Damaged Love (Bound Series Book 2)

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Damaged Love (Bound Series Book 2) Page 11

by Layla Stevens

  “I don’t want the future to be ruined because of my past. Can you accept my flaws? I’m not perfect. I’m positive I’ll fuck up more times than not but I will always stay on track as long as you believe in me.”

  “Kayla, I love you no matter what. One day I will marry you and then we are going to have beautiful babies together. I would ask you now, but I don’t have a ring.”

  “Garrett, thank you for believing in me and remember I want a pink diamond when you ask.”

  He starts laughing.

  “Can we get out of here for a little while? We can take a drive and see where we end up. I want away from all this fucked up shit.”

  A few minutes later, we leave in his truck and drive without saying a word for the longest time. He finally breaks the comfortable, peaceful silence.

  “Hey Kay, that amazing band call Last Moment is performing at Club Fuchsia. I know you love their lead singer. Would you like to go?”

  “Yes, I would absolutely love to go. I kind of have a mad crush on Alex the lead singer. She is a bad ass rocker chick. I know they made a brief appearance here last month just to check on the venue. I would love to actually listen to them sing. I am not really dressed to go out though.” I am in jeans and sweater and thigh high boots.

  “Kay, you could wear a wool sack and you would still be stunning.”

  “Aww, I know you are just trying to make me smile, but its sweet.”

  “Wyatt and VI are meeting us there. Is that okay?”

  “Duh, I can’t enjoy this without my number one Bitch.”

  “You really love her don’t you?”

  I look over at him and grab his hand, “Yes, I love her. She’s part of my heart, the same as you and Wyatt.”

  I look out the window and see all the homes decorated for Christmas. I can’t wait to get the house decorated.

  “Garrett, I bought a Christmas tree today, and it’ll be delivered tomorrow. Will you help me decorate it? I want to make this Christmas huge.”

  “I will help you with anything babe. All you have to do is ask.”

  Before long we are at the club, and the beat of the music is hypnotizing. I watch the people dance close to each other. There are people grinding on each other then there are those couples who act like no one else is around.

  “Wyatt is doing well with this club.” Garrett says.

  “Yeah, he is. It was a much needed staple here in Seattle. Did he tell you he is thinking of doing a teen night on Wednesdays?”

  “No he didn’t but I think that would be a great thing to do. He would stay busy, and they need some place to hang out.”

  VI and Wyatt meet us and we party the night away. Toward the end of the night, I finally hear some good news. VI and Wyatt announce they are officially a couple, and they want to see where things can lead between them. Neither liked the idea of the other seeing someone else, so they made it Facebook official.

  I laugh at this because I had given her shit about it just the other day. I have known they need it to just become exclusive. I can see the love they have for each other. It’s about damn time they saw it and admitted it so they can see if they’re meant to be—just like Garrett and I are meant to be. I mean, look at what we’ve been through, and we’ve made it work.

  I raise my glass and make a toast, “It’s about damn time you two finally saw what the world has seen for the last few months.”

  After, we all hit the dance floor and let loose, but before long I get an eerie feeling that something is off and something is going to happen, but I have no fucking clue what it could possibly be.

  VI and I are on the dance floor while our men have a drink. We dance our asses off to the club-mix before Last Moment takes the stage.

  I look over and see a woman walking toward Garrett. He tenses up.

  I grab VI and tell her we have to get to the bar. She looks over and sees Reagan. The club is pretty packed, and the dance floor is where most seem to want to be. So we make our way over to the bar only to hear Garrett.

  “You need to stay the fuck away from her. We’re together now, and you have to fucking accept that and stay the fuck away.”

  I walk up with my biggest bitch face on and ask, “Is everything okay baby?” Then I kiss him with more raw passion than I planned but I really don’t give a fuck.

  So after we break the kiss and catch our breath, I turn to Reagan, “You need to leave.”

  “Oh Kayla, did you ever tell your precious Garrett what you and your friend here did to me in the parking lot last time we were all here?”

  “No, I don’t have to tell him everything. He trusts me, unlike you.”

  “Oh, so you don’t think he would like to know that you and VI tased me and broke my nose.”

  I hear Garrett laugh.

  “Are you seriously laughing Garrett? Your girlfriend messed up my face, and I have scars all down my body.”

  “Reagan I’m sorry, but your face was already messed up. I think I made some improvements. Now at least your nose is straight because before it was not. Your plastic surgeon needs some glasses.” VI says.

  I look shyly over at Garrett and he knows.

  “I already knew. Wyatt has cameras you know. I have known since that night. We were in the office watching.”

  I look over at him stunned. He never said anything to me.

  Wyatt walks over and tells her it’s time to go.

  “Here, let VI and I show you out.” I say.

  I take one arm, VI takes the other arm, and we drag her out the back entrance so I can share a few choice words with the cunt.

  When we get out back, we let go and she start swinging and ranting, “You’ll never make him happy. You’re not good enough.”

  In order to shut her up, I pushed her backward, knowing her head will hit the brick wall behind her.

  “Oh Kayla, you act like that was supposed to hurt. So I hit my head on a wall. Big deal.”

  “Reagan, I have dealt with your smart ass mouth since we were kids, but I am over it. I want you to leave my man alone.”

  “Awe, that is cute. You think he is your man.”

  “He is my man. He sleeps in my bed every night and is in my pussy every day.” I see that I am pissing her off.

  “Reagan, did you know that I make his eyes roll back in his head when I have his dick in my mouth.”

  “You are a fucking whore. First you sleep with your brothers, then you sleep with Garrett.”

  “I’m the whore? You’re fucking hilarious. I’m not the one who got caught with two men fucking you in Garrett’s home, and I heard that they had to have surgery. Awe poor guys, hope they are okay.”

  She spits in my face, and I slap her. “You fucking cunt. I am so over your petty childish games. You want to fight? Let’s do it.”

  I have her pinned up against the wall and hit her face. I hear bones cracking. Blood is running down her face. I take a step back just to catch my breath and the next thing I know, I feel a knife slicing my hip. I reach my hand down and feel a slice going up to my ribs, and then I hear a gunshot. When I turn to look over at VI, she has tears running down her face. She keeps repeating it’s over. VI is still holding her gun, and it’s still aimed at Reagan’s lifeless body on the ground.

  “I had to. She would have killed you if I didn’t stop her.”

  I walk over to VI, feeling the blood ooze out of my side and down my body. As I get to her, I take the gun out of her shaking hands and wrap her in my arms.

  I whisper, “Thank you, VI. You saved my life.”

  I put the gun on safety and slip it back into her purse and call Rodney to come out. When he finally arrives, I explain to him what happened.

  He agrees if VI had not taken action, the bitch would have tried to kill me or would have kept trying until she got the job done.

  Rodney said he would be coming to write up the report and get everything all wrapped up in a nice neat lil bow and that he doesn’t think any charges will be filled because there are wi
tnesses to prove we did not start the fight.

  By this time, the guys have pinned us out side and see a dead Reagan laying at our feet with a bullet hole in the center of her head and me bleeding.

  So Wyatt locks the backdoor so that no one from the club can come out back.

  Wyatt leads us to a bench, where he places thirty-two butterfly bandages on my hip and side after it had been cleaned.

  I put my shirt back on, and Rodney walks in to take our statements, but no charges will be filed because VI shot Reagan to prevent her from killing me.

  It was all caught on tape from the cameras monitoring the peer.



  “With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.”

  ~Eleanor Roosevelt

  We go home and have the most incredible lovemaking session either of us has ever had. Afterward, I am laying on Garrett’s chest, and he has fallen asleep. He always makes me feel so loved. I enjoy nothing more than lying in his arm and thinking about how he took me so loving but so passionately at the same time. He has a way that makes me feel cherished. I know I am.

  While I am having delicious thoughts of our lovemaking and all the things he did to me, my damn phone starts ringing and it doesn’t stop. I don’t want it to wake Garrett, so I grab it from the nightstand and see it’s the police station calling.


  “Is this Kayla Ashby?”


  “This is officer Jernigan’s partner, Tracey Mathews, and he has been trying to reach you all morning. There’s something you need to know. Please hold.”

  “Hello, Kayla?”

  “Yes, Rodney, what’s going on?”

  “Seth committed suicide early this morning—around one.”

  “What? Seth is dead?”

  “Yes, he was found by Millie. He was hanging in the pool house by some purple ropes.”

  “Okay, why are you telling me? I wasn’t there. I was at the club. You know that.”

  “Millie is saying she will kill you for this because it’s your fault. Kayla, Seth is your father.

  “Don’t you dare say that vile man is my father? Yes we share the same DNA but that is all, he is nothing to me!”

  “Kayla, I am not trying to make you have feelings for him. But the truth of the matter is Seth was your father. And as his next of kin we had no choice but to notify you. Millie is here screaming it’s all your fault

  “How is it my fault? I haven’t been there in, well, fuck, since I left. I haven’t stepped foot back in that house. So explain to me how this is my concern.”

  “Well, there was a letter addressed to you, and I’ll bring you a copy so you can read it.”

  “His suicide note was written to me?”

  “For the most part, but I’ll explain more in an hour or so. I’m going to pick up Patrice because you’ll need her shoulder when you read this.”

  “Why? I hated the guy. He never stopped the twins from raping me and when he was told about the abuse he just cut me a fat check to make me disappear. So, why the fuck would I care what he has to say?” I can’t help but think of the last thing I said to him. I had told him that he was dead to me. I walk out of the room so not to wake Garrett. “Millie has said that she will kill you for this because it was your fault.”

  “Kayla sweetie, I agree, but you need to read the note.”

  “Okay, make it two hours, and you have a deal.”

  “Okay, two hours and we’ll be there.”

  I walk back into the bedroom. Oh, God, what the hell have I done? I wished him dead, and now he was.

  “Garrett honey, you have to wake up.” I shove him.

  “What? Is everything okay?”

  “No, Seth has committed suicide.”

  “Kayla, this is not funny.”

  “Do you see me fucking laughing? Please get up. I need you to go with me.”

  “Go where?” He asks, throwing on a pair of jeans.

  “Apparently there’s a suicide note left for me. I wished him dead. Is this my fault?”

  “No Kayla, only the weak kill themselves. This is not your fault. Now go get dressed, and I’ll wake everyone.”

  I sit on the bed with my head in my hands. I can’t believe he did this. Why would he kill himself and leave a note for me? My words were harsh.

  “I killed my own father,” I say sobbing then I realize I should say a prayer.

  God our Father,

  Your power brings us to birth, your providence guides our lives, and by your command we return to dust.

  Lord, those who die still live in your presence, their lives change but do not end. I pray in hope for my family, relatives, and friends, and for all the dead known to you alone.

  In company with Christ, Who died and now lives, may they rejoice in your kingdom, where all our tears are wiped away. Unite us together again in one family, to sing your praise forever and ever.


  I am crying over a man who knew I was being hurt. My thoughts go back to when I was younger. I do remember one occasion that I thought Seth was the coolest person ever.

  I had just turned sixteen years old. I wanted to learn to drive. So I had went and asked Millie and of course she was too busy. She was planning some event for the Mayor’s Ball or something like that. So I was walking back into the living room and Seth had asked me if I was okay?

  “What difference does it make? I will be the only sixteen year old who doesn’t know how to drive,” I mumbled.

  “You don’t know how to drive? Kayla come on I will teach you.” He grabs his keys and we go out to his blue B.M.W. He throws me the keys and says “Come on. I will teach you.”

  I am so excited that I scream and jump up and down.

  I get in the car, and look over at him, because I have no clue what I am doing. He goes over a few rules, about checking my mirrors and adjusting my seat. He tells me to buckle my seat belt, so I do as I am told.

  “Next you are going to stick the key in the ignition and turn the key.”

  I do as I am told, and the engine comes to life.

  “Place your foot on the brake and then put the car into reverse. Slowly back out of the driveway and keep your hands in a ten and two position.”

  I back out of the driveway, and then he tells me to put the car in the drive position.

  Again I do as I am told. Before long I am driving down the road. He tells me to make a right, and I do. I see the interstate up ahead, and I act like it is not a big thing. Before long I am driving down the coast of Seattle. We have the top off the car and we are having a good time. No talking, just listening to the radio and enjoying the drive. We stay gone for most of the day. He even buys me lunch that day. We had seafood at some little off the wall place on the water.

  It doesn’t take long and my room is buzzing with people. I am numb, and I don’t even hear them talking to me. I know VI is getting me dressed. I don’t even care that Wyatt is in here while I am changing. She pulls out some jeans and a black long sleeved shirt. She puts some mascara on my eyes, and a little blush because she says I am pale.

  I get up, but I am on automatic. I don’t know anything that is going on. I am being pulled into the vehicle, next thing I know we are at the last place I’d ever come to again.

  I am about to have a nervous breakdown.

  I feel Patrice grab my hand and walk with me.

  We are greeted by cops.

  The officer says, “I’m sorry, but this is for family only.”

  Patrice says, “This is his daughter.”

  The cop then asks for Rodney.

  Rodney gives a nod, and I am taken back to the pool house.

  All of a sudden old images of my rape comes flooding back.

  “Time to pay the piper, sweetheart.” His words circled the air and sent shivers up my arm, making me nauseous.

  “Please don’t.” I couldn’t get those words out of my mouth. It seemed like the cat caught my t

  Edwin then lit up a cigarette and puffed away, making smoke circles.

  Gradually, I crawled to my knees and gathered all of my stuff. And before I knew it...

  He clunked me in the back of my head with his fist. I tumbled over and peered at the water.

  Like a caveman, he dragged me to the pool house. As soon as I was aware of my surroundings, I tried to fight him, but he was too strong. I couldn’t do anything but dig my nails into him and claw at his eyes. He forced himself on top of me and burned my chest with his lit cigarette.

  The burning tobacco cuts into my breast and created marks.

  Every time I fought him, more marks showed.

  “Stupid ass cunt.” He slapped me so hard that I thought my teeth and eyeballs were going to pop out of my damn head. He continued to drag me on the red tile floors kicking and screaming, I tugged on my hair to release from his hold, but I lost momentum and dark red liquid flowed over my back, matching the tile on the floor.

  I whimpered and cried. Hell, I even screamed the last time. He tossed me into the game room of the pool-house like I was yesterday’s trash.

  My limp body rolled. I laid on my back, stunned and mortified to what would happen next.

  Edwin snapped my hair toward him and ripped it as he lifted me up. I felt like the roots were coming out of my head.

  “Scream bitch, no one will help your ugly ass.” He sneered.

  “Stop it!” I stomped on his right foot.

  “Ow, you fuckin bitch. You’ll pay for that.” His left hand smacked as his knuckles dented my cheeks. As blood seeps from the corner of my mouth, he then slams me into the wall. His hands wrapped around my throat. “Shut your fucking trap, you cock teaser.”

  “Edwin, enough!” Elijah’s booming voice echoes through the hall.

  “Please, Elijah,” I shouted. “Help!”


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