Work Like You Don't Need the Money (Summer Lake)

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Work Like You Don't Need the Money (Summer Lake) Page 24

by SJ McCoy

  “Is everything alright?”

  She looked up at him, still lost for words. He came into the office, looking kind of shifty, fiddling with his cuff-links and not meeting her eye. “Berto, what do you know about this?”

  “About what?” He was a hopeless liar. His cheeks were pink and he was looking everywhere except at her.

  She thrust the paper at him. “This! My debt has been paid off and those people are scared of my friend, whoever that may be! We both know it could only be one person. So what do you know about it?”

  Roberto hung his head and said nothing. Holly's phone buzzed in her pocket. She automatically reached for it. It was a text from Pete.

  Go easy on Roberto. I'm the one you're mad at. I'm at home.

  Holly stared at the text, then at Roberto. “What did you do?”

  “He came to the store, Holls. Just after you'd gone to the bank.”


  “And I think you need to talk to him about it. Not me.”

  Holly drew in a deep breath. He was right. She did. Damn Pete! He'd promised her he'd leave it alone. Who the hell did he think he was?! She glared at Roberto. “Can you close up tonight?”

  He nodded with a little smile.

  “Don't you dare!” She yelled. “I'm madder than hell with you! I'm going to tell him what I think of him too!”

  Roberto grinned now. “Do you want me to call you a cab?”

  Damn! She'd have to. It wasn't like the buses ran to Pete's swanky neighborhood. “Yes. Thank you. We will talk about this tomorrow.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The cab pulled in to Pete's driveway. Holly focused on her anger. He was a Bigshot asshole! That's what he was. He had discarded her because she didn't fit his plan. He had no right to interfere in her life. She could handle her own problems! She paid the driver and watched the cab drive away. Well, here went nothing. She started up the steps to the front door, then stopped. Oh no. He had company. There was a blue BMW sitting outside the garage. Damn, she wished she hadn't let the cab leave. What had she been thinking? There was nothing for it now. She'd come to give him a piece of her mind. She was going to do just that, company or not. She continued up the steps.

  The front door opened and there he was. He was even more gorgeous than she remembered, wearing a black shirt with gray pants and a gray tie. He leaned in the doorway, frowning down at her, blue eyes blazing. He looked.. angry? What right did he have to be angry? She stomped up the steps and stood before him, glaring at him.

  “What the hell have you done?” She demanded.

  He raised an eyebrow. His face tight with anger. “Would you like to discuss this inside?”

  “Not if you have company, no. I just want you to tell me what you think you're playing at!”

  “I don't have company and I am not getting into this on the doorstep.” He turned and went back into the house.

  She stormed after him. “What do you think gives you the right to interfere in my life? I asked you to stay out of it, remember?”

  “Oh, I remember, Sweetheart.” His voice was low and controlled. “I also remember that you made me a promise. You broke that promise, so I took matters into my own hands.”

  “What do you mean? I didn't break a promise!”

  He took a step towards her, towering above her. His warmth permeated her anger. Even in these circumstances, she was grateful to be close to him again.

  His eyes burned into her. “You promised me that if there was a problem, if it got ugly, you would tell me. You'd let me help.”

  She had promised that. “Yes, but...”

  “No. No buts. I will not allow you to be in danger. I took care of it. End of story.”

  The arrogant pig! “You will not allow it?” She couldn't help the bitter laugh. “Excuse me, Mr. Bigshot, but you don't get to say what's allowed in my life. It's none of your goddamned business! You have your plan, remember? I'm not part of it and my problems are none of your concern!” He was so arrogant! She was not a charity case!

  He caught hold of her arm. The pulse in his jaw was working overtime. “It is my business. YOU are my business.”

  She tried to pull away from him, but he held tight. “No I'm not, Pete.” She could hear the tears in her voice. No! She could not show her weakness now. His warm hand closed around the back of her neck, forcing her to look up into his eyes. They burned into her own as he pulled her against him. She had no resistance to offer as she melted against his hard chest.

  “You are my business, Sweetheart,” he breathed. “You will always be my business, because I love you.”

  Holly froze and stared into his eyes. The truth stared back at her from the blue depths. “But what about the plan?”

  The corners of his lips quirked up before they found hers. He kissed her so tenderly, deep and slow as he held her against him. She could feel his heart thundering in his chest as his strong arms encircled her. When he lifted his head, he still held her close. “It's time for a new plan. The old one doesn't work anymore because you're not in it.”

  She looked up at him, not quite believing she was hearing this. “But... but...”

  “But what, Sweetheart? Don't you want me?”

  She was shocked by the doubt and uncertainty on his face. Her arms came up around his neck. “I want you more than I want my next breath, Pete. I just don't know how it could work. How you could change your plan.”

  He smiled and kissed the tip of her nose. “I didn't know either. Until I tried to live without you. That made me realize that nothing is as important to me as you are. I need you in my life. The rest is just detail. We'll work it out. I love you, Holly.”

  She really wasn't imagining it. He'd said it twice now. He loved her!

  “Tell me one thing, though. Why did you leave the wedding like that?” His eyes bored into hers. She had to tell him the truth.

  “Because I didn't want to say goodbye to you.” She lowered her eyes, but he hooked his thumb under her chin and raised her face to him.


  Oh, hell! Here it came. “I couldn't stand to say goodbye to you, because I love you too, Pete.”

  His eyes were that deep violet color as his face relaxed and he held her close in the circle of his arms. She knew she was back where she belonged, safe and protected in his warmth and his love. She clung to him as he lifted her and carried her up to his bedroom. They peeled each others clothes off and fell into his bed. He pinned her underneath him, spreading her legs with his knees. She held on to his shoulders and pulled him down to kiss her as he thrust inside. He was so hot and hard, filling her as she arched her body up to him. His lips left hers and he held her eyes as they moved together.

  “I love you, Sweetheart.” His words took her to the edge.

  “I love you, Pete,” she cried as he exploded, taking her over the edge, flying away to a place where only they existed.

  Pete pulled her closer to him as they recovered. She was his and he wasn't ever going to let her go. He would never be that stupid again. He wouldn't go back to a life that she wasn't part of.

  She wriggled around and looked up at him. “I do love you, but I'm still mad at you.”

  He tried to suppress a smile, but couldn't manage it. “You could consider it a gift.”

  She frowned, “No I couldn't. I don't get gifts like that.”

  He propped himself up on his elbow and smiled down at her, tracing her cheek with his finger. “You do now, Sweetheart, you'd better get used to it.” He couldn't wait to spoil her with gifts. There was one he was desperate to give her right now, but he knew she had to get this debt thing out of her system first.

  “No, Pete, I'm serious. You can't just bail me out with that kind of money, it's not right. I need to pay you back.”

  He nodded. He'd known she wouldn't just accept it. “I thought you might see it that way. So, I've been thinking. The amount I paid today is actually less than I'd penciled into the budget for consulting on the plaza.”
  Her eyes were wide. “Seriously?”

  “I told you it was a big fee. If you take the project, we'll still owe you some. Will you think about it?”

  He watched her face as she considered it. She nodded slowly, but from the smile on her face he was hoping the answer would be yes.

  Holly sat at the kitchen counter watching Pete pour the wine. She was still trying to take all this in. He loved her! She loved him. She didn't know what that might mean, how they would work this. All that mattered was that they would work something out. They would keep seeing each other. That was all she wanted. As he said, the rest was just detail. Instead of bringing her drink over, he took both glasses and went to sit at the table in the nook off the kitchen. She followed and took a seat opposite him. They'd never sat in here, she liked it. It was a cozy little space with a window overlooking the garage. She looked down at the BMW out there.

  “Do you know, I nearly turned tail and fled when I saw that car. I thought you had company.”

  Pete gave her a mysterious smile. “Come here. There's something I need to tell you about that car.”

  She frowned, wondering what he might mean. He held out his hand and she came around the table to sit in his lap. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. She hooked her arms around his neck and kissed him. She'd missed his kisses and intended to make up for lost time.

  He lifted his head. “Don't you want to know?”

  “Know what?” She nuzzled into his neck and felt him shake underneath her as he chuckled.

  “About the car.”

  “Oh. Yes. What?” She really didn't care, she just wanted to enjoy the feel of him. She snuggled closer and rested her head on his shoulder.

  He kissed her neck then whispered in her ear, “It's yours.”

  She sat bolt upright, staring at him. “It's what?!”

  His shoulders were shaking as he laughed his rich, deep laugh. “I said, it's yours, Sweetheart. For you. From me.”

  “Oh my God, Pete! You can't do that! I...”

  He was still laughing as he pecked her lips. “I can and I have.” His eyes were so full of love as he smiled down at her.

  She clung to him, “Thank you!”

  “You are most welcome, my love. You want to take a look?”

  They went down the back steps. He handed her the key and opened the driver's door.

  She sat inside and grinned – it was brand new! “Pete, I've never sat in a brand new car before, let alone owned one! Holy crap, Bigshot!” She got out of the car and jumped on him laughing. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

  He spun her around, then put her down. “No, Sweetheart. Thank YOU.” She pinched him and he laughed. “Yep, I'm for real.”

  She was struggling to be believe it. “I need to check,” she laughed. “I'd hate to wake up and find out you were just a dream.” She pinched him again, just to make sure.

  “Hey!” He laughed. “That tickles!”

  “Nooo!” Her eyes grew wide and she tried to dodge him, but he was too fast. He had hold of her and was tickling her mercilessly. She couldn't stop laughing as she struggled to get away, but he held her fast. “Stop!” she begged, but he just kept on tickling and laughing. “Please, Pete, you've got to stop,” she managed to get out through her laughter.

  He turned her to face him and held her eyes, giving her a breather, his hands poised to continue. “You know there's only one way to make me stop. So, do you?”

  She knew what he wanted. She brought her arms up around his neck and looked deep into his eyes. “I surrender.”


  “What do you think? Shall we have Smoke fly us up there tomorrow, or do you want to take your new car?”

  They were sitting on the loungers by the pool. It had been such an amazing week. She'd stayed with him on Monday night and he'd talked her into taking the rest of the week off. They'd stopped by the store on Tuesday to thank Roberto for the part he'd played. Holly had tried to be cross with him, but hadn't been able to manage it. She was too grateful. They'd collected some of her things from her house and spent the rest of the week hiding out at Pete's, swimming in the pool, making love, walking on the beach, talking into the small hours, and making love some more. They'd gone out for dinner at Mario's and she'd driven. In her new car. She still couldn't quite believe it was hers, that he'd bought it for her. It drove like a dream.

  “Let's take the car, can we? Road trips hold a lot more appeal in my new wheels.” She smiled at him, “Thank you, Pete. Thank you so much.”

  He reached across and took her hand. “As I have told you, you are more than welcome, my love. Do you want to leave at lunch time? I have to take care of a couple of details in the morning, but then I'd like to get going. If you don't mind, I'd like us to stay at the cabin tomorrow night. Jack and Em won't get in til late and my parents are also coming in late. I'd like to see them Saturday morning before we go to the BBQ.”

  “That works for me. I should call Missy and let her know that I am coming after all, but I won't be staying with her.”

  Pete smirked, “She'd invited you to stay there?”

  Holly nodded, “I didn't want to go at all.”

  His face was pained now. “Because you didn't want to be around me?”

  She squeezed his hand. “I didn't want to be around you if I couldn't be with you.”

  “Well you're with me now, Sweetheart, and you're never getting rid of me again.”

  She liked the sound of that.

  “Do me a favor though?”

  “What's that?”

  “Don't call Missy. Let's just show up and surprise them?” He gave her a mischievous grin. “They'll forgive us anything once they know we're together.”

  She laughed, he was right. “Alright then, let's surprise them.”


  Pete worked the muscles in her neck. Man, she was tight. “We need to work this tension out of you, Sweetheart.”

  She sighed and leaned back against him, giving him the perfect view over her shoulder of the steaming bubbles foaming around her breasts. He felt his desire stir, though how he had any energy left, he had no clue. He hadn't been able to keep his hands off her all week. Sitting here in the hot tub with her naked body between his legs, he wanted her again. He'd promised her a back rub though and he intended to make good on his promise first.

  “I don't see how I could have any tension left in me. This has been the best week ever.” She turned around and knelt to face him. Putting her hands on his shoulders, she kissed him. Her lips were so soft. “Thank you, Pete. I love you. You make me so happy.”

  “That's the plan, Sweetheart.”

  Her face clouded over, there were questions in her eyes, but she said nothing.

  “What is it?”

  “It's just. Well. I'm scared to ask, but what is the plan now? I mean, I'm glad you didn't stick to the old one, but I know you. I know you must have a new plan. I'm just scared to know what it might be.” She hesitated. “But I think I need to know.”

  He drew her closer to him, lifting her so she straddled his lap. He smiled as he ran his hands down her back and pulled her closer so he was pushing at her opening. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Holding her eyes, he said, “There is a new plan, and it goes like this.” He held her hips as he thrust inside her, loving the way she grasped his shoulders, eyes wide as she began to ride him. The way her breasts dipped in and out of the steaming bubbles as she rocked her hips.

  He reached down between them and coaxed her with his thumb. “I plan to have you.” Feeling her tense, he let himself go and pulled her down against him, carrying them both through a shuddering orgasm. He kept his arms around her as she lay against his chest, breathing hard as they recovered. He kissed her neck. “And I plan to hold you.”

  She turned her head and met his eyes. He smiled, not sure if she was understanding. He let go of her and climbed out of the hot tub. He toweled himself off then held out his hand. She s
tepped out and let him dry her down too. “I love you.” He wrapped her in the towel and brushed her lips with his own. “And I plan to cherish you.” He left her standing in the moonlight while he went inside the cabin. He returned with two glasses of champagne and a lump in his towel.

  She was looking at him, confused. Maybe she wasn't getting this. He had to be sure. He set the glasses on the picnic table and turned to her, taking hold of her hand. “So, just to recap. I plan to have you, and to hold you. I plan to love you, and to cherish you.” He smiled as he saw realization begin to dawn in her eyes. “For richer, for poorer, in good times and in bad I plan to love you, for always. I've forsaken all others since the day I met you and I will until the day I die.” He dropped down on one knee and held up the box he'd had hidden in his towel. “Holly, will you marry me?”

  Her hands flew to her mouth and her eyes filled with tears. “Yes, Pete! Oh God yes!”

  He stood up and wrapped her in his arms, kissing her with all the love he felt. “You just granted me everything I want in life, Sweetheart. My plan is to do the same for you, for the rest of your days. Holly YOU ARE my new plan. You, me, and our kids when we have them.”

  Her eyes flew up to meet his. “Our kids? Oh, Pete, I want kids. I want your kids.” She flung her arms around his neck. “I love you, Pete. I love you so much.”

  He'd thought this moment was supposed to be somber and serious, but he felt the laughter bubbling up. “And I love you, Sweetheart. Now, do you want this ring?”

  She loosened her grip on his neck and pecked his lips with a grin. “Oh. Yeah. Sorry!” She looked down at the box in his hand and then back up at him in shock. “Holy shit, Bigshot! It's enormous!”

  God, how he loved this woman! He shook with laughter as he pulled her against him so she could feel his arousal. “I like to think so.”

  She laughed and patted his bulging towel. “This guy is perfect for me. But that diamond? Geez, Pete! It's huge!”

  “It has to be, it represents all my love for you.” He took the ring from the box and took hold of her hand. She transferred her grandmother's wedding band to her right hand. He slid the diamond onto her finger, then looked into her eyes. “I love you, Sweetheart.”


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