Black White and Shades of Greyy

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Black White and Shades of Greyy Page 15

by ElissaBeth Frear

  When the simple words of power, Sir Gil tried desperately to keep from the pirate crew, were uttered near a stone it would erupt in a violent explosion. Anything that was near the point of ignition or covered in the thick sinister blue cloud would turn into a raving maniac. The Pirates felt that the sinister curse coursing through their veins was a source of power. They felt it would give them an added bonus over their new adversary, the Royal Navy.

  The inhabitants of the small island began recreating the masterpiece of violent festivities immediately. They could see no good reason to wait or to stop what they did; in fact they reasoned to themselves that the victory over the Navy port was cause enough for celebration. They refused to see or heed any warnings from the Monk, who they thought nothing more than one trying to spoil their fun, or from Greyy, who they figured wanted it all for herself.

  The curse of Minerva that was unleashed on the Pirates would have a far reaching affect, the likes of which had not been seen in the realm for generations. If there was a cure it would need to be discovered sooner than later, or the world would never be the same.

  Those of Greyylene’s crew were already cursed and knew that adding any more to that would be foolhardy at best. The fact such a vile concoction had been used with her Savage Ale made her ill to even consider the ramifications. She vowed to store her prize more carefully.

  Chapter 109

  After seeing the horrors that came from the new Cradle Rock Ale Kegan melted into the back ground as quietly as his large frame would allow. He remembered the thick black lines that inched through him like a poison and was reluctant to allow further participation of anything having to do with the wicked brew. He had made his way back to his ship and was sitting in a corner when Greyylene found him. She also had serious misgivings of the new party brew, but the only recourse was to avoid the others. All of her warnings and pleadings had fallen on hostile deaf ears.

  The next morning most of the crew of “Vharcan” was aboard ship early. Common sense and the fact they were already a damned crew dictated that they withdraw from the debauchery shared by the others of their clan. A note was left for Kerrs that they would be sailing for new ports in hopes of discovering a safer hideaway for loot. Captain Greyy hoped to be well out of port and on her way anywhere long before Kerrs was conscious. The rest of the deck hands shared in her immediacy and worked quick and quietly to make their departure.

  The order was given to raise the plank and hoist anchor when a low whistle caught the attention of the deckhand at the rails. The Monk stood tall and confident at the end of the walk waiting for permission to come aboard.

  “Granted, Monk. come aboard.”

  “All I need is to be safely off this island. You can drop me at the nearest land mass or whichever port you wish.” He answered.

  He preferred to make himself useful rather than sit and watch as the crew scurried about their tasks. Sir Gil shed his outer robe choosing to work in less flowing garments. The soft leather pants and short sleeved shirt helped the Monk blend in with the crew more seamlessly. Greyy had to look twice when she saw him. His self-assigned duties were light and somewhat simple but proved invaluable to the others. Their tasks complete and the note secured to Kerrs’ door via an arrow the “Vharcan” eased out of the harbor and out to open waters.

  On open seas the nights are deep darkness with very little light unless the moon is full. The beauty is unrivaled, even the stars are brighter. As beautiful as the sky is at night, it’s the ocean that takes on new life when the sun goes down. Tiny creatures with luminescent glow dot the waves mimicking the stars above. This night, however, a mighty stir was causing the tiny glowing creatures to vanish in chaotic eddies reappearing only to vanish again.

  Not only is dark very dark, but sound seems to carry further on the ocean as well. The lookout could hear something amiss but was completely unable to see anything. Hollering down for Greyy to come look was the only option, considering she was able to see quite well in the darkness. Once atop the crow’s nest the Captain used the spy glass to stretch her sight further and was completely amazed at the sight heading straight for them!

  Chapter 110

  The low groans that first alerted to a problem came from a single whale, some 52 feet long, tossing and splashing about in the water and making a grand noisy display of waves, bubbles and groans. It was such an amazing scene that it made Greyy smile watching. Long into the night the whale continued her song and dance, and by daybreak she was no longer alone. A few plumes of air and water from other whales were seen on the horizon and soon the single female darted low into the sea and sped quickly away from the others leading in a chase that was heading straight for the three mast corvette. It was not long before several more large males joined the parade.

  So intent on watching the gathering males the crew had almost forgotten about the female. Securing the rigging and preparing for change of shifts made the deck hands jump as the 40 ton female broke the surface right off the port side of the ship. She was half as long as the ship and keeping fair pace with their speed and course. Prudence would dictate to break off and make a new heading to something a bit safer. Curiosity proved to be the stronger emotion keeping the current heading but reducing speed.

  Soon the sanity and the practicality of the decision demanded immediate attention. The rushing mob of males caught up to the female and was bearing down on the “Vharcan” with all the frenzy of a cyclone. Each male, slightly smaller than the female, jockeyed for the right to mate by shoving or pounding other males. Some would try to “drown” other males by leaping onto their backs and riding down to deep water hoping the rival would run out of air first. They blew bubble rings in order to blind or distract others behind, flapping fins and tails in the water or breaking out of the water in an impressive display of aerobatics from such a huge ocean dwelling beasts all to impress the one female.

  As the pod moved in closer their thundering display became more and more of a threat to the ship and its ability to stay above the waves. The whales were crashing into each other so hard it would knock the massive bodies into the hull. Bubble curtains used to throw off rival suitors were also causing a mess with the rudder. One particularly large male broke surface just off the starboard stern crashing violently into another male taking them both under the waves far too close to the ship. The wake caused by the barrage of bodies threatened to capsize the intruding vessel.

  Scurrying to stations attempting to stay upright and out of the way of the massive display of romance the crew of “Vharcan” kept checked their curiosity in the hold and replaced it with self-preservation. There was no way to outrun or maneuver out of the way, the only course was to stay and hope they didn’t get hit by whale.

  As quickly as the heat run began it was over. The victor went with the female and disappeared far beneath the waves while the others were left to slink back into the watery expanse whence they came. The crew stood dumbfounded gazing over the rails at the vanishing bodies. A collective sigh of relief and nervous laughter began to spread across the deck as the realization settled they had lived to tell the story of a whale “Heat Run”, and there was promise that the tale would be told often.

  Chapter 111

  Still shaking from the encounter Greyy’s crew continued on toward the known trade routes and harbors more suited for gentle folk and honest merchants looking for a good place away from the prying Navy to settle and regroup. The task of taking the Monk to a port was one that most likely would put the crew in deeper harm than had they remained at Port Redgrave. None the less, Greyylene was happy to be able to have a good excuse for leaving the Island and its new found libation behind. She was not given to a lot of drinking normally, and the extent of her desire for new brews was the recently acquired Savage Ale. This Cradle Rock Ale was far too dangerous and should not be encouraged, and aboard her vessel it would have no place!

  Kegan sat at the bow of the ship watching the waves his look was sour and melancho
ly. Greyy was about to approach when she saw Sir Gilead meander to the giant and settle in beside him. They talked for some time and it was apparent that Kegan had found a necessary outlet for frustrations with his onetime nemesis.

  When the Monk had first approached his pendant was a cool silvery gray, but after they spoke it took on a new shade of blue. When they were done nothing more was said, the Monk just turned and walked back across the deck nodding to Greyy as he passed.

  A few more days and land was in sight. The course that had been chosen picked a lightly traveled area so as not to meet with too many other vessels. The goal for this journey was not to raid, but to drop their passenger at a harbor.

  Glancing across the crew and listening to the men as they went about their daily tasks the Captain was more and more convinced that it wasn’t just the Monk that this shore leave would benefit. She decided that they all needed a bit of time to let loose.

  The sea hardened captain stood tall at the bow of her ship watching the waves glisten in the sunset and pondering all the events of the recent past. Her heart ached for home and her sister, but she feared she would never be welcome there again now that she had become a rather notorious outlaw.

  The colors of the sunset painting the sky with last brilliant flames of the day danced around the dark ship. Much like the Cradle Rock Ale had left an inky trail of chaos so the “Vharcan” left its dark shadow on the waves in stark contrast to the emblazoned majesty of the heavens. As the stars began to announce their presence with a soft twinkle the Captain’s mood grew more sullen. The deep crevice in her soul taunted her with ideas and images of a peaceful life she would never see.

  All through the night she sat at the bow dozing slightly here and there but mostly watching the waves rush at the hull. As the sun began to peek over the horizon its rays kissed the tops of the waves promising to be a gentle mother on their voyage.

  She was so completely lost in her own thoughts that the cry that broke the crystal silence almost made her fall off of her little perch. Only then did she realize it had been some time since she had last changed positions and her body betrayed her by objecting loudly with aches and pains she had forgotten would come.

  “Laaaaaaaaaand Ho!” the call from the crow’s nest. The timing could not have been more perfect. She was mildly concerned she may lose herself in her own thoughts all together had something not given cause to action.

  She knew most ports had at least one tavern or pub that would be the ideal place to let off steam and maybe summon friendly specters of her past. On her way to the Captain’s quarters she gave the order to pull into the port, but away from the common docks. She did not wish to be noticed by mooring close to other ships. Her next set of orders surprised and thrilled the crew. They would have until high tide the next day to spend ashore.

  “Now don’t get killed or caught.” She warned

  Chapter 112

  In her private chambers she scrounged around chests and footlockers for something a bit less ‘sea worthy’ to wear into town. She had never been one to dress up or given in to fancy dress, but the pieces she found taken from other ships that had been raided seemed to work out fairly well. She even remembered a few of the hair designs her sister had done when they were younger.

  Locked away in her quarters assuming the rest of the crew was busy securing the ship and scampering ashore like rats from a burning building she pulled together something like a reasonable outfit. Setting aside the garments she arranged a simple bathing basin to clean the salt grime from her body.

  A few ointments and oils she had acquired were used to help keep her skin from feeling like it would shatter at the slightest movement. The idea of primping and pampering herself seemed such a foreign concept to the sea hardened Captain that she could not help but smile to herself at the comedy of it all.

  Standing before a mirror attached to the wall she examined the image reflecting back at her. More accustomed to trousers and a tight fitting shirt, she studied the total transformation with a degree of awestruck amusement. It would be quite likely no one would recognize her.

  The deep brown braids that were wrapped around her head and left to dangle free at her back were adorned with small shells and beads acquired in some of the many raids. A light blue top hugged her curves and teased her bare shoulders, and the tight corset that supported her full bosom and tiny waist tied neatly at each hip. The deep blue skirts that gathered around her thighs fastened with simple ribbons allowing full movement and still offering a degree of covering to the female quiet parts. A garter at her thigh held a sheathed dagger affording a bit of protection that the dress otherwise would not have allowed. Her feet were encased in a flat sandal that tied up her calf almost to her knee. The final adornment added was the silver arm band that had long past lost its original meaning, yet she found it lovely anyway.

  Once her skin had held a light smoky gray tint, but with long days in the sun and open seas she now held a copper toned tan that highlighted her hair and eyes with an exotic beauty. Her long limbs, still given to waves of pigment changes and the aura unique to her people, held toned feminine curves many would find appealing had they been able to see her as anything other than a cold blooded pirate captain. The thick dark lashes that lined her eyes gave a veil affect that became intoxicating when coupled with her alluring smile. The full lips that hid her straight teeth more often than not were in a heavy scowl or pensive frown, but when the smile unleashed a beauty the stuff of legends shone through with brilliance.

  Chapter 113

  Emerging from her quarters she found that the crew had made record time docking the ship and clamoring ashore for some much needed recreational activities. She was almost certain there would be no one around to witness her drastic transformation, at least which was her hope. She had no intention of losing respect of her crew because of a few new articles of clothing and perfume. She failed to notice the dark silhouette standing just inside the tree line at the end of the docks.

  Sir Gilead had gathered the few belongings he owned and left with the rest of the crew. He had been given passage to a port of call and no one had bothered to see if he required anything more, in truth they barely noticed his presence as they rushed to begin shore leave. The quest his soul had taken was one he had been trying to decipher since the first time he met the wayward Elf.

  His heart broke for her troubled story and the deep loneliness he knew she felt. Her journey would be one filled with heartache, adventure, self-discovery and only the Deity knew what more; but he was determined to be as much of a guide and protector to her and her crew as he was allowed.

  She was certain there would be some kind of establishment that would prove to be a distraction from mayhem and murder without compromising their current status as fugitive. The last thing she wanted was to go from outlaw to inmate.

  Melting into the surroundings she made her way towards town as quietly as the feminine garb would allow. Unfamiliar with this particular port of call she followed her nose and the sounds in the air to find the local watering hole. The aromas that floated on the breeze like foam on the waves were intoxicating and full of spicy heat coupled with a thought of the free flow of local grog she smiled with anticipation. A pause in the music coming from a nearby establishment slowed her footsteps slightly. She waited for the next song to start before following the sounds across the narrow path.

  Chapter 114

  “This number we acquired while traveling about the lands. We’re not sure it’s completely right, but here’s a go at it.” The leader said as way of introduction.

  She stood just inside the threshold waiting to hear what sort of marvel these traveling musicians had in store. As the music began the sound resonated deep within her soul making her heart skip a beat with sheer joy at familiarity. The notes that emanated from the instruments stirred deeply forcing her feet and body to move with the haunting, lilting melody. A driving beat of the drum and the low earthy tone of the lu
te and lyre set a tune and mood that begged to be danced. As the song progressed she took slow deliberate steps to the middle of the floor and stomped with the beat of the drum. Her legs finding the rhythm intoxicating could barely help themselves but to dance. Twirling and swaying with the beat, skirts flying in a magical arc around her body her arms and hands took on the attitude of the story in song. Clapping in time adding a pounding stomp in a turn the harsh sea captain transformed before the eyes of astonished onlookers into a gypsy goddess with a grace and elegance belying her role as Pirate.

  The song grew in intensity transforming the dingy hall into lively dance parlor. The whirling Elf center stage was soon joined by one of the traveling band of minstrels who picked up the pace next to her without missing a beat. His hand went around her waist joining in the step and pulling her to him in one fluid movement. Their steps and turns melted so flawlessly together it seemed as though they had practiced for months to perfect the steps.

  As the song came to an end the room erupted in whooping cheers and applauds, the couple at the center of the room stood in their final stance heaving heavy breaths from the lively dance. The moments for the two disappeared as they lingered in each other’s arms, her hands on his chest and his hand gently cupping her face and head. He gazed into her fiery eyes drawing her up to him before kissing her lips in such a deep and passionate embrace that when he pulled away she was left a bit dazed.

  Setting Greyy upright he motioned to the others of the band to continue playing songs the local establishment would know. Watching the room unfold in song and dance the stranger took Greyy’s hand and without saying a word leads her out into the starlit night.

  “Do you know who I am?” she asked.

  “Of course I do, Captain. It is my job to know all the beautiful women who dance to exotic Elf music that we just happened to stumble into.” came his teasing reply before pinning her against a tree to kiss her deeply once again.

  Fighting to break from the kiss she spun around in a sweeping arc that knocked him off balance. Placing a foot behind his she gave a shove that landed him on his back at her feet. Stepping over him, a foot on either side of his hips, she crossed her arms and leveled a cold glare the likes of which would make her crewmen tremble. This brazen fellow, however, crossed his hands behind his head and looked at her with an amused expression and a playful smile.


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