Covet: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

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Covet: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance Page 12

by Vivian Wood

  She was desperate for him, desperate to cum. He took full advantage, easing the cucumber against her lower lips. She made a sound, a kind of whimper, and he took his mouth away again.

  Fuck, she really needed to cum. She could feel her body weeping for him, felt her lubricant soaking the sheets. She shut her mouth and went still, willing him to continue.

  He pressed against her pussy lips with the cucumber. She was so wet, it slid partially in with no resistance. God, the pressure of the cucumber felt good, like a dildo.

  He withdrew it, kissing her clit once more. She couldn’t be quiet, so she groaned softly. He didn’t pause, just moved the cucumber in again, licking her clit.

  She grabbed the sheets, knowing that she was going to cum soon. She felt her thighs shake as he French kissed her. As he moved his tongue, he gently pulled the cucumber out of her, and moved it to her ass instead.

  She was shocked enough to make a noise, but luckily this time he didn’t stop licking. He turned up the volume of his French kiss as he gently pressed the cucumber against her rear entrance.

  That was enough for Cam, whose eyes rolled back in her head as she clenched and shook. She felt enraptured, but even as she was drifting down, he was preparing for more. He shed his jeans, his expression intense.

  He got up, putting the cucumber aside. Flipping her over on her hands and knees, he smacked her ass once.

  “I want to have you bare,” he murmured. “Nothing between us.”

  “I’m on birth control,” she said, looking back at him with a seductive smile. “I’ve never… not used protection, but I’m safe.”

  Smith actually growled his excitement. He pushed her thighs apart and pressed himself against her pussy. He felt so huge from this angle, impossibly big.

  He used a little of her lubrication to push himself halfway in. They both groaned. He wrapped her long red hair in his fist, withdrew slightly, and then hammered home.

  She cried out, the pleasure bordering on pain. He was so big, filling every single inch of her, touching every secret spot inside.

  He grasped one of her hips and started thrusting slowly. She shuddered as he withdrew and then filled her completely, again and again. Smith increased his speed, gripping her hair and fucking her harder.

  She moaned, feeling him filling every inch of her pussy. He shifted, hitting her G-spot.

  “Ah!” she called. “God, right there!”

  “You like that?” he growled. “I want you to cum so hard. I want to feel you clenching around my cock.”

  She groaned as he hit her G-spot over and over, his thrusts as rapid as gunfire. Everything inside her body tightened.

  “Oh god… oh god, Smith, I’m cumming!” she cried, clenching around his cock. She felt like she was exploding, her eyes rolling back in her head.

  He groaned as he came, finishing with a final thrust. He loosened his hold on her hair, leaning forward to kiss her lower back. She collapsed on the bed, giving a breathless chuckle.

  He withdrew, falling onto the bed beside her. She swept her hair over her shoulder and rolled over, facing him. He grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles.

  “Shit,” he said. “Just… damn. You nearly melted my spine that time.”

  She laughed and nodded, then moved to pull the comforter over her sweat-slicked skin. He gave her a quick kiss, then jumped up.

  “You’re not a pile of mush?” she asked, snuggling down amongst the covers.

  “I haven’t checked my emails since this morning,” he said with a smile. “Let me grab my laptop, and then I will happily be a pile of mush with you.”

  “Okay,” she said, waving her hand at him. “Whatever you say.”

  He disappeared, returning to the bedroom with his laptop. She watched him settle down on the bed beside her. He glanced at her once, smiling. Then he fell into work mode, his dark hair falling across his forehead as he frowned.

  She smiled and closed her eyes, relaxing. She drowsed while he read for a couple of minutes, until he made a noise of disapproval.

  “Hmm?” she asked, sleepily opening her eyes.

  “It’s just… I have a bunch of emails from the company’s accountants,” he said, scrolling down. “They have a lead on some money transfers within the company, like several hundred transactions.”

  Cam’s eyes snapped open. She’d wondered when he’d find out about that, but she hadn’t thought she’d be around for it.

  “Uhhh…” was all she could come up with. “What?”

  “So I have been investigating the company’s top management, trying to figure out who could be diverting funds from the company’s coffers,” he said. “This confirms that it’s got to be one of the top five managers. They’re the only ones with access to move money around like this.”

  She was silent, figuring it would be best to let him work it out for himself. He sighed, closing the laptop and setting it on the bedside table.

  “The weird thing is that although there were hundreds of small transactions within the company’s accounts, the overall amount of money seems to be the same.”

  “That’s odd,” she said, sliding down lower under the covers.

  “Sorry, I know you’re ready to go to sleep,” he said. “I can worry about this tomorrow. It’s not like you’ll tell anyone, right?”

  His eyes sparkling with humor, he leaned over, pulling down the comforter. She swallowed.

  “Um, no?” she squeaked.

  He kissed her on the lips, then turned off the light on the bedside table. He turned on his side, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her close.

  “Goodnight,” he said.

  “Night,” she said.

  She listened to his breathing even out, feeling guilty. She closed her eyes and prayed for sleep.


  Cameron walked into the coffee shop, looking over her shoulder lest she was being followed. No one was in the parking lot, so she took off her oversized sunglasses and looked around. There were a few people scattered amongst the tables, and two bored baristas behind the counter.

  “Cameron!” Erika called, waving. “Over here!”

  Cam spotted Erika in the back of the cafe, and headed over to her.

  “Hey,” she said. She smiled at Erika’s yoga pants, skimpy tank top, and bright blonde hair, thrown into a high bun. Erika was more about work and less about letting conventions get in her way.

  It was one of the reasons that Cam liked her.

  “What’ve you got for me?” Erika asked as Cam sat down.

  “Well… I think I have some really damning evidence,” she said.

  “So you said, when we talked on the phone earlier.”

  Cam reached in her purse and touched the papers she’d stolen from Spencer Calloway’s desk, but hesitated. If she handed them over, that was it. The paper would run the story, Smith would be ruined, and Cam would be left to pick up the pieces.

  “So, what have you got for me?” Erika asked. “The editorial board is hounding me.”

  “Well… I have some evidence, but I didn’t bring it with me.”

  Erika’s brows arched.

  “Is that right?”

  “I’m not ready to turn it over. I’m not completely convinced that Spencer Calloway doesn’t know that I know. I’m still trying to figure him out.”

  “But you did get something, right?”

  “I got a list of account transfers. It lists the dollar amounts of account balances, and it shows that someone took the employee pension down to a thousand dollars. I also overheard Spencer Calloway talking about how he was planning to cover it up, and dump the remaining mess in his son’s lap.”

  “Where did you hear this?”

  “His office at their estate in (town). The son doesn’t know that much, thank god. Spencer was pretty cavalier about the whole thing over the phone though, considering how… well, bad it is.”

  “Yeah…” Erika said. “It’s ballsy. And it absolutely reeks of corruption.”
r />   “Is it enough? To publish, I mean?”

  “It’s substantial. One of those pieces of paper has a lot of numerical figures on it, and that will likely turn out to be fairly damning. Still, if you can find anything else that will back it up…” Erika waved a hand. “I think there’s got to be something else. A memo, or an email… something that will corroborate your evidence.”

  “Corroborate? You said the editorial board believed me. You said they had faith in my assignment.”

  “Well, they do. It’s just…” Erika paused. Something about the expression on her face made Cam’s stomach sink. “Alright. They don’t exactly know that you’re working for Calloway.”

  Cam’s heart stopped. “What??”

  “They think we just have moles that already worked for the company. Your involvement is… well, the board doesn’t know that you’re involved, honestly.”

  Cam was shocked. She sat there with her hands in her lap, speechless.

  “Oh, don’t look like that,” Erika said. “I’m going to tell them. We’ll have to, if your byline is going to be on the story.”

  “You didn’t tell them anything about me? Where do they think I’ve been?” Cam asked.

  “Errr… I might’ve let them think that you didn’t come in, and I fired you.”

  Cam felt like she was being smothered, as if someone had her in a choke hold. “You… you… bitch!”

  Erika’s features pinched, growing cold.

  “Essentially, without my say-so, you don’t work for The Daily News anymore. So you’d better get some corroborating evidence, and you’d better get it fast. I’m willing to give you one more week.”

  Erika stood and grabbed her briefcase. Cam shot to her feet, looking to defend herself.

  “You don’t have my evidence,” Cam said, her voice shaking.

  “No, but you told me what it is. I have other sources working for Calloway. I can get copies of anything.”

  “What did you assign me to this case for, then?” Cam said, her voice rising.

  Erika gave her a flat look. “Because. I needed someone to poke around. Now I’m offering you what you want — get some more evidence, then come back to the paper a hero. So stop whining, and get it done!”

  Erika turned and left the coffee shop. Cam stood and stared at her retreating figure, disbelieving. She didn’t even work for the paper anymore? She balled up her fists.

  It pissed her off royally, but of course it made sense. Erika had set up the one scenario where Cameron couldn’t just back out at the last moment; she literally had to publish, or she would find herself shopping for a new job.

  For a moment Cam thought about just keeping her executive assistant job, but there was a problem with that, too. If Erika whispered a word of Cam’s original employment or if someone dug into her fake background story too much, Smith would find out. Not just that she’d been dishonest about who she was, but that she’d stolen intellectual property from the company… all while sleeping with him.

  Yeah, she was screwed.

  Putting her head down, she hurried out of the cafe. She put her hand in her purse, rooting around until she found the locket. She clutched it in one hand, wishing like hell that it could provide some answers.

  She walked the twelve blocks home with her head in the clouds. By the time she turned the corner onto her block, her feet hurt from the high heels she was wearing.

  When she came up to her stoop, she pulled up short. Smith was sitting on the step, waiting for her.

  “Uh, hey,” she said, feeling frazzled. She dropped the locket into her purse.

  “Hey,” he said, getting to his feet. He held a plastic bag from the grocery store just down the street. “I brought some wine. Thought you might want a quiet night in… with some fantastic fucking sex.”

  He looked so suave standing there, in his dark t-shirt and jeans. He raised the shopping bag, jiggling it so that the bottles clinked together, and raised a questioning brow.

  There was no way in hell she was going to say no to that, even though she knew that every minute she spent with Smith was another nail in her coffin.

  “Come on,” she said, pulling her keys out. “I don’t want the wine to go bad.”

  One side of his mouth kicked up in a smile. As she unlocked the door, she was already thinking of all the delicious and naughty things that his mouth could do.

  She led him into the apartment, putting her purse down and kicking off her heels. He made himself at home, nosing through her kitchen cabinets and finding two red wine glasses.

  She collapsed on the L-shaped couch, watching as he uncorked the bottle and filled the glasses with a little ruby liquid.

  “Here,” he said, offering her a glass as he came to sit beside her.


  She took a sip and watched him do the same. He sprawled on the couch; she thought that it might be the most manly thing about him, how he took up so much space without thinking about it.

  She looked at his deft fingers wrapped around the stem of his wine glass. It made her think of the way that he dug into her skin during sex, gripping her hips or shoulders.

  “What?” he asked.

  “I…” she started, then blushed. “Nothing.”

  “Hmm. Well, what do normal people talk about over wine?” he said.

  “I wouldn’t know.”

  He smiled. “How about… how was your day?”

  She winced, though obviously she couldn’t tell him about her afternoon. “Yuck.”

  He set down his glass, and pulled her bare feet into his lap. He started to massage one, rubbing the instep. It felt so good, she practically melted into the couch.

  “I’m not accustomed to this,” he said. “I’m trying, though. Is it working?”

  “Uh huuuh.”

  She leaned back on the couch cushions, looking at him through half-closed eyes. She wondered how much he knew of his father’s illegal business maneuvers, if anything.

  “Did you ever find out where the money was moved? The money at Calloway, I mean,” she said.

  He frowned, but kept rubbing her foot. “No. That has yet to be determined. The next thing to do is to bring in outside accountants, people who aren’t connected to the company. I just have to get the go-ahead from my father.”

  She nodded, keeping her expression unreadable.

  “Do you think he’ll give you permission?”

  “Why wouldn’t he?” he asked, looking at her askance.

  “Well, maybe he has some stuff that he doesn’t want you to know about,” she said, shrugging and playing stupid.

  “Like what? The old man may like race cars and yachts and women, but he’s got tons of those.” He cocked his head. “A better question is, why are we talking about work?”

  He grinned lasciviously, giving Cam a hint about what he was thinking.

  “Do you have a better topic?” she asked.

  “Mmm… do I have a better topic?” he said, putting her feet down and moving close. “Let me think…”

  Smith moved her auburn locks and brushed hot, wet kisses against her pulse points on her neck. She moaned aloud, losing all ability to think.

  She pulled him down with her, knowing full well that the bubble could burst at any moment. Sooner, rather than later, Smith was going to know the truth about her and his father.

  She kissed him all the harder as rain began to pound on the windows. Maybe if she wished hard enough, it would wash away all her sins…


  Cam woke up the next morning tangled in Smith’s arms. Not a bad way to wake up. She checked her phone. Shit. It was 10 and she’d agreed to meet her friends for lunch at 11.

  Cam nudged Smith awake.

  “Huh?” He rubbed his stubble sleepily.

  “Smith! Can you drop me off somewhere? I’ll never make it in time if I take public transit.”

  Smith kissed her, then shushed her and closed his eyes.

  Cam laughed. “No, you’re not going b
ack to sleep!”

  Smith opened one eye. “Call my driver.”

  “To drop me off to a ladies' lunch?”

  “Sure, I’ll okay it.” He rolled over.

  Cam sighed. She imitated picking up a phone. “Hi, yeah, I’d like to order a car. My boss, who’s naked in my bed, says it’s okay.”

  Smith sat up. “Hmnmpf. You win. Where do you need to go?”

  Cam smiled.

  Thirty minutes later, Smith pulled his car up in front of the restaurant. Cam moved to get out, but he pulled her back for a quick kiss.

  “It’s the least you can do, since you’re not going to tip me,” he murmured.

  She got out of the car smiling. She straightened her top and ran a hand through her hair, still smiling. Then she spotted her friends at an outdoor table.

  Shit. They’d seen everything. And Liz was there.

  Liz was like a bloodhound trained to detect feelings. She was so intuitive that it was genuinely creepy. Cam met her friend’s eyes as she walked up to the table. Oh yeah, Liz was on the trail.

  Cam held up her hands in warning as she sat down. “Can I at least get a drink before you all grill me?”

  “NO!” her friends said, in unison.

  Liz shoved her drink in front of Cam. “There. Now who the hell was that?”

  Cam took a sip to buy some time. “Wow, this is delicious!”

  Liz narrowed her eyes. “It’s a fermented sage-infused mimosa and it’s fucking disgusting. Who was that?”

  “He’s just a guy I hooked up with. He spent the night, we overslept, he dropped me off so I wouldn’t be late. It’s not a big deal.”

  To Cam’s surprise, Liz nodded and dropped the topic. They all began to chat. Cam studied the menu and ordered a burger. As soon as the food arrived, though, Liz pounced.

  “You’ve worked up quite an appetite with your beefcake, haven’t you, Cameron?” She nodded at the other girls, who chimed in.

  “Where’d you meet him?”

  “How was the sex?”

  “Was he driving a Tesla?”

  Cam groaned. “Why is this so fascinating to you all?”


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