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Man Candy

Page 4

by Tia Siren

  “No, it doesn’t matter,” Kendra responded quickly. I could tell she regretted asking the question.

  “I’ll tell you what,” I said, my eyes lingering on the curvaceous woman, now standing in line at the counter. As she waited, her eyes flicked back to me, smiling as she caught me staring. “If you’re real nice to me, I might let you compare the two? How does that sound?”

  Kendra made an annoyed sound in response to my generous offer and hung up the phone. I wasn’t mad, though. On the contrary, her response delighted me. She’d clearly been thinking about me and my cock. Perhaps even harboring fond memories? And on top of that, I’d managed to annoy the hell out of her, which was something I thoroughly enjoyed doing.

  Some might call it immature, but me? I called it flirting.

  Sally appeared with my coffee in a to-go cup. “Here you are, Mr. Marcus.”

  “Oh, thanks, Sally,” I said, taking the coffee. I slipped her some money to cover the coffee and the tip. Her brown hair was tied back in a ponytail, and she looked particularly bubbly. “Much appreciated. A little too crowded in there for me, you know?”

  “Not a problem,” she said. “Hey, I was wondering.” She paused, biting her lip and looking around nervously. Her hands fidgeted in front of her. “That man you were in here with yesterday. Jack? What is he like? I mean, is he a nice guy?”

  She had clearly gotten his business card. I couldn’t blame her for being curious. Jack was a good-looking guy, and to a twenty-year-old like Sally, he would appear to be the pinnacle of success and good fortune. But I knew what he was really like.

  “To me he is.”

  “Oh,” she said, looking dejected.

  “But he is to others, too. Look, call him and you’ll have a good time. I guarantee it. Just don’t call him if you’re looking for anything more than that.” It was the nicest way I could say that he’d use her for sex and that’s about it. But hey, maybe that was all Sally wanted. I wasn’t about to judge.

  “Okay!” Sally responded, beaming as she turned and scurried back inside. Judging from her reaction, I’d say that was exactly what she was after. I made a mental note to follow up on that. And to also demand a thank you gift from Jack.

  I was about to turn and be on my way when my eyes caught the curvaceous twenty-something exiting the café with coffee in hand. She smiled the moment she saw me, this time stopping rather than walking past.

  “Hey,” she said, her eyes dancing up and down my body, not even bothering to hide her interest.

  “Hey,” I said back in the same casual manner.

  “Do I know you?” she asked, sipping her coffee as she continued to stare at me.

  “I don’t think you do.”

  “Hmm, that doesn’t seem right. How about we change that?” There wasn’t a hint of nervousness in the question. Her confidence was incredibly sexy.

  “I’m afraid I can’t. But maybe some other time?” Without further hesitation, I turned and walked in the opposite direction.

  Yes, she was sexy beyond belief. And yes, any normal man would have jumped at such an opportunity. If we’d met three days ago, I would have accepted her invitation without a second thought. But this wasn’t three days ago. This was now.

  Her curvy body only served to remind me of Kendra and what waited for me at Luscious. Sure, it would have been fun to play around with that twenty-something, but it would be even more fun to play with Kendra. Right then, no other woman in the world interested me. My mind was set on one woman and one woman only.

  Chapter 6


  The new store was only a short drive from my apartment, which was nice. As I drove to its location, I prepared myself for Grant. The man got off on making me uneasy and uncomfortable. I had to be ready for any sleight of hand he tried to pull. I was determined not to let him get under my skin any more than he already had.

  I still couldn’t believe that he had called me in the middle of a seriously hot session of masturbation, especially since I’d been thinking of him while I pleasured myself. And I couldn’t believe that he called me out on it! How had he known? Was is that obvious? Maybe I should have let my breathing get back to normal before answering the phone.

  But it had been sort of thrilling, too, talking to him with my sex still throbbing while fantasies of him fucking me were still fresh in my mind. His voice was deep and silky. Hearing it on the phone in my aroused state only turned me on more. It made the fantasies more real and intense. It got me wetter than when I was playing with myself. I considered finishing myself off while I was on the phone with him, but I quickly discarded the insane urge. Dealing with Grant was difficult enough without getting off while I spoke to him.

  I blamed my raging hormones for asking him about the dildo. Was it modeled after you? I cringed just thinking about the question. What an embarrassing thing to ask him directly. I would never have asked him if I’d been in my right mind, but my body was still gripped with desire. He’d interrupted me before I could finish, and I was incredibly horny while we talked. And was he serious about letting me compare?

  The very thought of seeing his hard cock after all these years had me clenching my thighs together. I was still hot and bothered. The ache between my legs wouldn’t go away. If I didn’t stop thinking about Grant, I’d end up with my fingers buried inside me right here in the middle of traffic.

  Shit! I slammed on the brakes, stopping just inches from ramming up the backside of the car in front of me. I needed to stop thinking about Grant and get my mind on task. And that first task was getting to the store in one piece.

  The outside of the store was stunning. I parked across the street and took it in, unable to take my eyes from it. It was an old-fashioned building, most likely from the early days of New York. But it had been dressed up and rebuilt with a modern flair. The best way to describe it was elegant.

  I got out of the car and jogged across the street. The place looked surprisingly nice for a sex shop. It was much classier than I’d expected.

  “Evidently you like it?” Grant asked.

  I was so impressed with the building that I didn’t notice Grant standing out in front waiting for me, until I was almost on top of him.

  “Oh my god!” I yelled as I spotted him. “I didn’t see you there.” I was glad he said something. Who knew how long I would have stood there like a fool, staring. But I was also mad. Once again, he had managed to get the better of me.

  “I guess not,” he responded, smirking as he looked me up and down. I really hated how he did that. He didn’t even try and hide the fact that he was checking me out.

  Two could play that game. I raked my eyes over him. He wasn’t wearing a suit. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d seen him dressed so casually. He wore a slim pair of khakis and a dark blue, button down shirt. Grant looked damn good in a suit, but he looked just as sexy in this toned-down outfit. It showed off his broad shoulders and trim waist. His shirt sleeves were rolled up to the elbow, giving me a mouth-watering view of his thick, corded forearms. He had a noticeable bulge in his pants. Only the source of that bulge wasn’t made of chocolate. It was flesh and blood and all Grant.

  He looked better in person than he had in my fantasies. Damn him for turning into such a gorgeous man. I still didn’t know how it was possible. I wouldn’t believe he was the same person I knew in high school, but his eyes had the same dark intensity they’d always had.

  I suddenly became aware that I still stared at his cock. Grant’s self-satisfied smirk told me that he’d noticed. I shook my head and cleared my throat.

  “So, this is it?” I asked, feeling foolish the moment the question left my mouth.

  “No,” he said. “This is another Luscious store. I just thought we should meet here.” He nodded his head up, indicating a large neon sign dangling above the building’s door. The sign read “Luscious. Coming Soon.”

  I groaned internally. I really had to stop embarrassing myself like this in front of Grant. Of cours
e, that would be a hell of a lot easier if the son of a bitch didn’t get my pulse racing and my thighs trembling. I regretted not finishing myself off with Grant’s chocolate dildo earlier. I’d be a lot more clear-headed if my sex drive wasn’t still revving like a race car between my legs.

  Dammit, Kendra. Focus.

  Still grinning at my stupidity, Grant turned to open the door. “Well, I suppose we should go inside.”


  The inside of the store was as gorgeous as the outside, perhaps even more so. The single-storey building had been done up to resemble a bordello from old western times, only with more class. The walls were covered with red velvet drapes, while the ceiling was decorated and lit by fancy crystal chandeliers. The carpet was a golden, Egyptian-looking rug, and the furniture was all handcrafted from wood, with velvet pillows and cushions.

  “Wow,” I said as I took it all in, half to myself and half to Grant. My mouth hung open in awe, and I didn’t even care how it looked.

  “It’s something else, isn’t it?” he said, noting my awe. “Here, check this out.”

  Something odd happened over the next few minutes. Grant showed me around the store, and I noticed a distinct change in his demeanor. Gone was the pretentious, arrogant boss that he usually took so much delight in. What replaced him was a genuine, well-mannered gentleman.

  He showed me the aisles where the candy would be displayed, and then led me behind the counter. The whole time, he pointed out special features of the store and spoke excitedly about the store’s projected targets and goals. He told me how positive the word of mouth already was about his products. He was like the proverbial kid in a candy store. For the first time since I had started working for him, I was reminded of the boy I used to know in high school. The one I used to have such strong feelings for.

  But the change in his personality didn’t last. He finished showing me the front of the store and led me into the back. We walked through a small, side door located just behind the counter. We entered an odd-looking room, roughly the size of a typical storage room. Only it was divided into four smaller booths, each separated by hanging, velvet curtains.

  “What’s this?” I asked. “Is this for storage?”

  “Guess again,” he said, closing the door behind me.

  “I honestly have no idea,” I said truthfully.

  “Think of it like a VIP section. Basically, the front of the store is for the regular Joe. Guys and gals looking to spice up their anniversary, or like their bachelorette party. You know, the casual candy sex toy customer.”

  “Is there such a thing?” I ask, unable to hide the skepticism from my voice.

  “Absolutely. You’d be surprised. But this section of the store back here is for our more serious clients. Back here, you’ll be able to host small functions while showing off our new, top of the line products.”

  “Are you serious?” I asked, sure that he wasn’t. It sounded like he expected me to actually demonstrate the use of the candies. Who did he think I was?

  “Of course,” he responded seriously. “I told you, this store is going to be unlike anything you’ve ever seen.”

  “No, that’s not what I... I didn’t mean that,” I began, feeling flustered and embarrassed. I had already made a fool of myself once today, and I didn’t want to again. But still, I couldn’t start this job without being sure what it entailed. Despite how silly the question may be. “You don’t expect me to demonstrate the use of the products, do you? Like I did last night for you?”

  “Would that be a problem?” I was about to respond angrily and tell him that, yes, of course, it would be a problem, before he cut back in. “Just kidding,” he said with a smile. “No, you won’t have to demonstrate anything. Look here.” He led me into one of the small rooms where an iPad was built into the wall. “These will have videos and demonstrations on them for the customers to watch. You’ll just be hosting.”

  “Oh, good,” I said, relieved. I didn’t know what I would have done if he had expected that of me. Between the layout of the store and the products we were selling, I was worried that he was starting to see me as some sort of hooker.

  “But still, you are expected to do all you can to close the sale. I hired you for a reason, Kendra. Not to stand behind the counter and look pretty. Although, I’m sure you would more than succeed at that, too.”

  “And how many other people will be working here?” I asked, another worry quickly coming to mind. “I don’t want to be the only one back here showing dildos to horny men. That can’t be safe?”

  “Don’t worry. You will never be alone. There will always be at least three people working here, including one male–who you’ll be hiring, by the way. That’s not to mention the surveillance cameras and door security. There will also be a heavily enforced no touching rule, which goes both ways. No one is allowed to touch the employees, and the employees aren’t allowed to touch the customers. And signs will be posted all over, and the police will be brought in if need be. Nothing will be left to chance here.”

  That was a relief. I was also glad to see that Grant was actually taking this whole thing seriously. When he first told me about the store, I had assumed that it was just some sort of sleazy cash grab. But now, it was clear that it was more than that, so much more. I couldn’t help but be impressed. But then again, I shouldn’t have been surprised. Considering how successful he was, he wasn’t the kind of guy to half-ass something. In a way, it actually made me feel a little honored to be chosen specifically for the store. Clearly, he saw something in me, even if it wasn’t what I wanted him to see.

  “Here, come take a look at this,” he said excitedly. He took me by the hand and led me from the room, through the store, and to the actual storage room. The whole way, he kept a firm grip on my hand, and I became aware of the feel of his hand in mine. Very aware. His hand was strong and warm. His touch lit a tingling warmth inside of me.

  If he noticed anything, he didn’t say. Grant let go of my hand the moment we entered the store room. Again, he was like a kid in a candy store, hurrying through the room as he began to pull down a series of boxes from the shelves.

  “What are these?” I asked as I came up behind him.

  “Some of our products.” He began to open the boxes, laying them out on the floor for me to see.

  Although it was obvious what some of them were, some of the others were completely alien to me. I wouldn’t have even been able to guess what they were.

  “There are the licorice cock rings there,” he said pointing to one of the boxes. “The edible condoms, the chocolate walnut anal beads, the gummy pussy molds, pussy sprinkles, titty sprinkles, cock edibles, edible cocks, nipple tassels–also edible, of course. Candied lubricants in all flavors.” He paused for a second to take a breath and looked at me expectantly. “So, what do you think?”

  “I think I’m not nearly as creative as you are,” I said. “Did you come up with all of these?”

  He smiled and shrugged. “Most of them, yeah. Once I started thinking about this business, the ideas just started flowing. It’s been a fun change from the regular candy lines. And people really seem to like them, so I figured, why not have fun and make some money doing it?”

  I couldn’t argue with that. He definitely looked like he was having fun as he showed off his wild creations. And he seemed to have created a candy version of everything. And by that, I meant everything. Any sex toy I’d ever heard of was contained in one of those boxes, only the candy version of it.

  “Check these out,” he said proudly, holding up a bundle of thin, flexible strands. “It’s an actual licorice whip.” He slapped it across his arm to demonstrate. “Well, technically, it’s called a flogger, but I took a little creative license. It’s the first in a new line of bondage-themed treats I’m developing. Gummy handcuffs. Jawbreaker ball gags. A candy cane. And, if I can get the cost down, a full body suit, kind of like a latex thing, only made with a fruit roll-up type of candy.”

I shook my head. This was all so overwhelming. “What are you, like the perverted Willy Wonka?”

  He grinned at me. “I never thought of it like that, but now that you mention it, that gives me a ton of ideas. Everlasting Knob Sloppers. Pixie Dix. A Cum Diddlyumptious Bar. Cunt dip, like Fun Dip, but you know, for cunts.” He paused. “Although, that’s a little crude. I’ll have to workshop that. Anyway, Kendra, you’re a goddamn genius. See? I knew you were the right choice.”

  I stood in silence with my jaw dropped open. Seeing the way his mind worked was wild. It was like watching a legendary jazz musician riffing on a theme, only this theme was candy sex toys. I was impressed, even if the subject matter was way beyond my comfort zone.

  “You’re blushing,” Grant said.

  I hadn’t even realized how hot and flushed my cheeks were until Grant pointed it out. It was an odd sensation, really. On the one hand, I was incredibly turned on. Here I was, alone with the man of my dreams as he unveiled boxes full of sex toys. He had already asked me to demonstrate the use of one of them, and all he had to do was ask again. If he did, I wasn’t sure I would be able to say no.

  But on the other hand, I suddenly felt way out of my depth. I loved sex as much as the next person, perhaps even more. But this? This was something else. Was I being a prude here or just realistic?

  The entire concept of this shop was crazy. It wasn’t just a sex shop, but a candy sex shop. How weird was that? Then again, Grant told me the demand for his products was high. High enough to justify opening up an entire store for these items.

  And I wasn’t really in any position to turn my nose up at these products. A few hours ago, I fucked myself senseless with a chocolate dildo. I could frown on the idea all I wanted, but I knew from personal experience that the product got the job done. Or it would have if Grant hadn’t interrupted me. So maybe this idea wasn’t as crazy as it seemed at first glance. Maybe it was only fair that I keep an open mind.


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