Black White and Shades of Greyy

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Black White and Shades of Greyy Page 4

by ElissaBeth Frear

  Apparently every time she had sent him on any errand for retrieving items for meals he would also partake of a jug or two for himself. He had been so insulted by being deposed that he had taken his frustrations on the reserves of rum and ale. It had been a good two weeks at least that he had been exacting his form of justice on the new cook, but now the consequences would be more than he had anticipated.

  The immediate “problem” was the idiot that lay at her feet. Retrieving the First Mate to assist her in moving the rotund obstacle, they secured him to the main mast to dry out. In her fury she pulled the ropes tight allowing them to dig into the offending cook’s sagging flesh. The bob and weave of the ship on the waves made the prisoner heave soiling himself repeatedly. Sea air and the waves added to his stench as he began to sober fully realizing his pathetic state.

  Finding now that her job as well as her life aboard this ship was in jeopardy Greyylene was forced to find other means of liquid refreshment to appease the sea worn sailors.

  She knew her time was limited on being able to brew and distill a suitable replacement. The amount of ale left in the hold was sufficient for a few days and if she were very crafty that would be enough to allow for the process to be complete. It was the difficult moments requiring fast thinking that made her thankful for all the play and experimentation she and her sister acquired. The broad knowledge of herbs and other vegetation proved invaluable as she produced a spiced wine and grog that had a kick that would satisfy the desired kick that the crew would be accustomed. When the crew was asked, several declared that her brew was “better than the old stuff.” or "the Elf brew had a bigger kick than what was expected". This was high praise coming from those raised on alcohol.

  It was after the first night with the new brew that the old cook came to realize and appreciate her vast skills and knowledge. It had become abundantly clear that she was well versed in a wide range of skills that belied her apparent age. Most of the crew saw her as a young girl barely out of the age of marriage. Only the Doctor knew her true age, and he kept that to himself.

  Chapter 23

  Sailing was a lifestyle reserved for those who were hardened and most often without families. Weeks at a time out at sea gave few opportunities to mingle with "civilized people". When large ports of call were in sight the excitement levels on board made for a heady buzz among all the crew. Each sailor would make a list of desired activities and desired cargo.

  As they docked the crew swarmed ashore like a thundering herd. Even Greyylene was finally allowed to stretch her land legs a bit. Armed with a list of ingredients and items to share with the crew, the elf meandered with a slight limp through town oblivious to the looks and murmurs behind her.

  So long had she been on the deck of her ship that the obvious difference in gender and race had faded into non issues. The town folk, however, saw her and immediately began to talk of the “elf couple terrorizing the countryside”. Several of the other crew members heard the chatter and steered Greyy back to the ship.

  Losing her privilege to hostile land lovers, she gave her list to the First Mate who filled it for her. He also vowed that he would dig around and find the reasoning for all the hostilities. She had heard that it was due to a couple of renegade Elves but for the life of her she could not imagine any but the Dark Elf society capable of such terror and mayhem. They were known for their ferocity in battle and blatant disregard for life. The Dark Elves were also known for unprovoked attacks.

  Chapter 24

  Assisting with stowing new cargo had become her new assigned task, mainly to keep her off the deck and away from accusing eyes. Regardless of the fact she had not been sailing long, her uncanny way of seeing space and filling it was an asset as well as an annoyance. Most of the crew would throw items any which way in the hold, anything to keep the balance yet still enjoy shore leave.

  To her, maintaining ballast was not the only goal, but also a way to keep track of inventory. There needed to be a way to know accurately what was stored. The task that normally would have taken only an hour or two at the most, took most of the day with her “supervision”. Finding that her help was becoming restless she sent them topside and decided to proceed on her own. Most of the heavy items were stored already leaving the smaller things requiring easy retrieval for the front of the storage lockers. Left alone for the remainder of the task of stowing cargo she was able to take full inventory of all that had been brought aboard and was finally able to set menus for future meals.

  Chapter 25

  Long into the night she heard commotion, figuring it was from the rest of the crew she ventured up the narrow step ladder. Barely lifting the cover to the hold she knew something was horribly wrong. The smell of gun powder and burnt rope filtered through the fog and smoke. The hatch was torn from her hand and she was lifted with such force she thought she was in flight. Quickly disarmed of her quiver and bow she was bound and dragged to a tall harsh looking man. He seemed to be the leader of the invading band and his demeanor gave all indication that he was feared not for respect but ferocity.

  His back facing her all she could see were rows of long dark braids adorned with shells and coins and tied with thin leather straps, a faded blue skull cap tied at the base of his neck and a tri-corn hat covered the top of his head. The dark blue long tailed top coat was sea worn but tailored to hug his form giving him a menacing aura. The edge of a cutlass could be seen peeking from the split in the hem of his tails and a leather bull whip was hooked at his hip. He wore boots that came up just past his knee and fastened with shiny buckles.

  “I hear ye be a cook, wench!” he barked not bothering to look at her, his tone so gruff it made her jump.

  “Cook wench?” she said rather puzzled never before having been referred to in that manner she was unfamiliar with the term. Her response brought a heavy hand across her jaw causing a searing light to surge through her head. No other comments were made before she was thrust to the deck and tied to the main mast.

  The tall Pirate paced the deck that was now gathering more of the old crew.

  “Giv’n ye One time an One time only t’ state intentions. Ride wit’ me o take ye’r chance in de tides.” He said as he pointed over the rails to a waiting dingy.

  Several of the crew took a stand, preferring to let the tides decide their destiny rather than run with a pirate crew, the Captain, Second, and the Cook included. She also was going to go with them, but the Pirate had already made plans for her, and gruffly forced her back to the deck.

  Watching the Pirate Captain toss Greyy like a rag doll infuriated the Doctor but he remained calm trying to devise a plan in which he would be able to remain with her. When the thought struck him as hard as the Pirate’s strike on the Elf he jumped to his feet and pranced over to where Greyylene had landed shrilling like a little girl.

  “Oh ever so unfortunate ye be Missy!” The Doc cooed over her. Mustering up all his nerve he leapt to his feet and began to skip and hop around the deck blathering like a town fool in the most flamboyant display of sailor femininity he was able to pretend. His scene threw off the balance of the Pirates who were appalled but amused at the prancing pony that circled the deck inspecting the new crew.

  With a slight nod the Pirate Captain gathered the Doc with Greyy and held them to the rails together. He was determined to keep the prize of the cook and hoped that the other fellow was not going to be a mistake.

  Once those who were loyal to the Captain were bound together and set adrift a low baritone could be heard across the waves singing sailing songs that were standard fare on dark lonely nights. The wicked glimmer in the eye of the Pirate fiend gave little warning to his next actions. Taking an arrow from her quiver, wrapping it in cloth torn from her shirt and dipping it in oil he set it ablaze before notching it in her bow and releasing the flaming torch straight to the middle of the dingy.

  The bound crewmembers tried in vain to dump the dingy in order to extinguish the flames. The arrow was true and l
odged in the Captain’s heart killing him and setting him ablaze in one fluid motion. Each man in turn was set on fire by the man next to him. The song turned into panic and then into terrified screams of agony. Sitting starring in horror at the maniacal act before her, tears streaming down her face all she could think was how much she wished to be home.

  Chapter 26

  Days later when the shock and horror had quieted but the image of her former Captain still firmly planted in her mind the Pirate captain came to Greyylene and the Doc. He ripped them from the location where they were bound and dragged her by the back of her shirt to the galley. Reaching the kitchen he untied their hands and threw the pouch of ingredients she had acquired in town at her feet. They were locked in the galley without word or order. Left alone still numb from the previous day’s encounter she limped about the kitchen out of rote memory preparing a meal for her new crew. The Doctor who was out of his element yet capable in the galley tried to help without getting in the way as best he could.

  At the end of the meal she and the Doctor were returned to her cabin and locked in to spend the night pondering what the sinister Pirate Captain would devise for them next. They were roomed together with little thought or concern that there would be any “extra trouble” between them considering the doctor was assumed to be uninterested in females. The pirate crew felt it would be safer for them and the doc if he were locked up safely with the cook. The lack of rooms added to the notion that sharing a space was necessary.

  Another week or so passed with the same routine. She would be summoned from the bed chamber along with her kitchen assistant and lead straight to the galley to prepare food for those who had over taken the ship. Each day the Pirate Captain would lay a glare across her that felt as though it would set her ablaze. He spoke infrequently but when he did it was gruff and demanding.

  Chapter 27

  Waking to a stormy sea and a low moan, she began another day that promised to be moody and drab. Dressing and awaiting their escort to the kitchen they stood at the door. The one who unlocked and entered was not one of the deck hands, but the Captain himself. He entered and closed the door behind him. Motioning with his hand for them to sit he began to pace the small quarters. Her nerves on edge she watched him preparing for the worst scenario possible.

  “Ye t’inkin me a cutthroat, n t’at be as I wants it.” he said rather matter of fact. “Truth be, Imlookin’ fer a new crew, n want’n ye bot’ on it.” Looking over the obvious stunned and dubious reaction he continued. “Ye ‘fearin I set ye ablaze as with the others o ye’r crew. T’atbe an unfortunate act necessary to be say’n what needs be said.” he continued to explain more and more of how he came to the position he now held.

  The end of his story Greyylene and the Doctor sat stunned and bewildered with no other course of action than to accept his offer of becoming a working crewmate for his new ship.

  “I’ll take your offer on the condition that I get to keep Doc.” She said matter of fact.

  With the details settled the Pirate Captain locked them together and opened the door. They were lead to another ship in irons under the pretense that Greyy would be the Captain’s “personal cabin boy”, to which most of his crew scoffed thinking of all the ways they would use a “personal cabin boy” like her.

  Chapter 28

  Having been kept so long in the cabin and below deck Greyy was never really aware what sort of crew she found herself. Finally on deck allowing the salt breeze to whip in her hair once again she took note that they were far from any land. All that could be seen in any direction was sea and sky. Piercing the horizon like a javelin tip appeared a tall three mast ship riding the waves and coming straight for them. On instinct she called out “Ship to the Starboard Bow!” long before the watchman in the crow’s nest even saw it. This amazed the Captain but he gave no indication he even noticed her.

  The flag that unfurled as the ship drew close was black with a bleeding dagger held in the teeth of a skull. The answering flag hoisted was similar in nature adding crossed arm bones beneath the skull. The realization set that she was aboard pirate vessels of a rather notorious band of outlaws known simply as Crimson Daggers.

  Stories of this crew had been told over meals and flasks of ale from the first time she had joined the cargo crew. The Crimson Daggers were renowned for their ruthlessness and stealth. They would sneak up on ships that were at port and while the crew was ashore would quietly take refuge in corners and holds until they were back out at sea then they would attack and take over the ship. In some instances they would sail through thick fog banks and not give any indication they were close until at the very edge then attack. They attacked with a ferocity that always caught the victim by surprise leaving the unsuspecting crew defenseless and unable to return fire before becoming completely overrun.

  Pulling alongside one another the Dagger ships, a Bergantina and a Brig, the crews set gangplanks across the rails so the Captain and some of the crew of the Bergantina could cross over for a meeting and to exchange mates. Being yanked along by another of the crew, the Elf was taken to the new ship and tossed unceremoniously into the Captain’s office the door locked behind her. Once again her view was limited to what could be seen from the small windows of the cabin. When the Captain returned and without a word of explanation he placed a silver arm band around her upper arm firmly stating that she was his “property” and ensuring her safety as well as branding her a Pirate.

  Chapter 29

  After the exchange of ships and crew, Greyylene was summoned to the private quarters of the Captain. He along with several others had gathered pouring over a recent bit of news.

  It had come to light that the port authorities were looking for any and all information concerning an Elf couple who had become a running terror throughout the Human villages. They were considered armed and dangerous and a bounty of a thousand gold pieces for each had been set. They were wanted dead or alive.

  This affected Greyy because of the nature of her race. She would bring unwanted attention or great notoriety to whatever crew she was assigned. The meeting that was called was to draw lots as to who would eventually be ‘stuck’ with the renegade elf. Her captain lost the draw and she was to remain with him. This suited her quite well, but the thought running in her mind concerned the “Elf couple” of whom they spoke.

  Always at the back of her mind the thoughts of home and her parents lingered. Often she wondered what had become of the rest of her beloved family. This news gave her an uneasy feeling deep in her gut and she feared that her parents may very well be the ones they spoke of in such vicious awe. It seemed odd to her that Pirates of such legendary ruthlessness would find a simple Elf couple so inspiring. But if the stories she heard were true it would stand to reason that pirates would find them amusing if not educational.

  Chapter 30

  A lazy port town, dusty and full of grime and the smell of old fish woke to greet a day as gray and miserable as its own ill kept streets. At the far end of the washed out road stood a couple, tall and elegant and completely out of place. Their long hooded cloaks made of fine silk and linens covered their heads but allowed their wealth to show.

  They strode together with a gait that belonged to the ancients, yet tall and proud as they towered over most of the other villagers they passed. There was an air of mischief that surrounded them as they surveyed the town.

  Across town, on a course that mirrored the tall couple, stood a Monk in a long brown robe of simple wool and an air of calm assurance as he prepared for his next mission. His stride was easy and sure as he strode down the middle of the street nodding to people as he passed. His long staff made a slight indentation in the soft earth beneath his feet. The amulet he wore around his neck glowed soft hues of pale gray that matched the sky and the general mood almost perfectly.

  As he approached the couple the amulet began to shift in hue, darkening with an almost sinister glow. The Monk’s broad smile greeted the couple as if they
were long lost friends. The embrace he gave them both showed the town there was nothing more to fear but took the couple completely off guard.

  “Peace, my friends. Go in Peace.” He whispered into their ears. “This town has seen enough terror for today.” He said as he nodded towards the docks.

  Above the roof tops the mast of a Corvette could be seen, its colors flying proudly in the sea breeze. The black flag emblazoned with a Crimson Dagger gripped by skeletal fingers showed the amount of trouble the town had seen.

  With a nod and wrapping his arms around the couple turning them from their course he led them back the way they had come.

  “I know nothing of your mission here, but I do know this path will not give you the solace you seek.” He stated matter of fact as he released them at the edge of town. He then turned to disappear into the forest.

  The couple was dumbfounded at the interaction with the Holy Man, yet did not argue or return to the town. It was the first time in their two year rampage that anything of this sort had happened. The Omen he presented to them was clear and the fact he knew them was unsettling, but they chose to continue on a path that wrapped around the town and out a back path towards other larger and less tormented settlements.

  Another set of eyes gazed down from a tall tree watching the exchange between the couple and the Monk. The soft lavender eyes glowed with a sinister sheen almost disgusted by the Monk's actions. He released a light huff as he dropped from his perch to continue following the couple. As he left he made a note to keep watch for the meddling Monk.

  Chapter 31

  Being new to the crew, an Elf and the only female in the midst of a bunch of stinky male sailors Greyylene stood out like a shiny new coin. Greyy went about her tasks aboard the ship like any other crewmember, although at times she found herself having to compete for position in the ranks. Occasionally her feminine charms were a benefit and at other times were quite a liability in gaining the trust and respect of the other crewmates. When the crew settled into her ways and manners most of the awkwardness faded.


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