Teaching Aleck

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Teaching Aleck Page 11

by Muriel Garcia


  I groan as my alarm wakes me up. I’m tempted to hit the snooze button, but I can’t be late, not for my first day in a new school. It would be frowned upon and I wouldn’t be able to show up for the rest of the year. Yes, I’m a bit overdramatic with things like that.

  Reluctantly, I open my eyes and rub my eyes. I did have a good night of sleep, too good maybe, I spent the night dreaming of Aleck. They were rather intimate. I can’t remember the last kinky dream I had. It’s been that long. Or I just don’t remember them.

  I check the time.

  6 a.m.

  Fuck my life.

  It’s way too early, but I need to go over what I have ready for the day one more time to be sure, and you never know if your hair dryer is going to die on you last minute or if your coffee maker isn’t set up properly, I don’t want to show up for my first day looking and acting like a damn zombie!

  I get out of bed and put on some music to wake me up. Not long ago, Ayden put a rock music playlist on my phone and told me to listen to it in the morning, that it’d do the trick. I’m not sure if she’s right or not, but I do need some help to wake up and it’s just too early for me to have coffee or any food.

  I put it on and the first one that plays scares me and makes me jump in the air. Fucking Ayden! I plug my phone in the dock station and let the music play louder. Not really my thing, but I’ll give it a try. What can I say? I’m more into pop and country.

  I strip out of my pajamas and step into the shower. I find myself singing along to the song that’s playing, the chorus is quite catchy.

  I take good care washing and conditioning my hair, shaving carefully and use some shower oil. Might as well pamper myself and make me feel good to start the day. No way am I doing this every morning. It’s probably going to last a week tops.

  I nearly slip out of the shower as I’m dancing around. I should know better, not the first time it’s happened.

  I pat myself dry and towel-dry my hair, wrapping it in a towel. I moisturize and put on my undies and a robe before heading downstairs.

  I settle for a vanilla coffee and put the little pod in the coffee machine and start brewing it while I decide what to have for breakfast. I settle on something simple, eggs and bacon. That should hold me up until lunch.

  I start to cook and check my emails and messages while the bacon cooks.

  Ayden: You’re gonna rock their socks off! You’ve got this boo! <3

  Ant: Love you sweetheart. You’ll do good don’t stress out too much. Your car is fixed btw, come over whenever you want to pick it up ;)

  Mom: Hey sweetie, I hope you have an amazing day. Have fun and be happy. You’ll do great.

  Bennett: Yo! If you need a bodyguard against those little evil shits let me know! I’m yours ;)

  Callum: Be nice to them and they will be nice to you, hopefully. Good luck Char.

  Ryan: Whatever you do, do not turn your back to them they’ll get you! Jk lol good luck sweetheart you’ll do good ;)

  Dad: Good luck Princess, you’ve got this.

  Aleck: Good morning Gorgeous, I hope you have an amazing day. Show these little demons who’s the boss ;) xxx

  Josie: Good luck sweetie. Stop by the bakery after school for some donuts ;) xx

  Yay! Betty is fixed! It’s amazing all the love and support my friends give me. I never thought I’d have this many friends. I’m not this close to all the club members, but to know that some of them are keeping track of what I do and are supporting me, even if I’m not a part of their world, is amazing. They really are an extended family.

  I smile and flip the bacon and start on my scrambled eggs. Once everything is cooked, I take my plate and coffee with me and sit on the patio, enjoying the sunny weather. It’s not too humid or too warm. It’s just perfect.

  I don’t think I’ve ever felt this happy or loved. I enjoy my breakfast and let the worry of the upcoming day slip away for the time being. Reveling in the knowledge that my friends and family are behind me and that I can do this. They are kids, sure they can be difficult, but I’ve got this.

  Too soon, it’s time for me to get ready to head to school. I was asked to be there earlier to finish up the last touches on how I want the classroom to be. So I’m going to take this extra time to make it mine and hopefully the kids and their parents will appreciate it.

  I head upstairs and get dressed in a dark navy pencil skirt that hits just below my knees, a light mint blouse and flats. There’s no way I’m going to be able to stand for hours with high heels. Besides, kids don’t care if you have heels or not.

  I put on my lenses and a very light make-up and blow-dry my hair before styling them in a messy low bun and fluff up my bangs. I smile at my reflection and spray on some vanilla perfume. I get my handbag and head downstairs. I check my folder one last time before getting my phone and make sure everything is locked up.

  I head out the door, lock the house and get in the car the garage is lending me.

  The drive to school isn’t very long so I don’t have much time to really get nervous and once I park, I realize that bizarrely, I’m not nervous at all. I feel like this is where I’m supposed to be and it’s such an amazing feeling.

  All my teenage life, I wondered what I’d be doing for a living. It never crossed my mind that I’d become a teacher. It came to me when I was at camp in my last year of high school. I was helping out the younger ones and I had a blast. It was just amazing and by the end, I knew what I wanted to do.

  And here I am.

  A preschool teacher.

  I still can’t believe it. I get out of my car, and walk to the main building. I smile smelling that distinctive preschool smell, a mix of paint and liquid glue. I’ve always loved that smell. It brings back so many memories.

  I head to my classroom and start to set up. I found some DIY projects to make banners and decorations that are still blank at the moment, but I’m hoping the kids will enjoy helping me fill them in and make them livelier.

  I take a look at the room I just set up, and even if it’s a little bit boring at the moment, it won’t be once the kids get to it. I set up a couple of pillows on the ground and a bigger one for myself. I don’t want it to be too formal today.

  I hope they will like me.

  I start hearing some noise outside the classroom. I open the door to let them in and greet the first parents and kids. So far, everybody is very nice and friendly. It’s so reassuring.

  I have a list of fifteen kids. Only one hasn’t arrived yet. I look out the door to see if anyone is coming over. I’m not sure if I should wait a bit longer to start. It’s almost eight.

  I smile and wave at the last few parents who are leaving class and go to a little girl who’s crying because she wants her mommy. I try to reassure her as best I can and manage pretty well. She does wipe her nose on my brand new blouse, but hey it’s just clothing…still a bit gross though.

  I’m about to shut the door when the person I least expected to show up at my classroom door arrives. Face covered in bruises and busted lip, carrying a precious little girl.

  “Aleck?” I look at him dumbfounded.



  Well, fuck me I didn’t expect this!

  “Charline.” I can’t help but feel myself tense up and relax at the same time. She now knows what I’ve been hiding from everyone, and I’m afraid she’s not going to want me anymore.

  “This is such a surprise.” She looks at me amused and confused.

  “Trust me, the surprise is all mine.” I can’t help the humorless chuckle that escapes me.

  “I bet.” She raises her eyebrow, but grins at me. “And who’s this little cutie?” She grins at my daughter.

  “This is Alexandria, Ally for short.” I beam at my daughter.

  “Nice to meet you, Ally, I’m Charline.” She beams at Ally and I melt. She’s perfect.

  Ally squeaks a shy hello and hides in my neck.

a bit shy. Can you give me a minute with her?”

  “Of course, take your time.” She winks at me and walks into the classroom to assist another kid.

  “Charline is a friend of Daddy, I’ve known her for a long time and she’s going to take good care of you while you’re here, okay?” It breaks my heart to see her bottom lip quiver. “Don’t cry, Pumpkin. I promise I’ll be back in a couple of hours. It’s a very short day. We’ll go have whatever you want for lunch, okay? We can even go have pancakes or ice cream if you want.” I smile at her trying to cheer her up.

  “Okay, Daddy.” She sniffs and wraps her arms around my neck.

  “I love you, Pumpkin.” I kiss her head and hug her back.

  “Love you too, Daddy.” She kisses my cheek and slowly walks to Charline.

  I watch Charline kneel down and smile at Ally. It warms my heart that she’s being so sweet to her. I see Charline talk, but I can’t hear her. Whatever she said though managed to ease Ally’s mind and she joins the other kids on the pillows laid out.

  Charline turns to the door and waves at me. I smile giving her a single nod and walk out of the building. This is a lot harder than I thought. I have to leave home often, but for some reason having to put Ally in school is different. Maybe it’s because it means she’s growing up. I’m not sure, but it sure is playing with my head.

  I drive to the garage thinking about what Charline might be thinking about this situation. I told her most of my life story, but I didn’t go into details about some parts. Maybe I should have. I need to have another talk with her, but I have no idea how this one is going to go.

  Unfortunately for me, I’ve been thinking about having something with Charline a bit too much lately, and now if she doesn’t want me because I have a daughter, I don’t know how I’m going to cope. I have Ally to think about. I can’t just go back to my old habits.

  I’m fucked.

  On one hand, I hope Charline doesn’t want me anymore and doesn’t want to deal with someone who has a kid already. On the other hand, I hope she still wants me and accepts Ally and take care of her. It’s very selfish of me to want Line to take care of Ally, that’d mean she’d be in my life the way I want her to be.

  I park in front of the garage and get out of my truck. I walk into the main office to see which car I’ll be working on today. Ant is already there and he looks like shit. Looks like someone had a rough night with a baby at home. I chuckle softly knowing all too well how it is. He flips me off and continues his phone call.

  I’m about to leave the office after checking the schedule board when Ant calls my name.

  “How in the hell did you manage this on your own?” He sounds desperate. I sit across from him.

  “It was hard, but I had Rose to help me out. She’s been such a blessing all my life. Rose was my nanny so she knows how to handle the likes of me.”

  “We have everyone helping out, but fuck he’s not sleeping much at night. And I don’t want Ayden to be the only one to get up, so I’m the one watching over Cam, but fuck, it’s exhausting!”

  “I know, Brother, it does get better eventually.”

  “I fucking hope so!” he exclaims rather loudly. I can’t help but laugh. “Piss off! How’s Ally anyway?”

  “She’s good. Me? Not so much.” I sigh and rest my elbows on my knees.

  “What’s wrong?” Concern laces his voice.

  “Guess whose class she ended up in?”

  “No. Fucking. Way!” He bursts out laughing and if he wasn’t my best friend and brother to me, I’d fucking pound the shit out of him.

  “Yes,” I groan.

  “How did she react?”

  “She looked amused and confused. I was shitting my pants the entire time. Seriously, it was like she found it funny that I, out of everybody, had a little girl.”

  “Admit it, it’s quite hilarious. You’ve been hiding it so well for years, no one but Cabe and I know, then you finally have to put her in school and out of all the classes she could have been in, she ends up in Char’s class.” He chuckles.

  “It’s messed up I’d say. I have no idea what she’s thinking about all of it, but I can’t stop thinking about it.”

  “You know Char is the least judgmental woman ever. She’s going to take good care of Ally, don’t worry. At least now you’ll be able to tell more people.”

  “I don’t want to tell anyone else. What if another club hears about it and wants to get vengeance on us and hurts Ally? I could never forgive myself.”

  “I get what you mean, but at least tell Ayd, she’s going to go bat shit crazy if you keep it from her any longer. Besides, if you and Char end up together and you go to her place with Ally, you’re kind of screwed since we are neighbors.” He laughs yet again. I’m going to fucking pound him.

  “Ha ha, very funny and did not think of that, fucking hell.” I sigh frustrated.

  “Don’t stress out about it. Seriously you’d think Char has kids of her own with how good she’s been with Cam. She’ll be amazing with Ally, and Ally will love Char. I know it. So just fucking relax and get to work. You’re turning into a woman!”

  “Hey! You were the one turning into a woman last year over Ayden, don’t you forget it.” I chuckle and walk out.

  I start working on the bike, but my mind keeps drifting to Charline and Ally. I hope Ally is having a good day and making friends, and that Charline is doing well with the kids. She seemed to be doing fine when I got there, but you never know. They can be little shits!


  I head over to school to pick up Ally. I was lucky when I got there this morning that not a lot of parents were around anymore. I’m hoping they won’t start bitching.

  I park in the parking lot and wait outside. A couple of parents are staring at me. I don’t care, I’m used to it. I just hope they won’t hold it against Ally and turn their kid on her.

  I don’t have to wait much longer for the kids to get out. A couple parents are looking at me and pointing at me as they talk to their kids. I want so badly to make a few comments of my own, but I don’t want to get Ally into any troubles or get her kicked out for having a go at some parents.

  I contain myself and smile seeing Ally walk over holding Charline’s hand. The outside world disappears.

  “Daddy!” Ally squeals and hugs my leg.

  “Hey, Princess.” I smile and pick her up. “How did it go?”

  “She was good. You’ve got a very smart little lady.” Charline winks at me.

  “Thank you. Did you have fun sweetie?” She shrugs and I look at Charline confused.

  “She’s quite shy so she didn’t make a lot of friends. She stayed with two other girls who are quite shy too and they were having fun together. She’ll be okay, Aleck. She just needs a couple of days. It’s new to her.”

  I nod. “I know. I just don’t like knowing she didn’t have that much fun.”

  “Do you actually remember having fun on the first day of school?” She raises her eyebrow at me.

  “Eh, not so much.” I chuckle.

  “That’s what I thought.” She grins.

  “When you have some time can we talk? I’d like a chance to explain,” I say softly.

  “You don’t need to explain yourself, Aleck.”

  “I want to.” I look into her eyes. “I need to.”

  She nods. “Alright, whenever you have some time outside of school hours, let me know.”

  “Thank you. It means a lot to me.” I kiss her cheek. I can’t help it.

  “You’re welcome.” She blushes, actually blushes! I’m affecting her, thank fuck!

  “Daddy, can we go have pancakes now?” Ally chimes in shyly.

  I can’t help but chuckle. “Of course, Pumpkin.” I smile at her and then at Charline. “Sorry, pancake dates can’t be delayed.”

  “Understandable. Have one for me.” She giggles and winks at me.

  “Next time you should come with us.” Ally surprises the both of us.

“I wouldn’t want to interfere in yours and your Daddy’s pancake date sweetie.” She beams at Ally.

  “You wouldn’t.” Ally grins, I’m so happy she’s opening up to Charline.

  “Thank you, if I have time, I’d love to,” Charline says smiling.

  “We’d love to have you.” I smile at her and she frowns. I look at her confused and she sighs.

  “Thank you for making me want pancakes.” She glares at me playfully.

  “Not even sorry, Line. Where did you go just now?” I look at her intently.

  “Not now.” She mouths and points behind her and frowns. More parents talking shit about me.

  “I heard.” I sigh. “Please, let me know if anything happens in class or during recess.”

  “You know I will.” She winks at me.

  “Thank you for everything.”

  “Don’t mention it. Go now or they won’t have any pancakes left.” She giggles.

  “I’ll be the one eating everything!” I chuckle and kiss her cheek again. “Alright, let’s get going, pancakes here we come!” I fist bump with Ally as we always do.

  Even though I don’t want to leave Charline, I walk to my truck and secure Ally in her car seat. This is so weird. I thought Charline wouldn’t accept Ally at all and she doesn’t even seem to care that I have a daughter. Well, obviously I have no idea what she thinks, but so far things are looking pretty good. I can’t believe I didn’t really notice her outfit this morning.

  From the tight pencil skirt that hugs her ass perfectly, to her mint blouse that makes her pale skin and bright blue eyes pop even more, and is slightly see through. She’s going to drive me insane!

  Charline waves at us as we drive by her. We both wave back and drive out of the parking lot.

  I might have underestimated Charline. She seems to be a lot more understanding than I imagined, and able to take a lot more too.

  I drive to IHOP thinking about Charline while Ally sings along to some kid’s song that I put on for her. It’s doing my head in, but I’d do anything for Ally. Anything.



  Aleck has a daughter! I can’t believe it!


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