The Visitor_New York 1871_1873

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The Visitor_New York 1871_1873 Page 8

by Barbara Svetlick

  “Before we start dinner, I would like to toast the two most beautiful people I know. I was the best man at their first wedding in Colorado and it is a pleasure to continue to wish them the best that life could offer.” James raised his glass as everyone toasted. James looked around the table lowering his voice. “To my best friend and the only woman I will ever love.”

  They all smiled because it was the first time he had said it in front of them and he was the last of the four to admit it openly. Everyone toasted. Mirisa put down her glass as tears ran down her face and she walked up to James putting her arms around him. He apologized for making her cry and held her for a second. Meeks took out a small handkerchief and wiped the tears off her cheeks then handed it to her but she didn’t have anywhere to put it so he put it back in his pocket because they knew she would be crying all night.

  The dinner was extremely formal though Mirisa spent most of the time talking to guests. At one point Dominic left the room and came back with Maggie who immediately found her mother and wrapped her hand around her finger. Mirisa bent down talking quietly her. Meeks watched them and thought that it would make the most perfect painting. Maggie finally saw her father and ran over and climbed up in his lap. She had so many petticoats on that Meeks had to slide away from the table so they weren’t bunched up in her face. Maggie gave him kisses on his cheeks before standing on her mother’s chair so she could kiss Garnett. They all knew she was twice as lethal as her mother ever thought of being. Maggie climbed down, kissed James then went over to Dominic and put her head on his shoulder.

  Mirisa walked up behind Dominic and talked to Maggie for a moment. She told Meeks she was going to take Maggie upstairs and put her to bed since she was overtired. Meeks stood up as Dominic handed Maggie to her father. He stopped and asked the waiter to follow them to the room with one of the cakes. They were gone about twenty minutes and by then the dinner had been cleared away. The waiters were serving cake to the guests.

  The band was warming up but Mirisa noticed that they had the piano in the corner. Meeks took her hand and walked her out onto the dance floor. The violinist started a very romantic song as Meeks walked around her as she waited. He stepped up to her and lifted her hand before slowly waltzing around the floor. He was so polished and she was so beautiful. The silk of her gown as she spun seemed to be suspended in motion as the brocade pattern came alive with images of horses galloping across the open plains. Each pearl in the dress captured the light giving it a glowing touch. None of them had realized that the pattern was anything more than a random pattern. As the band joined in with the violin, Mirisa’s father stepped onto the floor to take her hand and the members of her family joined them on the floor. After her father, each of her three brothers broke in on the dance. Meeks left her on the floor for the first hour dancing with either family or guests.

  When the band took a break, Mirisa walked over to the bar where they handed her a glass of cider. James pulled her up to him and said something to her. She had her hand on his and looked down when she felt the ring. She lifted his hand and looked at the gold ring. She spun it before looking at her husband. He smiled but said nothing. Mirisa looked at Garnett who had by this time put his hand in his pocket. She looked up into his eyes but he gave no indication that he was even aware of what she was looking for. She turned to Dominic and picked up his right hand to find the gold band which was very different than James’. “You four constantly amaze me at the things you do. Every time I think you are so sweet and wonderful you do something so perverse.”

  “Mirisa, we are never sweet and wonderful and always twisted.”

  “Well, at least all of you are damn good in bed.” She handed her glass to her husband and excused herself to talk to her brother. Dominic finally walked over to her and asked Jed to excuse them for a moment. He took her hand and walked out onto the dance floor. As he rounded the floor with her, Dominic propositioned her making her blush. As much as he tried to lure her away, it was obvious that tonight of all nights it was significant to him. Dominic talked to her softly as Garnett watched her respond as that shy little sixteen year old did the first night she stepped out onto a dance floor.

  Dominic escorted her back to the table as the band took a break and Meeks pulled out her chair. James handed her a glass of cider as she tried to cool down. Garnett stood up.

  “Would you like to get some fresh air?”

  Mirisa looked at Garnett and smiled. “I would love to.”

  Mirisa sat down on the bench with Garnett and he picked up her hand and interlocked their fingers.

  Garnett had the bottle of whisky in one hand with a shot glass. He handed the glass to her and filled it. Garnett set the bottle down at his feet and lit a cigar. She picked up his hand and looked at his ring.

  “You are more stunning tonight than you were when you married Dominic. I think you have matured so perfectly.”

  “I’m not that old.”

  “Eight years is a long time when you are with someone every day for them to take your breath away like you did tonight.”

  “It’s been an interesting eight years but I think my first ride is still my favorite time with the four of you. Maybe it’s because it was the first time I really got to know each of you separately as well as together.”

  “Well, it was definitely different for us but riding with you is something I could do anytime.”

  “I do love you a lot.”

  He looked into her eyes and slowly slid his thumb across hers. “Are you ready to go back in since you finished my whisky?”

  “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “Caring and the whisky.” Mirisa stood up and they walked back in locating her husband. Mirisa led him out onto the dance floor. She danced with him for the rest of the session.

  Dominic, Garnett and James disappeared frequently and would be there again. Mirisa looked up at them as they smiled and raised their glasses. Mirisa thought that each of them was so different but each had the ability to lure you from common sense. She thought they were so much happier in a big city for it challenged them on so many levels. She didn’t know what they were looking for or if they were working not to want more than the present.

  James stood taking Mirisa to the dance floor. Catherine was waiting for James at the apartment but James didn’t understand why Catherine was so comfortable in their secret affair but refused to even consider stepping out in public with him. At midnight, Meeks walked over and told Mirisa that the guests would probably start leaving if she wanted to join him to say goodbye. Mirisa stood up on her tiptoes placing her hands on his face before kissing him tenderly.

  Mirisa and Meeks spent the next hour saying goodnight to everyone. Mirisa’s family went up to their rooms with promises of breakfast in the morning. Dominic came over and said the children and Jasmine were all asleep and locked in their room. Mirisa thanked Dominic for taking care of them. Finally, the room was empty except for the five of them. James poured them all shots and Garnett sat down at the piano.

  The mood was so romantic and the love was so sincere that if any of them had any doubt about how they truly felt it disappeared as they danced with her. Mirisa raised her champagne glass as she leaned up against her husband. “I have no words that can adequately express how much I love the four of you.” They all raised their glasses.

  The last song they played while she was in her husband’s arms was The Crescent Moon. At the end of the song, Meeks said good night to them, swept her off her feet and took her up to the penthouse and locked the door.

  The wedding was probably the biggest event they had planned outside their assignments with the Army. There were two things that you could rely on. One was the strength of their friendship the other was their love for Mirisa. Even when one or the other was tested, they always came out stronger. Garnett stood up from the piano, walked over and picked up the bottle of whisky from the table looking to see if there was anything left. “I have a girl tied to my bed if either
of you are interested.”

  Dominic walked over to the bar, pulled out a full bottle tipping the barman and the three went upstairs. The brunette’s hands were tied together to the headboard and it was obvious that she had already had sex. She looked up as the door opened and smiled. She was young, pretty with big brown eyes and well built.

  Dominic looked at Garnett. “She didn’t mind?”

  “Nope, her idea.”

  “Then I think it’s going to be an awfully nice night.”

  James went to his room and changed into jeans strapping on his gun. He headed toward the small apartment putting his horse in the stable before climbing the stairs to the fifth floor. He used his key and when he walked into the living room found Catherine sitting in front of the fireplace reading a book. He took off his jacket and gun before he sat down across from her. She inquired as to the wedding but before she could finish the question, James picked her up and took her to the bedroom.

  James rolled over and reached for his cigar as he put his arm behind his head and listened to the sounds of the late night coming up from the street. Catherine got out of bed and he watched her walk across the room in the dim street lights that filtered through the gauze curtains. She came back wearing a silk robe and climbed back up on the bed.

  “What is it you want James?”

  “That’s a difficult question. What do you want?”

  “I want to get married to someone my own age and settle down to a nice life.”

  He blew a smoke ring watching it travel slowly to the ceiling as it lost its form dissipating until it was gone. “How long were you married?”

  Catherine narrowed her eyes before she responded. “I have only been married a few years. I was hired as his assistant and caretaker. We were never intimate.”

  “Then tell me Catherine what you expect from our relationship?”

  “I don’t know. At the moment, I think I just need the distraction.” She curled up and fell asleep.

  James thought about the report that she had paid for a thorough investigation on him. James had them respond with a written report hiding his true net worth. James finally got dressed leaving her sleeping and headed back to the hotel.

  Dominic leaned against the wall and Garnett took off his jacket and vest. The girl looked over at Garnett who ran his hand down her arm as he stood in front of her. He kissed her roughly as Dominic walked over and picked up the bottle and kicked back in a chair and lit a cigar. She definitely had a thing for being tied up. Garnett was physically demanding of women where Dominic bordered on total domination including inflicting pain. This was the first woman they had found in a while that thrived on the abuse and actually chided them when they backed off. Garnett knew Dominic well enough to monitor his behavior because it would be easy for this to go wrong.

  Mirisa got out of bed and picked up the bowl from the table in the middle of the room as well as the bottle of whisky and climbed back in bed. She sat sideways with her legs over Meeks stomach before taking a chocolate cherry out of the bowl and putting it in his mouth. She slowly ate one and kissed him. He took the whisky bottle away from her and opened it taking a drink watching her lean back and reached for the shot glass on the table filling it halfway with whisky.

  Mirisa dropped a cherry in the glass then drank it. He smiled, took the bottle and bowl of cherries away from Mirisa and wrapped his arms around her. Mirisa dropped the glass and it rolled off the bed onto the floor as he rolled her on her back and poured whisky in her bellybutton so that she couldn’t move without spilling it. He picked up a cherry and dipped it in the whisky.

  Mirisa tried hard not to laugh as Meeks put it in her mouth before running his tongue down her stomach and drank the whisky and bit her. She asked him for more and he took one and spread the chocolate around each of her nipples and licked it off before putting the cherry in her mouth, taking it back as he kissed her. She told Meeks she loved chocolate cherries, whisky and his kisses. Meeks reached down and removed her garters and stockings and ran his tongue up the inside of her leg as she pulled in her breath. He put a cherry between her toes and sucked it out as she tried to hold onto it. By the time the bowl was empty they were both covered in whisky and chocolate but it was so much fun that she showed him what she could do without cherries. He told her he loved when she tasted like chocolate as he made love to her.

  The young girl dressed, thanked Dominic as he paid her and left the room. James passed her coming up the stairs so he stopped in for a shot. “This is why I miss Meeks. At least when he picked out the women they were only half crazed. Garnett you are one sick person.”

  “James my way no one shoots you. Your obsession with living on the cusp of death while having sex with married women is sick.”

  “That just adds a layer of current to the touch. Nothing is as sweet as a good girl pretending to be bad.” James told them he had to change for breakfast and opened the door as Mirisa came out of the children’s room. He walked up to her pulling her in close as he backed her against the wall making his physical desire so obvious.

  “James you are awfully hungry for a man who probably spent all night having sex.”

  James kissed Mirisa and wanted to just take her in his room but worked hard at controlling what little control he seemed to have at the moment. Mirisa looked into his eyes and thought they were so gorgeously wanton this morning. She thought James smelled like whisky and sex and he thought she smelled like chocolate and sex. With each breath she took in his scent and his body heat was all over her.


  “Shhh. I know the rules just don’t move until I have enough control to let you go. You are so damn beautiful and right now I just want to...” James slowly released her and stepped back. She looked past him to find Garnett and Dominic standing in the doorway watching as he went into his room without saying anything else.

  Garnett raised his eyebrows mocking her. “Wearing jeans to breakfast?”

  “No. I was just making sure the children were up since it appears you three were too busy last night to remember they were on the same floor as your screamer.”

  “We checked on them all night. I would have thought your room was beyond the noise.”

  “Dominic, I do not believe a single room on this floor was beyond it. I can’t even imagine what the conversation at breakfast will be and fortunately my brother saw her leave your room this morning so at least they know it wasn’t me.” She smiled and they both laughed. “I have to change for breakfast and hopefully you two have enough energy to join us.”

  Garnett who was leaning against the door jam in jeans and barefoot looked at her. She loved the look of a man who had just had sex and her desires were running higher than theirs. “We have enough energy to teach you how to scream.”

  “Is that an invitation for me or for the two of you?”

  “You know it’s always for us whenever there is an "us" involved. You might want to take a few more moments before you return to your husband though because your eyes are as green as they get. I haven’t figure out how James can have that strong of an effect on you within seconds of touching you.”

  “The same way your music does.”

  Dominic watched them because she was challenging him and even though he had far more control at the moment than James, Dominic knew she could take you from stone cold dead to out of control within minutes.

  “Are the children up?”

  “They’re getting dressed and will probably be assaulting James within minutes since they are very hungry.” She watched them both. “Thank you for last night or at least for the part that concerned me.” She turned and went back to her room. They both thought she had the most perfect ass.

  Meeks was in the bathroom shaving when she came back in and took off her clothes before sliding into the tub. He walked over and lifted her chin and kissed her. “Ran into James I see.”

  “Why does everyone always think that it’s James?”

  “Because you weren’t gon
e long enough for the other two to do that.” He lowered himself in the tub and rolled her over so she was sitting on top of him. He took her soap and began to move it slowly over her body. She put her hands on either side of the tub and closed her eyes because it felt so good. She didn’t know if they could survive two days alone with nothing to do except make love but at least they would die happy.

  “Tell me that you love me.” Her eyes were still shut as she talked to him. He took her hands off the sides of the tub and pulled her down to him and kissed her. “Tell me you want me.” He kissed her again then ran his hands around her breasts and rolled her nipples until her breathing became rapid. “Tell me again.” He smiled and dunked her under the water. She came up laughing and told him he was extremely wicked and she lowered herself on him and taught him why he shouldn’t be mean to her. He told her she still had chocolate in places where it usually wasn’t found.

  They were the last to show up for breakfast and her hair was still slightly wet and curled around her face. The children passed her at the door and told her they were going home with Dominic after he finished breakfast. Mirisa’s family came up and said they had a train to catch but enjoyed the wedding, the party and especially the screaming girl. Meeks and Mirisa walked in and sat down with the boys.

  Meeks ordered breakfast. “Do you think you three could have made any more noise last night?”

  James pushed his plate back. “Well, you assume I was in the hotel last night. You know I don’t like it when he finds a girl who is sicker than he is and that one had crazy plastered all over her.”

  Meeks laughed but Mirisa just looked from Meeks to Garnett and raised her eyebrows. “You like women who are crazy? I didn’t know that.” She was stirring her coffee and put the spoon upside down in her mouth and slowly slid it out. Garnett reached over and took the spoon away from her but didn’t release her wrist immediately.


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