The Pirate crew altered the uniforms to look as absurd as possible, cutting off the sleeves or shortening the trouser legs to fit which ever body happened to acquire it. Kegan had discovered the brightly plumed tri-corn hat of an Officer and found it far too small to fit his head so with a few modifications of shells and beads he adorned the main mast. The small ship was given a proper Pirate name of “The Salty Barnacle” and set out to cause mayhem where ever it was possible.
The more details Kegan went into the more animated he became. His arms flailed about almost knocking animal heads off the walls as he mimicked the crew of the hijacked ship. The real fun in the adventure came when he began to describe the deck battles just before the crew jumped the ship and let it drift lazily into the currents.
Hand to hand combat was one of Kegan the Mad’s most enjoyable past times. He was especially fond of sailors who thought they knew how to battle facing him and losing all sense of order or composure at the mere sight of his size. More than once he had won a fight just by showing up. His size and strength were notorious. He was well versed in the use of a blunderbuss to clear a deck and his war cry was the stuff of legends. The leftover of his crew were seen nodding their heads in vigorous agreement at the retelling of how he plowed through the oncoming boarding party in one wicked shot of his hand held cannon.
Hilarious laughter ensued as his story continued and he described the looks and reactions to the invading party. Several others were brought to their knees in tears as they recounted the expressions when everyone turned around and jumped the rails to the waiting longboat just in time to make it safely away before the hull of that same longboat erupted in a splintering mass of useless timber. Another victim of the famous Blunderbuss lay in pieces across the waves bobbing impotently around the Navy sailors. Shock and dismay of the Navy as they realized they would have to swim was the topic of many tales.
By the time one story was completed another one began. Long into the night the tales continued until everyone was so far drunk or already passed out none was able to hear. The days held heavily sedated sailors sleeping off the night in time for the sun to set and the whole extravagant episode to begin once more.
Chapter 132
Day three of the binge brought a more sinister air. The stock of rum and ale had been depleted and the need to find something more suitable to the level of intoxication was violently required. Buddy and Kerrs disappeared for a short time to reappear with Greyylene’s chest of Savage Ale along with their kegs of Cradle rock Ale.
Before she had a chance to object her new chest was smashed open and the bottles that had been so carefully stored were mixed with the pungent poison from the caverns of Black Rock. She was not given to heavy drinking so was sober enough to be aware of the evil that was taking over the Pirate band. The Cradle Rock Ale she knew was potent and worked quickly in the body. She was surprised to see just how fast it moved when mixed with her Savage Ale.
Kerrs and Buddy were the first to drink the new mix and the effects were almost instant. As they downed their mugs a thin ink black line coursed through their bodies. Their pupils were so large no color was left in their bloodshot eyes. A deep red shadow crept over their faces accenting the cheekbones and temples. Several other pirates drank and were so oblivious to the reactions they kept drinking.
The crew of the “Vharcan” became so disgusted with the deep lack of respect shown to their captain that they had all retreated to a common point around Greyylene. Their irritation turned to horror as they watched the immediate transformation of their fellow renegades. They took a vow at that moment never to let the Savage Ale out in public. The danger of this brew was far too heavy for any of them to bear. They were already damned there was no need to be damned without any hope of redemption.
With all her Ale spent and a bitter disappointment left in her heart Greyy and her crew returned to the “Vharcan”. Back in her quarters with the images firmly seared in her memory she allowed herself one moment of reflection. She thought of home, of her sister and the small room they had shared.
In her mind’s eye she could see the young girls whispering in the dim light of secret adventures and plans of greatness before their parents would holler for them to be quiet and go to sleep. Her mind then turned to her parents and the meals they shared together. The sorrow made a complete circuit when the image of her mother lying in her arms bleeding on the floor invaded the calm, only to be followed by the flying arrow and the blood soaked feather protruding out of the soldier who had killed her parents and the whispered vow of revenge that forever altered her life. A lone tear streaked down the cheek of the hardened captain as she blinked away the memory of all she had lost.
Shaking herself free of the flooded emotions she noticed a commotion on deck. Joining her crew at the rails and gazing out to the ongoing party a sight that shook her to the core caught her attention. It was the same upheaval that had gathered the crew to watch in a dumbfounded haze. At the edge of the forest was another of the Pirate crew running back and forth as if he was on fire. He was chased by a small herd of creatures that were running and leaping nipping at his heels.
“Bring me the Glass!” she ordered.
Chapter 133
When she looked through the long glass she saw it was Buddy with squirrels, rabbits and a gopher hot on his heels biting and scratching his fleeting form. Leaping over the rails in one fluid motion she grabbed her quiver and bow and raced for the distressed Buddy. Notching and firing as she ran the crazed animals dropped mid stride. When she was noticed the critters turned and ran towards her. Turning her bow into a maul she swung in large sweeping arches sending little woodland fur balls flying.
When the attack was over she stood breathing heavily in the midst of a circle of dead creatures. As she looked at the massacre at her feet she saw that they oozed an inky black goo rather than blood. Bending over to retrieve an arrow Greyylene noticed that the eyes of the creatures were black with red rims, much like she had seen on Kerrs and Buddy.
Returning to an upright position Greyy turned just in time to see Buddy lock gazes with her and charge. The look in his eye was more than just anger it was complete madness. He ran towards her in a blind rage with a roar so ferocious it froze her where she stood. She was so stunned at his behavior that she barely had time to notch an arrow before he leapt and knocked her off her feet.
Clawing and gnawing at her he was more like a wild animal than the friend and crewmate she had come to know and respect. His hands were around her throat and digging into her neck as he picked her up only to throw her across the sand. He leapt at her again intent on violence and deep malevolence. The hateful glare he bore into her made the blood in her veins run cold as ice.
Once again he charged her just as she was regaining her footing. Both Pirates went flying several yards and landed on the beach in a heap. Buddy was the first to gain footing and grabbed her by the collar yanking her to her feet. His eyes were black saucers with a deep red rim, and the familiar inky line veining through his body looked to have spread like a rash.
The last thing she remembered was seeing the ink veined fist and smelling the putrid sickening sweet breath as he released curses and a blow square across her cheek. The strike across her face looked as if it would take off her head. Had he not released his grip on her throat it very well could have. Lying unconscious in the sand with a deep gash across her face that oozed her blood with the sick ink veins threatening the wound where Buddy had made contact she was helpless to thwart any further attacks.
Out of the background Kegan the Mad and a few of the other crewmembers of “Vharcan” stormed the beach to retrieve their Captain. Buddy had become so enraged with the vile brew that he was impossible to beat. Kegan gave the order to get Greyy back to the ship while he and a few of the others distracted Buddy.
Chapter 134
Prudence had dictated the “Vharcan” set sail immediately and while Greyylene was recovering from the figh
t Kegan had given orders to pull the anchor and drop sails. By the time she had gained consciousness they were far enough off shore not to be noticed by the others left on land, but still within sight of the Port. The situation ashore had gone from jubilee to hostile so fast that most of the crew still reeled from the shock.
Once again Doc found himself sitting at the edge of Greyylene’s sick bed tending wounds. Most of her wounds he tended were minor and required little more than a good cleaning. These were different and inflicted by a fellow Pirate, which made it all the more troubling. He had rejoined her crew at the festivities and was thankful to be back on her crew roster.
Bobbing lazily in the waves had given the Kegan, the Doc and the Navigator a bit of time to collect thoughts and examine the evidence left on Greyy’s arrows. Kegan and the Navigator were relieved to have the expertise of Doc to help sort out the menace they found themselves examining.
When she woke Kegan and the other crewman were standing over her speaking in hushed voices. The pounding in her jaw brought her to a reality she had hoped was merely a dream.
“What happened?” she inquired her throat sore making it difficult to speak in more than a raspy whisper.
“Dat illness be one eb’lt’in it be.” Kegan answered before filling in the rest of the story.
When it was obvious that Buddy intended to kill her, Kegan jumped the rail and ran for his Captain. Kegan arrived right after her body had gone limp but before any other blows were landed. He had charged Buddy much the same as Buddy had done to Greyy and delivered a shot across the offending Pirate’s face that had not only broken his nose but had sent him backwards a few feet. But the exhibition of pugilistic superiority was far from over. Buddy was so completely drugged by the Cradle Rock Ale that his body never felt any of the blows. Kegan grew more disgusted with each blow and his growing irritation at the futility of the encounter gave him the brilliant notion to grab a nearby rock in which to knock Buddy unconscious. He was more concerned with the well-being of his Captain that the irrational Pirate.
Chapter 135
After Kegan returned to the boat his injuries were examined. The discovery was more than distressing but began to answer some questions. Apparently the cradle rock has a side effect that had not been taken into account. Its insanity was violently contagious. The wounds on both Greyylene and Kegan had much the same look. Both oozed with their own blood but the area around the cuts had a black feathery veining affect. Even the bruises that were left held a black point where the impact had tried to break skin.
A sample had been taken off one of her arrows to be examined by Doc. What he found confirmed much of what the others had feared. It was indeed the poison from the black rock. It looked as though the poison had replaced the blood of the animals with the festering secretion of the malicious stone.
The behavior that had been witnessed was one of the side effects. The insanity altered perceptions and the ability to reason or feel. The animals that were chasing Buddy had been his “pets”, or so he believed. When Greyylene killed them he had gone into a delusional outrage and attacked without restraint the one who had robbed him of his friends.
The doctor had given strict orders for both Kegan and Greyy to be under quarantine until it could be determined how they would react to the infection. None knew for sure how the infection spread or how long it would last. The only thing they knew for certain was that it was wicked and vicious.
A few days out at sea and the two crewmembers were getting cabin fever. Their moods started to match that of the seas and sky. The time of year for storms and heavy rains was fast approaching. The “Vharcan” floated aimless through the waves for days while the Captain and Quartermaster sat unable to have contact with anything other than the rats. Doc was hoping that the illness would at least kill the rats, but it showed that neither was infected to any degree of danger to the crew.
Chapter 136
Finally able to leave their cramped quarters Greyylene and Kegan found any excuse to be out on the open deck. The sails had all been secured and the rest of the crew scrambled to be under shelter. Greyy dismissed the wheelman so he could get food and dry clothing, and Kegan relieved the deck watch. They were both thrilled to be out of their quarters even if it meant being on deck during storms.
Standing at the wheel with the wind in her face, Greyylene let her mind wander as she watched the waves. The steel gray waves whined and complained at the muddy skies and torrential rains but in their fuss and temper was an elegance and beauty that Greyy found calming. Even the water spouts that tried to touch the skies danced before her as if in an audition for some grand performance. The waves in their tantrum were such a welcome relief to the quarantined sailors that both found themselves singing or humming a little shanty.
Mid song Greyy stopped to glance over the deck rail as tiny pieces of wood took flight. Securing the wheel with the rope so as not to lose what bit of direction they had she wandered over to investigate. When she looked down she found Kegan whittling away at a piece of plank from the Navy ship he had hijacked. He was singing as he worked and the image on the board took shape by the rhythm of his tune. When she saw the freedom of his spirit in song as the waves and wind beat against his face it brought a smile to her lips.
Almost a day and half passed before the storm broke allowing for a general inspection in preparation for the next torrent. The seas were grumpy but not as hostile as they had been. The atmosphere on board was one of antsy anticipation. Many were certain this was the eye of the storm and that worse was waiting to pounce. A rumbling deep under the surface of the waves gave a clear indication that their suspicions may have validity.
Chapter 137
“Ship to the starboard side, Capt’n!” The call from the wheel deck brought the soggy crew to attention. Far off course was a vessel baring the tattered remains of Navy colors. An eerie black smoke billowed out of its portholes and it listed badly. The sails were fully rigged but torn and ripped to useless.
“The glass Now!” she hollered back.
Peering through the spy glass to the wounded ship the sight aboard the other ship shook her to the core. The crew was still aboard and trying to make sail in the storm. Dead bodies littered the broken deck and a giant gash in the hull was letting in water faster than the crew had any chance of bailing. None of the other crew seemed even remotely concerned with the condition of their boat and in fact they looked as if they were having a celebration.
A closer look showed the malice of their situation. The whole crew had been infected with the Black Rock. Finally she saw the main culprit of the horrible scene being played out before her eyes. A keg from Port Redgrave had been confiscated and the sailors chose to ignore the quarantine warning and opened it.
“Kegan! Bring me the whispering stone.” she said with a quiet determination. “Pull in as close as we dare to the other ship.” She ordered.
Gazing up at Kegan looking for confirmation and support of what she was about to do. His nod back to her strengthened her resolve to put the infected crew out of its misery.
“Ready, Kegan? You think you can throw this over there before it blows us all to kingdom come?” His offended glare made her smile as she cupped her hands around his and the stone whispering the magic words into the smooth surface of the Whispering Stone. “NOW!” She ordered.
With a grunt and a mighty swing of his catapult arm the stone flew through the air towards the other ship.
“Turn us hard to port NOW!” She ordered as the whispered words of power repeated over the Navy vessel aggravating the remnants of the Cradle Rocks left in the bottom of the kegs.
They watched in stunned silence as the massive explosion over the naval ship turned the crippled vessel into nothing more than kindling. A thick blue cloud engulfed the offending craft then imploding in on itself causing a massive wave front. The “Vharcan” was much too close when the wave hit rendering them helpless to any course other than riding
the wave until it dissipated.
Rushing to the wheel as best as she could and hollering orders to secure the ship Greyylene joined the wheelman to assist in riding the encroaching waves. Kegan soon joined them and the three worked together in holding the rudder true and surfing the waves as they tried to stay afloat.
When the barrage finally passed a menacing calm settled over the darkening sky. A deep groan from far below the surface threatened a new attack on the teetering stability of the cursed ship. The crew waited in nervous anticipation for another wave, but none came. One final spurt of sickening blue smoke was barely seen on the horizon as the last remnants of the other ship vanished under the sea.
A moment for a collective sigh and the rains came again as if to wash any evidence of the event from the minds of those who witnessed it. Only then did Greyylene notice the stench of burnt flesh and the metallic sick smell of the offending ore. The resolve to rid the world of the horrible rock settled deep in her heart. As she looked over the crew gathered on deck it became apparent that hers was not the only mind set on a new course of action.
“Oh where is that Monk when I need him?” She mused to herself.
Chapter 138
The sun rose crisp and clear over the mooring yard of the Sandarian Navy. Soft billowy clouds moved in a lazy parade across the dancing waters to add to the sweet tease of a fresh morning. The birds sang their squawking tune just outside the window of the Captain of “Avenger”. Bishop was less than impressed with the majesty of the day on parade as the disgust of the recent events invaded the serenity of the moment. The ships bobbing with carefree abandon in the yard echoed the taunt adding to the growing irritation in the heart of the Navy Captain.
The battle that had lost so many ships and given the Pirates grounds for bragging and continued ruthlessness sat bitter on his mind. He knew that the arrogance of the inexperienced Commander had lost not only the battle but their flagship named for the Empress. Now the task at hand would be to save his reputation and to regain favor with the crown, and himself.
Black White and Shades of Greyy Page 18