Bowie: The Sinner Saints #5

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Bowie: The Sinner Saints #5 Page 19

by Adrienne Bell

  “What? That I’ll kill any man who wants to hurt you?”

  Charlie shook her head. “No, the part where you tell me you love me.”

  “Oh, sweetheart,” he said, wrapping his arms around her tighter. “Don’t worry. I plan on telling you that every chance I get until the day I die.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Israeli Special Forces?”

  “Not even close.”

  Charlie let out a disappointed groan. She propped her elbows up on her desk, rested her chin in her hands, and did her best to study the smiling man in front of her. Little good it did her. Chances were if she hadn’t guessed it by now, she was never going to.

  Still, she had to try.

  “Danish Royal Guard?”

  “Now you’re just embarrassing yourself.” James gave her a wink. “Perhaps you should just give up.”

  “Sorry, not in my nature.” Charlie shook her head. “Ask Bowie. He can tell you I never quit.”

  “It’s true,” Bowie said from his usual position. He hadn’t taken his eyes off James since the moment he’d entered Macmillan Security. “She sees everything through…no matter how ill advised.”

  Charlie shot Bowie a look.

  “Hey, tenacity pays off,” she said. “After all this time, I finally get to know where you’re traveling on those secret missions of yours.”

  “I still don’t think that’s the best idea,” Bowie grumbled.

  “Take it up with Carter,” she said with a wide smile. “That’s what I did.”

  The three months that had passed since her mother’s kidnapping and Trevor’s death had been some of the most intense in her life. There had been countless interviews with the police, the FBI, even the State Department. Carter had done his best to keep the media off their backs, but it hadn’t been easy. For a while there, it seemed that everyone wanted a piece of their story.

  But now that some time had passed, things were finally beginning to settle down. Work and life had begun to fall back into a regular pattern. One that was better than ever before. Because, no matter what, Charlie knew at the end of the day she always got to go home with the man she loved. And if that wasn’t the definition of heaven then she didn’t know what was.

  Before Charlie could let out a contented sigh at the thought, James cleared his throat.

  “As pleasant as this is, I’m guessing you didn’t ask me here just to witness your banter,” he said.

  “Yeah. Of course not,” Charlie said. She pushed her hair behind her ear and forced herself to focus. “It took a while, and a hell of a lot of hard work, but we finally managed to track down everyone on your list.”

  James’ eyes narrowed. He leaned forward in his chair. “You’re certain?” There was no mistaking his anticipation.

  “Positive,” Charlie said. “Though I’m sorry it took so long to make good on my promise. These guys ended up being very difficult to find. It’s like they were scattered to the ends of the Earth.”

  “You have no idea,” James said, his shoulders visibly relaxing. The tense lines magically disappeared from the corners of his eyes. “Have you been able to make contact yet?”

  “I personally delivered the plane tickets to each one three days ago. They’ll be arriving next Monday,” Bowie said, stepping away from the door. “They’re an interesting group of men.”

  “That’s putting it diplomatically,” James said.

  “They all certainly seemed to have strong opinions about you,” Bowie said, coming to a stop behind James’ chair. “Not all of them good.”

  James’ smile only grew. “I don’t doubt it.”

  “But in the end, they all agreed to come,” Bowie said.

  “Of course they did.” James leaned back in his chair. “What other choice was there?”

  “I don’t know,” Charlie said, arching her brows expectantly. “Why don’t you tell us?”

  “Nice try,” James said, shooting her another devastatingly charming smile. Too bad those didn’t work on her as well as they once had. “But that’s a story for another time.”

  “Oh, that reminds me,” Charlie said, shooting up from her seat. She pulled open her desk drawer and rummaged around for a second before pulling out a light cream envelope. “I have no idea when we might see you again, so I wanted to give this to you now.”

  Charlie did her best to ignore Bowie’s deep frown as she reached across her desk and handed over the invitation. He crossed his arms as James broke the seal.

  “An engagement party?” James asked, his voice filled with humor. “And at your mother’s house? So, I take it she’s still speaking to you.”

  Charlie nodded. She wasn’t going to sugarcoat it. It wasn’t as if saving her mother’s life had magically fixed every problem between them. Somehow it had even managed to create new ones. Like how Charlie’s career choices had been the reason her mom been kidnapped in the first place. Or how her mother now blamed her for Henry and Eloise running away and eloping at City Hall after every news outlet in the city crashed their church ceremony.

  But on the other hand, there was no denying that she and her mom were closer than ever before. Her mother had even hugged her when Charlie had shared the news of her engagement to Bowie. She’d actually broken down and thrown her arms around Charlie…on purpose.

  James looked up at her. “Don’t you kids think you might be moving a little fast? After all, it’s only been a few months since I overheard you whispering sweet nothings to each other in bed.”

  “You didn’t overhear anything,” Bowie growled through gritted teeth. “You broke in and spied from the shadows.”

  “And you are still absolutely no fun,” James shot back.

  Bowie lifted his head and looked Charlie in the eye. “I still say it’s a terrible idea to invite a known thief to our engagement party.”

  “Well, in that case, I have to accept, don’t I?” James said, before turning toward the door. He hesitated for just a moment. For the first time, Charlie would have sworn she saw a glimmer of honesty sparkling in his eyes. “Thank you both. And congratulations. For what it’s worth, I think you’re going to be very happy together.”

  “Thank you,” Charlie said as James walked out.

  Bowie just nodded.

  A moment of comfortable silence filled the room. Bowie slung his arm around Charlie’s shoulder and pulled her close.

  “Do you think he’s right?” she asked, looking into Bowie’s gorgeous dark gaze. “Do you think we’ll get a Happily Ever After?”

  “Sweetheart.” Bowie pressed a gentle kiss against her lips. “I think we already have.”

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  Continue reading for a sneak peek of the first chapter from the first book in the Sinner Saints Series:


  Excerpt from CARTER by Adrienne Bell

  Book 1 in The Sinner Saints Series

  Chapter One

  “Thank you again for taking this assignment on such short notice.”

  “Of course,” Carter Macmillan said as he shook the hand of the grey-templed man before him.
“I was honored to get your call this afternoon, Congressman.”

  “Well,” four-term Congressman Buck Fuller said, “my Communications Director, Lucas, tells me that Macmillan Security is the best executive protection team in Sacramento.”

  Carter inclined his head. He wasn’t one to brag, but he wasn’t about to limit that distinction to their small metropolitan area. The skill and training of his team was nothing short of world-class. And he should know.

  Carter had been their commanding officer for years before entering the private sector.

  “I’m only sorry that we’re here under such tragic circumstances. Please know that you have the deepest condolences of everyone at Macmillan Security.”

  Carter had been watching the reports over the internet about the congressman’s Chief of Staff being killed by a car bomb when the call from the congressman’s office had come in. He understood the man’s fear. There was no way that Carter was about to allow Fuller, his staff, or any of his donors to be put at risk just because the request had come in with short notice.

  “That is appreciated,” Congressman Fuller said, giving Carter a practiced smile. “To tell you the truth, I wasn’t certain that we should proceed with tonight’s fundraiser after the events of the day. But Lucas was adamant that to change the schedule would allow the people who killed poor Harvey to win.”

  “I understand, sir,” Carter said with a nod. “And I assure you that my team will do everything in our power to make sure that the event runs smoothly.”

  “Though you do understand that your team’s position here tonight is purely supplemental?” Lucas Addams asked. “Congressman Fuller’s private security team will be taking the lead. You’re only here tonight as an extra set of eyes.”

  Carter turned to face Fuller’s aide. There was something about the sharp-nosed man he didn’t trust. Something that went beyond the usual duplicitous nature Carter expected from a man who’d made his career in politics.

  “I understand that you hired us to keep the people at this fundraiser safe tonight,” Carter said, meeting Lucas’ direct gaze. “And, I assure you, it’s a job my team and I take very seriously.”

  Lucas’ eyes narrowed slightly. It was obvious that he didn’t like Carter’s answer.

  Too damned bad. He’d been hired to do a job and he intended to do it. Besides, Carter knew none of his men would ever tolerate being second string.

  Congressman Fuller clapped him on the shoulder and gave him another wide, camera-worthy smile, seemingly oblivious to the tension between Carter and his aide. “Then for all our sakes, let’s hope that it turns out to be an uneventful night.”

  “Of course, sir,” Carter said with a nod as the congressman started to walk away.

  It was a nice enough sentiment but, in Carter’s experience, people rarely hired his security firm because they truly believed that life would run smoothly.

  Carter watched Lucas Addams follow a step behind his boss as the congressman started to make his way through the room. He tried not to read too much into the cold feeling of wariness for the man that had taken root in his gut.

  As soon as they disappeared into the fashionable crowd Carter eased his stance, attempting to blend into his surroundings. He leaned his hip against the wall at his side, casually blocking the door behind him. Between Rhys and Jake at the front door, and him at the door that led to the back stairwell, they had all the major entrances and exits covered.

  No one was getting in or out of this building without Carter knowing about it.

  He was just starting to relax when he felt a tickle of awareness along the back of his neck. His gaze snapped to the center of the crowd and, sure enough, he found someone staring at him.

  A very interesting someone.

  Carter tilted his head to the side, studying the lovely stranger standing a good thirty feet in front of him. Her black dress was elegant and understated, the shimmery material cascading all the way down to the floor. Her reddish-brown hair was swept up and back from her face, showing off her full red lips and the cute little dimple in her chin. At first glance, anyone could be forgiven for mistaking her for any of the other high society donors.

  But Carter Macmillan wasn’t just anyone.

  After another second of assessing him, she started walking straight toward him. And with every step she took, Carter became more certain that she wasn’t on the guest list.

  Judging by the angle of her hips and the relaxed motion of her stride, Carter could tell she wasn’t wearing heels. In fact, he was betting if the hem of her dress swung out far enough he’d catch a glimpse of running shoes on her feet.

  Whoever this woman was, she was ready to bolt at a moment’s notice.

  And it wasn’t just her choice of footwear that gave her away. Her gown might fit her well, but it was most certainly purchased off the rack, and some time ago if the slight fraying along the shoulder strap was any indication.

  Then there was her hair. As she closed the distance between them, a dozen or so bobby pins pushed haphazardly into her crown gleamed in the overhead lights. It was obviously a rushed job.

  Carter was just squaring his shoulders, getting ready to demand that she reveal what she was doing there, but the woman beat him to the punch.

  “I will give you fifty dollars to have a drink with me,” she said, tucking herself into the small space between him and the wall.

  Carter blinked. Out of everything in the world, that was the last thing that he expected to come out of her mouth.

  “Excuse me?” he said, cocking his head to the side.

  “Fifty bucks,” she repeated. She glanced nervously over her shoulder and into the crowd. “Just to stand by me for the next couple of minutes and sip on some champagne.”

  “That’s what I thought you said.”

  “So do we have a deal?” she asked, turning her attention back to him.

  Carter found himself staring down into a pair of desperate blue eyes. Desperate, and frightened. He’d looked into the eyes of a lot of killers in his life, enough to be pretty damned sure that he wasn’t staring down at the face of a car bomber right now.

  Not that that changed anything. This woman might not be a threat, but she still wasn’t supposed to be here.

  But Carter didn’t think he was going to find out what was going on by tossing her back out on the street. She was definitely scared of something, and right now he figured the best way of finding out what, was by playing along.

  “As much as I’d love to take you up on that offer, the drinks are complimentary,” he said, playing dumb.

  “Yeah, I know.” She flashed him a tight smile before tilting her chin down, hiding her face from the rest of the crowd. “It’s the company I’m interested in.”

  Carter propped his shoulder against the wall. The move had the dual purpose of granting her more cover as well as keeping her within arm’s reach.

  “And why’s that?” he asked.

  She didn’t lift her head, only her eyes moved to meet his gaze. “Because I’ve got two of the scariest-looking security guards you’ve ever seen on my tail. One is massive and the other one looks like he could freeze water just by looking at it.”

  Carter fought back the smile that pulled at his lips. He recognized those descriptions well. His two men at the front door, Jake Thorne and Rhys Vaughn. Her assessment of the pair was dead on.

  What was hard to believe was that she’d managed to slip past the pair. It wasn’t an easy feat.

  “All right,” Carter said, nodding slowly. “There’s only one problem. We don’t have any drinks.”

  As if on cue, she pivoted on her heel and snatched a couple of glasses from a passing waiter.

  “Easily solved,” she said, handing him his glass.

  Carter spun the stem of the champagne flute between his fingers, but didn’t take a sip. “So, I take it you aren’t supposed to be here.”

  “Nope,” she said before taking a giant swig of the bubbly. Whatever it was she w
as planning, it appeared her courage needed a boost. Her eyes widened in surprise, as though she wasn’t used to tasting the good stuff. “I wasn’t exactly on the guest list.”

  “So why come to me for help?”

  “Lots of reasons,” she said, looking him up and down in open assessment. “You’re alone, but you don’t look like you’re waiting for someone. You aren’t already drinking, so chances are you would be sober and wouldn’t immediately get all handsy when I propositioned you.”

  “Thank you…I think.”

  “But most of all, you have a look about you.”

  “A look?” Carter cocked a brow.

  “You know,” she said, tracing his silhouette with a wave of her hand. “Authority. The way you’re dressed, the way you hold yourself, you obviously have a lot of power, but you don’t need to flaunt it. You don’t seem like the kind of man people mess with.”

  “People like security guards?”

  “Exactly,” she said, with a tip of her glass.

  “But it appears I’m not totally unapproachable,” he said, leaning in a little closer. “Especially not by party crashers.”

  A slight blush rose on her cheeks as she gave him a self-conscious half smile. “I promise, I won’t keep you for long. Five minutes, tops.”

  “What a shame,” he said.

  For a brief moment, a twinkle of amusement sparkled in her eyes. A second later she shook it off, and the look of apprehension rushed right back.

  “Think of it this way,” she said. “You’ll have one hell of a story to tell in the boardroom come Monday morning.”

  A smile curled the corner of Carter’s lip. So, that was how she read him—a high-powered CEO. Well, she wasn’t technically wrong. Not that he was about to fill in the details for her. Not yet, anyway.

  “And you?” he asked. “Is this just another day at the office?”

  For the first time, she hesitated. Her face paled, as if his words had shaken her out of the pleasant flirting they’d been engaged in and back to the real reason she was here. “I know it’s hard to believe, but this isn’t how I usually spend my Friday nights.”


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