Southern Shifters_Taken by the Wolf

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Southern Shifters_Taken by the Wolf Page 2

by Selena Blake

  Good girl.

  His voice rumbling through her mind was like a warm, soft blanket enveloping her. She welcomed it, welcomed him. It was forbidden, a relationship between them, but she'd trusted him from the moment they'd met. She still trusted him, felt safer knowing that he was coming for her.

  The sound of a new engine pierced the night air and she tracked a motorcycle veering around the truck in front of her. It stopped a handful of feet away and two large men dismounted.

  “Nice little trick back there,” Colt said, glaring at the two men on the driver's side of her car.

  Like them, he hand long hair and too many muscles to count. But unlike the others, he glanced at her window and his gaze softened.

  So did she. Everything feminine inside her melted like butter on a hot day and her fear was instantly replaced by determination and desire.

  “You're making a scene,” Colt said, so low she barely heard him through the window.

  The men laughed.

  Matthias glared at the other two men and took a single step forward. She saw the guy behind her trunk retreat to the passenger's side.

  “So I'll make this easy for you. Go back where you came from, tell Luke to stay the fuck away from my mate or I'll rip you all a new one.”

  He sounded so lethal that there was no doubt in her mind that he meant every word. So this was why he was an Alpha, she mused. Big, take charge, and he looked ready to kick ass and take names. Anyone would be crazy to take him on.

  Three of the wolves stayed silent but there was one dumb ass in every group and today, the man closest to her must have declared himself the leader.

  “That's rich—”

  Before he could finish his sentence, Colt had him by the collar. They spun around and he backed the other man against the side of the truck. Robin's breath caught at the show of power. Energy rippled off Colt’s big frame and she wouldn’t be surprised if his prey was trembling right about now. Colt looked a second away from shifting and teaching the lesser a lesson.

  “I said get away from my mate, asshole.”

  She saw movement out of the corner of her eye and then Matthias stepped forward, thwarting any retaliation. She was amazed that these guys, four to two, weren't taking Colt on.

  She melted further. He sounded so sure, so...possessive. That had never been a turn on before but as she watched the scuffle in the pale yellow light from her headlamps; she couldn't deny the way her body softened for him. Need tore through her from the tips of her aching breasts to her curling toes. She wanted to know his possession again, feel his body moving against hers, so solid and sure.

  He'd been a marvelous lover, her first. And while he'd been tender and careful he'd also been deliciously rough and take charge. And he obviously commanded respect, and got it, from everyone around him.

  It'd only been a matter of seconds since Colt had arrived, but her breathing had shallowed as she watched and waited. Her body alternated between humming with tension and desire.

  Finally the man with Colt's hands around his throat nodded. Colt took a measured step back and released his target. The smaller man dove behind the wheel of the truck and the other three disappeared. The trucks sped away, leaving a cloud of dust swirling in front of the headlights.

  As their tail lights disappeared up the mountain she took a relieved breath and slouched down into the seat. They were gone. She could hardly believe it.

  A shadow crossed the driver's side window and she stared up at Colt. It was hard to make out his features with the motorcycle's headlight directed at her car, but she'd know that body anywhere, those hands were oh so familiar too.

  He took a slow look around and she imagined he was scenting the air for anymore enemies waiting in the wings.

  You're right, he sent the thought into her head, sounding ridiculously pleased.

  He made a 'roll down the window' motion with his pointer finger and squatted next to her door as she complied.

  They stared at each other silently; she was unsure what to say and her tongue didn't seem coordinated at the moment anyhow.

  “Hi,” he started.


  “You okay?”

  His beautiful eyes raked over her face.

  She nodded. “Now that you're here.” She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Thanks.”

  “Of course.”

  He seemed to want to say more, but he shot a glance over his shoulder toward the town.

  “We should get out of here.”

  She nodded again, ready to get to safety. Would he offer her that? She had no right to ask but he made her feel safe and protected, two things she'd been sorely lacking these past few weeks.

  “Why didn't you come to me?” he asked, his hand closing over the door.

  Her brows lifted at the annoyance in his tone.

  “Colt,” Matthias said, his deep voice full of warning.

  Colt's head jerked right and he murmured, “doesn't matter.” Then, “I'm driving.”

  Ordinarily, a high handed order would have her hackles up, but with him, for some reason, she found herself nodding. Actually, she was happy to let him take over because her limbs felt more like noodles than muscle and bones.

  He opened the door and held out his hand. She took it, grateful to borrow his strength, and electricity shot up her arm. It'd been the same way the first time they'd touched, the first time they'd kissed, when his lips had closed over her nipples.

  He seemed to notice but didn't say anything as he got her settled in the passenger's seat.

  “Where are we going?” she asked when he slid into the driver's seat. His knees banged against the steering wheel and he slid the seat back as far as it'd go then quickly adjusted the mirrors.

  Glancing over at Matthias, they seemed to share a few words and then he put the car in motion.

  “My place.”

  Chapter Three

  Colt had trouble reining in his inner wolf with Robin so close. She was even prettier than he remembered. And also, quiet.

  “You're safe now. Luke would be a fool to come after you twice in one day.”

  She turned toward him as they headed up the mountain.

  “I don't understand why he's after me in the first place. I've never met him. I've never been on his property.”

  “He wants you because of me.”

  “Because you think I'm you're mate,” she said, sounding unconvinced.

  “I know you are.” Didn't He laughed to himself. She couldn't smell it the same way he did. But she could talk to him in his mind. That had to count for something.

  “Being close to you sooths me. I don't feel torn in two. I feel steady and calm and—” He bit off the last word, not wanting to scandalize her.

  “And what?” she asked, obviously hanging on to every word. That made two of them.

  “And horny,” he admitted and dared a glance over at her.

  The corners of her mouth turned up.

  “What do you feel?” he asked, desperate to not be alone in this.


  “Anything else?”

  He wanted her to feel safe, of course he did but that seemed almost a given.

  “Protected. Desired.”

  He reached for her hand, needed physical contact. “Definitely those.”

  Matthias's headlight cut through the darkness behind him, reminding him he was on a mission. Now wasn't the time to pull over and lose himself in the beautiful woman at his side, no matter how much his wolf might have liked that.

  And despite his words earlier, he wouldn't put it past Blackwood to try something else. He'd be stupid to do so but then again Blackwood wasn't always known for the best plans.

  So he pulled his hand back and kept both of them on the wheel.

  “Won't be too much farther,” he assured her. However, he couldn't get home fast enough.

  Matthias followed them the whole way and when Colt cut the engine his second was already stalking toward th
e cabin. Colt waited, senses open.

  “I don't sense anyone,” Robin said.

  He nodded. “Good.” That didn't mean they couldn't have set a trap and left though. A wolf could never be too careful.

  A few moments later, Matthias reappeared on the small porch and gave a quick nod.

  All clear. They haven't been here.

  Good. Tell the others to keep watch. I'm not sure what Blackwood is up to but I doubt he'll take well to being foiled.

  On it. We'll go fish your bike out of the trees too.

  Colt snorted, not needing the reminder. He was still sore from hitting that tree. It'd all be over as soon as he rested of course, but he couldn't risk scaring Robin away. Their connection was strong and yet fragile at the same time.

  He led her into the house, her small backpack in hand.

  “Here we are.” He lit a candle and the small space danced in the light. Wondering what she saw when she looked at the place he'd called home for so long, he glanced around. The leather sofa was well worn and obviously second hand. The table probably needed refinishing. Chairs too, not that he'd ever noticed before.

  Would it be enough? He'd never given much thought to what she’d like but she could change it however she wanted. Whatever it took to convince her to stay, he’d do. Especially now that his pack was breathing down his neck about stability and heirs and shit. Ugh.

  He wanted time alone with her before they started worrying about procreation.

  “Do you think they'll come after us?” she asked, sounding more tired than a few minutes ago.

  “I'm not sure. I'd like to say no, but wolves can be unpredictable.”

  She smiled up at him and his heart squeezed. “Speaking from experience?” The teasing tone in her voice made parts of him sit up and take notice.

  “Absolutely.” And right now he was fighting to keep the beast inside him quiet. He didn't blame the wolf for wanting to fuck her; she was temptation on two legs. “You hungry?”

  Maybe he could distract himself and the beast with food.

  “Starving,” she said with a slight smile. It was the very same smile she'd sent his way after he'd made her come the third time. At the time he'd thought it was because she was relaxed and pleased, but now he thought maybe she was teasing him too.

  “Then let me feed you.”

  Her smile grew and he felt that familiar kick to the heart. She had to be his, right? No other woman had ever knocked him over with a single smile before.

  “Lead the way.”

  “One thing first,” he said, setting her bag aside and then closing the distance between them. Cupping her cheeks, he stared deep into her lovely green eyes and lost himself. Those eyes seduced him, reminded him of a spring meadow, held him captive until he didn't know which way was up.

  “I don't think that's a good idea,” she whispered.

  “Why not?” The wolf snarled at the thought of being denied. She was his, dammit. She'd just have to deal with it.

  “Because I won't want to stop.”

  Her words took a moment to soak in and then he smiled, the tension loosening inside him. He growled softly, wanting her to know how much he needed her. Hoping she understood just how hard it was for him to walk away from her, he kissed her on the forehead and took a step back.

  “All right. Let me feed you then.”

  She followed him to the small kitchen that took up one corner of the rustic cabin. As he looked out at the spring night a thought occurred to him. “Are you cold?” He hadn't even thought of lighting a fire. His wolf kept him plenty warm unless it was very cold out.

  “Not right now.”

  The adrenaline rush was probably keeping her warmer than the thin, green sweater she wore. But he liked how the color highlighted her eyes.

  He lit another candle in the kitchen and tried to think of what he could prepare. He hadn't been expecting guests.

  “Whatever you have I'm happy with,” she murmured.

  Could she hear every thought in his head? If so, she might be scandalized by some of the things he wanted to do to her.

  Chapter Four

  Robin watched him root around his cabinets, admiring the view. He was still as gorgeous as she remembered. The years had been more than kind. Same killer ass, long legs, broad chest and wide shoulders to carry the weight of the world.

  And that long hair. She resisted the urge to fan herself.

  “Killer ass, huh?” He turned to her with a lecherous grin.

  “Stay outta my head wolf,” she said in mock anger.

  Her words didn't dampen his smile.

  “Turns out I can offer you spaghetti. One of the women in the pack cans her own sauce when the tomatoes come in in summer.”

  Robin's brows lifted.

  “You thought all we eat is meat, didn't you?”

  Did he have to be so irresistible? She'd felt the pull to him immediately but now it was so much stronger. The curve of his lip, the stubble on his chin, even his eyelashes turned her on. She was in so much trouble. Her clan would never accept a relationship between the two of them. She'd be an outcast.

  “Being an outcast bothers you?” He asked while pulling what looked like ground meat from the freezer.

  “Doesn't it bother you?”

  He shrugged a massive shoulder and she was reminded of just how big, how incredibly powerful he was. She felt small and delicate for the first time in a decade.

  “Not really. I'm half man, half beast. Nature made me an outcast.”

  Though his words were strong, she sensed the tiniest bit of sadness in him.

  Sometimes it bothered her to live on the fringe of society, weird as that seemed. They hid away in the mountains for good reason.

  Not liking the quiet, she reached for the bag of pasta and unzipped it. “You make your own pasta too?”

  “One of my pack mates does. She makes all kinds of stuff.”

  Handy. Robin wouldn't mind being like that. Right now though she'd settle for not being watched and hunted. She opened her mind and tried to sense any intruders that might be coming after her but the forest was calm.

  “It's quiet here,” she mused, glancing out the window at the moonlit trees.

  “It's not quiet on your part of the mountain?”

  His brows quirked down as he browned the meat. Needing to do something else with her hands, she reached for the jar of sauce and twisted the lid. Except the brass ring didn't move. She hugged the glass between her breasts and tightened her left hand as much as she could.

  Colt watched her silently; she felt his gaze and heard his amused chuckle in her mind. Anytime he was in her head warmth crept through her. Warmth and...was that fizzy feeling happiness?

  He reached for the jar, their fingers brushed and then he made quick work of twisting the cap open. Handing it back to her, he murmured “Feel free to borrow my muscles.”

  A shiver raced down her spine at the memory of all his muscles and just what he could do with them. Lift her straight up until her legs were draped over his shoulders and her core was right there to be feasted on. Mercy... Her thighs clenched and the smirk tugging up the corners of his lips told her he knew exactly what she was thinking about.

  She finished opening the jar and murmured her thanks.

  He glanced at her over that broad shoulder and let his gaze roam. Breasts lifting, nipples hardening, his closeness charged her battery in a flash. Stepping away from the pan, he slid a palm around her waist. This was a bad idea. She should go. She should—

  “You should stay right where you are,” he murmured, ducking his head to look into her eyes. “I know what you're thinking but that's not the part that intrigues me most.”

  She blinked up at him, silently begging for him to continue. This was what she'd been reduced to, how sad her life had become. From day dreaming about a forbidden wolf to standing in his kitchen, silently begging for more crumbs of attention.

  “It's your scent that drives me wild. So sweet and fresh, ear
thy and—” he inhaled deeply, eyes closed. “Aroused.”

  The single word kicked her libido into high gear and she almost moaned. His hand tightened at the small of her back, pulling her against his hips. A long, hard pipe nestled against her stomach. Oh my.

  “Your scent has been in my mind all this time.”

  That made two of them, she thought wistfully. He was rugged and outdoorsy so of course he smelled like pine and cool creek water.

  “I remember how good you taste and how your sweet body rings my cock, milking me dry.”

  Her brows rose at his crass language and a blush rose in her cheeks.

  “You're gorgeous when you blush.” He brushed a thumb against her cheek.

  “Are you always so charming?”

  “No,” he said with a shake of his head. “You make me feel different. Talk different.”

  He looked almost embarrassed by it which she found incredibly endearing.

  “You're gonna burn the meat.”

  He sniffed the air and his eyes went wide with horror. Wheeling around he stirred and scraped, tossed in the sauce and then set everything to a simmer. Her taste buds watered and she tried to convince herself that it was only because of the aromas of tomato, basil and oregano.

  Chapter Five

  Colt watched the woman sitting next to him. The table and chairs were old and mismatched but comfortable enough. He supposed that he should be prepared for her to give the cabin a few womanly touches. Hell, she might want to give it a full makeover. Isn't that what women did? Nest and become all domesticated.

  Ten years ago the idea of becoming domesticated would have made him want to chew his paw off to get out of that trap. But he'd missed her every day since. Now he was so damn thrilled to be two feet away that he'd give her anything she wanted.

  She tensed, fork halfway to her lips. Her eyes went glassy and unfocused and he reached for her free hand. “Someone's coming.”

  Obviously, she wasn't completely comfortable after her close encounters with Blackwood's boys. He'd have to make sure she felt secure because no mate of his would live scared.

  “It's Matthias,” she murmured, shoulders relaxing.


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