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Sassy Ever After: Sassy Ink 2: The Hunter's Mate (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 6

by Christina Benjamin

  Wes winced as he shrugged his jacket off, hanging it in the back room of the tattoo parlor. He kept forgetting about his stitches and trying to use his left hand to do things. He opened and closed his hand in discomfort, grateful Cali had been kind enough to stitch him up. She was good at taking care of people—even people that didn’t deserve it. Kindness was in her nature and probably why she ended up becoming a nurse at the shifter clinic. Wes popped a few more aspirin in his mouth and gulped them down before pushing through the saloon style doors to the Painted Wolf’s turquoise lobby.

  Marc stuck his head out of his booth when he heard Wes stomping about. “Don’t you look pretty this morning,” the pale-haired tattoo artist purred smirking at the colorful bruises blooming on Wes’s face.

  “Not in the mood today, Marc,” Wes warned, plopping down behind the desk to check his schedule for the day.

  Marc slipped from his booth and closed the door behind him. “If you’re looking for your first appointment, you’ll find her in my booth.”

  “What the hell, dude?”

  “You were an hour late,” Marc retorted. “And I know you think you’re the belle of the ball, but purple is not your color, my friend.” He smirked gesturing to Wes’s bruised face.

  “Seriously, Marc. If you don’t fuck off I’m gonna give you a face to match,” Wes growled.

  He and Marc always spent their days slinging witty banter, but Wes was not in the mood for it at the moment. His rage for what Grey had stolen from him was still simmering just under the surface.

  “Jesus, who pissed in your cheerios?” Marc teased.

  “Greyson West.”

  Marc snorted. “Now what’d he do?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Okaaay,” Marc drawled, rolling his eyes. “How is Etti?”

  “I said I don’t want to talk about it!”

  Marc shrugged and turned to head back to his booth, but called over his shoulder. “Ya know it’s never gonna happen between you two, right?”

  Wes exploded, whipping the laptop he’d been scrolling through at Marc’s head. His injured hand threw off his aim and the laptop smashed into the wall a foot from Marc’s head. Marc’s expression was utter terror and shock as the color drained from his already pale complexion. Wes stood, gripping the counter as he tried to fight the rage threatening to shake him apart. He sucked in a breath. He needed air. He needed to clear his head before he did something he couldn’t undo. He stormed through the swinging doors and out of the Painted Wolf, as Marc’s frightened stare burned into the back of Wes’s head.

  In all their years of working together, Wes had never lost his temper—never. Etti always teased him, calling him a big teddy bear underneath his hulking frame and burly muscles. But Wes was a wrecking force when he wanted to be. But he never needed to be the asshole that his physique presumed he was. Not when he had Etti. She was the yin to his yang—the steady dam that contained the dangerous force he’d built himself into. But now, without Etti to soothe him, Wes felt like a raging tidal wave had just been released. And he was terrified that he wouldn’t be able to control its destruction.

  Chapter 11


  Etti stopped to catch her breath as she trekked through Blue Pine Park behind Grey. “I know Dr. Torez said physical activity was okay, but this wasn’t exactly what I had in mind.”

  Grey laughed and scooped her into his arms. “Come on. We’re almost there.”

  The mischievous gleam of silver in his grey eyes warmed Etti’s heart. She loved seeing her mate so vibrant and happy. She didn’t think she’d ever seen him like this before. Grey had shown Etti his protective side when he’d rescued her from her mother and guarded her from the vicious hunt. And she’d seen his smoldering sexy side when he’d claimed her as his mate. She’d even glimpsed his vulnerable side when he told her about his family and how joining the hunt had been the only way he knew to protect them. But this overflowing happiness was new. And deserved.

  If anyone deserved happiness, it was Grey. He’d been through enough heartache in the few weeks she’d known him to last a lifetime. And she knew that didn’t even scratch the surface of what he’d endured before they met. Her life before him hadn’t been a cakewalk either.

  Sometimes, Etti forgot how little she and Grey knew of each other. Other times it felt like they’d known each other their entire lives. The way Grey looked at her made Etti feel like he truly saw her and loved her even more for all the scars and flaws she tried to keep hidden. She knew that’s how she felt about him.

  At first, Etti chalked up their instant connection to the power of the mating bond. But the more time she spent with Grey, the more she felt their love was something more, something truer—something always meant to be. She gazed into his silver-ringed eyes and suddenly wondered how she’d ever lived without this incredible man in her life. It made Etti breathless when she thought about losing Grey, and now her child.

  She’d never had anything worth fighting for before and now that she did, she was afraid she might not survive losing this kind of joy. Etti wrapped her arms tighter around her mate, cherishing each second they were together, determined not to let her fear hold her back.

  When Grey finally set Etti down they had reached the peak of Blue Pine Park. The view to the valley below was breathtaking—the blues and greens of the pine forest bled into the soft golds and reds of fall beginning to peek through the foliage. Etti’s eyes traced the winding river below as she took in the view. She had always loved this place. And the fact that it’s where Grey had claimed her made it even more special.

  Etti’s cheeks flushed as she remembered that first time. Sex with Grey was always magnificent. But the day he’d claimed her, when she’d offered herself to him as his mate, it had unlocked a part of her soul she didn’t know she possessed.

  “Were you feeling nostalgic?” Etti teased nudging Grey with her shoulder.

  “Very,” he murmured kissing her neck and lighting her nerves on fire.

  Grey pulled Etti into his arms and her whole body tightened. Lust pooled to her core as Grey trailed his lips seductively to hers. A tiny gasp escaped her as his tongue swept into her mouth. He slid his hands through Etti’s hair and firmly cupped her jaw. God she loved kissing him. It made her feel alive, like nothing else. Well, okay almost nothing else . . .

  As if reading her mind, Grey grinned wickedly and trailed a hand to her aching breasts. But to Etti’s surprise, he didn’t continue. Instead, he stopped kissing her and knelt on one knee, smiling up at her.

  “Grey . . . what are you doing? We’re already engaged.”

  “I want to do this right, Etti. I want everything to be right for you.”

  She tried to interrupt, but he pulled a tiny red box from his pocket. Etti’s words dried up as he cracked it open and sparkling light poured forth.

  Grey took her hand. “Etti Blackwell, will you make me the happiest man on this earth and marry me, here, where you first pledged your life to mine?”

  Etti swallowed hard, her throat bobbing with emotion. All she could do was nod. Grey slipped the beautiful diamond ring onto her finger next to his silver band she already wore. “I don’t need another ring,” she whispered.

  “I know, but I needed you to have this one,” Grey murmured. “It’s the ring you were always meant to wear.”

  Etti collapsed with joy, letting him pull her into his lap. Grey kissed her until the tears of joy she hadn’t even realized she was shedding dried up.

  Grey cradled Etti in his lap, turning her so her back rested against his chest, his hands on her growing belly. She joined her hands with his, but couldn’t stop staring at the dazzling engagement ring.

  “Do you like it?” he asked. “I can get you something else—”

  “No! I love it,” Etti interrupted. “It’s perfect.”

  She felt the last little bit of tension ease from her mate.

  “When did you have time to get this?” she asked,
watching the sun spark rainbows of light from the stone. “And can we afford it?”

  “It’s my mother’s,” Grey said, nuzzling Etti’s neck. “I called her after you told me you were pregnant and asked for the ring.”

  “You did?”

  He nodded. “She overnighted it to me with some of my things. Cali picked it up this morning before she drove us to the clinic.”

  Etti smirked. She was going to have to give Cali a medal! “It’s beautiful, Grey. I love it. And it means even more coming from your mother. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” Grey said kissing Etti’s hair. “She wants to meet you.”

  Etti tensed. “Your mother?”

  He nodded.

  “She does?”

  “Of course. Her son is in love, getting married and having a baby! She can’t wait to meet the woman who’s made me so happy.”

  Anxiety fluttered in Etti’s chest. “Right . . . So you want to get married here?” she asked hoping to change the subject.

  “Yeah, I thought it was the perfect spot. It’s beautiful and has special meaning to us . . . unless, I mean if you have somewhere else in mind—”

  Again Etti interrupted. “No, Grey. It’s perfect. And I’m so grateful that you thought of it. I think I’m still reeling from the baby news. I really haven’t had time to think about wedding venues, but this is perfect.”

  He kissed her temple and threaded his fingers with hers, settling them on her belly again. “So let’s set a date,” he murmured.

  “Really?” Etti’s anxiety spiked again.

  Their conversation had jumped from meet the parents to setting wedding dates. And it’s not that Etti wasn’t excited for all of it, but it was just happening so much faster than she’d expected.

  “You don’t think we’re rushing things a bit?” she asked.

  Grey laughed. “Babe, you’re pregnant. We’ve pretty much hopped on the relationship fast track.”

  “And you’re okay with that?” Etti asked, her voice laced with fear.

  “More than okay, babe. I love you. I’m ready to marry you today, tomorrow, next week. Whenever you want, Etti. I can’t wait to start our new life together.”

  Etti felt movement flutter inside her womb. It seemed like their new life had already started, whether she was ready for it or not.

  She looked down at her little bump and swelling breasts. Her shirt was already too tight. Etti had never been much of a girly-girl, or thought much about her wedding day, but this wasn’t what she’d pictured either. She didn’t want to be a pregnant bride. But she didn’t want her vanity to stop her baby from having happily married parents either.

  Emotions threatened to overwhelm Etti again and she blew out a frustrated breath. She’d probably only cried a handful of times in her life until this pregnancy. It seemed like her tears were constantly pricking at her eyes, fighting to get out. Maybe that was her body’s way of pushing out the excess emotions that seemed to flood her at every moment, but she hated it.

  Grey sensed her discomfort and shifted her in his arms so he could face her. “Babe, I know this is a lot. We don’t have to make any decisions today.”

  “I want to. This baby is going to be here sooner than we’re ready for and I want her to come into a happy home. One where her parents are married and settled.”

  Grey kissed Etti’s forehead. “Then that’s what we’ll do.”

  They sat together on the peak for a while longer, just holding each other and taking in the beautiful views while the sun bathed them with its calming warmth.

  Etti must’ve dozed off for a bit, because the next thing she knew Grey was gently waking her with kisses and the sun was much lower in the sky.

  “Come on, babe. Let’s go get some dinner.”

  “Can we make a stop first?” Etti asked. “I want to share our news with Marc.”

  Chapter 12


  “Etti!” Marc dropped his paintbrush and raced to Etti as soon as they walked through the door at the Painted Wolf.

  He’d been working on his mural of pinup girls again, but when the bell on the door chimed Grey watched a huge grin split Marc’s face.

  Grey knew Etti never took time off from work—it was her shop and all—but with everything she’d been through while the hunt was in town, Grey convinced her that the tattoo shop wouldn’t implode if she took a few days to recover and let Marc and Wes be in charge for a bit.

  Apparently Marc thought otherwise. “Oh my God! I’m so glad you’re back!” he yelled, throwing his arms around Etti.

  Grey smirked at the sudden shock that griped Marc when he realized there seemed to be much more of Etti to hug. The willowy tattoo artist pulled away from Etti quickly and looked down at her stomach in disbelief.

  Etti grinned at Marc’s surprise. “So, we have some news,” she said, rubbing her belly with the hand her sparkling engagement ring now rested on.

  “Holy shit, batman!” Marc exclaimed. “Did I black out and lose time? Like maybe five months?”

  Etti laughed. “No. This is apparently another shifter perk. Short pregnancies.”

  “Congratulations?” Marc hedged.

  “Thanks,” Grey said, slipping an arm around Etti. “It was a little bit of a shock, but we’re both really happy.”

  “And we’re getting married,” Etti added, distracting Marc from her belly with her rings. “I wanted to share the news with you first since you’re basically family.”

  Marc beamed and rushed to hug Etti again. “Shit, sorry,” he said stopping to stare at her stomach like it might attack him.

  Grey couldn’t help but grin at the jittery tattoo artist. Marc was a great guy. He was one of Etti’s closest friends and had come through for her when she needed his help with the hunt. And now, the endearing, awkward way he was looking at Etti only made Grey like him even more.

  “She won’t bite you,” Etti said patting her stomach.

  “It’s a girl?” Marc asked. He still looked like a strong wind could blow him over.

  “Yep.” Etti seemed to glow when she talked about the baby and it filled Grey with pride.

  Etti finally pulled Marc into another hug and he bounced on his toes like a little kid. “This is crazy! And awesome! We’re getting a little Etti!”

  Grey laughed and Marc suddenly looked nervous.

  “Oh . . . I meant you . . . you’re getting a little Etti,” Marc added apprehensively. “I don’t think she’s mine or anything.” He backed a step away from Etti.

  “Relax, Marc. I didn’t think you did,” Grey replied. “I’m glad Etti has a friend like you in her life and our baby’s life.”

  Marc’s cheeks reddened, but a smile twitched across his face. “Oh! I almost forgot. I have a surprise for you too, Etti.”

  “You do?” she asked.

  “Yeah, come on, it’s in the back.”

  Grey followed Marc toward the storeroom, but Etti paused when she reached the counter. “What the hell happened to my laptop?” she asked picking up pieces of it that lay scattered on her desk.

  “Um . . . Wes,” Marc said, wincing at his friend’s name. “He was in rare form today.”

  “I’m gonna kill him!” Etti hissed. “This is coming out of his pay!”

  “Then you might want to add the wall repair to his debt too,” Marc added.

  Etti narrowed her eyes. “What wall?”

  “The one by my booth. Wes decided the wall and the laptop should fight. The wall won.”

  Etti looked murderous. “What the hell is his problem?”

  “Babe,” Grey said putting a calming hand on the small of her back. “Remember what the doctor said. No stress.”

  “I’m guessing Wes wasn’t so happy about your news?” Marc asked.

  “Did he say that?” Etti asked, hurt coloring her face.

  “Not exactly. But it makes sense now that I see all of this,” Marc said pointing to Etti’s belly. “His face looked like someone used it as a punching
bag when he showed up here.” Marc sighed. “We both know he likes to go get himself hurt when he’s pissed.”

  “Christ!” Etti yelled. “Why is he such an idiot sometimes? I knew he didn’t agree with my decision, but who I have a baby with and marry is none of his business.”

  Marc looked uncomfortable as he pulled at a stray thread in the hem of his tight black t-shirt.

  “Where is Wes now?” Grey asked.

  Marc shrugged. “Don’t know. He took off after he tried to decapitate me with the laptop. Anyway, here’s your surprise,” Marc said continuing into the back room. He pulled a paint spattered canvas off a gleaming motorcycle. “Seems kinda anticlimactic now,” he muttered. “I can’t compete with a baby or a wedding.”

  But Etti squealed, rushing to the bike and running her hands over the glossy metal. “Oh my God! Marc! Are you kidding me? This bike was my first love! I can’t believe you fixed her!”

  He blushed. “It was Wes’s idea. He paid for all the parts, I just did the labor.”

  “I never thought I’d see her again,” Etti crooned, running her hands along the sleek lines.

  Grey eyed the cold metal death trap, suddenly not as grateful for Marc’s friendship. There was no way in hell Grey was letting his pregnant mate ride that thing around. It’d been a miracle that she survived the first wreck. Grey still remembered the debris that had been scattered all over the roadside.

  “This is the same bike?” Grey asked, trying to keep his contempt at bay.

  “Well, there wasn’t much of her that was salvageable after the wreck.” Marc replied. “I had to rebuild her with mostly new parts. But I saved what I could.”

  Etti threw her arms around Marc, “It’s perfect! You are a mechanical wizard!”

  Marc’s cheeks glowed scarlet. When Etti released him, he shoved his hands in his pockets. “Too bad you won’t be riding her for a while, huh?”

  “What do you mean?” Etti asked.

  “Um, you’re knocked up, Etti. That doesn’t seem like the best mode of transportation.”


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