Love's Precious Surprise (The women of Landry's Landing and the Fabrizio men)

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Love's Precious Surprise (The women of Landry's Landing and the Fabrizio men) Page 7

by Quinn, Shelli

  As the thought of being in love with Daniele sank in to her brain the electrifying sensations coursing through her body intensified tremendously making her orgasm even more powerful than before. This time her orgasm was so overwhelming that she could swear she saw stars dancing on the ceiling.

  He felt his body tightening as the need to orgasm grew closer but instead of pounding into her like a mad man he took great care with her being as gentle as their passion would allow. After all she was his woman now and he wouldn’t do anything to hurt her in any way. He loved her more than he ever thought possible if he could only get her to fall in love with him the way he’d fallen for her.

  There was plenty of time for that they had all the time in the world because neither of them was going anywhere. Just the thought of making love to this woman, his woman for the rest of their lives brought him closer to an orgasm.

  When her walls clamped down around his shaft and her trembling legs squeezed at his waist he couldn’t hold back any longer. Daniele exploded as his breathing became labored and his release sent his entire body into convulsions causing him to groin loudly sounding like a wild untamed animal.

  Chapter Six

  The sound of Daniele’s animalistic growl should have scared Toni but her profound love for him didn’t allow her trust to waver. She smiled up at the man she was in love with and watched as slow smile formed on his lips before he collapsed onto the bed beside her. She sighed loudly.

  Daniele sat up quickly even though he was exhaust because his release had completely drained him.

  “Are you alright I didn’t hurt you did I?” He asked with sincere concern.

  She shook her head vigorously. “No, you were very gentle and extremely loving.”

  “Okay, then would you like to tell me what’s wrong, you’re not having regrets are you?” He asked as he gazed down at her.

  “Are you crazy of course? I’m not having any regrets, I just had no idea that making love to you would make me feel like this.” She said quietly.

  He sat up a bit straighter as he gazed at her. “And exactly how did making love with me make you feel il mio amore prezioso?”

  “Well like no wait you promised that you’d tell me what that means.” She said staring up at him.

  He smiled down at her before answering. “I guess you’re ready to hear what it means. Actually it’s kind of my pet name for you il mio amore prezioso means my precious love.”

  She sat up on the bed as she stared at him. “What, but you’ve been saying that to me for months now.”

  “Yeah, I guess I have.” He replied.

  “Are you trying to say that you’ve been in love with me for months?” She asked in disbelief.

  “Actually I’m pretty sure I fell in love with you the day we met it just took a little time to sink in.” He answered honestly.

  “You do realize that I’ve been nothing but mean to you until just recently, right.” She said softly.

  “Yes I know but I also know that you’ve been through a lot more than any woman your age should experience in a lifetime.” He said.

  “So what are you saying that you felt sorry for me?” She asked through clenched teeth and narrowed eyes.

  “Sorry for you, are you kidding me I have always had nothing but the deepest admiration and respect for you. For the way you turned things around and became this strong and amazing woman that I’m in love with.” He confessed.

  “I’m still working through my feeling for you I just need a little more time to figure things out I hope you can understand that.” She said truly hoping that he loved her enough to give her time to tell him how much she loved him too.

  Daniele reached out and pulled her into his arms with her head resting at his chest he leaned back against the headboard.

  “Love is all about patience and understanding so you just take all the time you need. I’ll be right here when you finally figure it out il mio amore.” He said kissing her softly on the forehead.

  “Thank you Daniele that means a lot to me and you know I’m going to have to think of a pet name for you as well.” She teased.

  “I have no doubt that you’ll think of something.” He replied sweetly.

  “Oh you know I will.” She said laughing before they both quietly drifted off to sleep.

  Toni stretched and purred like a satisfied kitten as the warm morning sun shined brightly through the open balcony doors. She was quite happy until she realized that she was in bed alone she sat up and glanced around the room. Daniele was gone and he hadn’t even said a word just when she thought he was trustworthy he shows his true colors. She guessed there was no point in him sticking around since he got exactly what he wanted last night.

  Maybe making love to her was a great big disappointment, because she didn’t have the experience that most women had. Daniele was the first man that she’d actually made love with. Being abused was in no way, shape or form making love it was a brutal and despicable act that should be punishable by a slow and painful death.

  But back to that jerk Daniele when she got her hands on him. “I’m going to ring his trifling little neck.” She mumbled through clenched teeth.

  “Whose neck are you going to ring?” Daniele asked from the doorway where he was leaning against the jamb.

  Toni glanced up and saw the smirk on his perfect lips. “Huh, what are you talking about, who said anything about ringing someone’s neck?” She asked innocently.

  “You were mumbling about ringing someone’s trifling little neck when I came in a minute ago.” He said knowing dang well she was talking about him because she thought that he’d left without saying anything to her.

  “I don’t know what in the hell you’re talking about and where have you been? I mean what kind of man lets his woman wake up in bed alone after an amazing night like we had?” She yelled sounding very irritated.

  “Maybe the kind of man that draws his woman a nice hot bath so it’s waiting for her when she wakes up and maybe he’s also the kind of man that makes his woman a nutritious breakfast that will be waiting for her when she’s done taking her bath. So prezioso, you still planning to ring your man’s trifling little neck?” He asked with an amused smirk.

  “Why you big buffoon, stop teasing me and wipe that damn smirk off your face before I come over there and do it for you.” She yelled as she threw a pillow at him.

  Daniele caught the pillow in mid-air. “Now is that anyway to talk to your man when he’s trying to take care of you.”

  “Well my man should stop teasing me.” She said as she threw her legs over the side of the bed and tried to stand. Unfortunately she was still a bit weak not to mention extremely sore from their activities the night before.

  When he saw her shaky knees buckle he dashed across the room and was at her side in matter of seconds. He bent over and lifted her into his arms then headed for the bathroom on the opposite side of the master suite. He pushed the door opened with his foot as he carried her inside. And since she wasn’t wearing anything he lowered her nude body into the large tub that was already filled with warm bubbly water.

  Toni yelped loudly as he lowered into the water when it hit the still sensitive area between her legs.

  “Oh, I’m so achy I can’t believe how soar it is down there.” She whined.

  “That’s why I drew you a nice warm bath to soothe the achiness that I knew you’d be feeling when you woke up this morning.” He said in a sweet but sarcastic tone as he smiled down at her.

  “You are so unbelievably sweet and I’m sorry for giving you such a hard time this morning.” She said with a smile as she sank down a little further into the relaxing warmth of the water.

  “Don’t worry about it you just soak until you feel better.” He said bending over to place a kiss on her forehead before leaving.

  She giggled to herself once he’d left her alone to soak. Toni was filled with so much joy and happiness she thought she’d burst wide open. Daniele was taking care of her the way no
other man ever had he went out of his way to make sure that she had everything she needed to be satisfied. He was and is an amazingly caring man and he was in love with her. Heaven knows that she’d never be able to find a better more loving man in the whole entire world.

  Now she needed to find the words to tell him that she loves him just as much as he loves her. He had to know that her heart already belonged to him and always would. Last night she hadn’t just given him her body she’d given him her trust, her love and her very soul. She belonged to him for all eternity he had given her so much more then he’ll ever know.

  Daniele smiled as he made Toni breakfast he could have ordered her something from Asia’s café but he wanted to prepare her something with his own hands. He wanted to make her the happiest woman on the face of the earth just as she made him feel as if he was the happiest man alive. He didn’t know what an empowering feeling love could be, but thanks to the love he felt for this woman he felt more powerful than superman, not even kryptonite could affect him.

  He placed the food in warming drawer to keep it warm while he checked on Toni. When he entered the bathroom she’d already gotten out of the tub and was using a towel to dry herself off and seeing her body still half wet and glistening he stopped in his tracks. He crossed the room in three long strides and scooped her up into his arms.

  Toni squealed then wrapped her arms tightly around his neck as he carried her to the bed she glanced at him and smiled.

  “I thought you were making me breakfast?” She asked teasingly.

  “I was but right now I need to feed a different kind of hunger.” He replied before covering her mouth with his.

  This time instead of laying her down he sat on the edge of the bed and positioned her legs so that they were straddling his. He moved his mouth from his and smiled at her.

  “Are you okay if we do it like this?” He asked with concern.

  “For you I’ll do it anyway you ask me to so yes this is fine.” She answered bending her head forward to kiss him passionately.

  As he returned her kisses he placed his large hands beneath her ass and lifted her until the tip of his shaft was at the opening of her slightly moist tunnel. He slowly eased her down the length of his hardened member settling her to a comfortable depth which she indicated when she tore her mouth from his and gasped loudly.

  “If you’re still too sore I’ll stop and we can finish this later.” He whispered.

  “Don’t you dare even think about stopping.” She moaned.

  Daniele laughed softly. “I wouldn’t think of it Bossy Lady.” Before bending his head to close his lips around one of her breasts causing her body to jerk and buck wildly.

  He let her breast pop out of his warm mouth as she began rotating her hips up and down and back and forth motion finding her rhythm while she rode him like the thoroughbred he was. Wrapping her arms around his neck she held him close to feel his heated skin against hers. Groining loudly he rivaled in the erotic movement of her wonderful hips as she rode him with eagerness and excitement.

  With each glide of her hips it freed her from the shy inhabitations that she once felt. All she could feel now was the tremendous confidence that loving this man gave her. She felt secure if the fact that he loved her like no other man ever has or ever will. He didn’t just tell her he showed her through all his actions towards her.

  Toni released a shaky moan near Daniele’s ear causing her breath to tickle the flesh in that area which made him to shiver slightly. She whispered his name and smiled deviously when he shivered more violently this time.

  Daniele realized that she was amused by his reaction to her. “Oh so you think it’s funny that you’ve made me your little boy-toy and reduced me to a trembling mass of unmanliness.” He teased with a grin.

  She laughed. “I would never call you my boy-toy, my man-toy maybe but never my boy-toy.”

  “Man-toy huh, well prezioso let’s see if we can make you tremble with satisfaction.” He said as he locked his arms around her waist and flipped her over onto the bed. He kissed her passionately as he lovingly stroked into her causing her to clutch the firm cheeks of his narrow ass urging him to go a little fast and just a bit deeper.

  Within seconds her legs were trembling uncontrollably as he carefully powered into her. They ended their passion filled kiss as the sensations of their love making intensified causing them both to moan and groin in pleasure.

  As they both got carried away in the eruption of their orgasm it felt as if an earthquake had rocked them to their very souls. She felt dizzy with emotion and drunk on love as her head spun out of control making her body seem on the verge of unconsciousness. If she closed her eyes right now at that moment she’d probably slip into a deep well deserved coma that’s how sedate she was.

  Daniele collapsed onto the bed beside her exhausted and overwhelmed by the impact that making love to her caused within him. She satisfied a need in him he didn’t even he had a hunger that burned deep down.

  They both desperately tried to catch their breath as they clung to one another. His arms were wrapped around her and her head lay comfortably on his chest. He kissed her forehead and smiled when she sighed in contentment.

  “I love you, prezioso.” He whispered.

  “I know and to be honest I love you too Daniele. I mean I’m still a little scared of all these feeling I have rolling around inside of me, but thanks to you I’m definitely ready to take a leap of faith when it comes to this love thing.” She said softly.

  “Well don’t worry about leaping because I’ll always be here to catch you so you’ll never fall.” He said with a smile.

  “That’s nice to know but what I’d like to know right now is when are you planning to feed me? I’m starving!” She said with a grin.

  “Then I guess I’d better get some food in you. I know how being hungry makes you get a little grumpy and on some occasions violent.” He teased.

  “I do not get grumpy or violent.” She whined as she lightly slapped him on the chest.

  “Yeah you never get violent.” He teased as he rubbed his chest where she’d hit him.

  A short time later they were both downstairs in the kitchen eating the food he’d prepared for her and enjoying a little light conversation, as almost every member of their family walked through the door.

  “I knew this quiet peaceful moment wouldn’t last.” Toni murmured sarcastically.

  “Get smart one more time heifer and something else that won’t last is that conscious state that you’re in because I will knock your little smart ass out.” Indy said as she pulled out a chair and took a seat at the table.

  “Sorry Indy.” Toni said regretfully.

  “So what brings all of you by this morning?” Daniele asked already knowing the answer.

  “We just stopped by to see how you two are doing this morning.” Pierce said.

  “Yeah we thought you guys might need some food or something.” Luc said.

  “I brought ya’ll some breakfast but it looks like you already have that covered. What are ya’ll eating anyway that looks and smells delicious?” Asia asked as she moved closer to the table.

  “It is delicious Asia here try some.” Toni said pushing her plate towards her. Asia filled the fork with a large chunk of the bready concoction

  “Oh heavens, what is this?” She asked unable to believe how good the creation tasted.

  Daniele smiled pleased that she liked it. “It’s my version of stuffed French toast it has a blend of ricotta and cream cheese along with ground Italian sausage all stuffed inside a thick slice of Texas toast bread. Then I dip the toast in the egg-mixture and fry it in butter. It may not be the healthiest of meals but when I was competing I had to load up on calories and carbs.”

  “You’re right about it not being healthy but it sure is good.” Asia said as she took another bite.

  “Huh, Asia can I have my plate back now?” Toni asked watching Asia as she continued to eat her breakfast.

yeah sorry.” Asia said as she gave her back the plate after eating almost all of what had been on her plate.

  “Daniele you didn’t make enough for everyone?” Luc asked as he took a seat at the table as well.

  “Let me think huh, seeing as how I really wasn’t expecting this much company this morning I only made enough for two.” Daniele replied sarcastically.

  “What company, last time I checked we’re family not company.” Gio said.

  “Yeah and now that you’re dating a Landry woman you should always be prepared for the unexpected.” Gigi added.

  “So how long is it going to take you to make some more of that French toast?” Gabe asked from his place at the table.

  Daniele sighed loudly as he stood up from the table. “It shouldn’t take me very long.”

  “Well chop-chop we’re getting hungry.” Luc said.

  “If you’re that hungry why didn’t you eat before you got here?” Daniele asked glancing at Luc.

  Asia laughed. “He did eat before we came over here you know that Luc has a bottomless pit for a stomach. Here I’ll help you that way you can show me how to make it.” Asia said as she joined him.

  As Toni sat there glancing around at her over-sized family she smiled happy for the fact that she and Daniele had decided to get dressed before coming down to breakfast. As Gigi had said just a little while ago being a part of this meant that you always had to expect the unexpected.

  Unlike traditional families they had their own way of doing things that included their own way of loving. But one thing was for sure you could always count on them, they were the kind of family that had your back no matter what. She’d learned a lot from the Landry’s and the Fabrizio’s like how to be strong and how to love.

  Chapter Seven

  Toni and Daniele settled into a lovingly comfortable relationship as several months went by. Work was going well they had learned to multi-task so that they’d have time to spend with one another. When Daniele wasn’t helping Toni with a marketing project he was working with Asia helping her create new meals for the customers who didn’t want to eat so healthy.


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