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Decker's Fate (The Decker Brothers Trilogy Book 1)

Page 10

by K. R. Richards

  “What is it?” Jade started to enter the bathroom.

  Decker moved toward her quickly. He wrapped his arms around her and moved her gently back into the bedroom.

  “They’re dead?” Jade choked out.

  He nodded. “I’m sorry, babe. You shouldn’t look.”

  “I – I.” She shook her head in frustration. She tried to suppress the sob that threatened to tear from throat. “Who is this? Why is he doing this?” Jade’s voice rose in anger. Tears slid down her cheeks.

  “Who is this creep?” Erin ground out in anger as she went into the bathroom and looked into the aquarium. “He had to have come into this room after Jade ran downstairs.”

  Liam came up beside her. Decker and Harper were trying to keep Jade calm in the bedroom.

  “What kind of a sick bastard is this?” Erin whispered, shaking her head as she looked to Liam.

  “A really bad one, I think,” Liam said honestly. He opened the hood and checked the setting on the heater. It read seventy-eight degrees. Had the heater malfunctioned? He doubted it.

  Erin rose slowly after looking in the aquarium then looked into Liam’s eyes. She nodded.

  “Yeah.” She blew out a long breath as she ran her hand through her short, dark hair. “A real psycho, apparently.”

  Liam nodded. “I’m not going to argue with you on that one.”

  Sam the cat came up to rub on Liam’s leg.

  “Hey kitty.” He reached down to pet her.

  Erin scooped her up. “Jade, where is Sam’s carrier? I’ll get her loaded in. She’ll have to come with us since the door won’t stay closed.” She looked to Liam.

  He gave her a nod. “Sure, Sam is welcome.”

  “In the closet,” Jade’s voice, much softer now, filtered in from the bedroom. “Erin, please make sure there wasn’t a fish hiding and still alive somewhere. If any are alive, they will need to be fed before we go.”

  “Okay, sweetie.” She looked in the tank. The plecostamus, known as Merlin, was dead. Both albino corydoras, Pinky and Winky, dead. She counted the bodies of the sunburst platties, “One, two, three, four, and five.” Erin shut off the aquarium light “Damn.” She turned to look at Liam. “He got them all. Thank God he didn’t get to Sam or Jade,” she said then exhaled deeply.

  “Or you and Harper,” Liam added.

  “Oh? Yeah, we live here too. I hadn’t thought that far ahead yet.” She sighed heavily and shook her head.

  Liam opened the closet door. He found the cat carrier stored on one of the lower shelves and opened it. He held it while Erin slid the cat in. He sat the carrier on the floor while Erin grabbed the box of cat litter and the bag of food. She snagged a clean, extra cat pan Jade kept for emergencies. She picked up Sam’s bowls and dumped the water in the sink. She found a big handled bag in the closet and loaded it with Sam’s supplies.

  Liam shut the French door when they came out of the bathroom and put Jade’s desk chair in front of it to keep it from opening on its own until they police arrived.

  Erin and Harper helped their shaken friend pack up some clothes.

  Chapter Six

  “As Decker mentioned earlier, I install hi-tech security systems for a living. Liam and I are going to install a better system in here for you ladies after the door is fixed,” Brody announced when they returned to the living area. He added, “With cameras at all the entry points.”

  “That sounds great, but the million dollar question is how much will it cost? We have a shop and live on a budget. We require water, electricity, cars, gas, food to eat and stuff,” Harper said.

  “Million dollar answer, it will cost you nothing. This is compliments of the Decker brothers,” Brody provided.

  Erin smiled at Liam. “Well then, it will cost us something. Food and drink while you work, then a good steak dinner and a movie or something else to celebrate when you finish.”

  “Deal.” Liam brandished a wide grin.

  “I accept.” Brody laughed. “I never turn down food.”

  “He never does.” Liam grinned.

  Liam grew serious. He started looking around the room. He went to look out the French doors. “We’ll need to set up an inside camera pointed from the side window beside the front door, and one from higher up outside, so they can see anyone at the door,” he said as he looked to Decker. “And one that will catch the entire balcony area here.” He looked to Erin. “Of course, we need one for Jade’s balcony too.”

  “Do any of you have a PC or do you have laptops only?” Brody asked.

  “Just laptops, I’m afraid,” Jade answered.

  “No problem I have extra PCs.” Brody rose from his chair at the counter. “So, um, is it cool if we have a look at the rest of the place real quick? That way I can order what we’re going to need to install everything. All windows, doors, and skylights will be wired. We can start on it in the next few days after we receive everything. You can stay with us until we finish. Because this is what I do for a living, I don’t want you to stay here without one, especially after what happened here this morning.”

  “We’re not totally defenseless. I have a gun and Erin wields a bat fairly well.” Harper rested her hand on her holstered pistol.

  “Do you know how to use your gun?” Brody asked Harper.

  “It’s purely a fashion accessory.” Harper lifted an irritated brow. “Of course I know how to use it. My dad taught me. I’m a pretty good shot too.” She cocked her head and gave him a confident grin. “Would you like me to demonstrate?” She batted her eyes at him.

  “Just checking.” Brody lifted his hands in the air in surrender. “If you want to stay here tomorrow night, that’s fine too. We need to fix that door today if you do.”

  Harper looked to Jade, still wide-eyed and pale. Heck, she was still freaked out by what happened during the night, or rather early this morning.

  “I was just messing with you, Brody. We’ll stay at Decker’s house until the alarm is in. I think it’s a good idea. Erin and I can’t figure out how someone got on the roof or to Jade’s window and balcony up on the third floor. It doesn’t seem physically possible.”

  Liam and Brody exchanged knowing looks.

  “It’s getting lighter outside. We’ll check the outside after we look through the apartment. Then we’ll leave,” Liam assured them.

  “Should we call the police?” Harper asked.

  Decker chuckled. “Ah, the police are here.” He grinned at Harper.

  She laughed. “Oops! Sorry, I forgot, Decker.”

  “My friend Jackson knows already. I texted him. He’s going to come over later this morning when he’s on shift and check things out.”

  “The door down the stairs and to the left as you come in the entry, what is that to, a garage? I noticed some of these places have garages,” Liam inquired.

  “No, it’s my room,” Erin told him. “We don’t have a garage. It’s way too much a month, almost as much as our rent.”

  “Well then, Erin, we’ll start in there because you are on the ground floor, and we want the ground floor to be like Fort Knox. I want to have a look at the sidelight next to the front door too. I seriously doubt your current alarm system is wired to it. We’ll make sure if someone breaks, thumps or cuts any window in this apartment, your new security system will alert you.”

  Brody and Liam followed Erin down the stairs.

  “Don’t worry, Jade.” Harper said as she sat next to her and patted her hand. “The Decker brothers are going to make sure no one can get in our apartment. None of us are going to let that creep near you.”

  “That’s a fact.” Decker rubbed her back.

  Jade shook her head. “This has never happened to me before. It’s such an unnerving feeling. I’ve never had a stalker and I don’t want one.”

  “I’ll find him and make certain he never comes near you again,” Decker said, hoping he truly could find the guy if he was this demon.

  “I know you will. I’m not normally a fearful per
son, but I am scared now. I was more in shock at the bar. Now that this happened and has sunk in, I’m not only creeped out, but in fear. And I hate that I am afraid.” She exhaled.

  “In this situation, a healthy dose of fear and caution will keep you alert. I’m going to do whatever I can to find this guy as soon as possible,” Decker assured her.

  Five minutes later, Brody and Liam came back up the stairs. They walked through the main living area with Harper. Erin followed them, leaving Decker and Jade in the family room alone.

  Decker pressed his lips to her temple. “I know it’s a difficult situation to be in, but I promise you, it won’t last forever.” He rubbed her arm with his large hand.

  “I know. I just feel like such a wuss because I am truly scared. I’m normally very brave.”

  “I know you are scared, and I wish you weren’t but there is no other way to be right now. That would have scared me, Jade. Once we have this guy out of the picture, your life will get back to normal and the fear will go away.” Decker laid his hand over hers and gave it a squeeze.

  “I’m glad you’re here. I mean, I feel safer with you and your brothers looking out after us.” She looked up and into his eyes, watched his lips curve into a smile. “It’s very nice of you to be so concerned about us.”

  “This concerns me, I’m dating you. More than that, I really like you. I’m doing this for me too, you know. I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  That made her smile. “Thanks, Decker. I like you too.”

  He wondered if she would still feel that way after he told her who he thought this guy was. He was ninety-nine percent certain now this creep was not just a random stalker. He had the uneasy feeling this guy was the demon his parents had warned he and his brothers about. True, there was still a chance he could just be a real psycho. Either way, whoever or whatever he was, Jade, her roommates, and the girls at the shop were in danger.

  Decker hoped Jade didn’t decide that he was a lunatic and cut all ties with him, because then he would really worry about her.

  “I hope we’re not putting you out, staying with you for a few days.” Jade looked to him.

  “No, not at all. I would rather be over cautious in this situation. If you weren’t where I could keep an eye on you, I would worry about you constantly.”

  “He’s something of a psychopath, isn’t he?”

  “Yeah, it looks that way. I hate to scare you even more than you are already, but he’s definitely not normal. I have to be honest with you. I don’t think he’s harmless, either. I’m convinced he’s very dangerous.”

  “You can stay with me as long as you want to. I promise I will do everything in my power to keep you safe.” He began massaging her back and shoulders to help ease the stress knotting up in her muscles.

  “Thank you. That feels good,” Jade said with a sigh.

  Brody and Liam entered the family room. “It’s light enough to get a good look around. We’re on our way outside. Harper and Erin are going to change clothes.”

  “I’ll stay in here with the girls. You have a look, then one of you come in and get me, okay,” Decker posed. He didn’t want to leave Jade alone right now, but he really wanted to have a look outside.

  “Sure. Will do.” Liam gave him a nod as he followed Brody to the stairs.

  When Liam returned, Decker was looking out the French doors.

  “Brody’s waiting for you outside. Where are the girls?”

  “Jade is in Harper’s room changing. Harper’s with her. Erin’s in the kitchen. You’ll stay inside with them?”

  “Absolutely,” Liam assured him as he sat in the recliner.

  “Decker said you like Dr. Pepper.” Erin smiled as she brought a can to Liam. “So does Harper.”

  “Sweet! Thank you.” He popped the top and took a sip.

  “There are no marks in the ground from a ladder and no trees near Jade’s window or balcony. There is nothing that could be used to climb up to the second level, much less the third level, of this apartment building. There is not one tree close to the girls’ apartment. I can’t see any way someone could reach Jade’s window or balcony on the third freaking floor unless the person had an extra tall ladder or climbing equipment to get on this roof. We didn’t check the roof, we’d have to clear it with the apartment manager to do that, but there would be signs on the stucco, and I don’t see any.” Brody shook his head.

  “We’ll have Jackson get the okay to look at the roof since he will be on duty when he gets here. It is a semi-flat roof in some places, but it pitches over Jade’s room, she has vaulted ceilings. So, yeah, I agree. It’s possible, not probable that someone could walk around up there, especially in the dark. You would need an industrial ladder to get up that high, there’s no ladder here, and the guy apparently drove off in a sedan, so.” He shrugged as he let go a frustrated sigh.

  He looked to Brody. “So how do you think someone could get up there without a ladder, or climbing equipment?”

  “Other than flying, I couldn’t tell you,” he answered in a grim tone.

  “Yeah.” Decker nodded. “That’s what I think too. Let’s get this wrapped up and get the girls to the house. My guess is that demons fly. At least this particular one does.”

  The sun was well up as Decker, Jade and Liam climbed into the SUV and drove toward his house. Liam had Sam in her carrier on the seat next to him. Brody rode in Harper’s car with her and Erin. They followed Decker closely.

  “How did he get up on my roof? I’m on the third floor,” Jade asked. “It just doesn’t make any sense.”

  “Brody and I are going to go over and meet the police after we eat breakfast,” Liam told her. “We’ll find out. Don’t worry about it right now, Jade.” He met Decker’s gaze in the rear-view mirror.

  Decker, Brody, and Liam had talked quietly when they were loading the SUV and Harper’s car with the women’s stuff. They were going to explain things after breakfast, let them know what their suspicions were about this guy. Decker reached over and gave Jade’s hand a quick squeeze as they pulled into his driveway. He hit the button on the black box clipped to his visor and the garage door opened. He parked, went around to the other side, opened the back door and grabbed the handle of Sam’s carrier, then helped Jade out of the front seat.

  Liam opened the rear door and took out Jade’s small roller bag. He grabbed the bag of Sam’s things Erin had packed. He pulled Jade’s bag in and set Sam’s supplies on the counter when he came in. He heard the garage door closing as the door opened and Brody led Erin and Harper in with their bags. Brody led them to the guest bedroom they would share.

  Decker led Jade into his room. Liam followed with her bag and the cat stuff. He left her bag near the bed and deposited Sam’s bag in the bathroom. He left them alone.

  “Sam can stay here in my room. For tonight, Jade, I’d like you to stay with me, in my room. I promise to be a gentleman, and should warn you, I have to get up at four for my shift tomorrow morning.” Decker looked at her. “We don’t know exactly who we’re up against yet, and well, the only way I am sure I can protect you is if I’m with you. If you want, if it makes you feel more comfortable, I can even sleep on a cot or the floor.”

  Jade thought about it for a moment. She did trust Decker. She had no reason not to, other than she didn’t know him well. However, her gut instinct told her she could trust him. “Yeah, okay. I want to thank you, for everything, Decker. I will stay in your room with you. I honestly don’t think I could sleep tonight if I was alone. But I’m not putting you out of your bed.”

  “You can stay with the girls in the other bedroom if you prefer, but we’d need to get a cot in for you, and I think you’d sleep better in a real bed. Besides, there would be three girls to one bathroom,” he teased her.

  “I trust you, Decker. I’ll stay in here with you.” She managed a small laugh. “Then I don’t have to wait for the bathroom.” Her smile faded and she looked to him as she said, “I would truly feel safer in he
re with you tonight. Thanks.”

  He bent his head to press his lips against her temple. “No need to thank me, sweetheart. Just make yourself at home while you’re here.”

  He helped Jade set up the bathroom for Sam.

  “Wow, a walk in shower, it’s huge. I love it.” Jade gave him a bright smile. It was beautiful, done in warm, brown stone. In fact, his bathroom was fabulous. It was earthy, masculine, and pristine clean. There was an extra large spa tub. Dark walnut cabinets were topped with a long, medium brown, granite counter top, with flecks of black and shiny crystal. Stone basin sinks sported sleek, to-die-for fixtures.

  “This is gorgeous!” She smiled as she looked around and took it all in. “Did you have this done or do it yourself?”

  “Brody and I did it when Liam came home from the hospital. I renovated his bathroom before he was released. It would have been difficult for him to step into a tub shower. We eliminated a linen closet and a closet in the bedroom we use for an office, and added a walk-in shower in his bathroom and re-did the whole thing. We started mine after we finished his. They’re pretty similar.”

  “Wow! I am impressed. You guys did a great job.” She smiled. Her smile faded when her eyes rested on the nearly floor to ceiling window on the outer wall. It was covered by a rich, dark wood shade that still allowed some light in.

  Decker saw her reaction to the window and quickly tried to reassure her, “I have two computer geek brothers and a state of the art security system. Brody and Liam are constantly updating it. If the windows are even touched on the outside, the alarm will go off. They practice all their new hi-tech stuff on my house and Brody’s.”

  “Okay.” She nodded as she drew in a deep breath. How long would she be afraid of windows or even to go to the bathroom alone? She hated feeling this way. She rubbed her arms.

  “Hey. The fear will go away when we catch this guy,” he whispered as he reached for her hand.


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