Second Chance at Love

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Second Chance at Love Page 11

by Rhonda Laurel

  “What do you think?” Peyton asked after sipping one of the white wines.

  “It’s light, crisp. I taste a note of peach at the end.”

  “Me too.” Peyton lifted a cracker with a sliver of cheese on it. “Eat this and taste it again.”

  Alex held her hand steady as he took a bite. He sipped the wine again. It had taken on a different flavor since it had been paired with the cheese. He gazed into her eyes. “This changes things.”

  “I do believe you are unclenching.” Peyton gently wiped his mouth with her napkin. “Maybe you could suggest this wine with the appetizer list to your brother. And then a nice hearty red with some of the hardcore dishes. I could see a sparkling wine with something like nachos if people want to stray from the old staple of margaritas.”

  “You have a knack for this.”

  “You try pairing something.”

  “No, I don’t think so.” He shook his head.

  “Give it a shot.”

  Alex went over to the other table and picked up a cracker with gorgonzola on a fig and a tasting glass of cabernet. He held it to her lips. “Eat.”

  Peyton took a bite and then a sip of the cabernet. He couldn’t tell if it had been a good idea until she let out a loud groan and her eyes rolled back.

  “That was amazing.” She glanced around, embarrassed by her outburst.

  A taster at another table approached, looking at them curiously. “Excuse me. What did you eat? I’d love to try it.”

  “Uh.” Alex looked around. “The gorgonzola and fig with the cabernet.”

  “Thanks. I hope it gives me a mouth orgasm too.” She winked at Peyton.

  “Oh my gosh.” She buried her face against Alex’s shoulder. “Was I that loud?”

  Alex let out a hearty laugh. Soon there was a swarm of curious people coming over to try out his pairing. Peyton and Alex stepped behind the table and began handing out samples. Soon Marco came by and tasted it as well. Marco scribbled something on a card, then held it up for him to see. It said guaranteed sensual party in your mouth. The vintner gave him a thumbs-up and a wink before he put the card on an upright place holder and kept going. The other patrons then asked Alex for his opinion on other wine and cheese combinations. He’d put together a few more before excusing himself and Peyton. It was time for the two o’clock tour.

  Alex tried his best to listen to the tour guide rambling on about the aging of the barrels they used to store the wine, but he was too distracted by Peyton. She was engrossed in taking photos, but she also made an effort to stay engaged with him.

  At least his first test was over. He’d survived the conversation in the car. It had felt weird being in the car with a woman besides Rachel. Sure he’d driven family members around, but this was different. He repeated to himself that having friends was good. It was natural to want to connect with someone. But he realized he felt more than friendly feelings for the quirky artist. He’d even dreamed of kissing her the other night. Like that kiss he’d fantasized about in his office, he’d put his arms around her and pulled her in for another epic lip lock.

  The gentle nudge by Peyton alerting him that they were moving on to the bottling area jolted him out of his thoughts. “Isn’t this fascinating?”

  “It is,” he replied. “I had no idea how much care and craftsmanship was involved in producing wine.”

  “Did you think people still stomped on grapes?”

  “As a doctor, I have to say the idea of anyone stepping on my food, no matter what the finished product, it’s gross.”

  She giggled. “Is ‘gross’ an official medical diagnosis?”

  “Yes, it is.”

  The tour group moved along again, but this time Peyton stood still. “Do you mind if we go outside? I have just a few hours of daylight to get in some photos of the vineyard.”

  “Sure.” Alex took Peyton by the elbow and guided her up a narrow stairway that led to the main floor. He walked to the other side of the main room and found another door that led outside on the veranda. It was decorated with lounge chairs, tables, and had colorful potted plants scattered about.

  “Oh.” Peyton sighed. “It’s so beautiful here it’s ridiculous. Have you ever seen anything more beautiful than this?”

  The view from the veranda was majestic. It was another spectacular view of the rolling hills and rows of grapevines that surrounded the buildings. You could see Marco’s property and a few other properties adjacent to the Paloma Vineyard. Channing and Cassidy had gushed about this place, but seeing it for himself, he could see why they loved visiting. It was a magical place.

  “No, I haven’t.” Alex looked at her.

  Alex watched Peyton as she took pictures of the spectacular scenery. She looked so pretty today. Normally he wouldn’t have joined in with the crowd the way he’d done inside, handing out cheese and wine and making recommendations, but it had been easy with her taking the lead. She was a people person. She effortlessly connected with the people and things around her, while it took him some time to warm up. The only time he really felt comfortable was when he was discussing medicine or rattling on about the kids. But she’d stepped right in and gently pulled him into the dynamic and it had been fun. Talking about wine and cheese and sharing a few laughs felt good. Partially because it had nothing to do with the past few years of his life.

  He didn’t know if it was the romantic setting or the way the sun felt on his skin, but he felt like kissing her. The question was, did she want to kiss him too?

  Alex leaned in and touched her shoulder, moving closer. “Peyton.”

  She put the camera down and looked up into his eyes. “Yes?”

  He leaned toward her, thrilled with the way her full lips parted, wondering if they were as soft as they looked—

  “Ciao amici di Marco,” Marco’s mom exclaimed as she came onto the terrace and gave them both a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “La cena è servita.”

  “Grazie, signora Di Giovanni,” Alex said, drawing away from Peyton to put on a smile for the gray-haired woman. “Saremo in un attimo.”

  Marco’s mom kissed them on the cheek again and hummed as she went back inside. He glanced at Peyton, who was fiddling with her camera lens.

  “I guess it’s dinner time,” he said, more than a little disappointed the moment had been lost.

  Her lips were slightly upturned. “You must have been a gigolo in a past life.”

  “What?” He gave her a curious look.

  “Do you charm every elderly woman who crosses your path?”

  “I just have one of those faces.” His cheeks heated.

  “Tell me about it.” She ran her hand through his hair before putting her camera up to her eye and snapping his picture. “I’m starved, despite all those appetizers. Will you be taking over the dinner table?”

  “No, I have a feeling the dinner table is Marco’s domain.” He smiled and held out his hand. “After you.”

  Alex held the door for her as they headed back into the winery. Well, he’d gotten a kiss all right, but not the one he was hoping for. They hopped in the car and took the short ride to Marco’s place.

  As expected, Marco’s house had an elegantly decorated patio area overlooking the south side of the vineyard in a family-style setting. The sun was still going down, so the paper lanterns hadn’t been lit yet. They continued to make small talk around the table, but he was still thinking about that almost-kiss in the back of his mind. Every now and again their hands would touch when they passed the food around and a subtle jolt would pass between them.

  His cell phone vibrated, and a glance told him he’d received a text from the kids from Aubrey’s phone that they were having a good time. The checking in was more for his benefit. Maybe someday he’d get over being a worried parent…but probably not.

  The conversation at the table remained lively. Marco put his culinary skills on display with an array of delectable foods that complemented the vineyard’s wines. There were cheeses and breads being pa
ssed around as well as broccoli raab with sausage. Then he ramped up the dishes with a selection of hearty main courses guaranteed to stick to your ribs. The spaghetti Bolognese looked so good he took two helpings off the plate before he passed it along. He liked that Peyton dug in too. She had a healthy appetite and didn’t skimp when she put food on her plate.

  Normally, he would have withdrawn from the discussion, but Peyton and his new friends wouldn’t allow him to retreat. They raved about his explosive wine and cheese pairings, saying he was natural. He tried to deflect the compliments and change the subject, but Peyton swiftly guided the table talk back to him and his new job. The group eventually moved on to a new topic, but it was nice to talk about himself for a little bit without having to touch on the horrid backstory. There was no pity and sad looks. There were only friendly smiles and more laughter. They unanimously agreed he should start his own food blog.

  He felt a tug on his shirtsleeve. Reva, the woman to his right, was trying to get his attention.

  “You and your wife are so adorable.”

  “Thank you,” he stammered. “But we’re not married. I’m a widower. We’re new friends.”

  “Really? You two seemed like you’ve been together forever.”

  Before Alex could reply, Marco inserted himself between them. “Are my guests having a good time?”

  “Always, Marco darling.” Reva beamed. “I was just telling Alex how wonderful it was to meet him and Peyton. They are a fantastic couple.”

  “I think you’re right, Reva.” Marco winked at him and patted him on the shoulder.

  Reva’s husband asked her a question, so he felt it was the perfect time to turn his attention back to Peyton. She was laughing at something someone on her side of the table had said. He touched her hand to get her attention, and she immediately covered his with her own.

  “Funny story?”

  “It was more of an anecdote than a story.” She smiled.

  “How’s the fish?”

  “Delightful. Thanks for inviting me.”

  “Thanks for coming.” He caressed her hand.

  She glanced at his glass of sparkling cider. He hadn’t had anything alcoholic for hours, and before that he’d only had a few sips for the tasting. “It’s a shame that you can’t enjoy yourself. I think I’ve had more than my share of wine today.”

  “No worries. I’m an oldest brother and had lot of crazy friends in college. I’ve often been the designated driver throughout my life.”

  “I can tell. You reek of responsibility. But there is hope for you yet.”

  “How so?”

  She played with a button on his shirt. “You did leave this button undone today.”

  “Who knows,” he drawled. “Maybe I’ll undo another before the end of the evening.”

  “It’s time for dessert!” Marco declared.

  * * *

  They got on the road around midnight. Marco offered them rooms in his house if they were too tired for the journey back, but Alex declined. Marco insisted they take a couple of cases of wine and invited them to come back again. The ride home was just as animated. Peyton was really mellow and talked even more. She’d grown up in a small town in Nebraska and was one of three girls in her family. Unlike a lot of people she’d grown up with, she liked the small-town living. He learned she’d loved to paint and draw since she was a little girl. It drove her mom crazy that Peyton had drawn on all the walls in the house, so she renovated the attic for her. And it had been her jet-setting aunt who’d introduced her to landscape photography.

  Her conversation drifted off as he drove, and the next time he glanced at her he realized she had drifted off to sleep. He was disappointed not to hear her soothing voice anymore. That was until she put her head on his shoulder and snuggled up against him. It took all he had to concentrate on the road when he really wanted to pull over and take her in his arms. By the time he reached her place, he didn’t have the heart to wake her, so he let her continue to sleep for a few minutes.

  “Peyton.” He gently nudged her. “We’re home.”

  “Already?” She yawned.

  “You conked out about a half hour ago.”

  “I am an awful co-captain. I was supposed to keep you awake.”

  “I was pretty wired.” He shrugged.

  “So how was it? Being away from the kids today?” She sat up and adjusted her scarf.

  “It was difficult, but I have a great sitter, so I know they’re safe.”

  “Good. It’s hard to find a good caretaker these days.”

  “Can I walk you to the door?”

  She smiled. “Of course.”

  Alex got out of the car, rounded the front, and opened her door.


  “The wine.” He went into the trunk and retrieved the box with her name on it and followed her up the cobbled path to the front door.

  “Marco sure was generous.” She turned the key and opened the door, then punched in the alarm code. “Which of the wines are you going to recommend to Derek?”

  “All of them. They were all great once you learned what flavors complement which wines.” He held up the box. “Where can I put these?”

  “Would you believe Skyler has a wine fridge in the cupboard?” She laughed. “It’s in the kitchen.”

  He saw the wine fridge as soon as she opened the door. The pantry was packed with gourmet foods. He opened the box and began stocking the bottles. One of them almost slipped out of his hand, but he made a quick recovery. He was thinking about kissing her again. Wondering if the moment would be perfect again, like their time on the veranda, and hoping it would be.

  They’d had a great day together, and he wasn’t afraid to admit he was more than a little attracted to her. But something else suddenly cropped up in his mind. It would be the first time he’d kissed someone in a romantic way since Rachel. Maybe it was too soon. Reality began to set in again. They were back in Harper’s Grove, and he had to get back to the kids. Aubrey, bless her heart, had better things to do on a Saturday.

  He put his hands on his hips and cleared his throat, trying not to wince at how awkward he suddenly felt. “Well, I’d better be going.”

  “OK. I’ll see you to the door.”

  Once in the foyer, he stood there, looking at her, his cheeks feeling warm, his heart beating faster than it should have. He wanted to kiss her. He was afraid to kiss her.

  “I had a really nice time.” She smiled up at him.

  “Me too.”

  Suddenly everything he’d just mulled over in his mind sounded like crap. It wasn’t too soon for a kiss. It was never too soon for a kiss if you really wanted to be with a person. It was a way of communicating passion and—

  Screw it. Alex pulled Peyton into his arms and covered her mouth with his. Relief and pleasure swept through him when Peyton thrust her hand into his hair and deepened the kiss. He wrapped his arms around her waist. The wonderful smell of her perfume was only surpassed by the softness of her skin and delightful taste of her full, pouty lips. It had been so long since he’d kissed a woman, but he was happy he’d waited. This wasn’t some random bout with lust; this was a woman who’d ignited a flame in him he thought had long been permanently extinguished. He caressed her back and then dropped his hand lower and pulled her flush against him. He wanted her to feel for herself the way his body reacted involuntarily to hers.

  Right now would be a good time to tell her about how he hadn’t felt so connected to someone in a long time. He should tell her that he dreamed about her and found her to be interesting and kind. Just as he was ready to give in to the moment and new possibilities, an image of Rachel popped into his head. Suddenly it didn’t feel right to have these exciting feelings for someone else. As his mind continued to reel about his emotional betrayal, he broke apart from her.

  “I gotta go.” He took a step back from her, his heart thudding dully, his breathing fast and heavy, and he turned and left.

  He left, but it felt more
like he was fleeing…

  * * *

  Peyton stood there for a few minutes before securing the locks and turning on the alarm. How could he just kiss her senseless and abruptly leave like that?

  They’d had a wonderful day at the vineyard. She knew it took tremendous effort for him to relax, but once he let his guard down, he was fun and entertaining. He’d opened up a little about his life with the kids after his wife’s death.

  And then things had gotten hot and heavy.

  And then he’d left her.

  Feeling too restless and agitated to sleep, she changed into her work clothes and opened one of the bottles of wine that Marco had given them and poured herself a hefty glass. She wasn’t going to sleep anytime soon, fooling around with Alex had seen to that. The softness of his touch contrasted with the firmness of his hands caressing her body was so haunting, she felt as if his hands were still on her.

  She went into the art room and uncovered the canvas, her thoughts rushing around in her mind. He’d taken off his wedding ring. She’d taken that as a sign that he’d made the decision to date again. She knew it had to be hard, but he she also knew he hated being pitied. He was proud of making a life for his kids in the aftermath of his wife’s death. She understood why he’d waited so long to date again. It was all such a fragile situation, but he’d taken a leap of faith and asked her out. She was hopeful that he’d go a little further and open his heart too and that fantasy was going to become a reality.

  Until she opened her eyes and saw Alex looking down at her like he was about to make the worst mistake of his life.

  That expression was sandblasted into her mind. It was if he’d seen a ghost, but she suspected Rachel had been the third party in the house with them that night. She’d truly been a lucky woman to have a man willing to sacrifice his future happiness to continue to mourn her.

  Peyton’s heart felt as if it had cracked. She blinked her vision clear again as she went about selecting her colors. Yes, Rachel was a lucky woman. It was too bad Peyton couldn’t be as lucky, but she couldn’t compete with a dead woman he still loved. That was a battle she could never win.


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