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XXX Underground Playgrounds: La La's Story

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by Ms. Pantha Jones

  This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living, or dead, or to real locals are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places and incidents is entirely coincidental.

  TakeOver Publishing LLC

  Gary, Indiana


  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced to any form or by any means without prior consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.


  Copyright ©2016 TakeOver Publishing LLC

  Copyright ©2016 Ms. Pantha Jones

  Cover Artist LRB


  Dedicated to The

  lost ones




  MY daughters’ Brother KasREEYAL hester


  The Underground Playground


  The atmosphere dominated the mood of the parking garage; one particular car was sensually placed in the domain of what was to be the grand opening of The Underground Playground, the beginning of a sexual escapade all centered on an expensive man toy.

  Envy wanted the local ballers to be their first tryout, which is where China and Tara came in. The two money starving divas were natives of Indianapolis and she was pretty sure they knew who could afford to play in the Underground playground. The key to The U.P. was going to be a text message sent to your phone.

  The men all arrived, Jah watched as several street hustlers ventured in, he looked down at his Armani suit and laughed, he was too overdressed for this riff raff. Baggy jeans, White T’s, Timberlines or Gym Shoes and over exaggerated Bling. Some had sense enough to wear button downs and some had a little style about them. He looked on as he watched them pull out knots of money, as they went to the bar to purchase drinks.

  “Well, at least, these nigga’s got money.” He thought to himself. He shook his head, but once he took over - depending on the success- he was going to have to upgrade on the Clientele. These were the type to run their mouths about what went on behind closed doors. They were the type to want to brag on the experience. Nothing is wrong with the word of mouth on the low, but these were the ones who would have a round table discussion on this event. It was a good thing that he came up with the idea to switch up on locations and make it invite only. This could go wrong before he could get his money back from Envy. One thing for sure he was going to have to involve his own team, a team of people who would bring in their own touches and their own Elite Clientele to the table.

  He had to give it to Envy this idea of hers was not surprisingly ingenious, of course because it’s a way for her to save her ass and get some money also. By the looks of it, this would seem to be a very lucrative business idea.

  The moment the water sprayed from the three sprinklers “I love them strippers by 2Chainz” came through the speakers, the strobe lights flashed off and on, illuminating the three girls on top of the car. All three girls were dressed in white cut off wife beaters, white cotton bootie shorts with gold bikinis underneath.

  It was not anything these niggas haven’t seen before at a strip club, the only thing that made it unique was the secret location and the car. The whole thing was mediocre but these were some mediocre niggas, with mediocre money.

  “It was okay! Jah said nonchalantly, after the show was over.

  Envy, put one eyebrow up as she counted money, “Nigga, you are tripping, do you see how much money I am counting over here. The door made 10,000, not adding the up the bar or money those niggas were throwing at the girls. You have to give me some props.” Envy boasted.

  Jah snatched the money out her hand, gathered the rest of it off the table and placed it in his briefcase, you got 20 more stacks to go.” He threw back as he walked out.

  “Fuck that nigga Bone, she said to herself as she pulled out her stash she picked up off the stage, shit it wasn’t 10g’s but it will do for now, besides she had other shit to do and that other shit involved a 5 million dollar contract. Envy went to go meet up with Don’s fine ass.

  Jah Mabone followed Envy the next day ending up at the football player’s crib. He watched what was going on in amusement until Doll pull out that gun. Nobody was going to ruin him getting to the bottom of how his sweet Jazzy got into Doll’s and Envy’s bullshit.


  Doll had been off her meds for at least two days; the amount of X pills that Envy left behind was enough to take her mind to a different place. She didn’t know how she made it to his house in one piece, but she did. She was running off genuine anger, she was on the verge of insanity. She couldn’t remember how she got the fish guts but she made sure she put it to good use. Doll saw a stash of weed, she never rolled a blunt in her life but you had better believe she made it smokeable. She looked around for something to drink she didn’t want to drink just anything she wanted to drink his expensive shit. She grabbed a bottle of Van Gogh; she knew that Gin was damn near 500 a bottle.

  Doll wanted to hear DMX, the darkness that overtook her needed theme music and X was the choice for the soundtrack. She inflicted havoc on Don’s house, and she wasn’t done yet. She grew madder by the minute when it appeared he hadn’t been at home for a while. She couldn’t believe this shit, he asked her to marry him, he cheated again and now he wants to disappear.

  Her father voice invaded her mind; she did everything to get him out. She couldn’t listen to him; he was the reason why she was like she was. He made her take her mother’s medication for her schizophrenia and the Ambien. To this day, she has no idea why he made her take it. If she would have asked she would have known her father was making her take it out of guilt, in the hopes she wouldn’t remember what was going on in her life before her mother. For several nights, Doll had nightmares and her father just wanted her to shut up. He wanted her to disappear when she was in the house, so he started medicating her.

  She didn’t start hearing voices and doing crazy shit until after that. Throwing bottles and cursing the voice out only cease it momentarily. She wished she could hear her mother’s voice instead. Her father never liked her best friend and he seemed to never have liked his own daughter either, so why would she believe him when he said Envy was no good.

  Not once did Doll think of Envy and her part in the scheme of things. To Doll, Envy was the closest thing she had to family, she knew her past but she never once threw it in her face. Envy was always looking out for her with the girls at school to schooling her on her cheating ass men. She taught her how to dress well. Well she tried to but Doll couldn’t see herself in the clothes Envy wore. She couldn’t see herself hanging out with the people she hung out with or doing the things she did. Doll thought it was because she was inadequate to Envy but in reality, she just had more self-respect than Envy did. A car driving up stopped her reminiscing and she looked out the window


  Envy was smiling from ear to ear as she stepped out of the car with Donovan. Ms. Goody Goody gave up her man with her dumb ass. Shit, fuck that she gave up a life of luxury without getting hard evidence that he actually did cheat. MMMph, always looking down on my clothes and shit, as if she were better than I was. Went off to college and got uppity and shit like she didn’t come from where I’m from. Let me quit I’m ruining this victorious moment; she smiled to herself as she hummed The Baddest Bitch by Trina.

  Donavan knew he would have to hold all he knew and felt about this bitch in. He had the camera already set up in the basement, this bitch was going to get him his girl back and the rape charges won
’t even come to fruition after this.

  He opened the door and it smelt a little funky, but he thought that maybe it was the garbage he hasn’t been home since yesterday. He didn’t cut on any lights he went directly to his basement, made for entertaining.


  After she saw them pull up, Doll ran to the basement to hide in the wine cellar. She had something for both of their asses. She reasoned with herself into believing that maybe Envy came over there to give him a piece of her mind. She’d wait until Envy left to finish Don off, but her father was in her mind telling her to kill them both and then do herself. She thought he was wrong until she heard Envy say

  “So you found out hunh. Weak bitch, I mean we used to be friends and shit before she went off to college. She always thought she was too good for hood shit, on the low always trying to call me out. She wasn’t no true friend, I put up with the bitch because she used to let me control her life. And evidently she still will.” she laughed.

  “Damn so you just played a brother just because. Right?”

  “Man, that shit wasn’t my idea. The only reason I agreed to it was because I felt sorry for you. I mean here you are giving this girl the world and your last name. And she doesn't even trust you, on top of that she do some scandalous shit like this. Shiiit, I knew I deserved everything she was trying to give up. And once I saw your picture, I wanted you for myself. I figured I could treat you better than she can. She gulped down her fifth drink and the pills were kicking in.

  “See this is what I don’t get, I can’t remember shit but bringing yall to the house, I remember the living room incident but then after that it’s blank. Now, I remember kicking you out and everybody else. But, shit that is it. So since we keeping it real and shit, tell me what went down that night.”

  “Okay, don’t get mad but I put two x pills in your drink. Look, I did it for your sake; you weren’t even trying to rub up against a bitch. You were faithful to the wrong bitch. And I knew if we didn’t do anything that she would marry someone she didn’t deserve.”


  A crash and Doll coming towards Envy with fury in her eyes stopped his sentence. “Baby, What- He couldn’t get it out. Envy reacted too late her back was to Doll, she wrapped an extension cord around Envy’s neck. She tried to struggle as she kicked and clawed as Doll pulled her to the middle of the floor.

  Doll had one hand on the nine and the other wrapped around the cord that was strangling Envy, her strength had doubled but she didn’t realize it. Don did, he knew she was off her meds, so he couldn’t just go to her and pull her off Envy. Besides, he rather thought the bitch deserved it. Envy maliciously tried to destroy their lives all because she envied the way life had turned out for Doll. But, what she didn’t know was Doll suffered from a real mental illness that was trigged by depression. Her mind wasn’t rational the goody goody that Envy once knew was gone and now this was her alter ego. Her mind was engulfed with voices and all of them chanted "Kill Her!"

  Doll wouldn’t let go Oh, she wouldn’t let go until she breathed her last breath. “YOU JEALOUS ASS HO, “she yelled! As she stopped pulling her by her neck with cord and she started beating her with the butt of the gun.

  Her father was laughing, hysterically now, "Told you, you were crazy. I told you, you’re just like your mother. You should have gotten rid of the bitch a long time ago. You about to go to jail, you about to go to jailllll.” Her father sung.

  “SHUT THE FUCK UP, she yelled as she waved the gun in the direction that the voice was coming at. She was too busy trying to get a pin on her father’s voice to shoot him for the last time. She let go of the cord.

  At first not able to catch her breath Envy quickly knocked the gun out of her hand it flew across the floor, both women went for it, fighting each other along the way. Wasn’t shit Don could do, he knew the doctors said not to confront her when she was like this. If he did, he knew she would more likely harm herself and him. It was better this bitch than him. What was he supposed to do hold her at gunpoint and tell her to get those crazy motherfuckers out her head? Doll reached the gun first and cocked it; she pointed it dead at Envy.

  “Baby, put that shit down. She’s not worth it. It’s one thing to beat the fuck out of her but kill her hell no. I can’t let you go to jail for some scandalous ass HO.” He slowly walked in her direction out of the aim of the gun.

  Doll trembled with hate.

  Envy trembled with fear. If she had known this bitch was really crazy, she would have never tried some shit like this. Here she envied her life, all the things Doll accomplished, and she was dealing with some Girl Interrupted, shit. She was about to die and Why? Because she wanted the life Doll had...

  Doll had tears coming down her face in anger, trembling with hate

  Envy had tears coming down her face in fear, trembling with regrets.

  Don slowly crept closer; Doll’s father’s voice crept even closer and closer

  “Shoot the Bitch! Shoot the Bitch! Pop goes the motherfucking weasel!”

  “Baby, put it down.”

  “Shoot the Bitch; Shoot the Bitch, haha. Kill her!”

  I’ll never say you’re like your mother again if you just shoot the bitch. Let me see if you got it in you.” Don was almost there.

  Her father was already there; his voice was coming from where Envy was standing.


  “I SAID JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP, she screamed as she shot in the direction of her father’s voice. Her shot was off as the figure behind her came out of the shadows; the bullet hit the screen of the T.V.

  As Jah pushed Doll to the side he charged at Don quickly before anyone knew what was transpiring, he knocked him over the head with the butt of his gun. Don fell face first onto the glass table, he was out cold.

  Jah pointed his gun at Doll, Envy sighed in relief as if Jah came to her rescue. She never once questioned why he was there, her mind was occupied with the fact that this bitch was about to kill her. Something she never knew Doll had the balls to do.

  “Alright, Ladies and I use that term loosely, this cat fight is now over. Both of you out to the backyard,” he said waving his gun at them both.

  Doll recognized him from somewhere but at the moment, the murder that was still on her mind stopped her mental from forming that visual. He leads them to the car, Envy was a little at ease then Doll was. Of course Jah wouldn’t do anything to her, shit she was his business partner in the weeks that she had come up with the company plan, and she has paid him back tenfold. The girls and Envy were making him a great deal of money with The Underground Playgrounds. He also was making bigger moves with his investment banking due to the elite clientele they were entertaining during their events.

  Jah watched Doll with intensity, a longing; she was the most mature version of his dead girlfriend Jazzy. He wanted to get to the bottom of what happened that night. He knew because he couldn’t reach the hit men in time was the reason that her life was taken. However, it didn’t take away from the fact that, it was because of these two that it went down, he thought they had Jazzy caught up in some shit she didn’t want to be in.

  “Drive,” he told Envy! He threw Doll into the passenger seat as he sat in the back with his gun strategically pointed at them both.

  Envy was smiling inside as she mugged Doll out of the corner of her eye. In her head, she thought Doll must be sitting over there scared shitless just like she had her in that damn basement. To her astonishment, Doll was looking at her head on, with murder still in her eyes. Envy swallowed hard and converted her eyes back on the road as Jah gave directions.

  Jah was amused, Doll wasn’t a punk, regardless of who she thought he was, rather or not if he were in cahoots with Envy or not. She still showed her disguise for Envy. Her
eyes still had that killer look in them ready for any opportunity to yank her esophagus out of her throat. He saw the fear in Envy’s eyes; she wasn’t as tough as she thought she was. He heard the shit she was throwing out there when she was downing Doll, playing her as a weak bitch. He realized Doll was nothing like that which made him want her more. He wanted her but nothing would ever make him forget what she had done to his girlfriend.

  “Pull over here,” he navigates Envy on the road to the deserted playground as if she were in on whatever he had planned. In Envy’s head, she was his conspirator, she knew she made him too much money for him to even harm one hair on her head. Besides, why would he come to her rescue just to kill her?

  Jah had this place set up for this reason alone, “Grab her,” Jah told Envy as he got out the car with his gun pointed at both of them. Gladly to do his bidding she grabbed hold of Doll. Doll looked at Envy’s hand as she tried to grab her arm, “You can fucking touch me if you want, she spat at her as she bumped past her to walk on her own.

  Envy swallowed hard but quickly gained her composure in her moment of uncertainty. Doll was more woman than she thought and the way she acted at the house she didn’t know if the bitch would attack her and bite her fucking ear off. Regardless of the gun on her Envy had a feeling it wasn’t over between them. But hopefully, Jah wouldn’t let anything happen to her.

  As they entered both women were grabbed by Jah’s henchmen and roughly handcuffed to the two stripper poles that were placed in the middle of the warehouse. “What the fuck is this Jah?” Envy hollered out in pain.

  Jah waved his index finger in the no-no fashion as he spoke calmly, “I don’t need you to speak. I don’t want you to speak. What you two are going to do now is listen to this story and answer some questions.” Jah grabbed a chair and lit up his Newport. His henchmen stood on command with their guns pointed both at Envy and Doll. “You know what, why prolong it?” He said dumping his ashes onto the ground.


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