The Visitor_New York 1871_1873

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The Visitor_New York 1871_1873 Page 11

by Barbara Svetlick

  The Senator who talked to her upstairs bent over Mirisa as he walked by. “I think you just made raspberries and whipped cream very popular.” David nodded to James who he seemed to know extremely well. “It was definitely a pleasure to have met you Mirisa. Hopefully I will see you and Alexander again while you are in town.”

  “Thank you. It was wonderful to meet you.” David kissed her hand and said goodnight to everyone.

  James stood up and held out her chair as everyone shook hands to leave. They all stopped by and said goodnight to her thanking her for being so patient with their talking business during the entire meal. The waiter brought her cape and handed it to Meeks. He walked over and hit James in the arm. “Are you absolutely crazy?”

  James lit his cigar as they left. “I think she probably got you more votes than all the debating that went on tonight. I know one vote she secured.”

  “Shut up James.” Meeks held open the door for her and took her hand as they walked down the steps to the sidewalk. It was a lot colder than when they arrived and she was shivering by the time they reached the hotel.

  “Anyone want to play poker?” Garnett opened the door to the hotel. "The bar is usually empty this time of night." Everyone said they were in as Mirisa headed up to check on the children.

  Meeks asked the bartender for a deck of cards and a bottle of whisky and they sat down and waited for her to come back. Mirisa sat down reached over and took money from Garnett.

  “Why are you taking my money?”

  “Because you are going to actually pay for your role in what happened.”

  “I thought we agreed that Dominic was to blame.”

  “I didn’t agree to anything and next time you want to negotiate away your guilt offer me something I can’t refuse. I had already determined that Dominic is bad.”

  Garnett must have said something because she turned and looked at him. She picked up a cherry absently put her finger in her mouth and picked up her two cards. Fortunately the lounge was empty except for the bartender who was doing his best to ignore them. They played for another hour and even though she drove everyone crazy she behaved for the most part.

  Mirisa finally got up though she was quite tipsy and walked over to the piano and sat down. She started to play and Garnett immediately put down his cards and went over and sat down with her. She moved over and played a duet with him. Garnett told her that he would do anything in the world if she would please stop punishing him.

  “I didn’t think this was punishment.”

  “You know damn well it is and you know that I don’t handle it well at all.”

  “But you are such a great attorney who handles a lot of stress so I don’t understand how one woman eating cherries could even be considered punishment. Maybe you need to plead your case and see whether or not I believe you are sincerely sorry.”

  “You forgave James. I’ll do whatever he did.”

  “Are you sure?”

  He closed his eyes because he knew that James would do anything, absolutely anything. “Sure. What did he do?”

  “Said he was sorry while running his fingers along my ribcage, he said he was sorry while kissing my lips, he said he was sorry as I wrapped my legs around him, he said...”

  “Mirisa, you are killing me.”

  “Well, when you are ready to apologize let me know.” Mirisa got up and went back to the table and ate another cherry. Meeks pulled her up on his lap and kissed her neck. Mirisa fed him a cherry and he kissed her licking the chocolate off of her fingers. Garnett sat at the piano and continued to play. She closed her eyes and put her head back against her husband. Meeks knew Mirisa would be asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

  “I think we’ll retire before you fall asleep at the table.” He stood her up and said goodnight. About half way across the lobby Meeks reached down and picked her up and she kissed him all the way up the stairs. The clerk at the desk bid them goodnight as he shook his head turning back to his books.

  Meeks and Mirisa were eating breakfast with Dominic when Garnett and James came in and sat down. Dominic handed part of the paper to Garnett before he went back to reading an article. It was Saturday so there was no session but they had an invitation to a gala at the Senator’s house up on the hill.

  Garnett poured a cup of coffee and asked everyone what was planned since they had a free day and the day was warmer than it had been all week. Everyone turned to Mirisa like she was in charge of days off.

  "Well, you can take the children out since they were inside all day yesterday."

  "What are you doing?"

  "I’m going shopping."

  "Without us?"

  Mirisa picked up her coffee and sipped it before she responded. "Well, not exactly. I will be spending Garnett’s money so you can enjoy the fact that it won't be your money."

  "Why in the world are you spending my money?" He put down his paper and looked over at her.

  "Because you refuse to apologize so I will just keep spending your money until you do."

  "If you are going to spend my money, I’m going shopping with you."

  "Alright. Maybe you will convince me of your sincerity before I spend too much." Mirisa asked her husband if he needed anything while she was out.

  "No. I ordered an open carriage for you and I will take the children to the river for a picnic so feel free to spend as much of Garnett’s money as you want."

  "Thank you." Mirisa put her cup down, kissed him and stood up. "Garnett, I’ll meet you in the lobby in a half hour."

  "Did she do that on purpose?" Garnett watched Mirisa as she walked out of the restaurant.

  Meeks smiled. "You’ll have to tell us after you get back but really you have been out of the courtroom way too long." They turned the conversation to the past week of lobbying and the fact that tonight they would have to forgo playing and concentrate on the issues. Garnett finished his coffee when he saw Mirisa come back down the stairs and told them he was going to attempt to save his bank account and his sanity.

  Garnett stood by the small open carriage as Mirisa buttoned her cape and climbed down the steps. Meeks watched them from the window and thought the one thing Mirisa did was get each of them alone when she didn’t like their behavior or attitude. She pampered them so much that they would do anything to make her happy. She trapped them with her sexuality and held them with love. Dominic was right about her, the punishment was more delicious than anything else in life.

  The clerk greeted them assuming that they were a couple. She spoke to Mirisa for a moment and took them into a private dressing room. She had a dozen dresses brought back as Garnett stood up and helped her unbutton the dress she was wearing. He watched as she tried on the dresses and gave his opinion knowing she was trying to dress more conservatively. Garnett steered her away from colors that were too bright or just clashed with her but let Mirisa choose the style unless it was just wrong. Mirisa put her dress back on as Garnett walked over and buttoned it asking why they make the buttons so small and what did women do who lived alone. Mirisa laughed and told him they wore dresses that buttoned up the front. He thought about it and nodded.

  Mirisa was holding her hair out of the way and looked back at him when Garnett kissed her. She turned back around as he finished buttoning up her dress before she sat down and slipped on her boots. Garnett went out front and paid for the dresses and had them include four that were far less conservative just in case she wanted to change her mind because he knew she would. They went to three shops before Garnett told Mirisa they were going to have lunch at a little French restaurant. As they walked up to the restaurant, David Yarrow was coming out with another Congressman.

  "Good afternoon Garnett." David tipped his hat. "Mirisa, it is nice to see you again."

  Mirisa greeted him and knew he was trying to figure out why she was with Garnett and not her husband. "I think you will find the food to be incredibly enjoyable but may I recommend that you try their house wine. Excellent stock." Garnett t
hanked him and held the door open for her. The Senator watched them as they entered the restaurant before he walked out to his carriage.

  They were seated at a table in the back and the waiter brought over a bottle of wine before taking their order. It was a very sweet deep wine that had a slight tang to it. Mirisa sipped it as Garnett talked to her about the history and architecture of Washington. She loved to listen to him because his passion for law and politics seemed to come from the core of him and his love for art and music was so intense. He had a beautiful voice that captivated you from the moment he said hello. Mirisa reached over and ran her fingers through his temple as Garnett stopped talking and met her eyes.

  “Have you forgiven me yet or do you want to keep shopping?”

  “I forgave you the other night.”

  “Well if you forgave me then why am I here?”

  “I wanted time alone with you just to talk.”

  “All you had to do is ask.” They removed the dishes and asked if he wanted desert but he declined. “What do you want to talk about?”

  “Nothing in particular. I just wanted time alone with you.”

  “So, you are no longer angry with me?”

  “No. I don’t like being angry even when I think I might have the right to be but I especially don’t like being angry with any of you.”

  “We certainly don’t like it when you are.” He poured more wine in her glass empting the bottle in his. “You’re a very unusual person.”

  “I do want to thank you.” She sipped her wine. “You have always been there without ever being asked and even though you try to shield me it is your strength that holds me together.”

  “You know it’s more than that.”

  “Yes, but I also know that you are afraid to have a normal relationship. I’ve learned a lot about men but I’ve also learned that I don’t understand anything about men. I’m sorry for whatever makes you keep your feelings under such control but it’s not my business to delve into what makes you who you are and I don’t really want you to change. I appreciate having you in my life and I love you.”

  “Do you want to do more shopping?”

  “No, I think I’ve spent enough of your money and time.”

  “You know my money isn’t of any concern and you can have my time whenever you want it.” Garnett stood and pulled out Mirisa’s chair. He put his arm around her waist as they left the restaurant. Garnett took Mirisa to an art museum where they spent a couple of hours enjoying the exhibit which included water colors by five or six artists. When she commented on how much she liked one artist he motioned to the curator and bought one of his best pieces.

  Washington had gone from a very muddy town along the river to an elite city with broad tree lined avenues with large parks and grassy knolls along the river. The buildings were very stately and well constructed with each out doing the next.

  “Why do you do that?”

  “Buy you something when your face lights up? Because it’s my way of saying I’m sorry and also to thank you for a wonderful day.”

  “Don’t you think a kiss would have been more fun?”

  “You scare me when I touch you.” Garnett was standing behind Mirisa with his arms around her waist talking to her quietly.

  “Then why do you always touch me?”

  “Because I have an uncontrollable urge to tie you to my bedposts.” Garnett kissed her neck and pulled her back closer to him. Mirisa had her hand between his and was rolling his ring.

  “Your intensity scares me more than I scare you.”

  “It should. Unlike your husband I’m probably not capable of changing.” Garnett released her, wrapped her cape around her and took her hand as they left the museum. He helped her in the carriage and drove back slowly through the park to find everyone in the bar.

  Mirisa kissed her husband and asked if she could have a drink. They went over to a table and Mirisa took off her cape as James pulled out her chair and laid her cape over an empty one at the next table.

  “It must be getting colder out your cheeks are very pink.” The bartender brought over another glass and she asked for a hot cider.

  “The ride back wasn’t bad except the winds are picking up.” She thanked the bartender when he brought over a large cup of hot cider.

  Meeks looked at her and she smiled. “I assume that the room is filled with packages.”

  “I hope so or I won’t have anything decent to wear tonight.”

  Dominic looked over at her. “Is this your new look?”

  “You mean proper and conservative?”

  “I guess. I haven’t determined if you are just wearing warmer clothes or if you have changed styles since you have been shopping by yourself.”

  “I actually thought that since you are all so serious about lobbying that I should not be a distraction.”

  “And you think you have accomplished that with this style?”

  “Your reaction doesn’t count.”

  “Your attraction can not be toned down no matter how hard you try.”

  “Why do you think that?”

  Meeks laughed and she looked at him. “Because the Senator sent a jar of raspberry preserves with a note that we had his vote.” She smiled but didn’t respond.

  “Did the children enjoy the outing today?”

  “They did. We watched kite flying and Matthew got to help fly one before we had lunch at the park.”

  “Thank you.” Mirisa bent over and whispered to Garnett thanking him before heading up to see the children.

  “Do you have any money left?”

  “That’s probably a good question just don’t ask about the water color when it comes.” Garnett lit his cigar and watched Mirisa leave.

  “She has so much control over you that it’s amazing.” Garnett looked at Dominic and just smiled.

  “I find her to be challenging and when alone very engaging. If you watch her closely, she concentrates so much on whom she’s talking to that you lose track of time. Mirisa could probably lobby God into letting us into heaven if she had the chance.”

  “Garnett you never have been able to control your passion for her.”

  “You’re right but I don’t try to. I enjoy her company.” Garnett drank his shot and turned his attention back to them to realize they were all watching him watching her. What he wouldn’t give to be able to know if he could love her without destroying her but mostly he just wanted to tie her to his bed.

  They were all sitting in the lobby when Mirisa came down the stairs. She was wearing a pale yellow silk dress. It buttoned up the back with diamond studded buttons and had a slight plunging neckline with long fitted sleeves with diamond buttons around the cuffs and the bodice. Her hair was pulled back with a diamond clip and small diamonds on her ears. Garnett smiled because she looked so soft and elegant.

  “Garnett, don’t you think you might have overdone it?”

  “Elegance has no price tag and on her it definitely is priceless.”

  Meeks took her cape from her and kissed her. James held open the door and Garnett opened the carriage door for her. The night was clear and the stars were so bright. She looked out the window as they traveled up the hill to the house. It took them twenty minutes of sitting in line before the carriage stopped at the front door.

  The house was large but small compared to many that they passed. It was very masculine with a lot of leather, marble and wood and reminded Mirisa so much of their homes. There were large animal heads on the walls and a lot of portraits. She knew he was a bachelor and probably a little older than her husband but even though they all seemed to know each other very well she had never asked them how they knew him. Mirisa stopped in front of the rifle hanging on the wall and reached up and touched the small numbers on the stock and smiled.

  “Do you like guns?” She turned to find David standing next to her.

  “No. I mean yes I do like guns but I just realized the connection between you and my husband. Did you serve with them out wes

  “I rode with them for three years before returning home and getting embroiled into the war and politics.”

  “Did all of you decide to remain bachelors?”

  “All except Alexander since he married you.”

  “Actually, I married Dominic first.”

  “Do you plan on marrying the whole Unit because I would sign up if there is a list?”

  She laughed easily because David was a lot like them. “No, I hope to stay married to Alexander forever but thank you for being willing to volunteer your bachelorhood for the good of the Unit.” He smiled and asked her if she would like a glass of wine. A server immediately appeared and he handed her a glass of deep red wine. “I think you’ll enjoy this year. Did you enjoy lunch?”

  Before she could respond, Meeks walked up and shook hands with him. They talked briefly about the house and Washington before the Senator excused himself to greet someone who had just come through the door. She put her hand on her husband’s arm and they went into the large dining room. Everyone was talking politics but she stayed with Meeks and tried to just be demure but she really wanted to walk around looking at his extensive art work. Garnett walked up and said something to Meeks who nodded and he took Mirisa’s hand. They walked around the house looking at the art.

  “Do you enjoy art?” They both turned and David started to talk about each piece, the artist and why he bought it. David took them on a tour of the library which was bigger than any room in the house and had sculptures as well as paintings. He noticed that Garnett never released her hand and Mirisa seemed quite comfortable holding his. Mirisa appeared intelligent as well as pretty.

  “Are you from the East?”

  “I was born in Virginia.”

  “Then that explains your beauty. I believe they are seating for dinner. If you want to tour the rest of the house after dinner let me know.” They walked back into the dining room and Garnett pulled out her chair sitting on the other side of her. The dinner was very long with a lot of wine. Mirisa was still sipping on her first glass even though they kept changing the wine with each course. She had no idea why people ate so much but it seemed like the fancier the gala the more courses they served. They finally served coffee with the desert which was raspberries and whipped cream. She looked up and David smiled at her.


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