Black White and Shades of Greyy

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Black White and Shades of Greyy Page 11

by ElissaBeth Frear

  She squinted at the details matching them to their current location scissor stepping with her fingers across the expanse in question. Amused at the prospect a smile began to grow across her face.

  The intrusion not withstanding information was the demand of the day and the Dark Elf had delivered. Briefly relaying the account of a grand treasure so difficult to attain it had all but been forgotten. The only way to know its exact location was to find an ancient Mystic of a tribe of “Savages” long lost in the forests. The Elf’s map had been color coded detailing locations and land obstacles to be aware.

  Chapter 79

  The only concern in the mind of Greyylene was meeting up with more Savages. The encounter with the last tribe of Tabaxi had brought a little too much excitement to the crew and she did not relish another bought with the tall Felines. Regardless of her misgiving she put the matter to a vote explaining the possibility to experience more of the wiles belonging to the cat race. Sharing the excitement of her crew, she tried to hide her own feelings so as not to influence their decisions.

  The overwhelming vote to go made Greyy smile at the prospect of adventure. She was almost giddy when she dismissed the crew to stations so they could get the journey underway. With the crisp breeze on their faces the crew began to sing showing their excitement the best way a pirate crew knew how, other than the grumbling and bickering most often found on a ship of their size.

  The coordinates set the mark only a day and half off their current location and well within reasonable distance to the Navy Port Bistrot. The seas were calm and the winds steady making the time and distance seem to fly. Preparation for battles kept the crew busy and hands occupied avoiding the maddening anticipation of buried treasures.

  As the “Vharcan” drew nearer to their destination Captain Greyylene’s enthusiasm began to turn to restlessness. Calling her Man at Arms and the Navigator together she made certain that the crew was on high alert and they remain cautious to avoid any Navy patrols. She could see the Navy headquarters buildings on the horizon as she peered through the long glass. They were within spitting distance of the Navy, yet this was where the map location pointed them to go.

  Hugging as close to the shore line as possible the “Vharcan” rode high on the wave and silent in the winds. The dark sails melted into the rock face of the sheer cliffs making them difficult to see. With an anxious leap Greyy climbed the ropes to the crow’s nest to investigate a faint noise she heard over the lapping waves on the hull.

  Peering into the distance she saw another vessel. The colors were those of the Navy and their crew was so confident they were the only ones on the seas that barking orders just to listen to the echo off rocks was a game. Most of Greyy’s crew had also noticed the careless echoes of the other crew and had become anxious in the face of a confrontation. Skimming down the ropes with such grace and speed she seemed to almost fly, Greyylene whispered the stealthy orders to not be noticed.

  “A game they want, it is a game they shall have.” She muttered to herself and Kegan the Mad.

  Proceeding to the poop deck to maintain the surveillance of the Navy vessel Captain Greyy kept a close eye in the glass waiting to be discovered. As they vanished around a long slow bend in the mountainside a glimmer of reflection off the glass from the other ship caught her eye. The final look at the enemy was a deckhand peering back at her.

  She smiled to herself knowing that she had been spotted but unlikely to be pursued. She gave orders to continue on their current heading and to remain quiet. There was enough to keep the concentration high avoiding rocks and shallows.

  Chapter 80

  The shore grew high in their sights and awareness turned to relieved comedy as “Vharcan” slipped into the rocks leaving a Navy deckhand wondering if what he saw was real. A sheer cliff face dropping into the ocean hid a narrow passage with heavy growing canopy of trees. The water was deep allowing a ship to enter, but the rock walls were close together making it a tricky passage for even the best navigators.

  The sails were furled to assure none would be caught in tree limbs or roots as they carefully made their way through the narrow pass. Even though there was no evidence to suggest anyone saw them, the entire crew felt the heavy uneasiness of being watched. Nervous jitters spread through the ship as if they awaited an ambush. Rounding a small easy bend in the channel there was a collective sigh of relief to see the narrows open into an inlet large enough to hold several tall ships.

  At the far end was a short dock and steep stairs carved into the rock face leading to a hidden landing barely wide enough to walk through in a single file line. Deep claw marks gave evidence that some sort of mountain cat used the same path often adding to the troubling sense of apprehension that was felt by most of the crew. Those in the small landing party edged the narrow walk along slick stones up to the sheer cliff face. It was hoped that the Mystic they were told about would have the precious information and that the errand would not be in vain, or require too much in the way of sacrifice.

  Once at the top the Dark Elf assumed the role of leader and guide into the thick woods, much to the annoyance of Greyylene. Every so often as they traveled he would whistle a short trill. It was assumed he was listening for a response, and hoped it would be friendly. The path they followed was narrow and thickly covered by leaves and underbrush but every now and then a track of something odd could be seen in the soft earth. As they traveled deeper into the brush the uneasy feelings grew stronger. Paranoia or reality the whole party could feel eyes watching their movements.

  Finally the brush began to thin and light could be seen from the canopy. Rounding a sharp bend they came abruptly into a clearing. Small huts on stilts or built into the trees hung overhead like pictures on a wall. The smell of a fire reached their noses but could not be seen. Gazing to the floor of the clearing the path branched into several directions scattering from the opening into the woods.

  Chapter 81

  The crew stood in the clearing a few moments before rustling in the brush caused them all to jump and reach for weapons. Tall feline figures emerged from the thick forest surrounding Greyy and her party. The Savages towered above the Pirate Crew boasting superior numbers and strength. Their slick bodies were covered in fur with markings that copied exotic cats.

  The soft tan and yellow in their fur was almost inviting in their sinister beauty. The warriors stood upright on hind legs holding weapons with something that resembled the cross between hands and paws. Clear eyes in yellow, green and brown hues, watched the strangers with intelligent curiosity and caution. They were all dressed in tribal colors in a manner that would be easy to maneuver yet still protect vital areas of their body. Greyy smiled slightly as recognition dawned.

  “Put down your weapons.” Greyy whispered to her group as she also lowered her bow.

  The Tabaxi that surrounded them were of a different tribe than she knew but their elegant intelligence was easily recognizable. How the Dark Elf came to know these people was a mystery she intended to uncover as soon as it was possible.

  She was deeply impressed by these people and the pleasure of meeting another tribe pleased her beyond words. Greyylene still wore the Tabaxi amulet identifying her as a friend to the people, and endearing her to the Tribe immediately. This action annoyed the Dark Elf who had hoped to use this discovery as an excuse to request more responsibility on board.

  A tall ancient female dressed in long flowing leather skirts and tunic covered in a soft wool sleeveless robe approached the strangers. In one hand she held a tall gnarled walking stick with an emerald encased in silver and wrapped with leather ties that entwined down the length of the wood. Her other hand lay loose and comfortable by her side. Clear piercing green eyes studied each stranger in turn evaluating their worth, or their flavor. With a low purr she turned giving the slightest nod for the Captain and her crew to follow. They followed the gentle swish of her tail in silent compliance.

  Retrieving a small pouch from around her neck
the tall Elder shook it lightly and poured the contents on the glossy surface of a shallow wooden bowl letting the wooden carvings clatter around the surface. Bending to study the pattern laid out before her she gave a huff and a purr before slowly raising her head to give a long gaze to the Captain.

  With a voice smooth as velvet the Mystic Tabaxi stood to her full height and leveled a gaze on Greyy that would make a grown man tremble. One slow blink and she began to give the warning that was laid out in the shallow dish.

  “Ah Missy Captain ye seek a most dangerrrrous quest. The waterrrrrs ye seek arrrrrfrrret with hazarrrrds frrrrom the deep. Wherrrre the ocean is lost in space and time will be yourrrrr jourrrny’s end. But you must bewarrrre the depths that lie in the Crrrrrescent of the Dead Moon.” She purred softly to Greyylene ignoring the Dark Elf completely.

  “If ye arrrre desparrrrate to continue this voyage, it will need to be agrrrreed upon by the whole crrrrrew. All theirrrrr lives arrrre at rrrrrrisk. Take a moment to considerrrrr well my warrrrrning.” She finished with a twitch of her whiskers as she turned to allow the discussion. Her keen hearing was aware of all that was said but she chose to ignore comments and argument. As she waited she continued to keep a level gaze on the Dark Elf watching for his input to the conversation.

  Chapter 82

  Shudders and groans came from the other crew members once information was given. Uncertainty and nervous energy spread through the small group but was quickly squashed by a malevolent glare from the Captain. Greyy glanced at Kegan and Porter watching their faces to determine their thoughts.

  Kegan the Mad and Donny Porter were the two who had the most influence in this particular adventure and their decision would be the one that was followed. They glanced at each other then back at Greyy, and with a wink from Porter the silent debate was finished.

  “Its decided, boys. We sail at Dawn.” she said with a nod.

  The Mystic took a few elegant steps towards Greyy as she laid her staff on the ground, a low muttering purr emanated from deep within her body as the great Tabaxi entered a trance. She reached for Greyy taking her hands between the soft paws. As the blessing was concluded Greyy let out a loud moan as searing pain shot through her arms and hands.

  When the Mystic released her hold Greyy fell to the ground steam rising from a detailed intricate design scorched on both sides of her hands. Kegan and Porter rushed to her side furious but silent at the damage done by the Tabaxi again to their captain. A soft look from the Tabaxi set their anger aside as they helped Greyylene to her feet.

  Without a word the feline nodded towards the nearest hut turned and walked away not bothering to look back but stood at the entrance waiting. Greyy of course followed with Kegan close on her heels. At the door a firm paw rested on Kegan’s chest not allowing him to enter. He was forced to wait outside and hope no more damage would come to his Captain.

  Several hours past before rustling was heard from inside the hut and the flap was opened. From the darkness came two Tabaxi along with Captain Greyy. The ancient Mystic, named Winter Harvest, and the tribal Chief, named Gray Scar, escorted Greyylene to her waiting crew members. Winter Harvest handed Kegan the Mad two large jugs to carry as she bowed her head to the Chief and Captain. The long glance she gave to the Dark Elf was not missed by Greyy, but it was not the time or place to determine the source of the Mystic’s apprehension of his presence.

  Lightly touching their soft furry faces to Greyy the two Tabaxi dismissed the Pirates to continue on their adventure. A small contingent of warriors was assigned to act as guides and protection as they returned to their ship.

  Reaching the top of the narrow incline the lead Warrior approached Greyy to speak. Greyy nodded for her crew to continue while she spoke to the great cat. Even though they were meant to continue the curiosity outweighed the order and they stood a ways off trying to hear what was spoken.

  The warrior towered over Greyylene, his armor shimmered with muted greens and browns blending into their forest home. His paws wrapped around a long spear, the dewclaws acting as thumbs held it with fierce agility. Soft purring trills muffled any real spoken words. When the conversation concluded the warrior took a medallion from his neck and placed it around Greyy’s, causing her other amulet to clink softly against the new one, before turning to vanish into the forest along with the rest of the escort. Knowing they were present was still not enough to find any evidence; no paw prints, broken branches or claw marks to tell any but the Pirate crew walked that path.

  When they reached the “Vharcan” orders were given to shelter for the night. They would sail at dawn, but only at dawn and not a moment sooner.

  With the dawn came foul weather and even fouler moods. None wanted to start yet none wanted to stay either.

  “Com’n boys let’s set sail and get this over with.”

  Chapter 83

  The Captain went to the maps and held out both of her hands revealing the etchings in her flesh matched the drawings on the linen from the Dark Elf. A thicker line snaking along the back of one hand and continuing across to the other made a clear path in the direction they were meant to sail.

  “And that would be our course.” She told the Navigator holding up her hands to show him as they set sail for the promised adventure.

  They had barely set out of sight of land when the sea grew dead calm. Miserable sky and not a bird to be seen, there was not a ripple in the water to give any hint of life. Hours of low wind made the sails look sad and neglected. The only positive was a strong undercurrent that carried the ship on a generally accurate course.

  They were just beyond Navy prying eyes when a call came down from the crow’s nest. In the middle of the deep ocean lay a debris field from ships long lost and forgotten. It was not a sight that came often and to find it fed into sailor’s superstitions and fears. The waters were different in this part of the ocean and the debris field proved it. Rudder commands were failing and attempting to change direction in any way was near to impossible. They were forced to stay on the current heading and hope the Ocean knew where they wanted to go.

  “Start to chart now.” Greyy ordered to the Navigator.

  Immediately the Navigator and a nearby deckhand began to take readings of their location, depth of the waters and landmarks. The first few drops of the lead line came back troubling as the waters were growing deeper. Marking the path on their current maps was beginning to form the top half of a crescent.

  Greyylene glanced at her hands and the etchings that had been scorched into her palms. The course laid out by Winter Harvest lead directly through the center of a long sweeping arc shape that spread across both of her hands.

  “This must be the Crescent of the Dead Moon that the Mystic warned about.” She said under her breath.

  Chapter 84

  Idly Greyy reached to the amulet that was given by the Tabaxi warrior. It was warm to the touch and had a soft yellow glow, but she was far more concerned about not becoming part of the debris or getting lost in the deep seas to give it much notice. They had gone too far in to turn around and with no room to navigate they were forced to stay on the current heading.

  “Starboard, Capt’n What is That?” came a nervous announcement from a deck hand.

  Long and low a steady ripple came streaming towards them. It moved the clutter like it was fallen leaves in wind. Having to deal with deep sea monsters in such a confined place was no small matter. The energy aboard took on a sudden panic as the whole crew realized the sort of danger they were facing.

  Low and calm the Captain readied her bow and spoke to the crew.

  “Steady boys, it’s just a Kraken and we’ve faced the likes of that afore, we’ll face it again and be better for it I’d say. Take up arms and load the guns, steady as she goes. Rum all around when battles done, lad’s!” she said with a confidence that belied her own nerves.

  A long spiked tentacle rose over the bow threatening to take the jib off the bow signaling the battle ha
d begun. One after another the slithering beast began to invade the rails. A deep groaning growl came from deep beneath the ship as cannon fire rang out across the water. Cutlasses and blunderbuss sang and boomed in elegant chorus with the flaming arrows from Greyy adding the harmonies to the fray. Each man took their station and performed the elegant dance of the Kraken with bravery and stupidity. Any sailor with a lick of common sense would never have entered a battle against a creature twice their size and no degree of fear or intimidation.

  The beast gave a battle that lasted the better part of the day. Several of the crew were injured and only one fatality, that of the Kraken. After the cleanup and repairs to the vessel Greyylene opened the reserve chest that held several kegs of high priced rum. Her crew had fought a foe that was mighty, and they came out the victor. It was an occasion that required celebration.

  Sluggish and sore from the events with the Kraken most of the crew groaned loudly to hear the Navigator announce they had come to the specified destination. Once again the lead line was dropped without hitting bottom. How they were meant to find treasures in a part of the sea that was too deep to dive was difficult to tell.

  “The only thing we can do is to drop nets as far as they go and hope they grab something useful.” Greyylene said.

  “Remember boys this is uncharted waters and very deep. Keep the nets even and untangled if we go down here we’ll become the next mission for plundering from some other idiot pirates.”

  With orders in place and the riggings set to keep balance nets were dropped as far as possible. Slowly they moved forward in the water as if trolling for dinner all the while also marking the maps. Back and forth along the width of the Crescent they trolled the deep chasm for their lost treasure. Working through drunken thick eyes and aching muscles from the Kraken the crew continued to drop the nets and drag not expecting anything for their troubles.

  Finally a loud creaking from below the hull and a heavy list to starboard sent the crew into a panic. The nets had found something and it was massive. Almost to the edge of the Crescent the only option was to move out of the deep chasm and try for a more shallow sea bed. Once they were able to stabilize it was discovered that the net had caught on the main mast from a Royal Cargo Vessel.


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