The Spires of Dasny: 2: Queen of Dragons

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The Spires of Dasny: 2: Queen of Dragons Page 10

by Cheryl Rush Cowperthwait

  He leads me to an antechamber so we will be in private. I recount the vision. His eyes glaze over as he travels the same tendrils of the vision. Afterwards, my heart still races from adrenaline. He only nods. I wonder if I should leave as he has gone stone-cold quiet. I sit and wait.

  “It is preordained. I did not know your history. This cannot be disputed, as your own flesh and blood had once been a chosen Queen. You carry within you her seeds, ones she was born with and mingled with dragon blood before your birth. This is unprecedented. Now you have a double measure of dragon blood. No wonder the dragon scales are gifted to you. It is a sign that no one can doubt.”

  “Are there other gifts I should anticipate?” Truly the word that came to mind was worry, but I hold my tongue.

  “These are the most common transferences. The visions and dragon sight are most often given to a human queen. Some had experienced all their senses enhanced. I perceive you shall also have the innate ability to have dragon language as your ancestor had the gift. Dreyth can communicate to all the dragons with his mind; as his Queen you may experience the same. Not all gifts show up at once. We will watch for these things. Do not worry as to what comes. They are meant as gifts to the one chosen as worthy; accept them as such. Remember your position and duty. You are the Queen of Dragons and all the Spires.”

  I chew on my lip as I take in all Hu’gan has shared. I hadn’t considered my Granny Rey’s hereditary benefit of having been a dragon queen. Another piece falls into place in my mind, allowing me to come better to terms with what is happening to me.

  Chapter 15

  Hu’gan escorts me to back to the training area. “Why did you select that weapon over all the other choices?”

  I scrunch my shoulders as my lips mimic the same. “I felt pulled towards it, like I knew it.”

  “Interesting. It is said the one who possesses the Ziphan will be imbued with special powers if they are found worthy. Perhaps the Ziphan has already found you worthy by drawing you to it. Time will tell. For our training today, Seyra, you will fly like a dragon.”

  Looking around the practice grounds I find Grifton, Elky and Belinda already in the center with their instructors. The rest of our limited group is along the far wall working up a sweat as they're put through their battle exercises. I gasp as my attention is once more focused on the center of the arena. All three of my friends are levitating while fighting with their instructors with the spears. Clanging noises surround me with their blocked hits.

  Wondering who my personal instructor is, I glance around until I turn back to Hu’gan who has a crook in his lip. He bows and tells me to pick up my weapon. Stars and Moon! He is my personal instructor…

  Lifting the weapon across my midriff, a tingle permeates my hands. The weapon feels charged with electrical currents, like the atmosphere during a storm. Hu’gan lunges at me and I easily block his attack, but then he starts leaving the ground. Gritting my teeth together, I concentrate on levitating, but I feel tethered to the ground. Hu’gan continues to strike at me, leaving my only choice to raise the Ziphan overhead to protect myself. He dances around me, keeping me striking back from on tiptoes. I scream out a bloody battle cry, narrowing my eyes as I twist and turn to keep Hu’gan’s weapon at bay.

  I hear the word relax permeate my senses. I’m thrown by the voice, as it doesn’t match Dreyth or Hu’gan. Hu’gan makes a strike and connects with my raised arm. The sting on my arm inflames me. Swinging my weapon from side to side, I strike blindly at my opponent out of sheer frustration. The next word comes as a command. Fly!

  What can only be described as a screaming roar is ripped from my throat as I leap into the air. I’m centered in front of Hu’gan and power surges through my being. I counter each strike Hu’gan throws. The sound of clashing weapons becomes a symphony of timed strikes. We soar higher above those battling below. All other noises drift away as I become part of the music of dancing weapons. The strikes come faster and faster as we spin, retreat and advance against one another. Hu’gan makes a summersault mid-air and moves underneath me. Instinctively, I flip thrusting my weapon down and to the side as I line myself parallel to Hu’gan. Sweat pours down my face but I can’t stop to wipe it away as Hu’gan is relentless in his attack.

  He launches off an invisible force and moves across the room. I kick and propel myself forward to meet him, arms twisting the Ziphan until sparks fly. A green light infuses my weapon as I move my arms at unnerving speeds. Hu’gan, however, keeps pace. The room is a blur as we sweep across the air, weapons pealing. Their clanging reverberates around us. Hu’gan flips again and falls gracefully back to the arena, weapon grounded by his side. I float down, heart struggling to stay under my ribs and leathers. As my feet touch the stone floor, Hu’gan gives a deep bow. An explosion of cheers echo around us. Looking around, I only now see Hu’gan and I weren’t alone all this time. I bow, first to Hu’gan, and then to those forming a circle around us. My breath comes in deep gasps. What just happened?

  Raising his voice above the din, Hu’gan addresses the crowd. “Anyone now doubt Seyra as the Queen? She moves with the grace of the dragon and flies through the air as if on invisible dragon wings. The Ziphan has been silent for centuries, yet now answers to her thoughts and commands. Even I haven’t been able to control the weapon as it will only respond to the one it finds worthy. The training is done for today. Go. Tell the others what you have witnessed. Our Queen battles for us!”

  His speech is met with yells of approval. Elky races towards me and swiftly bows and falls to one knee. Her gesture is echoed through the arena. Bending, I take her by the hand and raise her, giving her a quick hug as the others around us stand. Unbuckling my jacket, I shrug it off my shoulders until it hits the ground. Sweat has covered my tunic and gathers at my waistband. Elky grabs my jacket as I tell her I’m hitting the bathing pool. Stopping at my chamber, I drop off the Ziphan, pick up a change of clothing and hurry to the warm waters to sooth the aches in my body. All my muscles are trembling from the workout and I can’t wait to submerge into the heated waters.

  The pool is empty and I have the room to myself. I kick off my clothing and slip into the large pool, submerging to my chin. The waters work their healing magic against over-worked muscles. I rest my head against the sloping granite, listening to the musical sounds of the lapping water and drift away.

  Sometime later, I awaken to the sound of someone else in the water. I glance to see Belinda studying me off to one side. Quickly I drop my bottom down as I flail my arms to submerge from my floating position.

  She smirks. “I was only curious if you were covered head to tail in dragon scales.” She snickered. Snickered!

  “I find your remark distasteful, Belinda. If you have something to say to me, come out with it. You needn’t hide behind snide remarks.”

  “A little testy aren’t you, Seyra? I was only teasing.” Coyly, she looks at me as she fans her long black hair across the water.

  “No. I only expected such rudeness from those opposed to my title, not from a friend or a supporter. I wonder, perhaps I have been wrong calling you either.”

  Belinda, obviously aware of her blunder, stammers. “No, you were right. The comment wasn’t as funny as I thought it would be. I apologize.”

  Staring at her, I want to smack her upside the head, but I remember my place and only give her a small nod as I exit the pool and wrap in a bear hide. I’ll leave her to analyze her words.

  Once back into my private chamber, I quickly dry and dress reviewing what just transpired. Is Belinda against me? Why would she be? It seems she is taken with Grifton... thus with me being the Queen of the Dragons I’m no threat to her. There is definitely something she’s hiding, some reason she is perturbed towards me, yet I have no idea what it is beside me being chosen as Dreyth’s Queen. I rub my face to still the pounding in my head, confused by this change I see in her. Perhaps I am being testy, as she put it.

  When I leave my chamber, I go to the eating area outs
ide of the kitchens. Elky is already seated next to Grifton and starts clapping her hands as she stands. Grifton stands too, with one fist placed on his heart. I blush as cheers erupt. Evidentially, the tales of the battle with Hu’gan have been spread. It brings some comfort over the recent discussion with Belinda.

  “That was amazing what you did with Hu’gan, Seyra!” Elky is almost breathless, she’s gushing so much.

  “I don’t know how I did that, it just happened. It did feel incredible though.” I smile as I recount the experience.

  “I don’t think I’d like to go one-on-one with you,” Grifton adds, a twitch of a smile caught on one side of his lips.

  “Thanks. I only hope it wasn’t a fluke and I can continue to progress with Hu’gan’s training.”

  “Progress?” Elky said, astounded. “I don’t think there is anything left for Hu’gan to teach you. I’ll be happy if I can learn all that you did today. I want to be able to fly across the sky like you did.”

  I shove eggs and fried deer meat into my mouth. The long training has left me famished. Elky giggles. I try to slow down the pace and not snort up all the food from the table. Grifton shakes his head but is actually smiling. That lifts my spirits.

  Belinda arrives at our table, sits and pecks Grifton on his cheek. He smiles and continues to eat. “Whew, I’m starved. That training sure depletes my energy.” She looks at me and smiles. “Are you feeling refreshed after your soaking?”

  Why does everything she says now feel like she’s jabbing me with a blunt spear? “Yes, the heated water sure eased my muscles. Funny about that, I feel ready for another round.”

  “You must be kidding,” replies Elky. “My muscles still feel like soggy biscuits. The hot spring must work wonders. I may need to relent and have a soak because all I want to do right now is eat, then sleep.”

  “Well, you better do it quick. I hear Dreyth wants to speak to everyone soon,” Grifton announces before taking another bite.

  I catch Belinda rolling her eyes. “I wonder what about this time.”

  Before I can respond, Hu’gan speaks behind me. I shiver. He always has that effect on me.

  “Nothing to be concerned about, Belinda. He has our support so, at least we won’t be targeted.”

  I don’t need to see him to feel his smirk. Perhaps he is aware of Belinda’s unkind remarks?

  “I’m sure part of it will be the discussion of the guard duties and those of our messengers.”

  Belinda stops eating. “Messengers?”

  “Yes. We will be using messengers to alert the small villages about what's transpired, and to get information on anything they’ve heard or seen. Ours isn’t a vast kingdom, so we won’t need many. I think a moon cycle will be a good rotation for the messengers.”

  “Who has chosen to be a messenger?” Belinda asks.

  “Oh no, it is I who does the choosing. They have to be up to the task. I’ll fill everyone in after Dreyth has his say.” I hear Hu’gan shift behind me and walk away.

  “I’m glad we’re his chosen few for more training. I’d hate to be one of those messengers. They’ll have to be out in the cold air almost constantly to go from village to village. Nope, I’m rather fond of the heat in the Spires and the warm baths to ease the tired muscles.” Belinda shrugs and returns to eating.

  I can’t help but hope Belinda is on the list for messengers. It would serve her right. I smile at the thought and finish eating. Yes, a nap sounds like a good idea. I wave to the others and go to my chamber. Slipping out of my jacket, I slide under the layers of pelts and sigh. It feels like I’m drifting away on a cloud. Right as I begin to close my eyes, I glance at the Ziphan standing against the wall. A green hazy light surrounds it from point to point, then dissipates. I wonder if I really saw that or if it was an illusion brought on by my tiredness? Blinking, I stare for a moment and decide it must have been an illusion because now it stands against the wall with no strange light. Burrowing deeper into the pelts, I take a deep breath and give into the drowsiness, succumbing to sleep.

  Before long, vivid dreams encircle me showing me battles in the air. I’m astride Dreyth with the Ziphan clutched close in my right arm. I can’t make out who we’re fighting, but I hear roars and thunder clashing on every side. When one dream ends, another begins. I have the sensation of being strapped down and held fast. I’m paralyzed and try to move, but I can’t. I jerk awake to find myself twisted in all of my bed coverings. Stars and Moon, that was a fright! Rolling over, I kick loose of my bound up pelts and drift off to a peaceful sleep.

  Chapter 16

  “Seyra, wake up.”

  Moaning, I roll over and try to bury my head under the pillow plumped with goose feathers. I mumble, “A few more minutes.”

  “I allowed you to rest longer than I should. The Spires await their Queen.”

  One eye opens and I yawn deeply. “Okay, I’m up.” A deep chuckle resonates in my head.

  “And I’m standing outside your chamber.”

  I fling my covers back, rubbing my face. “You don’t trust me?”

  “Trust has nothing to do with it. Time does. We have already gathered the people and dragons. It is time to smash any rebellion brewing within our kingdom. The King needs his Queen.”

  “Good thing I already bathed.” I smirk.

  His head pokes through the opening, smiling. “I heard about your session with Hu’gan. I can’t wait to see your repeat performance.”

  My eyes grow large as my mouth forms an ‘O’ shape. “Surely I’m not going to have to do this in from of all the Spires!”

  “No. Not today. Today is about taking command of the situation. I know you are infatuated with your riding leathers, but for today, leave your jacket behind. A tunic with no sleeves is preferable. I’ll be waiting.”

  He slips out of my chamber. I have a collection of fresh clothes on a bench at the foot of my bed. I choose a favorite one, died by the skin of blackberries. It’s more purple than black, sleeveless and has a scoop neck rather than a line of wooden buttons to contend with. I slip it on and add a long black sash around my waist. My hair will have to do. At least I left it in braids when I bathed earlier.

  I pick up the Ziphan and slip through the opening of my doorway and Dreyth is dressed in finery. The same finery has been attached to the saddle as the day of the celebration. My stomach turns on itself. This must be official.

  “Indeed, it is my Queen. It’s time to soar. We’ll be in the vast auditorium, where there is more space for all. It is the best for hearing as voices carry and the lighting allows all to see clearly.”

  Cautiously, I climb into the saddle, careful to not disturb the cording running down in front and behind. The next moment we soar through the Spires and into another opening to enter the auditorium. We are at the uppermost area and fly over the heads of those gathered. We land on the enormous stage in the center. I glance at the way the stone benches have been carefully carved from the mountain in a semi-circle around the stage. It isn’t so much benches as it is deeply carved flat slabs deep enough to hold sitting dragons as well as people. It eases my thoughts to see railings with ropes across each level. At least the people won’t need to worry with falling from such heights.

  Dreyth guides me to the Queen’s throne. I sit and gaze into his eyes.

  “Trust in what I say and do. This must reach the hearts of all without giving them any more spears to jab at our sides.”

  “I understand, Dreyth. Ask and it is yours.” Even as I think it, I wonder where those words came from.

  He briefly extends a wing behind the throne in which I sit, I’m conscious of just how large it is, as I can see it extend beyond my right side. Just as quickly, it disappears as Dreyth folds it and takes a step forward.

  “I understand there has been some confusion and even small flames of opposition due to my choosing a human Queen, even though it had been explained and has occurred in cases similar to mine. Yet, there are those amongst us who refuse to accept
this. You might note sitting before me is the full Council of Dragons. They have read the scrolls. By their agreement and authority, they approve.”

  Dreyth paces across the expanse of the stage. “Elky! Hu’gan! Come.”

  There is a rumble of surprise by both dragons and humans. I look above, but I don’t see either flying towards us. A light rustle catches my ear as I look to see Elky has taken position on my right side and Hu’gan stands on the left of the throne. Hu’gan nods at Elky. In that moment, I’m flooded with a silvery light. Gasps echo through the chamber as the floating orbs flood me with their light.

  “Stand Seyra.”

  I automatically do so, and walk to be by his side. The orbs follow me.

  “Look closely at the one you had only known as my First Rider. She carries a mark not given to any previous Queen. She has been gifted scales as a sign of her worthiness. The evening of the celebration I took her to the Chamber of Scrolls. I only had to unfurl it in front of her for her to be given a vision. The scroll spoke of one such Queen that was chosen by the Brula’r and those who opposed it. Please, Seyra, tell them of this vision.”

  I lick my lips but I can’t get the words to form in my mouth. All is silent around me. My heart races. I can’t let Dreyth down. Tears burn at the corner of my eyes. It’s like my words have been stolen and I look pleading towards Dreyth, trying to explain and… something…

  I’m aware of floating, then a heavy blanket of darkness comes and engulfs me.

  The crowd seems to disappear. I see the vision play out again. I hear the accusations cast at Beokrull and Reyanah. The flames are covering her again! I’m weeping. Beokrull has been attacked and yet, comes to the defense of his Queen. He is slowly dying but orders her to climb his back so he can take her to a place of promise, to keep her safe…

  I open my eyes to find myself floating over the stage, light orbs circling me and I gradually touch the stone floor with my feet. Once again, I am next to Dreyth. The noise is deafening with roars, yells and applause. I’m confused. Why are they making all this noise.


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