The Banshee's Embrace

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The Banshee's Embrace Page 5

by Victoria Richards

  "It belongs to you." Toby pointed to a symbol etched into the top of the tarnished box. "That represents an Irish knot, very powerful magic. It is the symbol of one of the Irish families that banshees belong to."

  "Which family does it represent?"

  "I'm not sure, but if it's your family then you should be able to open it."

  "I've tried, but it's stuck."

  To prove her point, she lifted the box and tried to pry the lid off with no success.

  "Damn it," she said, dropping the box back on the table. "I'm dying to know what is inside it."

  Toby got up and pulled a knife out of one of the cabinet drawers.

  "Let's try this," he said and handed it to her.

  Determined, Jacqueline took the knife and ran it in the groove that separated the lid from the rest of the box. Unfortunately, the knife slipped, pricking her finger.

  "Ouch!" She watched as a drop of crimson blood grew on her skin.

  Toby reached out to examine the wound, shaking his head as a spark of electricity caused a drop of blood to fall onto the silver box. His touch warmed her, and as she watched, he placed the finger in his mouth and slowly sucked on it. A delicious tingle ran through her and her breath quickened.

  Something in Toby's eyes changed. They warmed and she wondered what he could be thinking. Was she imagining the tension between them? Her head started to cloud with crazy images of the two of them, entwined in a deep kiss, the bed sheets wrapped all around them.

  "Better?" He gave her finger a kiss, before letting go of her hand. "You need to be more careful."

  "Toby, I--" But before she could continue the thought, the silver box began to shake. The Irish knot sunk into the box, and the top sprang open. "What is that?"

  She picked up the box.

  "Jacqueline, wait! Don't look inside--" Toby started to say, but it was too late.

  A burst of light shot out of the little chest and with it came the anguished howling of a thousand voices, each screaming in horror. Some of the light drifted into Jacqueline's eyes, turning them a deep green. She could hardly think. The scream of the voices were so loud, so overwhelming, so tempting…

  In her head, the voices became one, a wailing symphony telling her what to do.

  She looked at Toby and smiled.

  "It's time for you to die, Toby Williams." Her voice took on a strange, almost cackling tone. "Time for you to become part of the collection."

  Toby pushed back his chair, already muttering a spell.

  "No need for magic, wizard. I can kill you without it."

  With a triumphant smile, Jacqueline stood. The light swirled all around her and she breathed it in, loving the power that came with it. Her conscience raised its head as if to remind her that what she was about to do was wrong, but this new power, this amazing energy overrode that.

  "DIE!" she screamed and thrust her newfound power at Toby. His eyes widened with fear, but before he could defend himself, the energy overtook him.

  Toby dropped to the floor, his wide, lifeless eyes staring up at her.

  The Box of Souls

  The power surged like a volcano through Jacqueline. Every nerve in her body vibrated with the delicious tingle of energy, and while a small part of her knew what she was doing was wrong, a larger part didn't care. The sensation was just too delicious.

  "What the hell is going on?"

  The gruff voice was familiar. She turned to look at the astonished older woman standing in the kitchen doorway. Oh, but she was giving off such a pretty glow! Jacqueline could see the bright light emanating from her, the life essence, and had the urge to raise her hands, to tug at the light, to see if she could yank it from the woman's body also. The lure was so strong Jacqueline could almost taste it, and without realizing it, she licked her lips.

  Before she could follow through on her desires, the woman crossed to the table and slammed the lid to the silver box shut.

  "No," Jacqueline gasped, as the delicious light was cut off, leaving her cold and defenseless.

  "Jackie, what do you think you are doing?" The woman's voice held fear, but she moved to Jacqueline hands outstretched. "Do you even know who I am?"

  Jacqueline blinked and stared at the woman. Yes. She knew her. Her name was…


  A blinding headache overwhelmed her and the edges of her vision turned gray. She staggered and fell to the floor.

  Matilda. The old lady from the bar.

  The thought had barely come to her before she blacked out.


  Derek Spark watched the action from the comfort of his hotel room suite. He'd known that sooner or later, Jacqueline would find a way to open the Box of Souls, and when she did, the power it gave off would be easy to spot.

  It overrode protection spells and perimeter chants, giving him the opportunity to peek back into Jacqueline's world. After assuming Toby's identity earlier that day, Derek hadn't been sure if he could find a way to punch a hole in the magical barrier the other wizard had put up. But it had been worth it. What fun it was to pretend to be Toby Williams!

  He was just sorry it ended before he had a chance to really get to know the lovely Jacqueline Huston. She would have enjoyed the things he wanted to do with her.

  Ah, well. He'd known there would be other moments. Sure enough, the opening of the Box of Souls had given off such a powerful signature that he'd felt it vibrations. It lowered all the magical defenses he had which was another reason he was glad to be in the safety of his well-appointed hotel room and not around other supernaturals that might not be inclined to overlook his past…indiscretions. No sense in being caught in a vulnerable position.

  Taking advantage of the power increase, he used a simple looking glass spell on his room mirror. It morphed into a portal that allowed him to glimpse into the banshee's house. And what wonderful things he'd seen!

  When she'd ripped Toby's soul from his body, the triumph that surged through Derek was like nothing he'd felt before.

  "It's true!" He laughed. "The old ones were right!"

  Killing another supernatural was difficult, and unfortunately, wizard magic always left a residual imprint of its owner. But a banshee---well, that was a different matter. She collected souls and left no mark behind.

  "I can't wait to take you under my wing," Derek whispered as he watched Jacqueline's eyes swirl with a deep green.

  Then the connection had suddenly been cut off.

  Derek frowned. The heavy magic of the box was silenced. But by whom?

  "Damn." He paced the room, thinking. Who else had been in that room? He needed to speak with Jacqueline, and now that Toby was out of the way, doing so would no longer be hazardous to his health. But how could he go about setting up a proper introduction?

  The sound of movement in the suite's bedroom came to him. He stared at the closed door, contemplating how to best use the woman on the other side of it. She could help him get close to Jacqueline. Supposedly, they were best friends. After weeks of honing his relationship with her, this woman would finally prove to be useful in other ways besides the bedroom.

  "Derek?" She called. "Have you seen my bra?"

  With a small smile he picked it up from off the lamp where he'd hastily thrown it. There afternoon rendezvous had been frenzied and passionate, just the way the he knew she liked it. No lingering emotional embraces for her or sweet words of love. There was just heat and lust. Angela Tatum was always ready for a quick tryst.

  That made her perfect for his purposes.

  "It's in here, Angela." The door creaked open and she peered out at him with a smile. "Come and get it."

  She pushed open the door, revealing that she only wore a pair of black lace panties. Unashamed, Angela walked towards him, her long red hair just resting over the tops of her breast. Her pale perfect skin had him catching his breath as his groin stirred in response.

  "Hand it over," she said, holding out her hand.

  "I said come and get it." Delibera
tely, he held the bra out of her reach.

  "You aren't going to win this game," she said. "I know all kinds of tricks."

  "Do you? Show me one."

  Angela smiled and pressed herself to him. One hand reached down and cupped him gently, while her tongue teased his neck.... A slow rush of heat coursed through his groin.

  He took a deep breath and lowered the hand holding the bra. Derek sensed her free hand reaching towards it, ready to snap it away from him. That's when he made his move. Grabbing her hands and using a touch of magic, he had her bound and on the couch of the suite in under five seconds.

  "No fair," she said, with a pout.

  With her wrists bound above her head, she made a delicious sight.

  "How is it not fair?" he asked.

  "I don't know," she admitted with a laugh, "somehow you always surprise me."

  Derek knelt down next to her on the couch and ran finger across her stomach, watching the way it gave off the tiniest of shivers.

  "I like to surprise you," he whispered and kissed her flesh, as he ran the finger down lower, skimming over the softness of her thigh. "I was wondering if maybe you'd let me take you out to dinner again tonight."

  "Mmmm…dinner." She closed her eyes as his fingers slipped into the panties and began to roam in the nest of curly red hair between her legs. "Maybe…"

  "We could invite some friends," he said, easing one finger inside her and watching her nipples harden. "If you like."

  "I like."

  Her mouth opened slightly, and she stared at him, eyes colored with desire, her lush body his for the taking.

  "I'd love to meet your friends," he whispered. "Learn more about you."

  His fingers continued working their magic as he leaned further up and nipped at her breast. She moaned and her hips arched, demanding more. He obliged by using his thumb to create a soft, swirling pressure on her most sensitive part.

  "I want you," she begged.

  "I know," he soothed. "I can feel your desire. Close your eyes."

  She did so. Derek used his free hand to conjure a spell. In an instant his pants were gone. He removed his fingers from her, pleased at her small cry of anguish.

  "Shh….let's get these off you," he said and gently removed the panties. Pausing a moment to admire her beautiful naked body spread out before him, Derek thrust himself inside her. She gasped in delight and guided her hips to counter his movements.

  "Derek," she moaned and he couldn't hide his grin of satisfaction.

  If he used a little magic to enhance his skills, the woman going wild with an orgasm below him would never know the difference.

  But as he closed his eyes and let himself go, it was Jacqueline that he saw. It was her moans that he wanted to hear, her cries for more that he wanted to fill the room, her voice saying his name.

  Soon enough, he told himself as he climaxed. Soon enough.


  Toby floated in the dark. He didn't know where he was exactly, but he could hear the whimpers and moans of those around him. Every now and then someone would let out a scream and that would rouse the others until it all quieted down again. Men, women, children--Toby knew all kinds were floating with him.

  But where?

  His body felt light, yet he couldn’t determine if he was in water or air. He reached out with his senses smelling, touching, hearing--yet nothing helped him. Time appeared to have stopped, and worst of all, his gifts, his magic was gone. He couldn't even work up the smallest of spells.

  Despair flooded him.

  "Can't give up hope," a voice whispered and he jerked at the sound. "Not all is lost."

  "Who are you?" Toby squinted in the darkness.

  "One who has been locked in this box a long time."


  "Yes. This is the Box of Souls."

  "How do I get out?"

  "It's always the same set of questions isn't it? Where am I? How do I get out?" Irritation caused the speaker's voice to grow louder. "The question should be this: why should you be allowed out? After all, your soul was collected, reaped. That only happens to the very bad ones. I should know."

  "I don't belong here. Jacqueline put me in here by mistake."

  "Oh, that's what they all say," the voice hissed, uncomfortably close.

  "It's true."

  But even to Toby the words sounded weak.

  There was silence and Toby thought the voice had gone. But then it spoke again, "You say, Jacqueline put you in here? The special one?"

  "Yes. She is definitely special," Toby couldn't quite keep the grumble out of his voice, causing the other entity to laugh. "How do you know about her? And what are you exactly?"

  "I am…" the voice paused and then announced with flourish, "the Keeper of Souls!"

  Toby let the silence grow, not sure what to say.

  "Did you not hear me?" the voice hissed again. "I'm the Keeper of Souls!"

  "Oh, yeah. I heard you. Good for you."

  "You think it's clever to be blasé, don't you boy?" The voice pressed to his ear. "But you know what, I'm the only friend you'll find in this place. I'm the only one who knows what's what. You better be nice to me."

  "I meant no offense." Toby made his voice more humble than he felt. "It's just that I'm a little on edge. I can't see anything, including you. I don't suppose you can do anything about that?"

  "I could if wanted to," the voice laughed. "But why would I want to?"

  "I like to see who I'm making deals with."

  There was a soft, rustling sound, and then a green light glowed around Toby. It hurt his eyes at first, but after a moment he grew accustomed to it and was able to see the figure giving off the light.

  It was a young man.

  He blinked and gave Toby a wide smile. Dressed in jeans and a gray T-shirt, he had allowed his brown hair to grow shaggy and wild. But it was the eyes that captured Toby's interest. They sparkled with mischievousness.

  "How do I look?" the man asked.

  "A little younger than I expected," Toby admitted, narrowing his eyes. "Is this your true form?"

  "No, but you can't handle that. No one can."

  "Do you look the same way for everyone?"

  "No. I take on the shape that would be most pleasing for the one I reveal myself too."

  "Why this shape for me?"

  "Because this how your own son would have looked had he lived."

  Toby sucked in his breath. He hadn't ever told anyone about his son. Not even his own family--not that they would have cared. If Trevor had lived, he would have been about twenty now. He pushed the pain of that realization away and focused on the boy before him.

  "So you're the Keeper of Souls." Toby crossed his arms. "And what is your job exactly?"

  "Uh…I keep souls. I sort of think the answer to that question is in the job title."

  "How long have you been doing this?"

  "Several centuries. I think the last time I saw the real world it was around 1616."

  Toby gave a low whistle. "Wow. You've missed a lot."

  "Not really. I have my ways of connecting with the outside world." The man smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. "When I drain a soul, I get a glimpse of their life. It allows me to keep current with the times."

  "Drain a soul?"

  "Oh yeah. Whoever controls the box traps the souls in here, and then it's my job to punish them."

  "I don't understand."

  "You aren't exactly the brightest wizard around, are you?" The man shook his head. "Look, my family comes from a long Irish ancestry. That means we've got a lot of bad blood, a lot of enemies that need to be punished. The Keeper of the Box finds these enemies, sucks their soul into the void, and then it's my job to torture them."

  "How did you get this job?"

  "Every 500 years, there is one person in our family who is the lucky one destined to do the job. It was my turn."

  "That sucks," Toby said.

  "I know. The next soul keeper isn't due for an
other hundred years."

  "How do souls get in the box?"

  "The family banshee has to collect them. See, the good souls in the family go to the next realm. They are the lucky ones. The bad ones in the family all end up here." The young man stepped a little closer to Toby. "Your energy looks clean though. I don't even see the O'Grady mark on you."

  "That's because I'm not from one of the Irish families."

  "Where does your family originate then?"


  "Germany? What a cesspool."

  "So now that you know I'm not part your family, how do I get out?" Toby looked around, but darkness still lay everywhere. "Like I said, Jacqueline put me in here by mistake."

  "She's an interesting one. Heard a bit of buzz about her."

  "From who?"

  "From the souls her predecessor dropped in here recently." The man nodded as Toby looked confused. "Even though the banshee had her powers split with Jacqueline, she has still been doing her job for the last year. She collects the bad souls that pass on in our family tree. But most of them have heard about this new hybrid thing that Jacqueline is. She's pretty popular, even if she doesn't know it."

  "The wizards all want her for themselves," Toby said.

  The man laughed. "Don't be naïve. It isn't just the wizards. All the supernaturals want her for the same reason. She can destroy an enemy just by singing to them! Even our family would like to take advantage of that."

  "Some family."

  "Poor girl won't ever be safe as long as she stays split--one foot in the living world, one foot in the grave." The man gave Toby a level look. "The only option for her is death. If she dies, she becomes a regular banshee, a reaper who just collects souls, but can't remove them."

  Toby lowered his gaze. This was exactly what the hag had indicated to him. He'd known she'd have to die, had even told her so, but knowing didn't make it any easier. The thought of Jacqueline's death--it twisted his insides and made him want to find another way.

  No. He couldn’t afford to think like that. It wasn't like he had feelings for her. About her, yes! But for her…no.


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