Day (Stronghold Book 4)

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Day (Stronghold Book 4) Page 13

by Erin M. Leaf

  “It is,” Bruno murmured.

  Amy glanced at him. He looked tired, but it was an honest weariness, not a strain born of too much responsibility and an intractable headache. “Will there still be Spiders to deal with? After this?” Amy asked, glancing at the sky again. She couldn’t even imagine the sheer mass of aliens currently flinging itself at the shield if she hadn’t seen the numbers for herself. The shadow on the horizon deepened, and then began to glitter as the Spiders disintegrated into dust. It looked weirdly beautiful.

  “Most likely.” Bruno shook his head. “We can’t assume that this one swarm, as large as it is, is the only infestation in the galaxy.” He turned to her. “We will send out sensors and starships, and we will protect the planet, as we always have.”

  “No one is going to understand this.” She pointed to the sky. “Most of the people I know don’t even consider the Spiders to be real. They’ve never seen them.”

  “We will have years to explain it to them.” Bruno helped her to her feet, then pulled her into his arms. He was trembling. Bruno. Leader of the Sentries. A man over two hundred years old, was trembling.

  Amy gripped his arms. “Bruno.” She almost couldn’t believe the emotions flowing from him into her: love and relief and hope. The thought that he’d been bereft of those things for centuries nearly broke her heart.

  “We will have years together, Amy,” he said.

  She leaned into him, and pressed a hand to his heart. “You know I don’t care about the dementia. We can live a long time together before that ever happens.”

  “We will have to tell the others, though. My brothers, and their paired mates.” Bruno said.

  “Maybe they can help solve the mutation problem, and prevent the dementia. We have so much technology here,” Amy said, glancing at the pillar. “And we can heal each other. Who can say what we might accomplish together?”

  Bruno tilted his head. “I had not considered that. I should never have tried to keep that from you. Our initial bonding suffered because of my fear. I’m am so sorry.”

  “Hush. I forgive you. You aren’t just a Sentry, Bruno. You’re a man, and sometimes mistakes happen.” Amy smiled. He listens to me. The most powerful man in the world listens to me. Her heart tripped as he kissed her.

  “So intelligent. So beautiful.” He shook his head. “I thought I would be protecting you by keeping away, and instead, I only hurt myself. If you had not agreed to help me—”

  Amy put two fingers on his lips. “No, don’t.” She felt all of his regret, and worry, and love. There were no longer any walls between them, now that their bond had matured. “We are alive, and we have each other.”

  He kissed her fingertips. “True.”

  “And you will stop feeling guilty about corrupting me. I happen to like being corrupted,” Amy told him, grinning.

  He smiled, but shook his head. “Not even you can cure my sense of responsibility, my darling.”

  “I can try.” Amy drew his head down and kissed him until she felt his emotions ease into something more simple and infinitely powerful: love. “I love you, Bruno Day.”

  “I love you, Amy Day.” Bruno picked her up and headed for their bed. “And I intend to show you how much, every day, for the rest of our lives.”


  “I wish you had shared this with us earlier, Bruno,” Solomon said, scrolling through a copy of their common genetic code on his tablet. He looked up from the device. Sunlight slanted down through Bruno’s Stronghold across the glass coffee table. All the Sentries had gathered to discuss the aftermath of the Spider attack. Bruno had taken advantage of the meeting to tell his brothers about the last secret he’d kept from them. “We could have begun working on a cure decades ago,” Solomon continued.

  “Don’t nag,” Lucy murmured, tapping his wrist. “You know why he couldn’t share.”

  “Yes, well.” Solomon sighed and put the tablet down. “Still.”

  Bruno had to smile. His brother Solomon would never be anything other than the incredibly focused scientist he was. “Amy helped me see that I should delegate more,” he simply said, not making excuses.

  “We will all examine the mutated DNA. We will find a way to cure this problem,” Greyson stated, putting a hand around Eva’s waist. He’d told all of them, to their shock and delight, that she was pregnant.

  Bruno couldn’t imagine what his brother must have suffered when his energy bombs failed, knowing his wife was pregnant. He knew he might never see his child born, he mused, glancing at Eva. She had that lovely glow everyone talked about when they discovered a woman was pregnant. And her still slim frame held an inner strength that seemed to be the defining characteristic of all their mates. He looked at Amy and wondered what it would be like to have a son, but then he shook his head. Too soon. Let’s figure out how to live together, first. However, Bruno understood, now, why his brother had worked so hard to make so many of the bombs. “Even if we can’t solve the problem, we still have many years of life left,” he pointed out, no longer willing to let fatalism hold him hostage. He had too much to live for these days. Amy squeezed his fingers, and he smiled at her, wishing this meeting were already over.

  “I had no idea that our parents were suffering from dementia,” Isaac said quietly. “And I should have known. I helped Dad look for Mom. I’m the one that—”

  “I didn’t see it either,” Solomon interrupted Isaac. “Do not blame yourself. Hindsight will destroy you if you let it.”

  “Some things aren’t easy to spot, especially when they happen gradually.” Saige leaned into Isaac. “It’s like that story of the frog and boiling water, right? The frog doesn’t notice it’s being boiled alive if you heat the water gradually.”

  Bruno sensed his youngest brother’s disquiet. “Perhaps,” he said, in response to Saige’s theory. He knew how much Isaac had struggled with their parents’ deaths, and he wasn’t going to destroy whatever consolation he could find. “I am sorry. I felt it wiser to keep it from you.”

  Isaac looked at him, then slowly shrugged. “It was a long time ago, and I understand why you chose to remain silent.” He took a deep breath, and then visibly relaxed, smiling at his wife.

  Saige slid her hand into his and squeezed. “Water under the bridge. Right?”

  Isaac nodded.

  Bruno liked Amy’s best friend. He liked all of his brothers’ paired mates. We are blessed, he thought, feeling a sense of peace he had never known before.

  “Okay, that’s it. Too many clichés,” Amy said, grinning. “Are we done here? Everyone has the data they need?”

  Bruno felt her need to lighten the conversation. He put a hand on her leg, knowing she would sense his calm. He understood his brothers’ difficulty with his surprise revelation, and they deserved to feel what they felt.

  “We have everything we need for now,” Lucy said, standing up. She urged Solomon to his feet. “We’re going to go home and run some basic tests. If we find anything that looks odd, we’ll let you know.”

  “Agreed,” Greyson said, also standing up. “And Eva needs her rest.”

  Eva rolled her eyes. “I’m pregnant, not disabled.”

  “Nevertheless.” Greyson guided her towards Bruno’s pillar. “We are going to rest for a few weeks. Do not call us.” He touched the corner of his eye.

  Bruno couldn’t help the grin that spread across his face as he returned the gesture. Greyson had always been a loner, and it seemed that hadn’t changed, except for the addition of Eva. I wonder how he is going to deal with a noisy, rambunctious child living in his house, he thought, amused. He well remembered the moment Eileen’s daughter vomited on his feet. “Have a nice vacation.”

  Eva waved at him, the twinkle in her eyes telling Bruno that she sensed the direction of his thoughts, and then her husband pulled her into the pillar transporter.

  “That man needs a vacation,” Isaac muttered. “I thought Eva might be able to cure the grumpiness, but not so much, I see.”
  “Oh, hush. Greyson is who he is.” Saige poked her husband. “Speaking of rest, I want the honeymoon that got cut short by a random alien invasion. And we’re totally going to Yellowstone this time. No more jaunts into outer space for at least a month.” She hauled Isaac to his feet, then glanced at Bruno. “Don’t call us either.”

  Isaac rolled his eyes. “If it’s an emergency—”

  “No. Not even if it’s an emergency.” Saige pushed Isaac into the transporter, hand half raised to touch the corner of his eye, and then followed him in with a quick wave and a motion of I’ll text you to Amy.

  “I believe she will be good for him,” Bruno said, smirking. He snorted as he imagined Saige forcing Isaac to take naps. His younger brother had always been the most restless of the four of them.

  “If she doesn’t drive him crazy in the first few months,” Amy retorted, laughing. “There’s a reason we were never roommates. Plus, she thinks mayonnaise is a food, not a condiment.”

  Bruno laughed. “I heard about her abysmal cooking skills from Isaac, but fortunately, he likes to cook.”

  Lucy tucked her tablet into her bag. “We will send you what we find in an email, and that won’t be for a week, at least. I think we could all use some time to rest.”

  “Rest is for the weak,” Solomon said, smiling at his wife.

  Lucy rolled her eyes. “Says the man who slept in today, and then grumbled when I made you put on actual clothes instead of those ratty sweatpants.” She tugged him to the pillar. “Time to go home. I’m looking forward to a tall glass of iced tea and several hours with absolutely nothing to do.” She tapped the white column to activate the transporter. “We’ll talk in a few weeks, Bruno.” She nodded at Amy, then touched the corner of her eye in unison with her husband. “Good luck getting him to rest.”

  “I’ll manage,” Amy said, waving. “Take care, Lucy.”

  “Take care, brother,” Solomon said.

  Bruno touched the corner of his eye as his brother and sister-in-law stepped through the pillar.

  “Well, that is that.” He inhaled deeply. He felt odd. He’d been keeping that particular secret his entire life. It’d become a habit to bear the burden alone, and now… He shook his head. “I have no secrets left. This is a very strange sensation.”

  “It’ll pass,” Amy murmured, stroking his arm. “It’s always weird to let go of something that seems overwhelming.” She smirked. “And if you simply can’t stand it, we can always make up some secret for you to keep from everyone.”

  Bruno scowled at her. “Make up a secret? That is absurd.”

  “Don’t knock it, if it works.” She shrugged.

  Hmm. Her suggestion is not entirely without merit, he mused, thinking of what he knew about habit and how the brain only gradually let go of things. “When did you become so wise?” Bruno asked.

  Amy wrinkled her nose at him. “I’m not wise. Just pragmatic.”

  Bruno cupped her face. “That is simply the opposite side of the same coin, sweetheart. You are one of the most intelligent women I know.” He grinned when she blushed. She will get used to it, because I have every intention of complimenting her for years to come.

  “Do you think we’ll ever solve the dementia problem?” Amy asked, changing the subject.

  “I have hope for the first time.” Bruno pulled her onto his lap. “And we will have centuries to work on it, and the help of my brothers.” He kissed her, savoring the sweet scent of her perfume and the softness of her lips. “I don’t usually take vacations, but…” He trailed off.

  “I think it’s time you did,” Amy said, twining her fingers in his hair. “You’ve worked far too long with no respite. Now is the time.”

  “I already told Eileen to take a month with her family. I think they are going to Hawaii.” Bruno nibbled down her jaw, feeling her arousal flare in tune with his.

  “And my mother is still on her cruise, and will be for weeks yet,” Amy murmured. “Mmmm. Maybe we can visit Hawaii someday.” She shifted on his lap, and Bruno gasped as her ass pushed against his erection. “But not now.” Her voice came out breathless.

  “Indeed. We have other things to do.” Bruno suddenly stood up, sweeping her into his arms. He carried her to their bed, and gently lay her down on the covers. “You hold my heart in your hands.”

  She kissed him, and her love crashed through him like a tidal wave, stronger even than her arousal. Bruno groaned, suddenly desperate to feel her skin against his. “Off,” he growled, pulling her blouse open.

  Amy flushed as he cupped her breasts. “You, too.” She tugged at his shirt.

  Bruno took it off so quickly that buttons went flying. Again. At this rate, he’d have to purchase all new shirts. He helped Amy wriggle out of her blouse, and then he pulled down her slacks. He kissed the tops of her feet, and then swiftly divested her of her bra and panties. “Beautiful,” he said, hoarse with lust. Her sweet pussy was already wet with arousal, and he wanted nothing more than to lose himself in her forever. “I do not deserve you.”

  “Yes, you do,” she said, shoving down his pants.

  Bruno didn’t even remember taking off his shoes, and he didn’t care. He surged up between her legs, and she opened to him like a flower raising its face to the sun. He sank inside, shuddering as he felt her love surround him. Her heat squeezed his cock, and almost before he could move, he was at the edge. He reached down and rubbed her clit, wanting her to fly. “Come for me, darling.”

  She cried out, nails sinking into his shoulders. “Bruno! God, you make me crazy.”

  He grinned, fierce with joy. He felt her slipping towards her peak, and then he couldn’t hold on any longer. His hips thrust inside, once, twice, and he climaxed as he sensed her orgasm push through her. Their minds reached out to each other, and the pleasure rocketed back and forth from each of them, until he thought he’d die of it.

  A long time later, he realized his face was wet.

  “Shh,” Amy murmured, hands stroking his back.

  Bruno leaned up, not surprised to see tears in her eyes, too. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” She smiled. “You’ve made me so happy.”

  “I hope to make you happy for centuries to come.” Bruno kissed her gently, needing to feel her lips against his so he would know he wasn’t dreaming.

  “You will,” Amy said, kissing him back. “We will be happy together.”

  The End

  Other Books by Erin M. Leaf:

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