Teaching Aleck

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Teaching Aleck Page 5

by Muriel Garcia

  “Women…” Ant sighs. “I have to attend some club business. Are you two going to be okay?”

  “You love us and yes, we’ll be okay, don’t worry, Big Man.” Ayd gets up and kisses her man. How I wish I had this…Don’t get me wrong, I’m super happy for my friend, but yes I’m totally jealous of her relationship. The fact that Aleck has been ignoring me these past couple of days isn’t helping at all.

  “Alright, Sweet Cheeks. You two be careful and don’t get into any crazy business. Don’t go outside or anything, I’ll have Bennett stick around to keep you safe just in case…”

  Ayden rolls her eyes. “We’re fine Ant. We don’t need a babysitter anymore.”

  “Give me this Sweet Cheeks. I need to know you are safe.” He whispers against her lips. Major swoon!

  “Alright, Bennett can stick around.” She kisses him and I can’t help but feel like I’m intruding. I head to the kitchen and make us hot cocoa with whipped cream and sprinkle some small marshmallows while she sees Ant out.

  “You didn’t have to hide in the kitchen you know,” she says scaring the living hell out of me, causing some marshmallows to fly around us.

  “Don’t scare me like that!” She bursts out laughing.

  “Now I know why my parents found it so funny the other day.” She grins innocently and throws one of the fallen marshmallows at me.

  “Witch!” I glare at her and end up laughing with her.

  “You know it!” She grins. I follow her back to the living room, carrying our mugs. “And to answer your question, I didn’t want to intrude on you and Ant making out.” I make a disgusted face at her, obviously messing.

  “You’re not intruding. I just can’t help not being in contact with him when he’s around. We’re finally back together after so long. I never thought this day would come.” She sighs happily and sips on her hot cocoa. “Heaven.”

  “Still feels weird.” I shrug and take a sip. “How do you deal with him not telling you anything about club business?”

  “I don’t know. I grew up into this world so it’s not that weird to me, drives me nuts sometimes because I have no idea what kind of trouble they are getting themselves into. Sometimes it’s hard, but it’s partly to keep me safe. It’s better and safer the less I know.”

  “Still, it must be weird not knowing where he is going, if he’s risking his life or could get into trouble or hurt.” I frown.

  “It is stressful, I’m not going to lie. I’ve spent so many sleepless nights knowing he was out doing some club business, but I trusted my dad to keep him safe and now I trust him to keep the others safe. It’s more out of habit than anything else. I know it might seem weird, but you’ll get used to it.” She winks at me.

  “I doubt it.” I sigh.

  “Why? How are things with Aleck?” She grins at me over the cup.

  “Non-existent?” I shrug and grab the remote, putting on a TV show for some background noise.

  “Oh come on. You never explained what happened. Maybe I can help out.”

  “There’s not much to say really. He’s made it clear he doesn’t want any kind of relationship, just some fun. I don’t want just some fun so yeah, things are non-existent.” I sigh and grab one of the donuts from the box I brought over and take a huge bite out of it.

  “You do know that stuffing your face isn’t going to stop me from asking you a shit load of questions right?” She grins innocently and grabs one too.

  I nod and swallow. “I know, but it’s worth a try and these are just too good! Who can resist a red velvet donut? No one!” I take another bite to prove my point.

  “Silly.” She chuckles. “I know he’s hurt your feelings, but there’s more to him than he’s willing to show. I don’t know what he went through, but it’s not good. He’s super secretive and so is Ant about Aleck’s past, which has been driving me crazy for years!” I can’t help but laugh.

  “I know, it’s driving me crazy too. I mean we’ve known him for a long time now and yet, we don’t know anything about his past. What’s with all of them being so secretive?”

  “No clue, but they need to speak up!” She grins and takes a bite out of her donut.

  “Totally. I just wish he could tell me why he doesn’t do relationships or hell, tell me he doesn’t like me that way! That’d be easier to deal with than knowing he wants me, but doesn’t want to give into his feelings. Men…” I sigh.

  “I know. We’ll get him to talk, I promise. Anyway, what happened at the party?” She grins innocently.

  “Oh come on! You never give up, do you?” I frown and take another bite.

  “Never. Besides I remember someone doing the exact same when I was trying to avoid Ant, sooooo…Speak up young lady!”

  “Alright, alright!” I sigh. “I saw him go inside at your father’s party and silly me followed him. I wanted to seduce him and give us a try, but I let my body take control over my heart and I got myself into an unwanted mess. I’ve wanted to be with him for so long that I didn’t think twice. We talked a little, kissed – and fuck me the man can kiss – and he backed me into his room, laid me on the bed and we started making out. Everything was perfect and I wanted him so fucking badly, but I didn’t want it to happen in a house full of people, I wanted it to be just him and me. I told him so and he freaked out, told me he didn’t want a relationship, that he was no good for me and that I deserved better. Who the hell does he think he is telling me who I deserve or don’t deserve to date? Seriously!”

  “Woah, first, he’s a dickhead for all of it. The man likes you, everybody can see it, but he’s so fucking stubborn, it’s annoying. Second, way to go for standing up for yourself Sweets, I knew you had some badass in you.” She pauses grinning at me when I glare at her. “Third, we need to start operation making Aleck realize he’s into you and should give into his feelings.” She grins devilishly rubbing her hands together.

  “You’re crazy!” I can’t help but laugh. “I just wish he could tell me the truth and not use bullshit excuses. I can take the truth.”

  “I know you can. We’ll just have to open his eyes on what he’s missing. Or make him jealous. He’s going to go ape shit and claim you; that should do the trick.”

  “You’re evil you know that?” I can’t help but chuckle.

  “And damn proud. He’s never dated as far as I know so he needs to open his eyes. Give him a few days to think that you’re just listening to what he said, but Christmas party, it’s on! He won’t know what hit him.” She grins and shoves the rest of her donut in her mouth. “So. Fucking. Good!”



  Today is not my day.

  We’re on our way to discuss business with the Bastards from Hell. I can’t stand those guys, but more importantly, I have a bad feeling. I’ve been feeling like something bad is going to happen to Charline ever since Ayden was taken again. Even if she’s not a permanent thing in my life, I dread something happening to her. I’d fucking lose my mind if anyone dared hurt her.

  Now I know how Ant feels and has always felt about Ayden. How the littlest thing would drive him crazy and he would go into overprotective mode. I’m not blaming him. I just don’t know how to deal with those emotions. The last time I felt anything close to this was five years ago with Emma. I moved on, sure, but it burned me…bad.

  Charline is the one person I never want to lose. Doesn’t matter what we are to each other, even if she hates me, I’ll always protect her and keep her safe, no matter what.

  After what seems like forever, we pull up at the Bastards’ compound. I’m not happy about being here and would rather be keeping an eye on Charline, making sure she’s safe. That’s another thing that drives me crazy, not being able to get to her fast enough if she were in trouble. I need to stop thinking like a girl for fuck’s sake!

  “I don’t know what you’re thinking about or what’s bugging you, but I have a feeling it has something to do with a pretty blonde we both know. I know you messed up,
but now you need to grow some balls and either tell her you want her too and are willing to try, or you give up and move on, more importantly, you let her move on. Don’t let what’s happening in your private life mess with this. We have a lot to lose, so man up and let’s get down to business,” Ant lays it into me, as usual. I know he’s right.

  “I’m good,” I reply dryly, clearly not doing good, but I just can’t help it. I’m pissed.

  “Clearly,” he scoffs.

  “Asshole,” I mutter and walk alongside him and Gabe.

  “Pussy whipped,” he chuckles and smirks walking into the compound. I hate when he’s right.

  “Anthony, what a pleasure.” Ray, the Bastards from Hell’s president greets us. Never a pleasure for us to see him though. The man is decent, but his minions are fucking wackos.

  “Can’t say the pleasure is ours, Ray,” Ant replies, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “Why not? We’ve been doing good business. It’s going great, why would we have a problem?” Ray motions for us to follow him into the Chapel.

  “We have a reason to think that one of your minions is giving out intel behind your back, and betraying your club. We don’t have valid proof, but we have our suspicions.” Ant’s never been one to sugar coat things, but way to piss Ray off!

  “Don’t come on my territory accusing one of my men of something you have no proof of.” Ray glares at him.

  “Oh, but it’s only a matter of days before we have proof that one of your men is a rat Bastard.” He chuckles at his own joke.

  “Very funny. If I were you, I wouldn’t gloat too much about all of this. You’ve got your woman back, wouldn’t want anything to happen to her or her little blondie friend, now would we?” Ray smirks and I freeze.

  “You even dare think about touching one of her hair, I swear to God I’ll kill you with my own bare hands.” I growl at him ready to pounce.

  “Easy big boy. I think I’ve found your weakness. That’s very good to know.” He smirks, proud of himself and I’m kicking myself for letting him see how much Charline affects me.

  “Easy you two. We’re not here for that. I was just warning you that if we find out one of yours really is a fucking backstabbing rat, we’ll take him down, no regrets,” Ant tells him matter of factly.

  “If it’s proven that one of ours is a rat, trust me, I’ll end him with my own bare hands. Your little minions won’t be needed for that. Besides, you should know that I never go after a man’s woman, even if she would make perfect bait or payback. They have nothing to do with what we do within the club, so calm down Aleck.”

  “Good. Now that we agree on that, let’s talk about why we're really here.”

  Ray nods and motions for two of his men to bring the merchandise in. “10 kg’s of pure MDMA. Hopefully your little Mexican friends will appreciate it.”

  “I’m sure they will.” Ant goes to do the money exchange, but I stop him.

  “Hold on, I don’t trust him.” I glare at Ray and take a pack of the ecstasy.

  “Do you really think this is a good fucking idea?” Ant asks me, clearly not happy. I shrug and take a small amount. This might be a really fucked up idea, but they can’t be trusted. After a minute, I nod at Ant who does the exchange. I instantly regret taking that hit. I shouldn’t have. I don’t know what the fuck I was trying to prove, but I’m going down a dangerous path.

  “Always a pleasure to do business with you Ant.” Ray smirks.

  “Yeah, yeah, you keep repeating yourself. We’ll be in touch for the rest.” They shake hands and we all leave. Blades smirks at us as we make our way to our bikes, that man is up to something. I’ve never trusted any of them, but fuck, Blades creeps me out the most. He’s one of those guys who doesn’t have to do anything, he just is fucking creepy.

  We load the back of the van where Ryan and Callum were waiting, and get back on our bikes. I’m glad this was quick and we don’t have to spend more time than needed here. As lame as I’m going to sound, I want to go make sure Charline is okay. She’s spending the day alone with Ayden. I know Bennett is keeping an eye on her, but I need to see her.

  I should listen to Cabe and leave her alone so she’s not connected to the club whatsoever, to make sure she’s safe and stays safe. I now know the Bastards know who she is and that she means something to us, but the less people know, the better. I just can’t help myself when it comes to her.

  The last thing I want is for her to be used as payback on us. I couldn’t forgive myself.

  She’s too precious to me.

  Sure, she was all cute and innocent when we were younger, but now? She’s a triple threat. She’s still as cute and innocent, has a fucking banging body and a stronger personality than before, she’s not scared to lay into me and stand her ground. I like that in a woman.

  She needs to know the truth, my truth, before anything else could be considered. Some have had it worse than me, I get that. I was pretty lucky with the conditions I grew up in, but on an emotional level, I’m scarred. Nothing can change the way things went for me.

  I drive into the city and head straight to Charline’s street. I know she’s not home yet, I just want to be there before her and make sure everything is okay. She’s going to hate me if she ever finds out that ever since the incident with Ayden, whenever she comes home late I’ve been here to make sure no one is hiding in her house.

  Fucking pathetic.



  December 24, 2013

  It’s Christmas Eve and I couldn’t be happier.

  Sure, things have been messed up lately, what with Aleck being a douche nozzle and ignoring the hell out of me, to me seeing bikers I never saw before, everywhere I go. I can’t forget what happened to Ayden. It’s still creeping me out. I also met a cute guy at the coffee shop who seems interested in me. One hell of a way to end the year.

  It’s the first year I’m not spending Christmas with my parents. They decided to go on a cruise around the Bahamas since I’m all grown up and living on my own. I’m not blaming them, it looks beautiful and it’s time they start living for themselves again. They have always been selfless, taking care of everyone around them, without thinking of themselves. They were supposed to go only for a couple of days, but I decided to extend their trip to a full twelve days. They’ve done so much for me; I couldn’t not do something for them.

  Last week, Ayd and I decked her place for Christmas and it looks amazing. I would have loved to see Ant’s face when he saw the house. It’s like Christmas threw up everywhere. We did leave him the manly stuff like the lights and also the tree topper. I feel like it’s something they should start together. I wish I had someone like that around Christmas, starting traditions and maybe a family.

  We finish putting everything away for the food preparation and I join everyone outside, I wish I hadn’t. I walked in in the middle of a conversation I wish I hadn’t heard.

  “Very mature you three, you’ll see when you meet the one, if you’re not pussy whipped too.” Ant smirks. “I can’t wait for that day. Revenge will be very, very sweet.” He chuckles

  “Not going to happen for me bro,” Aleck says as I join them. Great!

  “Asshole,” Ayd mutters loud enough for him to hear and he glares at her. “Can we talk Aleck?” He sighs and looks at Ant who shrugs.

  “Sure,” he says and walks with her to one of the lounge chairs by the pool.

  I have no idea what they are talking about, but my heart broke a little bit more. I sigh, my party mood quickly leaves me, and I start to walk inside to take my mind off Aleck and make myself useful, when Ant stops me.

  “He’s being a stubborn dickhead, he’ll come around, trust me. He just needs some time. He has a bad past with relationships, that’s all I’m going to say. Be patient with him. He really likes you, even if he’s too much of a fucking pussy to admit it.” He finishes on a grin.

  “Thanks, Ant. I just don’t know how much more of his rejection I can
take.” I shrug.

  “Hopefully Ayd will put him in his place and he’ll come around.” I nod and walk inside.

  A few minutes later, Aleck comes back inside. I look up at him from the potato salad I’m making. “Can we talk?” he asks nervously.

  I sigh. “Sure.”

  “Not here, can we go to your place?”

  “Yeah, if you want.” I rinse my hands, dry them and grab my bag and jacket from the closet.

  “Thanks,” he says softly.

  “Sure.” I nibble my lip. I’m not sure what he needs to speak to me about, but this doesn’t sound like it’s going to be a pleasant talk.

  We walk to his bike. “I’m not getting on that.”

  “Why not?” He looks at me confused.

  “Well, I’ve never been on one and I’m wearing a dress and heels.”

  “You’ve been on one…” He looks at me as if I’ve grown a second head.

  “Uh no, I haven’t. I would remember it if I had.”

  “Right…You were probably too drunk to remember it.” He shrugs.

  “Excuse me?” I raise my eyebrow at him, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “The night I saw you at the bar, when Bennett was keeping an eye on you and saving your ass from a fucking creeper. He took you home…on his bike…”

  “Oh…” Well I definitely don’t remember that…

  “Yes, oh…” He chuckles. “Come on. You’ll be fine trust me, I’ll be careful.” He looks at me with pleading eyes.

  “Do you have an extra helmet at least?”

  “Of course.” He gets one from under the seat of his bike and helps me put it on. “Your hair’s going to be a bit messy, but you’ll be safe.” A faint smile hits his lips.

  “That’s good to know.” I smile softly back and get on the bike with his help. I’m excited to be climbing on the back of a bike with Aleck, but this is just going to drive me crazier than before. He looks like he’s about to break up with me and we aren’t even together.

  “Hold on tight,” he says wrapping my arms around him tightly and starts revving the engine and takes off a bit too fast to my liking. You’d think I’ve already been on a bike from hanging around bikers when I was younger but no, this is my first time, well that I remember of anyway, and the sensations are mind blowing. I swear he’s trying to end me! Being pressed this close to his body combined with the vibrations of the bike has my body tingling all over. This should be interesting. I’d be ready to forget he’s been a douche to me and jump into bed with him. I clearly need to get laid! It’s been so long…


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