Reese said as she took the mug of beer that the waitress offered. "Find out how you were doing."

  Bri sipped her soda. "The academy's not that bad. There's a lot of material to be covered in a short time, but most of it's just common sense."

  "Good. You can handle yourself. Dont be afraid to show it.

  Bri nodded, feeling almost happy for the first time since shed left Carre. “No problem.

  “ It'll be good to have you back in the dojo," Reese remarked. "Once you're through the academy, well need to talk about you teaching one of the junior classes."

  "Yeah, I'd like that. Isn't Tory teaching a class in self-defense now?"

  “ Yes. But I don't know how much longer she'll be teaching."

  "Why?" Bri asked, her expression suddenly serious. "Is there something wrong?"

  "Nope." Reese couldn't keep from smiling. "She's pregnant."

  Bris hand stopped halfway to her mouth, the hamburger forgotten. Her blue eyes grew so round they looked almost black. "No fucking way," she said in a reverent whisper.

  "Its true."


  "Yes," Reese confided. "That's exactly how I feel, too."

  "Does my dad know?"

  "Yes, I told him right away. We've known for a couple of weeks."

did he say?" she asked curiously.

  "I think he said something along the lines of what you just did," Reese replied with a laugh. "He seems fine with it."

  They counted out cash to cover the check and the tip and then wended their way back through the crowd toward the door. Once outside, they walked briskly in companionable silence until they reached Reese's SUV.

  "Call me," Reese said, clapping Bri on the shoulder. "Come down whenever you can, and well work out. Okay?"

  "Thanks, I will."

  Reese studied Bri's face, trying to get a glimpse of what was happening inside her. All she could see were hints of her pain. The memory of the shadows in the younger womans eyes haunted her all the way home.

  Chapter Ten

  With a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, Bri watched the taillights of Reese's Blazer disappear into the night. Suddenly at loose ends, she shoved her hands into the pockets of her leather jacket and looked around the deserted parking lot. The options were few. She could go back inside the gym and work out until she felt tired enough to sleep, or she could head back down the road to the tavern and at least be in the company of other people. That might take her mind off the empty feeling that stole through her body. Not wanting to think about that, she strode quickly to her cycle, swung one long leg over the low-slung tank, and fit her key to the ignition. Ignoring the helmet strapped to the rear, she kick started the engine, slammed into gear, and tore off into the dark.

  A few minutes later, she settled on a stool at one end of the still-crowded bar and ordered another club soda. She wasn't thinking about much of anything at all, just aimlessly turning the glass on the bar, wondering what Carre was doing, when a soft female voice spoke very close to her ear.

  "You're back awfully soon."

  Bri swiveled on the seat and met the eyes of one of her academy classmates, a softly beautiful dark-haired young woman about her own age. They'd nodded to one another in class, but never had a conversation.

  "There's not much to do around here on the weekend," Bri said noncommittally.

  "You've got that right. Do you mind if I keep you company for a while?"

  "No," Bri replied, oddly uncomfortable, and uncertain why. Maybe it was just that she wasnt used to casual conversations with strangers.

  "I'm Allie Weber," the faintly Southern-accented voice informed her as a well-formed hand reached out.

  "Bri Parker." The handshake was firm, the skin smooth and warm.

  "Uh-huh. I know," Allie replied. “Where are you from?

  “ Im a local. Provincetown. You?

  “ South Carolina. Bet you cant tell, though.

  “ Uh, Bri said, grinning. “A little.

  “ My mom got a job at Woods Hole Marine Biological laboratory near Falmouth when I was a junior in high school. So Im sorta local, too.

  They both laughed. After a moment, Bri said, "Can I get you a drink or something?"

  "I'm okay with this one," the brunette replied as she lifted her bottle of beer. "So what do you think of the academy so far?"

  "It's about like I expected." In truth, Bri didn't pay much attention to her classmates. Her entire focus was on the material and what she needed to do to meet the hours requirements for graduation. Because many of the cadets had come from previous jobs and diverse educational backgrounds, the training program was very flexible and allowed the trainees a great deal of independence in arranging their schedules. Bri had mapped out a course of study that would get her through in the shortest possible time.

  "The guys don't seem to give you much trouble," her companion observed wryly.

  "Are they bothering you?" Bri regarded her companion seriously and was surprised to notice how dark her eyes were, almost liquid. Then she realized she was staring and quickly studied her glass of soda.

  "Not really." But the young woman's tone was not convincing.

  "But someone said something to you?"

  "Not exactly. Just the usual offhand remarks about women not being strong enough to handle a physical confrontation. That kind of crap."

  "Hand to hand combat isn't about how big you are," Bri said intently. "Or how strong. It's about how you use the resources that you have."

  "I heard that you're some kind of martial arts master."

  "Hardly." Bri laughed to hide her embarrassment. Luckily it was too dark for Allie to see her blush. "I've had some training, but I have a lot more to learn."

  The young woman casually put her hand on Bri's wrist below the cuff of her jacket, then leaned closer to talk. "I saw you in the physical training section the other day. You knocked that big blond guy, Jacobs, on his ass like he was a feather."

  "That's because the idiot rushed me. With that kind of move, they have so much forward momentum that if you simply sidestep and redirect, they'll go right over. Its totally a matter of using your own center of gravity against theirs."

  "So, do you think you could work out with me sometime? Like a training partner, maybe?"

  Bri glanced down at the fingers lightly curled around her forearm and was suddenly uncertain. She didnt have many friends; she never had. Just Carre and a few of the kids who hung out at Reeses dojo. Most of the friends theyd made in Manhattan were Carres classmates from art school. Shed never wanted anyone elses company. Carre was enough. The pang of loneliness that shot through her made her breath catch, and she looked away.

  “ Id pay you back. Im a pretty good cook.

  "Sure...I guess so. Bri looked back and tried to smile. The fingers on her arm were warm. “I mean, I don't know that I can teach you anything that you won't get from the instructors. But, I guess that would be okay."

  "Great." Allie gave her a winning smile. She didnt move her hand.

  Beyond the Breakwater

  by Radclyffe

  Part Two

  Chapter Eleven

  It was well after midnight when Reese pulled into the driveway beside her home. The house was dark, but Tory's Jeep was gone.

  Damn it. Where is she?

  Reese pulled over, extracted her cell phone from the glove compartment, and punched in the number to the Sheriff's department. One of her officers answered. "Lyons, it's Conlon.

  "Yo, Reese. What's up?"

  "Is there any kind of medical emergency in town that you're aware of? Her heart was thudding erratically, but nothing showed in her voice. Maybe she's sick. Maybe something happened, and she couldn't reach me. Jesus, maybe --

  "There's a big two-car crash on Route 6 coming west from Pilgrim Heights. They called for the EMTs about forty minutes ago."

  "Thanks, Jeff." Reese put the truck into gear and sped toward the main highway that ran the length of Cape Cod. Five minutes later, she parked on the narrow shoulder behind a Sheriff's cruiser, a fire truck, two EMS vans, and Tory's Jeep Cherokee.

  Hurriedly, Reese grabbed her Maglite from the emergency kit in the rear of the Blazer and clipped her badge to her belt. Then she made her way around the road cones, stepped over the flares which crisscrossed the highway, and walked between the haphazardly parked cars and trucks toward the center of activity. There she got a clear view of a minivan resting against the guardrail, its front end a crumpled mass of metal and shattered glass.

  "Is Dr. King here?" Reese asked of the first EMT she identified.

  Without looking up, the technician said sharply, "Shes down with the second car, I think."

  Reese looked around and didn't see another vehicle. Down? Down where?

  Following the skid marks on the highway, Reese reconstructed the accident in her mind. One vehicle traveling east--doing sixty from the looks of it--crosses the median and slams the minivan head on. Poor bastards in that never had a chance. Guard rail stops the minivan, and the other vehicle veers off--fuck. Into the salt marsh.

  Stomach churning, she found the section of guardrail that had been breached and shone her light down to the steep embankment. A trail of crushed reeds, pond grass, and scrub outlined the errant car's path. The vehicle itself lay u
pside down in the salt pond that ran alongside the highway. The front end was underwater up to the windshield and steam billowed from the cracked engine. Emergency lights had been erected, and a clot of people milled around, maneuvering stretchers and assorted emergency equipment. One of the firemen appeared to be a attaching a towline to the back of the vehicle. No sign of Tory. Maybe the EMT was wrong, and she wasnt down there after all.

  Sliding, nearly falling, she made her way down the damp, muddy bank. How in the hell did Tory get down here? I cant even stand up.

  "Smith!" Reese called when she finally saw someone she recognized. She approached her officer as quickly as the treacherous footing would allow. "Where's Tory?"

  "Hey, Reese! You don't need to be here, boss. We've got it pretty much under control."

  Reese clamped down on her anger, because she knew he had no idea the terror she was feeling. Very succinctly, she repeated, "Where is Dr. King?"

  "Oh," he said hurriedly. "She's in the car."

  “ How long? she snapped, her nerves raw.

  “ Huh? Oh--I dunno. Twenty minutes maybe?

  "Son of a bitch," she shot out to no one in particular as she pushed her way past him and through the firemen and EMTs crowding around the capsized vehicle.

  That water has got to be freezing. Jesus, god, she needs to get out of there.

  Ignoring the biting cold as she slogged through icy water up to her mid-calves, she bent down to peer through the shattered drivers side window. "Dr. King? Problem?"

  “ Reese? Tory could barely move in the compressed space of what had once been the big luxury cars passenger area. She didn't know how long she'd been there, but it felt like forever. A body lay at her feet.

  "Whats his condition?"

  "Unconscious and critical. I'm bagging him by hand, but there's a lot of resistance. He must have at least one lung down. Her teeth were chattering, and it was difficult to talk. "I can't tell what his oxygenation status is. Too damn dark in here to read a pulse oximeter, even if I had one."

  "Can one of the EMTs take your place?" Reese couldn't see her lovers face clearly, but she could hear the strain in her voice. Just seeing her in there made Reeses guts churn. "Tory?"


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