Teaching Aleck

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Teaching Aleck Page 17

by Muriel Garcia

  “What the fuck?” he bellows.

  “Exactly. After threatening his life, he got talking. Short, bald, snake tattoo on his forearm. Doesn’t ring a bell though.”

  “Doesn’t to me either, I’ll ask Ray and see if he knows or if it’s one of his men since Blades was a fucking traitor.”

  “Thanks, Brother.” I rub my face.

  “Don’t even think about ending things with her when you finally found your happy place.”

  “How in the hell am I supposed to keep her safe when some fucking asshole is after her?”

  “By staying with her and protecting her.”

  “She would be safer without me.”

  “You don’t know that, besides, you really think she’s going to let you go that easily?” He chuckles.

  I scoff. “No fucking chance.”

  “I know you’re not used to this, but you have something real with Charline. Don’t fucking ruin it and break her heart again because you’re a fucking pussy who can’t handle the pressure. She can handle it for the both of you. I don’t know what made her so strong over the years, but she’s something else.”

  “I don’t know either. So far, all we’ve been doing is talk about my past, never hers. The only thing she said was that she dated the fuckwit from college and Brian.”

  “There’s more to her than what she’s letting on. You should talk to her.”

  “I will. Thanks, Ant.”

  “Don’t mention it, Fucker. Now stop getting emotional and go get your daughter.” He laughs.

  “Fuck off!” I chuckle and leave to pick up my daughter from school.

  I spend a good part of the afternoon wondering what to do with Charline, thinking about what Ant said.

  I head over to her place after putting Ally to bed, Rose is watching her whilst I potentially ruin my world. I ring her doorbell and don’t have to wait long for her to open her door. She looks fucking pissed.

  “Some fucker was paid to drop a note in your bag. I followed him and got him to talk, he was paid by someone to do it and then blamed it on Ant doing it…”

  “That doesn’t explain why you’re about to end things before we’re even started.” I fucking hate myself!

  “I don’t know how to keep you safe, Line. I need both you and Ally alive and healthy, when I’m with her I can’t protect you and when I’m with you I can’t protect her. I can’t risk anyone hurting either of you, but I can’t just stop taking care of my daughter. Ally has to take priority, we can’t all live together because Ally needs time to adapt and adjust as well. Besides, if we stop seeing each other, you won’t be able to be used as leverage or bait anymore so it’s the best thing to do.”

  “You’re so full of shit, Aleck. I get that you want to protect your daughter and I never would ask you to put me before her. That’d be really fucking selfish of me if I did. What I don’t understand is why you can’t just be with me and stop fucking worrying about every little thing, yes there is a chance I could be used as leverage against you and the club, but I could also fall down my own stairs and break my neck. You cannot protect me from every little thing. You’re worse than a woman at times. I love you, Aleck but when are you going to get that in that fucking thick skull of yours? You want to protect me by ending whatever this is? Fine, done. It’s over. But let me tell you this. Those notes have absolutely fuck all to do with me and you being together; they fucking started years ago!” she yells at me.

  “Wait what? They started ages ago?” I look at her confused. Well this is new.

  “Too late, Aleck. Goodnight.” She tries to slam the door, but I stop her. “What do you mean they started ages ago? I thought the first one you got was on the first day in school?”

  “Not your problem anymore. Leave.” She shuts the door in my face and I lose it. I start pounding on her door, but she doesn’t answer.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” I hear Ant ask behind me.

  “The notes didn’t start two weeks ago. Apparently they started a while back and now she won’t talk to me.”

  “I wonder why? You’re fucking stupid! I told you not to end it. Hang on, what do you mean the notes started long ago?”

  “I don’t fucking know! She won’t talk to me anymore!”

  “I’ll try to get Ayd to talk to her. Come on.” He motions me to follow him and I do. I need to cool down before heading home back to Ally.

  I might keep fucking everything up… but at least I’m doing something right with Ally.



  I lean back against the door feeling numb and empty.

  I can’t believe I just ended it with Aleck.

  I didn’t want to, but fuck it if he’s not pissing me off! Who does he think he is to trying to dump me because some whacko is set out to intimidate me? I wish I could’ve told him the truth. That would have made things a lot clearer and easier. Maybe he would have understood and we’d still be together…

  I never thought my past would catch up with me. At least not so soon…

  I’ve never done anything wrong, I was just unfortunately in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  Ant is going to be fucking furious with me when he finds out I’ve been getting threatening messages on and off for over four years now. Well, they were just text messages at first. When I changed my phone number they stopped for a while until two weeks ago. I don’t know who is sending them, but I do know the reason why…

  Why did Aleck have to be so fucking stubborn?! I scream in frustration, grab my keys and head to my car, I need to clear my head and a long drive is the best way to do it. Threat or not, I’m not going to let someone stop me from living my life. Whatever the consequences may be.

  I’m not planning on letting Aleck get out of this relationship so easily, but I do need time to process the fact that the some of the notes I’ve received are becoming true. They mentioned making my life a living hell, that what I witnessed would catch up with me and all those I love would pull away. I’m letting it happen, I’m well aware of that, but I won’t let it happen anymore. I’m done playing their mind games.

  I’ve been driving around the city for over an hour now and I haven’t seen anyone following me which is quite unsettling. At least, when I could see them stalking me I knew where they were, but now? I have no idea if they are still watching me, if or when they are going to strike. The unknown is much more terrifying.

  I want nothing more than to go to Aleck, but I just can’t bring myself to go see him now. It’s the third time he’s rejected me now and I don’t know how much more my heart can take. I know it was me that put a stop to it this time, but I just wanted him to realize how it felt to be rejected by the one you love. I hope this isn’t going to come back and bite me in the ass when I do go see him. Only time will tell.


  It’s been a week since I last saw Aleck, we’ve had no contact at all. I asked Ant about him, but he’s been ignoring every Aleck related question and it’s driving me insane. I have no idea what’s going on, but it can’t be good, especially since Ayden hasn’t a clue either. Ally has been in school every day, but Rose has been the one bringing her to school and picking her up. He’s kept up with leaving sweet notes for me in Ally’s lunch box.

  I’ve had enough of all this mystery and avoiding each other, I thought it would help, but I was clearly wrong. Luckily, I know just how to make him lose his mind and bring him to his knees in the best way possible. Could be a huge mistake, but I don’t care at this point.

  It’s time to fight for what I want.

  I take my time to pamper myself and dress in a tight dark grey pencil skirt that hugs my curves in just the right places, a white button down shirt that’s slightly see through, a white lace bra, and black heels. I put on my black framed glasses and style my hair in a messy bun. I smirk at my reflection in the mirror. Hopefully, this will get a reaction out of him and he’ll see what he’s missing.

  I drive to the compound and
park out front. I’ve never really bothered paying attention to the place. From the outside, it looks like a very simple warehouse but the inside is pretty amazing. There’s a lot of open space, a bar, pool table, their chapel, a kitchen and in the back, a couple of bedrooms. They have pretty much all they need.

  I get out of my car taking in a deep breath.

  Here goes nothing.

  I walk inside the compound and straight to Aleck, who’s sitting at the bar looking like he hasn’t shaved in a week, maybe even showered? And he’s totally wasted.

  “Aleck.” I stand in front of him.

  “Wow, Charline, such a surprise after you dumped my sorry ass.” he slurs.

  “God, you reek.” I wriggle my nose. “Besides, you were going to dump me, I just did the both of us a favor.”

  “The all mighty Charline. You’re so fucking perfect you couldn’t stand being with a loser like me now, could you?” He chuckles darkly. “I wanted you, Char. I wanted to be with you and you broke my fucking heart!” he yells.

  “Easy Brother.” Ant holds Aleck back and glares at him.

  “Fuck you, man! Should I really just shut up and not say a word about how she stomped on my fucking heart? She dumped me because she can’t handle the club life and now she’s back here.” I’m starting to feel bad for what I did now. I was just trying to teach him a lesson, not reduce him to a fucking mess.

  “You were going to fucking dump her, don’t put all the blame on her. If you hadn’t been dead set on keeping her away to protect her instead of being close to her to really protect her you wouldn’t be fighting now.”

  “Who’s fucking side are you on?” Aleck slurs getting angrier.

  “I’m on no one’s side, for fuck’s sake. You didn’t fucking give the two of you a fucking chance! She’s been in love with you for years. I have no fucking clue why, but she has, and you kept pushing her away over the years and now that she’s done it to give you a taste of your own fucking shit, you’re blaming it all on her.”

  “I just wanted to keep her fucking safe!” Aleck yells at Ant.

  “You’re such a fucking hypocrite, you know that right? First, you go on about how you don’t want me to be around the club and have that kind of life and use that as an excuse to not be with me, despite the fact that you are raising your daughter while still being a member. Then, that a fucking creep leaves threats wherever I go. I can take care of myself Aleck. I have been ever since it started! I’m not the shy little girl I used to be, you should have noticed that by now. I know what I want, Aleck, and I’ll get it, just you wait and see. I’ll teach you how to love Aleck Sanford. Like it or not.” I smirk and walk away adding sway to my hips before he can say anything.

  “You’re such a fucking moron, go get your woman, asshole!” I hear Gabe yell at Aleck, but I don’t wait to hear his reply or see if he’s following me. I walk to my car, get in and drive home. I have no idea if this changed his mind I don’t care at this point. I said what I wanted to and fuck the rest. I just hope it doesn’t backfire on me.



  I’m sick and tired of fucking up with Charline.

  Fuck me, her outfit was pure torture. That tight skirt was hugging her ass perfectly and her top revealed her lacy bra. My dick was hard in no time. I didn’t know whether to beg for forgiveness or be an ass and push her away some more. Of course, my clouded brain had to pick the latter.

  She’s fucking hot when she goes all bossy on me, but I know I’ve hurt her, yet again. Being drunk didn’t help when she came in. I wanted to follow her, but I was in no shape to do so. Probably for the best, we both needed to calm down so we can talk without being at each other’s throat. She’s right. I am a fucking hypocrite. I don’t want her to be around this type of lifestyle, but I subject Ally to it every day I wear my patch. Her life is pretty perfect though, I didn’t want to mess that up, but then again, I’m a fucking selfish fucker and I need her. I’m going to get my woman if it’s the last thing I do.

  After a couple of hours, I sober up and get on my bike to drive over to her place. It’s been a couple of hours now, I hope she’s calmed down enough agree to talk to me.

  I park in front of her house and see that I don’t even need to ring the bell, she’s opened the door as I was getting off my bike. A good sign, at least she’s open for discussion.

  “What are you doing here Aleck?” Maybe not…

  “I’m a fucking asshole. I’ve hurt you yet again and I’ve hurt myself. I managed to push away the one thing, besides my daughter, that brings a smile to my face. I’ve been a miserable bastard all week, but was too fucking stubborn to admit I was wrong. I don’t deserve you, but I can’t stay away from you anymore”

  “Where have you been this past week then if you can’t stay away from me?” She crosses her arms over her chest.

  “Compound. I didn’t go home at all, I didn’t want Ally to see me like this.”

  “Did you slip back into your old habits?” She looks at me intently.

  “Once, the first night, Ant kicked my ass for it, if it makes it any better.”

  “No, it doesn’t. I didn’t dump you for you to go back to your old ways. I just wanted to show you that you don’t get to make all the decisions. I love you Aleck. I know what you’ve been through. I know you didn’t have the best environment growing up, but fucking hell, give me a chance to prove to you that we can be happy together, that you can be happy. That you shouldn’t run away with your tail between your legs at the first chance you get.”

  I fucking deserved that. “I dealt with it the only way I know how to. I thought I was doing what was best for you, even though it killed me to do so. I know I was wrong bu-”

  “Did you just admit that you were wrong and I was right?” She smirks as she interrupts me.

  “What have you done with my sweet innocent Charline? More importantly will she have me back?” I can’t help but chuckle, despite the serious conversation.

  “She’s still in here somewhere, she’s just pissed at you. Do you really need to ask? Do you think I went to the compound just to tell you off for the sake of it?”

  I take the two steps that were separating us and lean down, brushing my lips over hers. “Will you tell me what happened to you and who is leaving those notes?”

  She sighs. “Come in.” She steps away from the door letting me walk in.

  We settle down on the couch before she begins, “When I was in my second year in college, I went to a Halloween themed party one night. I was walking from my dorm on my own because I had forgotten something on the way to the party, so I told my friends to go on without me. I heard a noise in the alley that separated two dorms. I should have known better than to walk by that alley, it always gave me the creeps. I heard a blood chilling scream which should have made me run away, but no, I walked towards the alley and the noise. What I saw made me feel sick.

  “Three guys were carving into a guy’s chest. I didn’t know what the fuck was going on. I froze, I couldn’t move or say anything. Their victim must have spotted me because he called out to me for help, but this drew his attackers’ attention to me. One of them started to come after me. I tried to run away, but I was wearing heels so couldn’t run very fast. Stupid me didn’t think of taking them off.

  “Just when he was about to catch up with me, a security guard ran over to us. He must have had heard the screams. Just as I was about to shout at him to help, the guy chasing me grabbed me arm and told the security guy I was his girlfriend and that he had scared me as a prank. I had to agree with his story because he had a knife digging into my back. When the guard left the masked man told me that he would come for me if I told anyone what I saw. He let me go after that and went back to the mutilation. I tried to run, but my legs wouldn’t move. When they finally did, I rushed back to my room without looking back and never told a soul.

  “It wasn’t long after that that the threatening texts started. I only began receiving notes when I
had changed my phone number, I have no idea how they got it in the first place. When I moved back here, it stopped all together, until the first day of school and you know the rest.” She shrugs as if she had just told me she’d been shopping with Ayden.

  “What the fuck? First of all, I can’t believe you had to witness that and then have someone breathe down your neck because of it. How in the hell have you been able to do this on your own and never talk about it? You don’t seem phased by it at all.”

  “It’s a messed up situation. I’ve just tried to get on with my life. It was hard in the beginning, I used to have a lot of nightmares, but it got better with time. If they wanted to hurt me they could have, they knew which dorm I lived in, they had my number. I grew confident with time because how would they be able to find me now? Why would they even want to hurt me, they knew I wasn’t a threat. They were wearing masks so I have no idea what they looked like. If it is them, they could have taken me when they left the note on my car, so surely they can’t still want to hurt me, wouldn’t they have done so already?”

  “Besides the accident involving Blades, nothing has happened to you, it makes no sense. Unless Blades was one of the three, but why would he have business so far away?”

  “I don’t know. I can’t remember many details, I was in shock. I only know that they were all in black and had masks.”

  “Have you gotten any more notes this week?” I stroke her hand, reveling in the fact that she’s not pulling away from me.

  “No notes but phone calls yes.” She says as she squeezes my hang. “What happened to Blades anyway?”

  “You don’t want to know.” I look at her intensely and she raises her eyebrow.

  “Yes, I do want to know. I didn’t make myself clear enough when I came to the compound this morning?”

  “Crystal clear, Gorgeous.” I sigh. “I don’t want to put you through it.” I try to wrap my arms around her, but she pushes me away.

  “Don’t.” She gets up and starts pacing the room. “You know, right now I really wish badass biker Aleck could come out and not baby me.”


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