Teaching Aleck

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Teaching Aleck Page 13

by Muriel Garcia

  “Ah, yeah that wouldn’t be good.”

  “You staying until Ant gets back home?” He nods. “Okay good, I have somewhere to be. Keep her safe.”

  “I will, don’t worry.” I give him a single nod before heading back to my truck and home to my daughter.


  I spent the night thinking about Charline and dreaming about her pouty lips wrapped around my cock.

  She’s trying to kill me, even in my dreams.

  I had to jerk off twice to take off the edge, but it didn’t help. It only made things worse and I’m going to have to see her again when I drop Ally off at school, cue the blue balls and the raging boner I’m sporting since last night.

  I want her more than ever in my life.

  “Are you okay, Pumpkin?” I look at Ally pushing her cereal around.

  “I don’t like these.” She pouts. She’s the cutest thing ever.

  “Are you sure? Or is it because Daddy’s having toast and you want one with peanut butter?” I raise my eyebrow at her playfully and she giggles nodding fast. “Alright, peanut butter toast it is.” I make her two pieces of crustless toast and spread on some peanut butter before setting her plate in front of her. “Better?”

  “Yes, Daddy, thank you.” She grins around a mouthful of toast.

  “You’re welcome, Pumpkin.” I kiss her head and pour myself another coffee and her an orange juice. “Do you like Charline?”

  “Yes, she’s super nice.”

  “She really is.” I smile.

  “You like Miss Charline!” She shouts and I can’t help but laugh.

  “Yes, I really do like her, Princess.”

  “She’s beautiful.” She beams.

  “You’re beautiful.” I wink at her and ruffle her hair.

  “Daddy!!!!!” She frowns at me and tries to fix her hair. Adorable.

  “Not even sorry.” I grin and finish my toast.

  “How do you know Miss Charline?” she asks before taking another bite of her toast.

  “I met her seven years ago. She met Uncle Anthony’s girlfriend in high school and they have been friends since and so have we.”

  “She likes you too.” She grins innocently.

  “Now, now, what do you know that I don’t?” I chuckle.

  “Nothing.” She shrugs.

  “Sure…” I grin and tickle her.

  “Daddy!!!!!” She squeaks and kicks her arms, managing a pretty good kick in my already swollen lip. “Sorry, Daddy!” She looks down, feeling bad.

  “Hey, it’s okay, Pumpkin. I’m okay.” I smile at her and take her on my lap to fix her hair before we end up being late for school…again. “Finish your toast or we’re going to be late again.” I kiss her head and fix her little braid. I’m grateful Rose showed me how to do it, I hated the thought of not being able to tie my own daughter’s hair. It’s better than my first attempts, still a bit wonky, but it’ll do.

  I help her with her coat and grab her small bag before locking the house and strapping her into her car seat.

  I put another kid’s CD on for her to sing along to. Is it too early to introduce her to rock music? I love Ally, but I’m ready to throw out these kids cd’s out the window! They are driving me insane!

  A couple of minutes later, I park in the parking lot and help Ally out. We make our way to the front of the school and some parents turn to look at us. She’s oblivious to their stares, I’m not and it’s pissing me off. Again not for my own sake, for hers.

  “This shouldn’t be allowed. He’s an outlaw. What are the likes of him doing in such a nice school? He should be kicked out of here. I’m scared for my little Toby,” a mom exclaims a little too loudly.

  “I know, I heard a rumor that they killed someone the other day but aren’t arrested because they have some kind of deal with the cops,” another mom chimes in.

  While I don’t care about the rumors they are spreading, talking about it with kids around just isn’t right. I’m about to say something to them, but Charline beats me to it.

  I send Ally to play with her friend before school starts.

  “I don’t care who you two think you are. You do NOT talk negatively about another parent, much less in front of children and even less in front of said person’s child.” They try to stop her, but she’s on a roll. “We have an anti-bullying program starting this year. Maybe I should make you two sign the guidelines. It sounds like you need some education on the subject. Sure, his style is out of the norm to you, but that doesn’t mean he’s a bad guy. He’s just bringing his daughter to school like you are, and while he’s not a lawyer or a dentist, that doesn’t make him a bad person. Go complain to the principal if you want, I don’t care. I will never ever tolerate anyone talking derogatively about someone else. Be it children or adults. You’re warned and I will not tolerate this.” She glares at them, right then I just want to grab her and kiss the shit out of her.

  Other parents found a better way to thank her. They start to applaud her. I can’t help but join in.

  “This is unacceptable! I’m going to go talk to the principal and you’ll be fired on the spot! I’m one of the donators of this school, you really are in trouble,” the first mom retorts.

  “Be my guest. At least I’ll go down knowing I put up a fight against people who are supposed to be supporting the anti-bullying campaign, but instead are the ones breaking it. Go on.” The woman makes big gestures at an older man walking towards us. “Well, we’ll see who gets in trouble. Principal Jorvis. Your new teacher has been yelling at me. It shouldn’t be allowed to have such rude teachers, especially for our children. She shouldn’t be allowed to work in a school. It’s no place for such a foul mouth!”

  “Miss Dane, I’ll see you in my office during recess.” The woman smirks. “Anybody else got something to add?” And to everyone’s surprise, quite a few people raise their hand. “What happened here?” He shakes his head.

  Charline sighs. “They were badmouthing Mr. Sanford, spreading rumors on his reputation that, as far as, I know haven’t been proven to be true, in front of children. We’re starting the anti-bullying campaign and they are on the school council, which approved the campaign, yet they are just going against what they voted for. Everybody likes a bit of gossip, I’ll be the first to admit it, but to talk about alleged things in relation to what he does in his free time shouldn’t be brought on school grounds. I told her my opinion, she didn’t appreciate it and wanted to talk to you. I felt like they needed to be reminded that children listen and will most likely repeat what they hear. It might not seem hurtful to them, but the real victim in all of this is his daughter, Ally. He’s a grown man, he can take two women talking negatively about him, but his daughter might not appreciate hearing rumors about her dad. Even worse, the other children could repeat it to her and single her out for it. I know I wouldn’t. You want to fire me? Fine, but trust me, I will not go down without a fight and these two won’t be on the council anymore by the time I’m done.”

  Everybody is shocked into silence, me first. I fucking love her!






  Fuck me sideways.

  “Mr. Sanford, is this true.”

  “Yes. Unfortunately.”

  Other parents chime in to agree with Charline and I’m left speechless. Nobody ever stood up for me like that and other people agreeing. It’s such an amazing and warming feeling to know that she would risk her job, her dream job, for me.

  “Great…Miss Dane, I’ll still see you in my office during recess, but you’re not in trouble don’t worry. Mrs. Dorval, if I were you, I’d stop thinking I’m untouchable because I’m on the council. I’ll talk to the other board members and decide what will be done. This is a warning. Do not spread rumors about the other parents. I have had a long talk with Mr. Sanford, and while he knows I don’t agree with a motorcycle club lifestyle, I’m not going to stop his daughter from getting th
e education she deserves. Anyone else has a problem with him having his daughter in our lovely school?” He looks at everybody intently and not a single person raises their hand. “Good, now I’m sure you all have jobs you need to go to and we have a school to run so everybody go say goodbye to your children and get on with your day.” He walks back inside.

  Things quickly die down and all the parents say goodbye to their kids. I walk over to Ally and hug her. “Daddy will pick you up at the end of the school day okay? Today is a longer day, but you’ll be okay, and if anything happens Miss Charline can call me and either me or Rose will come and get you okay?” I smile at her.

  “Yes, Daddy. I love you.” She hugs me tightly.

  “I love you too, Pumpkin.” I kiss her head and walk her to class.

  Unfortunately, I don’t have much time to talk to Charline, but I need to thank her. I walk to her and kiss the corner of her mouth, making sure no kids are watching before. “Thank you Line. You have no idea how much what you said to everybody means to me.”

  “It’s effing normal.”

  “No, you risking your job for me isn’t normal, but it really makes me happy.” I can’t help grinning at her using her version of the f-word.

  “Close call.” She giggles. “It is normal to me. I can’t let someone badmouth and be nasty to the people I love.” She shrugs and turns red, realizing what she just said.

  Love. She used the word love. Yep, I’m a goner. “We need to talk about a couple of things later. This weekend if you’re free?”

  “Sure, sounds like a good idea.” She smiles and the bell rings.

  “Alas I must go.” I chuckle and hug her.

  “Go on before I make you paint with your fingers.”

  “That sounds more tempting than fixing a broken engine though.” I shrug walking out backwards. I wave at her and Ally and disappear at the end of the corridor.

  Well, this morning started in an interesting way to say the least.

  I never expected Charline to stand up for me the way she did.

  I never expected her to mention helping me and love in the same sentence.

  I never expected to come to the conclusion that I love her and want her in mine and Ally’s life.

  Today is going to be a good day.



  Well, today started well…or not.

  I can’t believe I yelled at two moms. I couldn’t help it though, I’m a calm person until you attack someone I love. I will not let it go without fighting. I’m just glad I didn’t get into trouble for it, I could have easily lost my job.

  I would never regret fighting for him, even if I had been fired.

  I struggled at the beginning of class, still shocked at my outburst, but I soon forgot about the incident and focused on the kids.

  It’s adorable how kids are with each other, when they aren’t fighting that is, they aren’t afraid to show their feelings, if only it were this simple for adults.

  My morning turned out quite productive in the end, but I was scared shitless about my meeting with the principal. Instead of berating me, he just warned me not to do that again, especially not in front of the kids.

  I spent lunch in class with the kids to get to know each other better and as I was setting up their lunch boxes, I found a note with my name in Ally’s. She grinned wide at me and handed it to me all proud.

  When I opened it, it simply said.

  Your beauty will forever brighten my darkness.


  Now, how the hell am I supposed to function after that?

  If he’s trying to drive me insane, it’s working.

  I can’t stop thinking about him during lunch, especially when I let the kids out onto the playground and I am alone with my thoughts.

  I never imagined things being like this. I have a boyfriend who’s really starting to annoy and bore me to death, then I have Aleck, who’s been rejecting me for years, but now wants me. Men are just plain weird. When they can have someone they don’t want said person, but when that person is off limits, they want them as if their life depended on it.

  I’m intrigued to know what Aleck has to say about Ally and the rest of his story. I have a feeling it’s not going to be good at all.

  I’m brought back to reality by my phone ringing.

  “Hello?” I say picking up, but the person on the other end hangs up as soon as I speak. What the hell?

  Since the note, I’ve received a few calls like this one. I don’t know who’s trying to mess with me, but I’m not about to let them scare me anymore. Sure, it sucks and the note scared me, but fuck it. I’m not going to let them win. Besides I have a babysitter with me almost all the time. I giggle to myself thinking about Bennett having to babysit me while I’m at work. He’s been stuck sitting in his truck in the parking lot keeping an eye out on everything all day.

  The rest of the day went by in a blur. We decorated the drawings that are on the walls all afternoon and they really seemed to enjoy my idea. It’s only finger and handprints, but it’s looking nice and they are having fun, which is the most important thing.

  I pack up my stuff after seeing the kids to their parents and I’m a little bit disappointed Aleck wasn’t there. Instead, Bennett took Ally home; apparently, Aleck was out on some business, which is stressing me out more and more. He was all bruised up and had busted lip already when he dropped off Ally yesterday. I know he probably doesn’t care and is acting like a tough biker man, but I can’t help worrying about him.

  The drive home seems longer today. I’m exhausted after the day, the argument from this morning and then the thrill of teaching the kids have finally caught up with me. Who knew fighting with two bitchy moms would drain me out.

  I let myself in, set up the alarm and go change into some lounge pants and a tank top. I need to prepare for tomorrow’s classes, but Brian is coming over tonight and I’m not looking forward to it at all. I should be excited to spend the evening with my boyfriend, right? Wrong. I can think of a thousand other things I’d rather be doing.


  Shut up brain!

  I keep myself busy working on some more projects for class when my phone rings.


  “Hey, Babe, I’m sorry I’m going to have to cancel on our date tonight, something came up,” Brian moans on the other side of the line and I’m doing my inner happy dance. I’m such a bad girlfriend.

  “Oh, I hope everything is okay?” I try to sound concerned.

  “Yeah, everything is fine, just family issues.”

  “Sorry to hear,” I say not really paying attention.

  “It should be fine, don’t worry. I just have to go out of town for a couple of days, so we won’t see each other this weekend.”

  “Hmm, it’s great, don’t worry about it.”

  “Are you even listening to what I’m saying?” I can hear anger lacing his voice.

  “Yes, of course, why do you say that?”

  “Because I just told you my family is going through some shit and I won’t be here this weekend and you just say it’s great?”

  “Sorry, some crap went down at school this morning and it’s still playing on my mind.”

  “Right, let me guess it involves your friend Aleck,” he spits out his name.

  “Woah, where did that come from? Are you keeping tabs on me?” Now, I’m getting pissed.

  “I’m just showing interest in what my girlfriend does and hangs out with, that’s all.”

  “That’s creepy, Brian. Besides, where were you when I needed you a couple of weeks ago when I was run off the road? I can keep track of when you’ve not been there for me.”

  “Look, I’m sorry, I don’t want us to fight, I already have enough on my mind. I just don’t like you hanging out with those biker guys, they are weird and dangerous.”

  “They aren’t weird or dangerous, well only if you piss them off. They have actually been keeping me safe and protected, since yo
u are never here for me anymore. I sometimes wonder why I bother staying with you.”

  “What?” He’s not trying to hide the anger in his voice anymore. “Seriously, you’re taking the piss now. They’re the ones getting you in trouble not the other way around, and excuse me? Why you bother staying with me? If it’s such a chore you should have had the decency to tell me sooner, instead of waiting for our first fight to throw it in my face.”

  “You have no idea what you’re talking about, Brian, and to be honest yes, it’s been on my mind lately, we don’t fit together anymore. Things were great, but we are just too different.”

  “We’re not different, Baby, you are just using that as an excuse to end things. We are meant to be together, please don’t do this to me now. I already have family problems at the moment, I need to know you are here for me and will be when I get back.”

  Oh hell no! I’m not going to let him guilt trip me into staying with him. “I’m sorry, Brian, I can’t stay with you. I hate having to do this over the phone, but I just can’t deal with everything, wondering when I’ll see you and if you’re going to get angry over the littlest things. It’s getting on my nerves. I’m usually pretty patient, but I just can’t do this with you anymore. I’m sorry, it’s over…”

  “You can’t dump me!” he yells into the phone.

  “I am. I’m sorry, Brian. Goodbye.” I hang up, hoping he’s not going to call back or show up. I know it was cowardly to dump him over the phone, but seriously, I couldn’t breathe in that relationship, if you could even call it that.

  I try to shake it off and get back to work, but it’s not working, my mind is too clouded by the events of the day. I shoot a quick text to Ant.

  Me: Hey Big Man :-p. Is anyone babysitting me tonight…?

  It takes him a couple of minutes to reply.

  Ant: Bennett is, why?

  Me: Dumped Brian, he was pretty pissed and I just don’t want to be on my own in case he decides to come over. I don’t feel threatened, but I’m not sure I could face him right now and he was pretty angry on the phone.

  Ant: Don’t worry, you’re not on your own. Want me to tell Aleck?

  Me: No, I’m seeing him this weekend I’ll tell him then, I need to process all of this on my own and if he knows, he’s going use it against me.


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