Love's Precious Surprise (The women of Landry's Landing and the Fabrizio men)

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Love's Precious Surprise (The women of Landry's Landing and the Fabrizio men) Page 3

by Quinn, Shelli

  Toni didn’t see Daniele until the next morning when she arrived at the office. He was already seated behind his desk hard at work.

  “I didn’t hear you come in last night what time did you get in?” She asked as she rounded her desk to take her seat.

  “Oh, I didn’t want to wake you so after I helped the guys get the kids to sleep I went to stay with Uncle Seppe and Aunt Sera, when I woke up this morning I came straight to the office.” He said glances at her briefly before turning back to his work.

  “You didn’t have to do that you could’ve come home when you were done.” She said in a matter of fact tone.

  “That’s okay, I know how irritated you get when I come in late and wake you.” He said as he continued to work.

  Toni frowned. “I’m not that bad am I?” She asked.

  “Let’s just say that when you’re angry you could make a lion tamer nervous.” He teased glancing at her for a moment.

  “Wow that makes me feel like a real witch.” She said with a frown.

  “Well it shouldn’t that’s just your way of letting me and anyone else know that you are a strong fearless woman and you aren’t about to take any crap. Who wouldn’t respect that in a woman?” He said with a smile.

  “If you say so then I’ll take your word for it. What are you working on?” She asked noticing how his attention seemed too focused in what he was working.

  “I’m working on the spring promotional package.” He replied sounding a bit frustrated.

  “Aren’t we supposed to be working on that together, why are you trying to do it alone?” She asked in confusion.

  “Well we are supposed to be working on it together but since you have to help Gabe with the spring budget, I thought I’d get started on the promo package so that you wouldn’t have so much to do.” Daniele said with a frown.

  “Really and how is that working out for you?” Toni asked noticing that he seemed to be having a difficult time.

  “Not so great I can’t get this ad page to lay-out just right it’s looking cluttered and a bit too busy.” He replied.

  “Here let me see what you have.” Toni said as she walked over his desk to take a look at his computer screen.

  “See what I mean for a one page ad, it looks like there is too much going on.” He said as he pointed to the computer screen.

  She leaned over his desk a bit as she evaluated the lay-out. “Well first of all this should be a two page ad that runs together. Secondly instead of all these individual captions there should be one main caption that introduces each brand as a whole. Here I’ll show you.” She said as she took control of his wireless mouse.

  Daniele watched as Toni began using the mouse to move things around on the screen then changed the caption to read:

  Hop into spring with Fabrizio Industries as we proudly present to you our local brands.

  Come play in our gardens at Landry’s Landing as you enjoy lively and colorful plants and flowers from around the world.

  Taste test one of the many flavors of our special blend of exclusive wines as you dine with us inside our café or on our cozy patio while sampling something delicious from a menu created for your pleasure.

  Lastly, don’t forget to pick up something from the newest spring line of Designs by London where you’ll definitely find items for everyone in your family with the launching of our new kid’s line, Bambini Carini by London.

  So celebrate springtime with Fabrizio Industries where family is not only our business but our number one priority.

  “That’s much better I don’t know what made me think that I could do this without you. And I really like the name London chose for the kids line Bambini Carini, (cute kids). Anyway thanks Toni I know you have a lot of work to do.” Daniele said with appreciation for all the hard work she does.

  “No problem we can tweak it a bit more before we finalize it but at least now you have an idea of what it should look like. Just make sure that each suggested description corresponds with a photo of that brand so that the reader will have a visual to go along with the words.” She said glancing up at him as he stood leaning over her shoulder.

  “Are you kidding I’m not going to touch any of the changes you just made as always you’ve done a great job. I guess I should let you get to work on the spring budget before you contemplate strangling me for distracting you.” He said teasingly as he smiled at her.

  “Its fine I’m almost done with my part of the budget anyway Gabe will handle the big stuff. All I had to do was the marketing budget for this season, so we’re good.” She said.

  “Good so does that mean you aren’t going to strangle me?” He teased as he stared into her eyes.

  “No you’re off the hook for now but maybe next time.” Toni teased back as she returned his gaze.

  “Do you know how badly I want to kiss you right now don’t worry I know that you’d slap me into next week. But would it be okay with you if I gave you a quick kiss on the cheek?” He asked nervously waiting for her answer.

  Toni thought about his request for a moment before slowly nodding her head yes. As he moved his face closer to hers she closed her eyes and held her breath. When his soft lips made contact with her warm cheek a tidal wave of emotions flooded her senses. Although the kiss was brief it would have a lasting effect on her.

  When Toni opened her eyes Daniele’s face was a few mere inches from hers, he smiled.

  “You’re not thinking about hitting me are you?” He asked jokingly hope to get her to smile. It worked she smiled brightly as she gazed back at him.

  “No I’m not going to hit you, besides that kiss was so brief I barely felt anything.” She said trying to sound as if feeling his lips against her skin had no effect on her.

  “It may have been brief but you definitely felt something, why else would you be trembling and I can hear you heart pounding. I’m hoping that those are all positive signs.” He whispered sweetly.

  Toni shivered slightly as his warm breath feathered across her cheek, she fought hard to contain the smile that threatened to claim her lips. “We’ll just have to see now won’t we?” She whispered back.

  “Hey at least you didn’t say no, so that gives me a little hope that you’re open to the possibility of us being together.” He said close to her ear.

  “Let’s just wait and see what happens, I can’t promise you when I’ll be ready to be intimate with you or anyone else but I am willing to take it slow and see where it leads us. That’s only if you’re sure you can accept what I’m willing to offer you for now.” She said softly and waited for his reply.

  “I’m willing to accept whatever you’re willing to offer because you mean that much to me. I won’t rush you into anything you just let me know what you want from me and I’ll make it happen.” He said in response.

  “I tell you what give me a couple of hours to finish my budget report and then you can take me to lunch.” She suggested with a smile.

  He wasted no time accepting her invitation. “It would be my pleasure to take you to lunch.”

  “Good because I should be pretty hungry by the time I finish this report.” She teased.

  “Well I’ll get out of your way so that you can get your work done. I’ll be back to pick you up in a couple of hours.” He said with excitement.

  “You really don’t have to do that I can just meet you at the café when I’m finished.” She said as she stood from his chair to go back to her desk.

  “Yes I do, this is technically our first kind-of-sort-of date and a gentleman always picks his date up. At least that’s how the Fabrizio men were raised thanks to Uncle Guiseppe.” He replied.

  “Okay, so I’ll see you in a couple of hours.” She said moving past him.

  He reached out and took her hand in his before lifting it to his lips to place a gentle kiss on the back of it. “You’ll definitely see me in a couple of hours if not before because I may not be able to wait that long.”

  “Alright now you’re just exagg
erating, you’ve waited longer than that to see me before now so try not to overdo it with your little sugary words.” She said teasingly.

  Chapter Three

  Toni had just began printing a copy of her report after sending the same report by email to both Gabe and Pierce when Daniele came back into the office. He walked towards her carrying a single yellow rose to signify their budding friendship and the fact that he cared about her tremendously.

  She smiled when she noticed the rose as he came closer. When he was standing in front of her desk he held the rose out to her.

  “For you il mio amore prezioso.” He said with a smile as she accepted the rose.

  “What is this for? And when are you going to tell me what you keep saying to me?” She asked happily.

  “I told you I’ll tell you when I think you’re ready to hear what it means. And the rose is because I care.” He said sweetly.

  “Thank you, no one has ever given me a rose before but don’t roses usually have thorns?’ She inquired.

  “Usually they do but I removed the thorns so you wouldn’t get pricked by one, I told you I’d never hurt you and that means that I wouldn’t give you something that could hurt you. So I’m the first person to ever give you a rose?” He asked unable to believe that no one had ever given this incredible woman something as simple as a rose.

  “Well thank you for being so considerate and to tell you the truth this is the first time I’ve ever received a flower of any kind, so thank you Daniele.” Toni said as she brought the flower to her nose and inhaled deeply then smiled at the lovely aroma.

  As Daniele watched the smile that lit up her gorgeous face he felt his heart swell within his chest. His one desire was to erase from her mind all the terrible things that she’d endured his plan was to replace them with happy loving memories.

  He knew that it would take time for her to realize that he was in this for keeps she was his precious love that’s what he called her il mio amore prezioso, my precious love. That was something he knew she wasn’t ready to hear but when she was he’d make it clear to her that he had no intention of ever letting her go. Fabrizio’s played for keeps and he planned to keep her for all eternity.

  “You are more than welcome, now are you ready to go and get some lunch?” He replied as his mind worked overtime thinking of things that would keep that beautiful smile on her face.

  “Yes I am starving I could hardly wait until it was time for lunch.” She said as she rounded the desk. What she didn’t tell him was that it wasn’t just because she was starving that she could hardly wait. No that wasn’t the only reason it was because she couldn’t wait to see him.

  Toni didn’t know what was wrong with her but for some reason being apart from him for too long made her uneasy. She felt relieved when he was close to her like he was her safety net no man had ever made her feel this way.

  She glanced at Daniele and noticed that he’d changed his clothes instead of the suit he was wearing earlier he was now wearing dark denim jeans and a dark denim button down shirt and he’d slipped on a pair of timberlands. He was a very desirable man and she felt somewhat honored that he had an interest in her.

  Toni knew from going to her group therapy meeting when she was back in New York that it wasn’t easy for women who’d been through what she had to find a man that was willing to deal with all that baggage.

  There were times before going to live with London that she’d wished she could just die. The horrors that her stepfather had put her through after her mother’s death were almost too much for any girl to bear.

  She’d never meet anyone like the Landry sisters and the Fabrizio family. They are such amazing people to take her in a make a part of their wonderful family. And now she might have a chance at finding real true love with a terrific man like Daniele if she had the courage to trust him.

  Well it wasn’t going to be easy but she was determined to give it a try. She really doubted if she’d find another man like Daniele, so she would be the strong woman that the Landry sisters have taught her to be.

  Daniele held the door for her as they left the office. He couldn’t help but admire how nice she looked in her red pencil skirt that hugged her slightly curved body and her cream colored, short sleeved, ruffle blouse. She was wearing four inch heels that made her appear to be a lot taller than she actually was.

  But even with the four inch heels the top of her head barely reached his shoulder. Her height didn’t really matter to him hell she could three feet tall and that wouldn’t change how much he cared about her.

  The two of them walked from the office to the café at the Inn. The nice thing about being at Landry’s Landing is that although everything was spread out they were still in walking distance. The Inn with its café and winery, as well as the Fabrizio offices and their homes were all located on the many acres of property that made up Landry’s Landing.

  They walked in silence as they enjoy the wonderful afternoon weather. It had been an unusually mild winter the temperature was around sixty-eight degrees which wasn’t very cold when you’re use to freezing temperature.

  The sun was also shining brightly to make it feel a bit warmer than it actually was. When they reached the Inn they made their way to the café where Asia and Luc invited them to join them and the others who were having lunch in the private dining room.

  “Thanks for the offer but I think that for today we’ll just grab a quiet little table in the corner and have lunch alone, we hope you don’t mind?” Daniele said politely.

  “That’s fine with us you two enjoy your lunch.” Luc said.

  “Wow, he’s always so polite does that boy even know how to be rude?” Asia said as she watched them walk away.

  “Don’t let that boyish charm of his fool you bellezza. That young man that you call boy was a mixed martial arts lightweight champion for three years.” Luc said seriously.

  “What are you freaking kidding me? What made him want to join the family business?” Asia said in a surprised tone.

  “It’s not like he had much choice after paralyzing a guy in his last match because he broke his back uncle Dom begged dad to let him come here.” Luc said.

  “So that’s why he came here so suddenly.” She said as they made their way to the private dining room.

  “Well it was always in the plan for him to join the company, it just happened quicker than it was supposed to.” He replied as they entered the dining room.

  “What happened quicker than it was supposed to?” Indy asked as they took their seats at the large table.

  “I was explaining to Asia why Daniele had to come to the states and to work for Fabrizio Industries before he was supposed to.” Luc replied.

  “Did these guys tell any of you that Daniele was a mixed martial arts champion, before breaking some guy’s back in a match?” Asia asked as she shifted her gaze among her sisters.

  “No not as I recall they didn’t, at least no one told me about it.” Indy said.

  “This is the first I’ve heard of it.”Gigi said as she glanced at Pierce.

  “Don’t look at me I didn’t know either.” London said.

  “What it’s not like it was secret or anything it just never came up, besides he felt really bad after the entire incident so mom and dad asked us to just leave it alone.” Pierce said in way of an explanation.

  “Well we definitely can understand that.” Gigi replied.

  “It doesn’t matter anyway he’s here now and he’s and Toni have been doing a job.” London said.

  “Where are those two aren’t they coming to lunch?” Indy asked as she looked at her watch then at the door.

  “Oh they’re in the café they decided to have lunch alone today.” Asia said with a grin.

  “Well good for them maybe those two can find what the rest of us already have, the love of a lifetime.” Gio said with a smile.

  “Let’s hope so, because if he hurts her in anyway, instead of finding himself in love his ass will be finding himself
in a damn coma.” Indy said seriously.

  “Believe me you have nothing to worry about I know for a fact that Daniele would rather chop off an arm than do anything to hurt Toni.” Gabe said.

  “Yeah he’s way too gone for that, I think he fell in love with Toni on the day they met. But he knows the deal so he’ll treat her with the respect she deserves.” Luc added with a wide smile.

  Daniele and Toni enjoyed light conversation as they ate their lunch at a table for two in the corner of the café. Although they’d known one another for almost a year now this was actually the first time they’d shared a meal alone. Usually there was always someone around like the kids or other family members or a member of the staff or even the media.

  Whatever the reason they just hadn’t had the opportunity to be completely alone for more than a few minutes at a time. Even sharing the guesthouse they usually only saw one another in passing or sharing an office people were always coming in and out of there. And it hadn’t helped that he’d pissed her off shortly after his arrival. Unfortunately it had taken quite some time for her to forgive him for his stupid mistake. It was nice to finally have a chance to enjoy each other’s company.

  He was happy to see her relax around him something that he knew wasn’t easy for her. She was laughing at his corny jokes and smiling even when they were quietly eating their food. He wanted to see her like this always and he would do whatever it took to make that happen.

  “Since lunch is going so well would you maybe consider having dinner with me tonight?” Daniele asked hopeful that she’d say yes.

  Toni gazed across the table at him as she considered his dinner invitation. Having lunch with him in the middle of the day was one thing but was she ready to have dinner alone with him at night no less.

  Of course she was having a nice time with him she never realized how funny he could be. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d laughed so much, her cheeks were starting to ache from all the smiling.

  “Yes I’ll have dinner with you Daniele.” She answered with a bright smile.


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