Fueled by Lust: Drusus (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Fueled by Lust: Drusus (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 13

by Celeste Prater

  Smiling, he brushed a soft kiss against her mouth. “This is exactly what I set out to accomplish, mellis. You are mine and I will stop at nothing to keep it so.”

  * * * *

  “I thought you said she had no protection here, Ulixes! She has an escort each time she arrives or leaves that place. We should have had her already and been half way back to my kingdom!” Infuriated, Basilius drove his fist hard against the console. “What say you?”

  Never taking his eyes from the sight of the prince returning his mate to her gallery, or flinching at Basilius’s outburst, Ulixes calmly leaned back in the seat. “They have obviously become suspicious that we are here. Our ruse of the flower delivery has failed. We will use another tactic.”

  Face flushed red with anger, Basilius slammed back against the seat and fisted his hands on top of his thighs. “We do not have time to sit idly by while we think of another ruse. I must get back to my kingdom, I have left it unattended for too long. I demand you think of something now!”

  Slowly turning his head toward Basilius, he stared for the first time directly into the eyes of a being that he was beginning to understand he knew nothing about. Basilius suddenly reminded him of his little brother, spoiled and prone to throwing his body about when he did not get his way. His brother was eight and this was a fully-grown man. Disappointed when he saw Basilius drop his gaze and act as if he was adjusting his clothing, Ulixes shook his head and looked forward again. Where was the calm, proud, and levelheaded leader that he had directly served these past two years? He was beginning to understand why his predecessors had not lasted long in service to their king. Basilius should have never involved himself with this mission. He lacked the patience or the forethought for the stealth it required.

  Ulixes knew he was a creature of low birth and should not question the wherewithal of a royal, but he did know that true leaders did not act in haste or in the childish manner that Basilius displayed when found outside his comfort zone. Ulixes found he was torn between what he thought was love for Basilius and how he should feel for the sovereign leader of his race. Taking deep breaths, he determined it would do him no good to continue dwelling on these new revelations. He had to find a way to get them out of this situation and home as quickly as possible.

  Chapter 13

  Moving his gaze away from watching the prince cross the roadway, Ulixes tried not to relay his frustration. “Sire, we may need to rely on a diversionary tactic. The warriors feel she is safe within the gallery even though they do not remain inside. We can surmise that if a protector was with her, it would surely be the prince, yet as you can see, he is leaving her and returning to the location he was in this morning.” Pausing, he looked at Basilius to see if he was following the logic.

  “Yes, go on.”

  Ulixes ignored the petulant scowl and continued. “We must draw the warriors away from this place and one of us must go inside and take her.”

  “Good, you divert and I will take. So what type of diversion will you use?”

  Ulixes squashed a smile at the mercurial nature of this handsome man, pouting one instant and ecstatic the next. “I am hoping we do not have to resort to the diversion as our first tactic. I have noted the methods used by the warriors that I can see. At this point, we have to hope the commander does not have more hidden about. The prince guards the front with his protector close by while a third warrior appears periodically at each side of the gallery and then returns to the back. We will assume that he is the only one watching this area or we would see more than a single warrior at each side at any given time. This means he will leave the back unguarded for a short period. This will be our opportunity to enter and secure the mate. We will attempt to enter when the guard examines the sides. If this is the case, then you simply follow my lead. If there are more guards, then we resort to the diversion.”

  “Very good, Ulixes, but how do we know we can easily get into the back? Once we are inside, where do we locate the mate?”

  “These are good questions, sire, and ones that I prepared in advance to know. Last night as you slept, I visited this location and assured the door does not fully lock any longer. I breached the structure and located the mate’s main dwelling place. Her name is on the door. We again will have to hope the warrior in back has not analyzed the door closely and that she is in her designated room when we go inside. If not, we will have to quickly find her and flee before the warriors are the wiser. If they mist, we are doomed.”

  “We will take a tool with us in case the door has been relocked. I could also use it as a weapon if needed.”

  “Excellent, sire, you will do well. I will drive us around the corner and leave the transport on the road. We will walk a short distance to the back and hide among the foliage until the way is clear. Should we discover that a diversion is required, I will drive the transport to the front of the gallery. When they see that I carry the flowers, they will know I am there to take the mate. I will flee in the transport when they draw closer. When you hear the transport drive away and the warrior in back is diverted, take the mate and meet me on the street at the location I left you. If all goes awry and they capture me, you must go back to the hotel and search my room. There are instructions and Earth money under the padded bedding. The instructions will lead you to the air transport that has been prepared to return us to the vortex. Do you understand all that I have said, sire? Are you ready?”

  “This is very exciting, Ulixes. Yes, let us go now.”

  Saddened that Basilius showed no concern that he could possibly lose Ulixes to the enemy or vehemently claim to attempt rescue should it occur, he turned the transport and headed to the adjacent road.

  * * * *

  “Severus, we are going to have to find Basilius and kill him soon. If I have to sit in this diner another day, I will surely lose my mind.”

  Shrugging one shoulder, Severus slumped back in his chair. “There is an empty building next to this one. Perhaps you could purchase it and I could have some recliners delivered. Hell, we should furnish it as a second home because we have no idea where the insane bastard is or how long he will wait us out. I was hoping you would convince your mate to take a vacation until this can be resolved.”

  Releasing a heavy sigh, Drusus began lightly banging the back of his head against the wall as he watched Severus roughly push his fingers through his hair yet again. “I was thinking the very same thing. I will try to convince her tonight, and failing that, you have my permission to purchase the building.” As he got yet another disgruntled look from the storeowner, he pushed up and leaned on the tabletop. “I do not think you gave the owner enough money, Severus. He is glaring at me again.”

  “I gave him plenty, Trejani, he is just an ass. Perhaps we can purchase this diner and start cooking food that we like instead of that crap he makes. I would be forever in your debt if you let me be the one to fire him.”

  Glad to see that mischievous sparkle light Severus’s eyes again, Drusus grinned and leaned back against the faded, yellow wall. Groaning, he stretched his aching legs out on the dirty, green booth. “Severus, tell me. Why did you really remove the Conprobatus? Are you truly happy to just bounce from one female to the next, never knowing or caring if she is the one?”

  Drusus watched as Severus unconsciously brushed his hand against his neck before shoving those big hands back through his hair. He was going to go bald if he kept that up. He didn’t lose the gleam in his eyes, but he could tell he was thinking of something, perhaps a recent memory.

  “I had no choice, Drusus. Last night saw to that.”

  Knowing that Severus did not easily reveal his true emotions often, Drusus kept his question short. “How so?”

  Slumping back into the booth, Severus began picking at the broken Formica top, expanding the dent he had already made in the last few hours. “When that dude carried off his lady, I was left sitting at the table wondering why the hell I had been there in the first place. I had not picked up one molecule of lust c
oming from her. She was just waiting, just playing with me even though she was practically crawling on my lap and chewing my damn ear off. I…I began to wonder what I would have done if I had accidently touched her wrist or neck and found that her energy was compatible, only to watch as she was carried away by another. Hell! I do not know what I am saying.”

  Drusus lowered his voice in sympathy. “No, amici, I feel you. It makes perfect sense. You would have been devastated. You feel it is better not to know than know and never have it.” Drusus waited to see if he wanted to go further, watching as Severus’s head bobbed up and down in agreement while his lips turned down in a scowl.

  “Yeah, yeah…no use getting hurt when you can avoid it. Hey, Drusus?”

  “Yes, amici?”

  “I often wondered why you still wore your necklace…you know, even after what Sabela did to you.”

  When Severus finally made eye contact with him, he smiled and nodded. “I had often wondered about that too, my friend. I guess deep down I did not want to wonder if my other half was sitting on another man’s lap and chewing on his ear while wondering if I was going to show up and finally stake my claim.”

  Severus grunted, looking away but still gracing him with a half-lifted smile. “Ass.”


  At Severus’s returning snort, Drusus looked up at the clock and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. Damn, it was becoming contagious. “It is well after seven. Her last text said she had to work overtime but this is ridiculous. I will definitely have to speak with Quintus about how that treacherous woman treats my Avelina. I saw she had no problem leaving at a decent hour while her staff remains.” Opening his mind, he sent a call out to Ludo. Is everything secure at the perimeter, Ludo?

  Yes, Trejani. I have seen no activity on either side or here at the back. Ferox reported similarly when I relieved him at three. Is there anything you need for me to do, my prince?

  No, we have seen no activity here either. She should be out soon and we…gods damn it!

  Surging up from the table, Drusus yanked his necklace out from beneath his shirt and shot agony-ridden eyes to Severus. Drusus felt his friend clasp him firmly on the shoulders.

  “Trejani, what? Tell me, let me help you!”

  “She is gone, Severus! The Conprobatus has gone cold! This cannot happen unless my mate has been taken from this world or she dies!” Gut clenching into a hard knot at the thought, he knew he must look crazed. He didn’t even register surprise when Severus grabbed his arm and began pulling him out of the diner and away from the frightened patrons. Looking up, he saw Ludo running across the street toward them. Feeling Severus squeeze his forearm, he turned and gave him his full attention. Severus had morphed into full protection mode, the vulnerable man of moments ago long gone.

  “Trejani, let us go inside the gallery and search, perhaps there is another explanation. We must be careful and not frighten her coworkers.”

  With the sudden realization that he was wasting time in his numb stupor, he straightened to his full height and took a deep breath. Nodding quickly, he relaxed his face into a mask of confidence. “Of course, this may be nothing. Stay here, Severus. Ludo, return to the back. I will go in and will see what has transpired.”

  Without looking to see if they honored his request, Drusus loped across the street and entered the gallery. Steadying his breath, he looked around and saw that the remaining workers just stared back at him, no apparent fright or concern on their faces. A slender, young woman with wispy, brown hair approached him, her brows lifted. He took a deep breath and forced a smile. “I just need to speak with Avelina for a moment. It will not take me long.”

  Her brows drew together in confusion. “But sir, Lina left hours ago. We assumed she left with you.” At the shaken look Drusus returned, the young woman attempted to calm him. “Since she is not with you, why don’t you go back and check her office. Maybe she returned and we just didn’t see her.”

  “Of course, I will be but a moment. Thank you.” Trying to walk as calmly as possible with legs that trembled, he turned into the corridor and ran the last few feet to her office door. Throwing it open, his gut clenched when he saw her purse lying on the floor, its contents spilled out around it. Lying on top of the mess was a single sheet of paper. Grabbing it, he felt his face and neck burning in fury as he read the words written in his language.

  Oh how I wish I could see your face as you read these words. I hate that I have denied myself that opportunity. As is obvious, I have your little mate in my possession. She is a pretty thing, so soft and luscious. I shall enjoy her company while I await you on Protonecis. Your future king,


  Crumpling the paper in his fist, he shoved her belongings back into the purse. Trying valiantly to calm himself, he returned to the young woman and pasted a smile on his face. “She called while I was in her office. She left to join me for dinner but forgot her purse. It is fortunate I decided to stop by and check.”

  Nodding in relief, the young woman smiled back. “Lina can be a little forgetful sometimes. I’m glad she decided to leave early. Laurell works her too hard. Lina needed the break. Tell her I said to have a good night and we’ll see her tomorrow.”

  “Of course, you have a nice night as well.” Running back across the street, he searched frantically for Severus, jumping when he reformed beside him. “Gods damn it, Severus, you scared the shit out of me!”

  Severus’s face twisted into a tight grimace. “After all of these years you still think that I would allow you to go in there alone? Are you mad?”

  “Whatever, damn it!” Shoving the crumpled paper into Severus’s hands, he began pacing. “Basilius has taken her. How in the hell he got in there without being seen by either Ludo or Ferox infuriates me! I should have posted more warriors. I should have misted and stayed glued to her side. This is all my fault!”

  “Enough, Trejani, this is not your fault. Any more warriors and we would have drawn suspicion from the gallery as well as the locals. Your mate would have been furious if you had hidden her away. He simply waited for the most opportune moment and took it. If not there, he would have found another way.”

  Severus stilled and Drusus knew he was opening his mind to call Ludo back. A multitude of questions flew through his mind as he waited for Ludo to return. When had it happened? What would she be thinking at this moment, knowing that he had failed her? How could she ever trust him to protect her? Gods! He fervently hoped that she was not in any pain. He felt himself die a little inside at the thought. He turned when he felt a presence beside him.

  Breathing heavily, Ludo cast sympathetic eyes at Drusus. “Trejani, forgive me for not being more vigilant. I just checked the back door again and found it compromised. The locking mechanism would not engage. We could not tell without looking closer. They must have entered when we walked the side perimeters. I have failed you.”

  Clapping Ludo on the shoulder, Drusus shook his head. “No, Severus is right. This fault lies with the bastard that took my Avelina. I hold no ill will toward you or Ferox. Do not trouble yourself any longer, Ludo.” Releasing him, he turned to Severus. “We must get to Protonecis before any more damage can be done.”

  “Of course, Trejani, I will call to have the jet prepared. I will also call Quintus to have him contact the gallery. He will tell them he has asked Avelina to join him and his wife at the gallery opening in Denver. This should help explain her absence and keep them from contacting the authorities. Ludo, go back to the club and tell Petrus he is in charge of the businesses. Trejani and I do not know how long we will be gone.”

  Fists clenching, Drusus started for his car. “Very good, Severus, but if I have my way, she will be safely returned with the bastard dead before the sun rises.”

  * * * *

  “Father, it is good to see you again.” Drusus took comfort in the warmth and strength of the two massive arms clasping him to a solid chest.

  Drusus felt bone weary from the hu
rried flight to Marfa and the body-reforming trip through the vortex, yet he had never been so relieved to touch his feet upon Insedi land. His booted feet were comforted with the softness of the magenta and gold terrain as he and Severus made their way to the outpost situated between the twin vortex points. After reaching out to his father with his thoughts and the reason for his return, he studied the distant twinkling lights of Urbis, the sprawling metropolis housing the ruling leader and the senate. As he had awaited his father’s arrival, the heady aroma of the Vasperian night bloom reminded him of lazy days of play and nothing more serious to consider than being home before his mother realized he had escaped the palace yet again. He had been away far too long, yet the low-hanging purple moons of Chela, Zepr, and Taton threatening to touch the mountains of Montis had him feeling as if he had never left. He could feel the land reaching out and merging with his life force, welcoming him home with a surge of energy that recognized and embraced him. Pushing away the thoughts of time past, he turned his head and looked into the familiar eyes of his father.

  “Son, I am very happy to have you with us again. I am saddened to hear of the loss of your mate. We shall do everything in our power to see that she returns to you. I have engaged a battalion of troops to escort you to Protonecis.”

  Stepping back, Drusus took in the visage of his beloved parent, his emperor. Despite his three hundred and nineteen years, Lucien Tarquinius was as solidly built and strong as any young Insedi male. He wore a standard, black warrior-issued battle suit that emphasized his powerful body, yet the imperial crest strategically placed above his heart made all aware of his protected state as emperor. He may not physically engage in warfare but he would be a fearsome adversary should he find the need. His hair was still a deep black and his face was unlined with age. The only distinction to the length of his life lay in the unfathomable wisdom laced with bone-deep weariness buried in those emerald eyes.


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