Shared By The Dragon Clan: Part Two

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Shared By The Dragon Clan: Part Two Page 1

by Rosette Bolter


  Part Two

  Rosette Bolter


  Rosette’s New Release Alert Mailing List


  Deep night. Tiny lights, both above and below. Her arms and legs wrapped around the back of her magnificent flying beast, for the second time. Stacey Caversham’s destination was the city mainland, and Firebound Island far behind them. She recalled the past afternoon whereby she had come to the island by helicopter, and even with all those chains and straps, she still hadn’t felt completely safe. One wrong turn, one false move, and gravity would yank Stacey back to the ground. If she fell off Zane’s body now, she would just be a dark blip in the space above the ocean for a matter of seconds. The waves would splash briefly, and then it would be as though she had never existed. She supposed that she should be even more afraid of falling now – especially since it was on her mind – but in spite of that, she actually did feel safe. Inside something else was making her giddy – both in response to seeing The Dragon King beheaded, and her developing love for Zane. It disturbed her that the two contrasting events had become so intertwined. She also felt that she was a bit silly, allowing herself to be carried away (both figuratively and literally) by Zane just because he had come to her defense. And that he was a super hot dragon.

  As they neared the city, Zane swooped higher into the clouds, perhaps to reduce the chance of being seen. Stacey’s cheek gently rested on the base of his scaly neck, looking down below them with one eye closed. Even at this hour, she could just make out the constant stream of cars that moved along the roads. The sparkling streetlights and the dazzle of night clubs, fast food restaurants, and hotels. So many people down there, people just like her, and they were oblivious to them in the sky. Although The Dragons were no secret to the public, Stacey still felt privileged for experience among them on the island. Perhaps on one hand she had been cursed by her wrongful conviction, but that curse had led to her blessing of Zane’s pure love. If only she could convince herself, that it was truly real…

  From what could have lasted an eternity for Stacey, their final destination was drawing near. Zane had gradually descended once they’d passed over the city, and now they were crossing through fields and fields of nothingness, until the outline of an old barn could be seen. Zane swooped down and set them in front of it; Stacey quickly climbing off his back and hitting the grass with both feet. Through the dark of the night, Zane was just a man again, and the two of them were together. Alone.

  “I suppose you enjoyed that,” Zane said casually. “Or has the thrill begun to wear itself out?”

  “Oh no,” Stacey gushed. “It was really exhilarating.”

  “Well. Just one of my many perks.”

  Stacey returned his smile, but there was no real joy between them. The nervousness had begun to set in.

  “Just so we’re on the same page,” he continued, “we’re both in a lot of trouble here. If the authorities find out about you, they’ll no doubt either re-imprison you, or – they might even send you back to the island. Which would be far worse.”

  He put his hand through his hair and walked a couple of paces away from the barn. He stared out at the endless darkness in front of them.

  “If the dragons find me, they’ll take my head, as I have taken our King’s. Everything has changed now. For both of us.”

  Stacey went to his side. “But we’ll be okay, right? You know what to do, don’t you?”

  Zane looked down at her. “I’m still figuring that out. I don’t have many friends here.”

  “But isn’t there some way, you can make it right with the clan?”

  “Maybe,” Zane said. “That’s one thing to look into. But we have to be very careful, whatever we do. We can’t afford to risk much because all we have is each other.”

  Stacey bit her lip. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For protecting me from the King.”

  Zane blinked.

  “And for taking me with you.”

  “Not a lot has changed between us,” Zane said slowly. “I am still your Master. And you are my Blossom. Whether this thing of ours will last, I don’t know. But you have to be one hundred percent committed to serving me. I will not tolerate any independence from you.”

  Stacey’s mouth dropped. She was almost too afraid to say the words. “I won’t be your doormat.”

  Zane grabbed her chin and squeezed it. “You will be the ground underneath my doormat should I require it of you.”

  Stacey didn’t resist.

  He let go.

  “I thought you weren’t going to be mean to me,” Stacey mumbled.

  “I’m not being mean. If you deserve to be my queen, then I shall see to it you are treated as one. But whatever I say is what goes. There will be no disagreements. No protesting, nagging, complaining. Any form of you going against me is completely inexcusable. The reason for this is, I am incapable of loving someone, who doesn’t love me a thousand times more. Understand?”

  Stacey nodded.

  “I am your Master. But you are always free. Leave now, if you wish. I shan’t try to stop you, and I shan’t be hurt. Show your true self to me now.”

  “My true self?”

  “If you stay with me, then you belong to me.”

  Zane turned his back to her and marched in the direction of the barn. Stacey looked out to the darkness again, reflecting on everything that had gone on before. She could try to make it on her own. She still had friends out there – friends who believed in her innocence. Her story with the dragon could end here, and it would not be a tragic thing for her. If that was what she wanted…

  And Stacey realized she was afraid – not just of one, but both choices. Because picking one path meant giving up another. It was true that Zane had said she was still free if she chose to be with him, and she could just stop being with him if it got too much for her. But she didn’t know how much she trusted that. Sure, he might let her go now, but what about if she leads it on further. What if he really, deeply loved her. Would he give her up so easily if she decided that it wasn’t working for her?

  Stacey put her hands to her mouth and breathed inside them.

  There really was no choice, she knew.

  There would be no other man she would ever meet, that could live up to Zane. It wasn’t just his mystical origins – his voice, his touch, his eyes commanded her in a way she had never been commanded before.

  She wanted to please him. She wanted him to please her.

  So Stacey took one last look at all the other possibilities for her eternal future now. Then she bowed her head and turned back to join Zane inside the barn.


  As far as Stacey could tell, she and Zane were the only animals present inside the barn. Zane had climbed up to the second level and was undressing with the light of the moon pouring out to his muscular back. Stacey had climbed up a moment ago and was watching him from the shadows, sensations lighting fires inside her all over. Once was completely naked, he lay down in the hay, stretched out and relaxed. Stacey continued to watch him while he seemed unaware of her presence.

  Time moved slowly. Stacey held it. Nourished it. Kissed it. These moments abound, each more beautiful than the last, as the wondrous imagery developed in her mind spike what she saw in front of her. Stacey let the free flowing dress fall from her body before she approached Zane, with deeper intentions than just cuddling up to him and going to sleep.

  He remained silent as she approached, even with her body completely vis
ible in the moonlight in front of him.

  “What shall I do?” Stacey whispered to him, teasing.

  Her eyes moved across his smooth, refined skin, taking all of him in.

  He was also watching her.

  “What shall I do,” Stacey repeated, “Master?”

  “Come to me,” Zane purred.

  Stacey allowed her knees to gradually bend as she moved to the ground next to him. Zane made no further move to guide her, just breathing heavily, that special air that was between them. By herself, she touched his cheek with one hand, and lowered herself further so they might kiss. With the other hand, just before their lips had met, she took hold of his cock, and squeezed its girth back and forth. She felt the pleasure shoot through him, all the way up to his lips, and then their lips together, at first soft and delicate – she pressed on further to caress his tongue in her mouth. Even before she had properly climbed on top of him, did she feel safe. Warm and complete. The sex that would soon follow was beautiful to her, in that she felt pure with Zane, and deeply connected. But the sex in itself was rather just something in the background to the euphoria that had begun bouncing around Stacey’s head at some point. That one of a kind euphoria, so rare and fleeting, that just having it would make you remember that day. It was enough for Stacey to forget all the troubles that had come before…

  But they didn’t need to be in love. Not right now. With the coolness of the air between them, and the sound of crickets hovering a million miles away, her body merged with his as she proceeded to ride her dragon again – that is the naked kind of riding.

  The thought made Stacey giggle.

  “What?” Zane asked, sounding amused. He spread his palms out to cup both her breasts in full.

  “Nothing,” she muttered. “Just … riding my dragon.”

  Zane laughed. “Cute.”

  He then flipped her on her side and her body went into the floorboards. He took of her upper body as their pelvises interlocked and moved together in sync. Stacey let her eyes fall to a close.

  There were no thoughts inside her mind. No sounds. No images.

  All she could do was feel her man pressed against her, fucking her, owning her, conquering everything around her…

  But then his hands were becoming warmer. His breathing seared the hairs on her neck, and down there, inside of her, a flame was reaching upward.

  Stacey choked a scream.

  She heard a muffled roar from her lover, and then suddenly he was not inside, not touching her, just moving away as far as he could.

  She looked down between her legs, feeling the hot liquid moving across her skin. She thought it was his semen as it had been last time, but she was wrong.

  It was blood.


  Thankfully the amount of blood was very small, and it didn’t appear to be an open wound. She wasn’t even absolutely sure it was her own blood, but then it made less sense that it would be Zane’s. Stacey spotted a workbench against the wall which had a box of dusty tissues on it. She cleaned herself up and then retrieved her dress as well as Zane’s clothes. He was standing in the moonlight waiting for her, outside.

  “What happened there?” Stacey asked, handing him the clothes.

  He took them but made no move to dress himself. “Sometimes, when a dragon is particularly aroused doing sex…”

  “He starts to shift?” Stacey finished for him.

  “It’s not just that.” Zane lowered his head.

  “What is it?”

  “If I was to … keep going … then I’m afraid you might not have lived through the experience.”

  “Oh my God. So that was my blood?”

  Zane looked uneasy. “This doesn’t always happen. Some humans are compatible with dragons. Some are not.”

  “Are you saying this is my fault?”

  “It’s not a matter of blame. It’s to do with physiology. When I’m with you … I can’t control myself.”

  “Does that happen often?”

  “Well,” Zane said, “it’s one reason why the women don’t always last in the island. It’s a rare dragon indeed that would stop during sex on this account.”

  Stacey took a step closer to Zane. Their eyes met.

  “I meant,” she said, “do you shift when you fuck other girls?”

  He seemed almost embarrassed to admit it. “No.”

  “Is it because you like me more?”

  “I don’t know.” He looked back to the barn. “We should go back. Get some rest in before dawn.”

  Stacey nodded. “Okay.”

  They started to walk in the barn’s direction.

  “And what happens tomorrow?” Stacey asked. “Are you still figuring that out?”

  “There is one person I can think of who might be of help to us,” Zane said.

  “Who is it?”

  “I’d rather not say. It is best we just take what’s left of the night to sleep. And … things will be alright when we wake up.”

  “Will you hold me, Master?” Stacey asked. “Will you hold me tonight?”

  Zane stopped in front of her. He seemed to be in a state of conflict.

  “It’s okay,” Stacey said, touching his face. “I’m not afraid of you.”

  Zane gave a small smile. “You should be.”


  The night passed over Stacey and Zane as they lay in each other’s arms at the bottom of the barn. Their bed of straw was comforting enough that each of them were both able to get adequate amounts of sleep. Stacey was in and out of it though, and she supposed Zane was too. She watched him whilst he slept, and as she woke she saw he was watching her. She was careful not to touch his penis in the event that it would be stimulated causing Zane frustration. She was also careful, because touching it might stimulate herself.

  In the morning shades of orange and gold streamed over them, and they awoke looking into one another’s eyes. Stacey could see Zane had a plan. For her. For them. He stood up and took her fingers so that she would follow him up to the top of the barn. They peered out together from the hollow window and the freshness of the air lavished them both.

  “Are you ready for another adventure?” Zane asked her.

  Stacey shrugged. “Does it involve getting something to eat for breakfast?”

  “I suppose … we could make a stop along the way.”

  Stacey leaned into him. “I would like that.”

  “Okay then… Are you ready to jump?”

  Stacey climbed to the edge of the window and sat there. “Ready when you are.”

  Zane joined her. “One, two –”

  “Three,” Stacey exclaimed and jumped before Zane.

  As soon as she’d done it she regretted it – realizing in the next instance she was about to hit the ground and break her legs and nothing was going to stop it.

  Nothing, but Zane of course.

  He swooped in with his wings outstretched, just in the nick of time to save her.

  Safely saddled to his back, Stacey stroked his scales and pressed her face against them as she had done so before. “Sorry about that.”

  Zane grunted and Stacey laughed.

  They dipped upward, nearing the clouds, but not so far that Stacey couldn’t see the grounds they passed over below. It was only her third time riding the dragon (well, fourth if you count – never mind) and yet Stacey was completely at ease with it now. She wasn’t afraid that she’d slide off and fall as she was before, because he knew that even if she did, Zane would be there to rescue her.

  The paddocks stretched out for miles until they reached a series of hills that dipped into a forest beyond it. They were far from roads, traffic and people, but still she was sure Zane knew where he was going. Amongst the forest, Stacey spied a clearing beside a lake, and Zane must have too because they were diving down towards it. Soon they had landed on the bright green grass and Stacey slid off Zane to land on it. She watched as her dragon companion dipped his head into the lake and began lapping up
its water thirstily.

  “Don’t forget about me,” Stacey called to him. “What am I to eat and drink?”

  The dragon lifted his head from the water and looked at her curiously. Then he took a few paces back from the water and shifted back into his human form.

  Zane stood opposite her, smiling. “Sorry about that,” he said. “The water looked so good from where I was.”

  “What is it like to eat things in the dragon body?” Stacey asked. “Is all that water inside your tummy now?”

  “Not exactly,” Zane laughed. “If that happened every time I ate a meal as a dragon, I would burst upon shifting.”

  “But then where did all that water go?”

  “It’s still in the dragon, I suppose.”

  “But you are the dragon.”

  Zane shook his head. “The dragon and I have a spiritual bond, but I am not the dragon in the purest sense.”

  “I don’t follow you.”

  “Well, he’s an extension of me. And I’m an extension of him. Sorry, that sounds more confusing! Just… think of it like this.”


  “There’s two types of worlds we reside in. The physical world, where we both are now –”


  “And the astral world. The other world. The place where your spirit flies to after your body dies.”

  “So where’s the dragon?”

  “Well, he’s in the astral world now. When I shift, it’s like I’m summoning him. I’m bringing my astral form into the physical realm.”

  “But are you a human then? Or are you really a dragon?”

  Zane lowered his eyes. “I’m a dragon. There are other animals in the other world who take human forms here. But pure humans can’t shift.”

  “Which is what I am.”

  “Which is what most people are.”

  Stacey grinned. She clapped her hands together. “So where’s my breakfast?”

  “What do would you like to eat?”


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