Damaged Love (Bound Series Book 2)

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Damaged Love (Bound Series Book 2) Page 2

by Layla Stevens

  “No babe, I promise when it’s time to make you mine, I will do it the correct way. It will blow your mind, so don’t fret,” I whisper in her ear.

  “Yeah, I am not even on the page of talking marriage babe.”

  “Yes Kayla, I know you’re not ready for marriage but I hope one day I can change your mind.”

  “One day, but give me time. “

  “Kayla, I will give you as much time as you need. Don’t you know I love you, and I'm not ever letting you go again? Now that I have you, it’s forever.”

  Just then the door swings open and a tearful Violet comes running to my bed side.

  “You bitch, you scared the shit out of me! First, you save my life and then you don't wake up. I'm so proud of you and how you took both those assholes down. Kay, you are the strongest woman I know.” VI says all at once.

  I look into her eyes and see she is still healing from the beating she took from the fucking Stanton twins.

  “VI, I'm so sorry they involved you just to get to me. I’m sorry for everything they did to you.” I turn to both VI and Garrett, “This is why I left so none of this would happen. I come home, and what happens? My two best friends are hurt and the only man I ever loved is a wreck because of me,” I say and tears start to fall down my face.

  Before they can say anything I go on, “Elijah is going to be out for blood since I killed his twin and tried to kill him.”

  I can't stop the tears now. VI takes one hand and Garrett comes to sit by me on the bed, wrapping me in his arms.

  “That scumbag will not hurt you again baby,” Garrett says

  VI adds, “I'll kill him if he ever comes near you again.”

  I know they believe what they are saying, but they do not know the real evil he is.

  The rest of the night I am restless. I lay in Garrett arms and have nightmares throughout the night.

  The next morning Patrice comes in with Officer Jernigan, who asks if he can take my statement of the events and what led up to it.

  “I have nothing to hide anymore Officer Jernigan.”

  “Okay, let's begin,” he opens his little notepad and clicks his pen.

  “I know these were your adopted brothers, so do you want to tell me why you suspect they were targeting you at Club Fuchsia and then going as far as kidnapping your best friend to draw you out?”

  “It started when I was a kid. I was physically, emotionally, and mentally abused. I was raped by both of them over and over throughout several years. And then they threatened to get rid of all of those I love. They even said they’d find my birth mother and kill her too. They took VI knowing I would do whatever they wanted to get her back safe and sound. Little did they expect I was ready to fight back for the first time in my life and not submit to their demands.”

  He motions with his hand for me to go on, so I tell him, “I worked on distracting them long enough to get the gun, and I turned and shot both of them. But I was afraid VI was going to die from the beating and tazing she took.”

  His questions seemed to go on for hours when in actuality they lasted 45 minutes. By the end I was in tears and told him, “I fear for my life and the lives of those that I love. And once Elijah wakes up, he will be out for blood and will seek revenge for his brother's death. He will think that his brother’s death was on my hands. Which I guess it was, but if you want me to say I am sorry Officer Jernigan, I won’t say it. “

  Officer Jernigan stands from his chair and tells me, “As far as I’m concerned, this was a case of self-defense and no charges will be filed.” he turns to Patrice, “I will pick you up after my shift for dinner.” He kisses her forehead and turns to walk out of the room, but before he gets out the door he turns to me and says, “Kayla, I will have one of my best men stand guard outside this door until you are released. Then I’ll put your home on the patrol unit’s route to be passed by every few hours, as well as your friends homes.”

  The next two days in the hospital drag by before I am finally released to go home. I am getting tired of being poked with freaking needles.

  “I told the nurse if she came at me one more time for blood I was going to stab her in the eye with her own damn needle.” Of course that got a round of laughter from all who were in here. But I am done, I am ready to go.

  “Garrett, please go ask the doctor when I can leave. I am going crazy in here.”

  “Okay love, I will go ask but you can’t be threatening everyone. They are doing their job.”

  “Shut it Winters. I don’t want to hear it. I am ready to go. If it were you here, you would be saying the same thing.”

  “Possibly love, but just let them do their job without giving them too much grief.”

  “I can’t promise that. I’m sorry I’m being irritable but I know he is here in this hospital and there are only a few floors that are separating me from him. As much as I want to have faith in the Seattle Police Department, they have not always done their jobs before.

  “Yes that may be true, but you need to heal and remember Elijah is still in a coma.”

  “I understand that, but I want to go home and soak in my tub. I want a glass of red wine and I want to just relax. You can’t relax in here. There is always something beeping and people constantly checking on you.”

  “You will be home soon babe and then you and I can soak in the tub together.”

  “Hey, I never said I wanted you in there with me.”

  He grabs his heart like I hurt him, and says “Babe, I am sorry but you will no longer be out of site, so suck it buttercup, you are stuck like chuck.”

  “Ugh, you asshole! You and your brother know I hate being called that!” While rubbing his arm where I gave him a love tap he says “I thought this place was supposed to be a sterile environment? And yes, we know you hate being called that, but seeing how you are basically on bed rest there is nothing you can do about it.”

  “Oh you just wait, I know how to shut you up...I can just say no.”

  “Say no to what?” He looks over at me

  I smirk, and say, “You are not getting laid for a month of Sundays!”

  “Oh Shit, I will be good, I swear.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Blow it out your ass.”

  I look at the door, and my nurse is smiling and holding papers in her hand.

  “Kayla, I have your discharge papers.”

  I squeal, and almost jump out of the bed.

  “Easy there killer, there are some rules you need to know about.”

  Damn rules, “Okay, lay them on me.”

  “First, you are getting out of here because we were told you have someone to take care of you around the clock. Is this true?”

  “Yes” I hear in unison from the rat pack—Patrice, Wyatt, Garrett. Rodney shakes his head.

  “Well I guess they have spoken for me, so that rule is taken care of. What is next?”

  “Second, you are basically on bed rest. No work, no walking around, and no stress.”

  “Bed rest, really? I feel fine. Why do I need to be on bed rest?”

  “Well, I can throw these papers away missy, and you can stay here for the next couple of weeks.”

  “No, no, no! Bed rest it is,” I practically scream at her.

  “That’s what I thought. Next, if you have any headaches at all, you are to call your doctor. Is that understood?”

  “Yes ma’am,” I give her a salute.

  “I can’t stress this enough. No stress Kayla. If you stress, it could cause all kinds of problems for your health. So I just need a signature from you, and then I will take out your IV, and you can be on your way.”

  “Okay, I will do what you say, I swear, I have been in here long enough and no offense you all are a kick ass staff, but I want my kind sized bed and my seven head shower.”

  “No offense taken dear. We understand and want you to be able to stay home. That is why the rules of discharge are so important for you to follow.”

  “We all will make sure she does what she is su
pposed to do,” says Patrice.

  “So Kayla, now that I have gone over everything, do you have any questions for me?” the nurse asks.

  “No, not that I can think of. I am sure my family here can answer everything for me since they were the ones who were awake when the doctors were talking to me in the beginning. I take that back, I do have one little question?”

  “Sure doll, what is it?”

  “I’m freaking starving! Can I eat normal food?”

  “Ha ha, yes just take it easy. Your throat will be sore for a while because of all the tubes and stuff we had down your throat, but it should be okay within a few days.”

  “Oh thank god, because I am craving Ivar’s.”

  “That is a good place; just take it easy and you should be fine.”

  “Thank you so much. I am sorry, but I never even asked your name.”

  “My name is Kerrigan.”

  “Oh wow! What a beautiful name. Well I would say that it has been nice knowing you, but to be honest I hope I never see you again. And I mean that with no disrespect.”

  “Yeah, I know what you mean. None taken. Again, please take care of yourself.”

  “I will, I promise. Patrice, will you please help me get dressed? And the rest of you, can you wait outside please?”

  “Yes Kayla I will,” she says, ushering the rest of my dysfunctional family out of the room.

  “Thank you for staying Dr. Doyle. I am sure you have other patients.”

  “Kayla dear, I told you from day one that I would always be here for you. And I have a staff of people who can work for me at any time.”

  “I just want you to know that it means the world that you are here. You know that I have longed for my birth mother, and well, you are the closest thing I have to a mother.”

  “Oh Kayla honey, you just made my day because I think of you like a daughter as well.”

  I get up and hug her neck and I see a tear roll down her cheek.

  “Hey Patrice, can I ask you something?”

  “Sure, you know you can ask me anything.”

  “The other day when Millie was in here, she said we all have secretes. What did she mean when she said that?

  “Oh, it was nothing worth talking about. One day I will tell you all about me, but let’s get you better first?”

  “Okay, but you know I will not forget about this.”

  “Yes Kayla, I know this all too well. I promise one day, when I know there will be no interruptions, I will tell you but not right now. Let’s get you dressed so that you can go home and relax. You may as well accept it because that’s all you will be doing.”

  “Yeah, please don’t remind me. Before I get too relaxed, I need to call and check in with my job. Hell, I don’t even know if I still have a job. I hope so because my medical bills are going to be off the charts.”

  “Your work will be there in a couple of weeks dear. You are going to do what the doctor said. You are going to relax and nothing else, do you understand me?”

  “Geez, I got it drill sergeant,” I smile at her, grab my bags of stuff, and open the door. When I look down, I see my chariot—the wheelchair they make you ride in when being discharged.

  I look over at Garrett, and he smiles at me before saying, “Get in my lady, and I will be your escort for the ride down.”

  Something about that man gives me goose bumps in my lady parts. Damn I can’t wait to get home so I can do some naughty things to him.


  Finally Home

  “Don’t be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams.”

  ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

  I’m finally going home. Garrett is driving me, and I am gazing out the window wondering what Elijah is going to try to do next. I’m startled when I feel a hand squeeze mine as a tear falls from my eye.

  “Kayla? Baby, please don't cry. I can handle anyone else crying, but you I can’t. Let’s wipe those tears and get you safely inside your house.” Garrett says, kissing the back of my hand as he pulls into my driveway.

  “If only you knew the fear I keep bottled within. I keep it from you and the others in order to protect you. Babe, if you only knew the pure hell they put me through. You know everything I went through because I have shared everything with you, but you can’t experience the feelings. Knowing is not the same as reliving every minute of every day of torture. If you could experience those feelings—my feelings, then you might understand how afraid I am.”

  I’m scared shitless for me and for my little family. No, we aren’t a blood family, but these misfits are the only family I have, and I’ll be damned if I let some trifling, Twatwaffle destroy what little bit of happiness I have.

  A few seconds later, he is coming around the truck and lifting me out. Instead of placing me on the ground, he carries me into my home and manages to disarm both security systems I have in place. At last, he sets me down on the sofa and asks me what I would like for dinner.

  I tell him Chinese, and he has it delivered, but while we are waiting the 50 minutes for delivery, he runs a hot bath for me to soak in and wash away the grime from the hospital stay and the events that led up to it. While I'm soaking, I have music playing softly in the background, and I’m trying my best to keep my mind off of anything to do with Elijah and what he might do if he gets his hands on me again. The worst thing I’m trying to avoid is what I am going to have to do to keep my loved ones safe. When I come out of the bathroom wrapped in a pink towel and my hair pulled up and wrapped in another pink towel. I dry off and soon I’m in my comfortable clothes; an over-sized shirt, some boxer briefs, and yoga pants.

  I go downstairs to find Garrett has the table set. The food is served and there are even candles lit in the center of the table. His chair is next to mine so we can have a romantic dinner, and the sweetest song is playing in the background. I could not even tell you what song it was because it was just an instrumental version.

  Garrett walks over and takes my hand, kissing my cheek and then my lips. He tells me I look beautiful. I watch as he walks to the table, pulling me behind him. He pulls out my chair and allows me to sit before taking a seat himself. A true gentleman. How lucky am I?

  We make small talk as we eat, and every once in a while he’ll feed me a bite of his food.

  “Babe, why are you not eating?” he asks as he moves closer to me and kisses me on the cheek.

  “I’m sorry. It’s hard to eat when I know either Millie or Elijah will try and do something. I know you think I’m crazy, but the look in her eyes when she found out that Edwin died was pure hatred. I always knew she was not my biggest supporter, and I think her telling me all the shit she did that day was just to make her look good. I know there will be major problems. She is not going to let this go. According to her, I killed her son. Yes, I guess you could say that I did, but I was tired of him hurting me and the people close to me. I will never forgive myself for them hurting VI, and I could kick her ass for going there in the first place. Is she fucking insane?”

  “Okay, let’s deal with one thing at a time. First of all, you are safe. You are here at home, and there is safety in numbers. Second, VI is a grown woman, and you know as well as I do that there is no stopping her once she has her mind made up. And third, I would have done the same thing as her. She beat me to it. So if she is insane, I will be right there rocking in my straight jacket beside her. Come on babe...that was supposed to be a joke. You know, ha-ha, funny.”

  “I just don’t see the humor in all of this. Wyatt was hurt, VI was almost raped, and you are over here cracking fucking jokes. It is not comedy hour at the Apollo Garrett. This is real fucking life. They are not sitting back and laying low. I will swear on my life that Millie is planning something. I can feel it.”

  “Okay, so say you’re right babe. What are you going to do about it?”

  “I won’t tell you my plans Garrett because I don’t want Officer Jernigan to get you with accessory to any of my possible crimes.

I will not let you go half-cocked to deal with the crazies on your own. So I expect you to be honest with me. Kayla, I love you and I want to protect you, but I can’t do that if you won’t let me in on your plans. I am not some weak man, so please don’t treat me as one. I know you are thinking, I can see the wheels turning in your beautiful head, but I know I am not going to get any answers right now but I am telling you I will not drop this.”

  “Okay. Garrett let’s clean up and then watch a movie.”

  After we cleared our plates, we laid on the sofa together. I lay in his arms and finally feel myself begin to relax. I lift my head off of Garrett’s chest and kiss him softly, slowly, and seductively.

  Garrett kisses me back with the same passion I am giving him, and he brings his arms around my body a little tighter. I lean up and grasp his face, and as I deepen the kiss, I am wanting more.

  I want to feel him inside of me. No, I need to feel him inside of me. I whisper, “Make love to me.”

  He smiles and says “Baby, you don't know how long I've waited for you to say those words to me. I thought I lost you, and when I got you back in the hospital, the only thing I wanted was for you to wake up so I can make sweet, passionate love to the only woman I have ever loved and will ever love.”

  I am now sitting up and I am undressing him when he tells me to take it slow.

  I roll us over, and he nudges my legs open and lays between them. He kisses my lips and moves to nibble along my jaw. Following the contours, he finds my earlobe and sucks gently. Never remaining in one place too long, he trails kisses down my neck and across my throat until he reaches my T-shirt.

  He rips the shirt over my head and finds I’m not wearing a bra. His lips roam across my collarbone and then to my taut nipple. He plays with it a split second before taking it into his mouth. He sucks and flicks it with his tongue.

  Garrett tortures me with his mouth while his thumb and forefinger are on the other nipple.

  I am craving more and I have a tingling in my core. Garrett’s hands glide down my body, pulls off my yoga pants and boxers as his lips trail down my body, stopping to kiss in between my hipbones.


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