Ryan's Crossing

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Ryan's Crossing Page 12

by Carrie Daws

  “Morning, Brittney!”

  Brittney looked up from her computer to see Melody walking towards her. “Hey, girl! How’s that Army man of yours?”

  “He’s good. He’s preparing to deploy right now, so I don’t expect to see him for awhile. He’s going to try to get down here one more time before they leave, but you never know with the Army, right?”

  “I suppose.” Brittney looked at the girl, wondering how it would feel to watch the man she loved go off to war.

  “Anyway, I came out to tell you that Dr. Goldner wants to see you a.s.a.p.”

  “Dr. Goldner? Did she say why?”

  “Nope. She just called and asked me to pass on the message. Said sooner was better than later.”

  “Okay. Thanks, Mel.” Why would one of the top doctors in the hospital want to see me? She’s not part of Joshua’s or Lori’s care teams. “Nicole, you got a few to hang out while I go track her down this morning?”

  “Sure. As long as you bring me something chocolate on your way back.”


  Brittney walked over to Dr. Meggan Goldner’s office in the main hospital. She knocked on the open door, noticing the simple, muted décor. The hospital’s soft green walls were accented in Dr. Goldner’s office with grey furniture and black and white framed prints on the wall. The otherwise depressing room was brightened with the occasional burst of bright yellow through the pillows and wall clock.

  “Ma’am, you wanted to see me?”

  “Brittney Yager?” said Dr. Goldner, looking up from her computer.

  “Yes, ma’am,” said Brittney.

  “Please, come sit down.”

  Brittney sat in a comfortable grey and white plaid chair. Dr. Goldner sat back in her office chair.

  “I wanted us to talk before anyone else got to you. I don’t know how much you may have heard already, but someone is trying to make trouble for you.”

  Brittney had not expected to hear that from the doctor. “Trouble for me? Why?”

  “Well, I’m not exactly sure. I’ll be honest enough to tell you that I’ve made some quiet inquiries, and I’m impressed with all I’m hearing. Your peers find you compassionate and well qualified. Your employment record shows no sign of discord among patients or supervisors. And a couple parents I talked to bubbled with enthusiasm about the difference you’ve made to their understanding of their child’s treatment and prognosis.”

  “Thank you. But I don’t understand. If everyone’s happy with my performance, then who’s causing problems?”

  “I’m hoping you can spread some light on that. The person is Stephanie Malone.”

  Understanding flooded through Brittney. She immediately stood and walked to the window overlooking one of the parking lots.

  “I take it you know her?” said Dr. Goldner.

  “That woman is a walking drama camp,” said Brittney. She clenched her fists, striving to keep her emotions in check. She turned and looked back at Dr. Goldner. “Can I be honest?”

  “Please do.”

  “My brother used to drive to Portland about a once a week from Crossing where he and our parents live. He would typically meet Stephanie somewhere for dinner or a show. I never liked her, but they’d met in college, and he was trying to redeem her or some such nonsense.”

  “So what happened?”

  “He broke it off and married someone else a little over a month ago.”

  “So she’s striking out at you to get back at him?”

  Brittney groaned, walking back to her chair to slouch down in it. “I don’t know. Maybe. But, that’s not all. Just after the wedding, I ran into her here at the hospital and may have sort of rubbed my brother’s wedding in her face.”

  “I imagine she didn’t take that well.”

  “You could say that. I should have handled myself better.”

  “Look, I’m sure you realize that it’s very unusual for the board to consider anything related to a member of the nursing staff like this. In my opinion, you’ve done nothing to warrant scrutiny. But she’s powerful, or rather her father is, and I don’t know that she’ll let this drop.”

  “So what do you recommend?”

  “You could stay and fight through this here. I don’t believe anyone on the board is currently taking this seriously. But it could be some pretty rough weather for a while.”

  “And if I don’t like that option?”

  “Transfer within the hospital system. If you’re not working here at the main hospital, you two won’t see each other. Out of sight, out of mind, one might hope.”

  Brittney thought about the kids she’d be leaving behind. “I’ve worked with cancer kids since I graduated.”

  “How long ago was that?”

  “Four years.”

  “It definitely takes a specially blessed nurse to work with kids, doubly blessed to work with cancer patients. I find doctors and nurses who work in tough areas like that tend to have such a huge heart for it that they sometimes overlook their own care. You may be doing fine, but if you have it, why not take a couple days leave and think about all this? If you stay to fight, you’ll need the strength that the rest will provide. But maybe you will find that a transfer would be better all the way around.”

  “You think I should leave?”

  “Brittney, from your reputation, I think the hospital would be losing a great asset if you choose to transfer out. But I fear that the hospital will do you a great injustice if you stay. I’m not saying quit. I’m forewarning you so you can weigh the costs.”

  “Thank you, Dr. Goldner.”

  “Take care, Brittney.”

  As she left the office, Brittney headed straight to the coffee kiosk and purchased two large hot chocolates, one to fulfill her promise to Nicole and one to soothe her own ruffled nerves.

  Brittney watched Ryan pull in beside her Equinox. When he cut his engine, she stepped out. Although the afternoon temperatures reached into the mid-fifties, the sun’s strength was fading.

  “This is where you want to spend your lunchbreak?” said Ryan with a glance around at the scenery.

  “I’m not really hungry,” said Brittney. She led the way down the pathway on the Westside Trail in Portland’s metropolitan area.

  “You, not hungry? What’s up?”

  “Why does something have to be up?” She shrugged and kept walking. “I needed the exercise, and this is close to work.” She stuffed her hands into her coat pockets.

  “Okay, lyin’ chicken.”

  She stopped abruptly and looked at him. So many hateful thoughts flowed through her mind that it was stunning. “Look, just because I don’t choose to tell you everything doesn’t mean I’m lying!”

  “Agreed. But don’t avoid or deflect. You hate it when I do that, and you call me on it,” Ryan said reasonably. “I’m just asking that you apply the same standard to yourself. You don’t want to talk about it, just say so and I’ll lay off.”

  Brittney stared at Ryan for a moment, then turned away. He’s not done anything except meet me out here on a cold trail in March. It’s not his fault I’m being targeted. She sighed deeply and turned back around.

  “You’re right. I was deflecting, and I’m sorry. I just have to make a hard decision about work.”

  As they walked, passing bare oaks and tall pines, Brittney poured out the whole story from the meeting with Dr. Goldner and her guilt over pushing Stephanie’s buttons.

  “I ran into her at the hospital yesterday,” said Ryan.

  Brittney clenched her fists and pushed them into her jacket pockets. “Yeah?”

  “She was just telling me that some are excited about Dr. Williams and I moving to Crossing.”

  “Why would she bother to tell you that?”

  Ryan shrugged. “Just to have a conversation, I suppose.”

  “She’s chasing you,” said Brittney ground out. A twig snapped underfoot.

  Ryan stopped walking and folded his arms across his chest. “Are you jealous?” />
  Brittney tried to keep walking, but Ryan strode forward and grabbed her arm.

  “Are you jealous?” he repeated.

  Brittney thought about lying, thought about deflecting. But something in his eyes pulled the truth from her. “Yes, I was jealous.”

  He smiled at her, and Brittney could almost see his ego inflating three sizes. “Now if you’re going to get all big-headed…”

  He took a step toward her. “I’m not getting big-headed.”

  She tilted her head and squinted one eye, smiling back at him.

  “Okay, maybe a little.” He grinned broadly. “But mostly I’m smiling because I’m amazed at God.”

  “God? What are you talking about? How’d we jump from my work problems to God?”

  “You don’t know the whole story.”


  They turned around and began walking back toward their vehicles. Ryan told her about his visit from Matthew. “I know all that sounds kinda crazy, but he told me something that has stuck with me. He said that I was made for more than I’ve taken hold of.”

  “So … the same angel that visited Peter and Andy is now making visits to you?”

  “Seems like it.”

  “Okay. Well, that’s great, but I still don’t see how that connects to my work drama.”

  “B, I’ve never stuck around to see much of anything through. When people wanted to get close to me, to really get to know me, I ran. Sometimes just from the friendship, but normally to another job or town. Then I came to Crossing and met your family. I met you. And somehow, I found the courage to stay, even when you saw through me and called me a chicken.”

  Brittney paused in the path and turned to look at him.

  “I believe I was made for the job in Crossing,” Ryan continued. “Dr. Williams and I have the same vision for the clinic.” He took her hand. “All we need is a nurse with a heart for the people.”

  Brittney searched his face. He wants me to move to Crossing? Work side by side with him as Nicole had suggested?

  “But there’s more.” He took a step closer to her. “I need something too. Not for the clinic, but for me. I need a wife who loves me and will make sure I’m not taking great care of others without taking care of myself.”

  She looked into his eyes. “Are you asking me something?”

  He stepped as close to her as he dared, taking both her hands in his. “Brittney Yager, I’ve already talked to every man in your family. Pops said it was about time, Frank said he’d be honored, Logan was enthusiastic, and Peter said something about a dish throwing.”

  Brittney half-laughed, half-groaned.

  “You’ll have to explain that, but first I need you to know that I love you more than I thought it was possible for me to love anyone. Your smile invades my every thought, and I can’t seem to make the simplest decision before calling to see what you think.”

  Brittany held her breath, barely able to contain her joy.

  “What I really want to know is if you will marry me and transfer to Crossing to work beside me?”

  Tears welled in her eyes as she smiled at him. “Look’s like we’re in for a good ol’ dish throwing!”

  Chapter 23

  WEDDING BELLS RANG THROUGHOUT CROSSING the last Saturday in April. Two spectators watched unseen from outside the church as family and friends cheered Ryan and Brittney’s appearance at the top of the steps.

  The embroidery on Brittney’s satin dress sparkled in the sunshine as she turned to give her new husband a kiss for all to see. Amber, Heather, and Allie all stood on descending steps in their Malibu blue, floor-length satin and organza dresses.

  “Well?” said Matthew expectantly.

  “Well done,” said Michael. “Very well done.”

  “I knew he’d come through.”

  Michael just smiled as he watched the scene unfold before him. “How does your next assignment look?”

  Matthew looked at Melody as she stood on the church stairs throwing rose petals. The unit secretary from the Doernbecher Children’s Hospital pediatric oncology ward was completely unaware of what the next several months held for her. “Orders are in place. Her man finds out soon he’ll be moving to 3rd Special Forces Group.”

  “That means moving across the country.”

  “Yes, North Carolina. But I believe she will go. Inside her is a childlike trust that she does not yet recognize. You will see.”

  Ryan, decked out in a white tux, led his bride down the church steps and through the shower of fragrant rose petals just as Peter, Logan, and Andy hurried to join the crowd of well-wishers at the base of the steps. Ryan’s eyes narrowed with suspicion as he noticed the old towel the three men shared as they wiped something from their hands and grinned. Then Ryan peered beyond them and groaned.

  Sunshine glistened on the white foam that now adorned his prized black Mustang.

  Coming Soon!

  Romancing Melody

  MELODY MARRIED HER PRINCE CHARMING and journeyed with him across the country to Ft. Bragg, North Carolina. As much as she hates being 3,000 miles away from her family on the west coast, she wants to adjust to life as a soldier’s wife.

  Shortly after the birth of their baby, Cole, David deploys with the War on Terror and Melody settles into motherhood. She quiets her doubts and determines to make the best of Army life.

  But when the unthinkable happens, where will Melody turn? Could God really be seeking her out in the midst of tragedy?

  Also by Carrie Daws

  Crossing Values

  Paperback: 160 pages

  ISBN: 9781935507925

  For years, Amber traipsed around the Northwest avoiding the skeletons in her closet. Job-hopping every few weeks, she refused to let anyone get close to her as she slowly made her way east. As winter plants itself firmly across the Rockies, she decides to take a chance on a job at a logging company with a family different from any she’s ever known before.

  Watching the family interact creates more questions than answers for Amber. Feeling like she’s entered the happily-ever-after written at the end of a fairytale, she watches for cracks in the facade. Surely as the days pass, the play-acting will cease and the real family will emerge.

  Or could she be wrong? Could they truly be genuine? Could Faye understand the trauma from her past or Peter think of her as more than just the winter office help? Could this family really hold the key to what she’s seeking?

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