Acts of Sedition

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Acts of Sedition Page 4

by Dennis Stephan

  But the president was a changed man, a man filled with hate. It had been just three weeks since his wife, Maryam, had been shot by that crazy bitch from POW. Mental replays of the shooting and the sight of Maryam in a wheelchair were constant reminders to Ahmad that his wife took a bullet that was meant for him. It weighed heavily on him and every time he saw those small custom made pink “L-shaped” lapel pins, symbolic of the pink Glock used by the assassin it was like salt in an old wound. Those pins, worn sideways to resemble a gun by POW members and Carol Carson supporters, were yet another reminder of the hatred that his heart held for them all.

  Fittingly, in a week, that bitch Carson would be executed; a just end for someone who was so unjust. But that would not end the torment that the president felt. And it would not stop the pain that Maryam dealt with every day. Killing Carson twice over was about the only thing that would satisfy his rage.

  For now, throwing darts at the photo of her face taped to the door of the oval office would have to do. This was his new pastime as he awaited the endless number of meetings that were an important part of his daily life.

  As he prepared his notes, he reflected on his seemingly meteoric rise to power. It had been so easy and yet it took a considerable amount of time, patience, and planning. He remembered an old proverb that his grandfather had told him “sit long enough by the river and the corpse of your enemy will float by."

  The intercom buzzed.

  “Mr. President”, Mr. Khalid is here to see you.”

  “Tell Omar to come in.”

  Chief of Staff, Omar Khalid, was a Syrian-born naturalized citizen. He came to the US as a teen with his parents, sister, and two cousins and had been Ahmad’s best friend since childhood.

  He entered the oval office and sat across from the president. When it was just the two of them, they dispensed with formal greetings.

  “The big vote is tomorrow morning, Ahmad.”

  “Yes, it is. I’m excited. I think it will go our way. Most senators recognize how screwed up America was with its self-indulgence, greed, drugs, and sexual permissiveness that had ruined this country. They see the good work we’ve done over the past few years, and I think they’ll want me to continue.”

  “Maybe Ahmad but I have my concerns.”

  “What concerns?

  “The vote is likely to go along party lines. The three independents are the big problem. We need two of their votes to get this passed.”

  “Well, I know that Virgilio from Pennsylvania has been very outspoken against the change.”

  “He has, and he’s almost sure to be a no vote. I’ve spoken to him personally, and his position remains unchanged, Ahmad.”

  “I know that you weren’t much for science, Omar, but do you remember Newton’s laws, specifically the first law concerning inertia?”

  “Yes, I do but….”

  “No buts. You have three men who are set in their opinions, and you need to exert some greater force to get them to change – to move off of their positions. What do we know about them? Is there a weakness that we can exploit? Is there something that any of them want that we can use in a trade?”

  “Well, Virgilio is a widower with no kids. When not in town, he leads a pretty simple life on a farm outside of Harrisburg. He’s been against everything you stand for since day one. He’s your harshest critic, and it’s been speculated that he will run for president in the next election. I don’t think we can get him to change, but I’ll try again. Tom Flannery is married to a high profile lawyer. He has a teenage daughter who is the apple of his eye. He posts pictures of his family all of the time on his website. His daughter is an honor student headed to college with the hope of being a surgeon someday. Flannery has agreed with you on many issues involving family values and the need for high moral standards. I would think that he would be on our side, but so far he’s been an active opponent against us on this measure.”

  “And what do you think of my friend from Montana?”

  “Senator Eastwick is a strange bird. On the one hand, he’s sided with you on many of your most significant achievements. He’s been very conservative except when it comes to gay rights. On every measure that you enacted that limited LGBT rights, he’s been on the opposite side of the fence. He voted against you when you overturned the equal rights for gays legislation, and he’s been a proponent of marriage equality laws.”

  “So he’s for gay rights but isn’t gay? What does that tell you?”

  “It has been rumored, but no one knows for sure. And if I were elected in Montana, I don’t think I’d want to come out. I can’t figure out what he’d want.”

  “Well, I can. He’s gay, and he’s in the closet. There will come a time when he will prefer being a married gay man over being in the Senate. For him that legislation is necessary. What if we let him know that we’re willing to support the new gay rights bill in Congress?”

  “I’m not 100% sure but it would get his attention. And if he’s as he seems, it should help get his vote.”

  “Ok. Make it happen. But I want more than his vote. If I’m going to flip-flop on gay rights, he needs to step up and somehow actively support my agenda. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, it is Ahmad.”

  “Good. And figure out a way to get either Virgilio or Flannery on board with their vote before I make this commitment to Eastwick. I don’t care what you have to do to get it but get it.”

  “Do you want me to report back to you, Ahmad?”

  “No.” He stood with his back to his friend and looked out the window. “I don’t need to know details. I just want results. I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon at the group meeting. We’ll find out if you've succeeded by then.”

  Ahmad used to be even less subtle in the old days when he’d have just said I’m done you can leave now.

  After Omar had left, Ahmad thought back to how America became ruled by a Muslim like himself.

  Throughout history, strong leaders had risen to power during times of chaos and uncertainty. Arguably great men like Napoleon, Roosevelt, Lenin, Hitler, and Hussein, had risen to power when times looked darkest, and the people were restless.

  His seemingly meteoric rise to power had been decades in the making taking its roots all the way back to the Tea Party Movement of the early 2000s. The Tea Party was a term that its leaders hoped would conjure up images of the American Revolution and the fight for freedom. To Ahmad, the term better described a group of old people sitting around drinking tea and expecting change. Stupid people, he mockingly spits. Change doesn’t just happen. People make change. And the real change agents in America at the time were Ahmad’s grandfather Rabah Amin and those, like Ahmad, who followed him.

  There were so many things that happened that made it like the perfect storm for him. One scandal after another; one financial crisis after another; and one war after another kept people on edge. But then a wealthy real estate mogul ran for the presidency and sounded the alarm against do-nothing career politicians and the overwhelmingly liberal views that had gripped and weakened America. People who were fed up with the problems caused by illegal immigration and government subsidies for those with no ambition took notice. That started a trend toward electing more conservative right-wing leaders that would eventually lead to Ahmad’s rise to power.

  Ahmad laughed at the old America. As a boy, he was told stories about his parents’ homeland. In Jordan, this behavior was not tolerated. Hungry people would be allowed to starve in the old country. Someone who had stolen even a loaf of bread to feed his family was dealt with harshly. The King did not coddle anyone back in the old country. Those who were strong found work. Those who were weak or had no skills had to find a way for themselves. The government didn’t provide for the disadvantaged. That is how it should be.

  The Muslims’ plan to rule, set in motion in 2001, was simple. Distract America; make it spend itself into bankruptcy through its overindulgence and its propensity to police the world. Ruin the economy; feed its thirst for
cheap oil and easy money thereby exploiting its greed. While this was happening, cells would form and their recruits would wreak havoc on the world in the name of Jihad. Millions of refugees from the war torn countries of the Middle East would immigrate, first throughout Europe and then the US. Identities and cover would be provided for those chosen. While some would carry out acts of terror, many would attend its universities, become law abiding and respected citizens, have children who would be raised under the traditional and strict laws of Islam and move them into positions of power within government, business, and education.

  The plan was born out of the early 2000s when his parents, along with others, emigrated from the Middle East, had children in the US and taught the Quran, and the proper way to lead their lives. His parents were filled with hate back then.

  But, the real implementation began around 2020 when Ahmad, while attending Michigan State’s undergrad business program, decided that, rather than attend the school’s MBA program, he would attend law school at Yale University in Connecticut. It was at Yale where he would meet Syed Rashad, his future Vice President. He graduated at the top of his law school class, a necessary prerequisite for his many job offers and future opportunities resulting in him being a power broker that allowed his principal associates to rise with him.

  Ahmad’s thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. “Enter,” said Ahmad. “Mr. President, don’t forget that you have a luncheon meeting with the Business Leaders of America” replied his secretary, Julia Garner, a 30 something who was not only a beautiful woman but a great gatekeeper. Nothing and no one ever got past her. “Thanks, Julia, I’m on my way.”

  Chapter 10

  After most of the guests had left, Angela took little time to unload on Tony. “Well this sure isn’t working,” she said through a few tears. These were tears of frustration. These were tears of anger.

  “I know. These people are only gripers, Ange. They want to sit around and debate, quote scripture, and talk about the way things used to be instead of coming up with a plan and acting to make a difference.”

  She couldn’t disagree. “What can we do, Tone. While her actions may have been extreme at least Carol had the guts to do something. She gave her life trying to make this place better and what do we have; a bunch of whiners? I expected religious leaders who were loved by their people and who hated the creeps who turned them into sheep to be motivated to act, to bring down the twerps who had belittled them and stripped away their respectability.”

  “Well Ange, they may be former leaders, but sometimes a beaten man is just a beaten man. Sure they’re angry, but there’s no fire in any of these men any longer, and I can’t come to another meeting and listen to this bullshit. We need new blood. We need people who are outraged. We need people who will act. Did you see ‘The Face of the Nation’ last night on TV?”

  Angela admitted that she had not.

  “It was really unbelievable. All they did was give a recap of the changes to our laws under Abbas. On the next show, they’re going to have someone on who may run for president. I don’t remember his name, but I’m anxious to see it. I know that the changes have screwed up your life big time, Ange, but for many of us, the changes came about gradually, so we didn’t feel the full impact. But holy shit Ange this president is not the guy you thought he was when he was running for office.”

  “Tell me about it. I feel so stupid.”

  “He conned a lot of people. And now there’s a chance that he might be able to run for a third term. It’s like he wants to be king or something. Worse yet, I fear that he’s just a puppet for some friggin religious kook.”

  It was comical to hear Tony speak like this. In high school, he had been almost non-existent. He wasn't involved in any clubs or student government, and he didn't play sports. Hell, Tony didn't even attend any sporting events to support the school’s teams. He was a good looking guy back then but not a very happening guy. Tony was one of those young men who just "put in his time" as if he was serving a prison sentence. That was the Tony that Angela knew and a big reason she didn't have much to do with him in high school. But things changed later in his life. After serving several years in the Marines and fighting in one of the many wars in the Middle East, Tony was a new man. Serving in the military gave him a new perspective on life. Serving forced him to grow up, as he put it.

  So after his military stint was over, Tony went to junior college and then earned a degree in business. He was a manager in several industries and learned how to be a leader. Apparently, he learned how to spot weak links in short order as well.

  “Of course, you’re right Tone. I know a lot of guys who would have the balls to take on this fight. I just never saw them as leaders. You were a platoon leader in the Marines, weren’t you?

  Tony knew where this was going so he chose his words carefully. “Ange, I’m not the right guy for the job. Sure I was a platoon leader, but that was easy. When I gave an order, my troops had to listen, or I would have their asses handed to them. I could force them to do what I wanted. This situation calls for some element of diplomacy. How about you? You’ve been running the meetings and put some goals down on paper. People listened to you. Well, they did until they started their weekly pity party. These are just the wrong people, but I think you’re the right leader. Don’t get me wrong, they can be useful to us in rallying more people, but maybe we don’t need this bunch to lead. Maybe we just need some good, headstrong, flag waving Americans who will come to meetings, contribute, follow you, and then act. Hey, maybe a few Sicilians would do the trick?”

  “That’s not a bad idea,” she chuckled. "But you want me to be the leader? I’ve never thought of myself as a leader."

  “I know.” “But when I look at you, I see a brilliant, strong-willed former executive who people respect. People will follow you.”

  “Hell and I thought you only wanted me for my body.”

  “Think about it, Ange. Just think about it. We have to do something.” Then it finally registered with him.

  “You know I do want your body too,” Tony half-joked.

  They sat in silence for a while and then Angela felt Tony’s hand on hers. She turned her hand over so that they clasped and held hands like they were teenagers again. She turned toward him and kissed him lightly on the cheek, and then on the lips. Tony returned her kiss with one that was much more passionate. As he felt her mouth give a little, he slipped his tongue between her lips and let his hand move up over her breasts.

  Angela let out a slight moan.

  “I want you,” he said as he kissed her neck and began unbuttoning her blouse.

  She remained quiet as she purposefully ran her hands between his legs, feeling a bulge straining against the inside of his pants.

  With her blouse unbuttoned, Tony lifted her bra revealing her firm breasts. As he bent to suckle one, she whispered: “not here.”

  They got up off of the couch and made their way into her bedroom. Angela thought about hiding the statues of Jesus, Mary, and St Joseph but then thought that with all that they’ve seen in their lives, watching two people having sex wouldn’t be so terrible.

  They quickly removed the rest of their clothing and fell onto the bed. I’m glad I shaved this morning thought Angela.

  Tony had to notice as he moved his hands down her body, over and then between her legs. He worshiped her and was treating her body as if it were a rare treasure. Angela was no longer the teenage girl that Tony first loved, but when he looked at her, his eyes were blinded to the changes in her age and body over the years. She was still that same teenage girl.

  She was happy that he took his time running his hands all over her, kissing her and then moving his mouth down from her neck.

  Yes, she thought, lower. Yes, lower. His tongue flicked over her nipples before moving downward.

  She closed her eyes as her mind tried to communicate with him.

  Lower Tony. You’re getting warmer. It was like she was playing the old warmer-colder
game. She opened her eyes to watch. You’re getting hot, hotter. Oh God yes her mind screamed as he finally found his mark.

  His tongue flicked quickly over her most private area. She closed her eyes, letting the problems of the country recess in her mind. All she could think about now was Tony’s delicious tongue and the pleasure she was feeling, and it wasn’t long before she felt the tension in her body rising until she couldn’t help but scream aloud with delight “Yes, yes, Oh God. I’m coming. Come with me.”

  Tony climbed on top of her, bracing himself with his hands. He was inside of her in one swift motion. His slow rhythmic pace gave way to a frantic flailing as he climaxed with her within minutes. It had been a long time of no sex for both of them.

  After lying naked in each other’s arms for several minutes, Angela said: “Do you want to get together again tomorrow morning?”

  “Hell, I can go again today; just give me a little more time.”

  “No silly, I mean should we meet tomorrow to talk about what guys we can get to join the group and what the next step will be.”

  “Sure Ange, but does that mean that we don’t get to go again today.”

  She giggled and then kissed him hard on the lips.

  Chapter 11

  The Senate delayed its scheduled 10 AM session for two hours.

  The purpose of this hastily called special meeting was to discuss and vote on the proposal that was approved by 310 members of the House calling for the repeal of the Twenty-Second Amendment to the Constitution.

  There was a lot of chatter in the room as the senators waited patiently. All 100 senators were expected to attend, but Senator Flannery’s office called with an urgent message asking for a brief delay so that the senator could deal with a family crisis. Some of the talk was about the vote, but most of it surrounded around speculation about why Flannery was late.

  A frazzled and obviously distraught Flannery arrived at 11:30 AM and with all 100 senators present for this all important vote; the meeting was called to order. Given that they themselves had no term limits, some felt that it was a fait accompli that they would send a joint resolution to repeal the Twenty-Second Amendment to The National Archives and Records Administration's Office of the Federal Register. The folks there would process the publication and subsequently, send to the governors of each state for ratification by that State's Legislature. While only a simple majority was now required for an appointment confirmation, ratification vote by three-fourths, or 38 of the 50 states, was needed for the amendment to be repealed. But many hated the president enough that they had vowed to stop this change at all costs.


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