Melinda's Wolves

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Melinda's Wolves Page 7

by Becca Jameson

  Total bliss. Amazing.

  And this wildcat was his. To cherish for a lifetime. To guide and teach. To hold and snuggle with. To love and honor.

  She had him by the balls.


  Wayne Lassiter stared down at the sniveling piece of shit at his feet and kicked him again. “Shut the fuck up, Friedmont. It’s too late for your explanations now. Did you think I wouldn’t find out? Huh?” He laughed, a deep sardonic sound he barely recognized as his own.

  The shit-for-brains on the ground pulled himself to his knees, wiping the filth and mud from the edge of the lake off his face with his shoulder. It was the best he could do with his arms tied behind his back. “Sir, I—”

  Wayne cut him off with a firm kick to his jaw. “Shut the fuck up, I said. I know you’ve been ratting me out to the new building inspector. Do you think I’m stupid?”

  The guy went flying backward, knocked off his knees until he fell onto his back. His head landed in the lake, the water gently lapping over his face, choking him. The sniveling son-of-a-bitch coughed and sputtered as he turned to his side and dragged his face out of the water.

  Wayne kicked him again in the stomach, causing the guy to draw his knees up and groan loudly.

  There was no one to hear them. It was the middle of the night, over a mile from Sojourn.

  Wayne grinned. “Did you think you’d get away with it?”

  The man rocked on his knees, buried under the cold lake water. He didn’t respond.

  “What? Now you have nothing to say?” Wayne cackled. “Rich. First you can’t keep your mouth shut—then you can’t find a single syllable.” He stepped closer, kicked the fucker hard in the side again until he fell over into the water, shivering.

  Friedmont covered his head with his arms. “Please.” He whimpered. “Don’t kill me. I’ll do whatever you want.”

  “Really? You’ve been blackmailing me for over a year, and now you’ve seen the light?” He kicked him again, pushing him deeper into the muck. “I don’t think so.”

  “I’ll give you the money back. I swear. I haven’t even spent most of it.” He moaned, spitting mud and slime from his lips.

  Wayne felt incredibly powerful. This wasn’t as hard as he’d expected. Perhaps he should go into business on the side, ridding the world of vermin like this. “You should have thought about that before you extorted money from me for so long. I don’t want your fucking money. Do you think I care about a few hundred grand in the scheme of things?” He laughed again, harder this time, his voice carrying over the water.

  The shithole at his feet shuddered and scrambled to back away, deeper into the cold water. His eyes were wide.

  Wayne didn’t hesitate. He was done with Friedmont. He lifted the gun he’d held the entire time and shot him right between the eyes, the silencer muffling the sound.

  At the last second, the man’s eyes went wide, and then his gaze was extinguished forever, unseeing as he fell backward into the water, deep enough to cover half his body, including his head.

  Wayne didn’t flinch as he turned and walked away.

  “Yep. That was too easy. Don’t know why I waited so long.” He smirked as he trudged back through the thick growth to his car.

  Chapter Seven

  As Melinda slowly came awake the next morning, she groaned into her pillow. She ached all over. Why? Not bothering to open her eyes, she snuggled deeper into the pillow and hugged it tight.

  But it was too soft, and it didn’t smell right.

  And she was naked.

  Her eyes popped open as a hand landed on her bare shoulder. A huge rough male hand. In her bed…

  She flipped over and sat upright, gasping for air before her mind could process where she was.

  And then she let out a slow breath. Two of the sexiest men alive flanked her. Her mates.

  “Shit. I forgot where I was.” Her voice was husky. She glanced down to find her chest naked, her breasts bared to both men, and immediately felt self-conscious. Grabbing the sheet to cover herself, she slinked back down onto the bed.

  Trace chuckled at her side. “I think we’re past modesty.”

  She narrowed her gaze. “Uh. I doubt I’ll ever be past modesty.”

  “You will, hon.” Keegan’s hand landed on her belly below her breasts and stroked the undersides, instantly bringing her body to life.

  She slapped his hand away and gripped the sheet above her breasts with a tight fist, groaning. “I’m not awake. Stop it.”

  Trace leaned down and kissed her lips gently. “You’re talking, babe. I think you’re awake.”

  “What time is it?” Damn. It was Sunday. She needed to open her store at noon. Or at least call her employees and let them know she was late.

  “Ten thirty. We were up rather late.” The wry smile on Keegan’s lips made her swallow.

  She threw her arm over her eyes to block out the light streaming in the window and keep herself from having to face the two men who so thoroughly devoured her last night.

  Nothing blocked their scents, however. And she could feel her body quickening in their presence. Unnerving her. It hadn’t been that many hours since she’d had sex with both men.

  Her muscles ached, but that didn’t stop her pussy from throbbing with renewed need.

  She squeezed her legs together. “I need my cell phone. Can someone grab it from my purse? I need to call my employees. Let them know I’ll be late.”

  Trace tugged her arm off her eyes. “I’ll grab it. But do you have to go to work? Can your people handle things today?”

  They could. Of course they could. Her employees were competent. They’d been with her for several years. No one really needed her. But the separation from these two men might be a good idea. Help her clear her head and find her bearings.

  Yes. She definitely needed her car and some time alone. “I really should go into the store, at least for a while this afternoon.”

  “We’ll go with you. Check out your place.” Keegan eased from the bed as he spoke. “I’ll grab your purse.” She watched his firm naked body stroll from the room without a care in the world. Obviously modesty was not an issue for him. He had all the confidence in the world.


  That was not what she had in mind. Two burly men towering over her at work. The girls would have a field day with this new development.

  Keegan came right back, handing her the purse. It was nearly impossible to ignore his enormous erection bobbing in front of him.

  She flushed, glancing away as she unzipped her bag.

  Still lying on her back, she opened it and then groaned. “I left my phone at Rebecca’s. It was on the counter probably from earlier in the day.”

  “No problem. We’ll go there first and pick it up.” Keegan climbed back under the sheets.

  “And my car. I should get my car.” She glanced back and forth between the men—already losing another piece of herself, and she’d only been awake three minutes. They scrambled her brain cells and turned her to mush. It was difficult to put thoughts together with every breath filled with their scents. “And I need to go home. I need clothes. I need a shower—”

  Trace set a finger over her mouth. “Baby, slow down. We’ll get to all of that.”

  She licked her lips involuntarily, her tongue touching Trace’s finger, his taste filling her senses, overloading her. She squeezed her eyes shut and pursed her lips. Intoxicating. It was the one word she kept thinking to describe this maddening union.

  She squirmed between them as her body came alive of its own accord. Her breasts ached as if they were swollen. Was that from their rough handling last night? Or renewed arousal? Would she be this needy if they’d completed the claiming? It was possible the reason for her intense arousal was the incomplete mating.

  She’d had a taste of both men, and that only fueled the fire higher.

  Not sure what to do, she flopped back onto her belly and buried her face in the pillow. It didn’t help. Her nip
ples swelled against the mattress, the pressure not easing.

  One of her mates tugged the sheet down her body, slowly exposing her back and then her ass to their view.

  Cool air rushed over her, bringing goosebumps.

  She needed them again. To deny it would be futile. In fact she needed them to claim her. And the idea scared the hell out of her. Her brain wanted to put off the inevitable, take some time to wrap around the concept. Her body wanted them inside her. Together. Now.

  She squeezed her legs together, trying to think about anything but the size of their cocks and how good it felt to have them inside her. A throbbing continued to grow in her channel. She couldn’t ignore it.

  Rationally, she knew it was the mating call. It wouldn’t abate until she yielded to it. Hell, it wouldn’t abate then either. It would grow worse. And that was so inconceivable and frightening, she wanted to deny it.

  Gentle hands landed on her back, her thighs, her butt, everywhere. Four hands, needing, rubbing, gripping…

  She moaned, her legs fighting to stay closed.

  She lost the battle when both mates tugged a thigh, spreading them, exposing not just her pussy but her ass.

  She gripped the underside of her pillow with her fists, and then she literally bit the pillow with her mouth to stifle any sounds.

  “Baby, you’re so tense. I know you’re fighting this. I’m not sure I fully understand why, but it’s obvious you’re struggling.” Trace kept stroking her inner thigh on his side while he spoke.

  “The thing is we can smell your arousal. It’s so strong. You’re gonna be sore from letting us both take you last night. We won’t enter you this morning, but let us make you feel good. Let yourself go.” Keegan leaned down and kissed her shoulder as he spoke. His hair fell forward to tickle her skin. The band that usually held it back was not in place this morning. “Spread wider, hon. Open up to us.”

  A shudder wracked her body. It was impossible not to do as he said, as if his words had some sort of pull on her body. And the flood that ran from her pussy as he commanded her was not deniable.

  She needed the release. No matter how she got it or how unsatisfying it might be, she needed it with every cell. She blew out a breath against the pillow and let her knees spread wider. The position was awkward, and she regretted flipping onto her belly.

  All thoughts left her mind as one hand landed on the small of her back and one reached between her legs to stroke through her folds. Both men braced her legs wider with one of their own and held her flat against the bed, making it impossible to escape the fingers gathering her moisture and spreading it across her clit.

  Her back arched, forcing her ass higher.

  Suddenly the hand disappeared from above her butt cheeks, someone lifted her by the hips, and a pillow was slid under her belly.

  She gasped. The exposure.

  Her face flushed deeply, the warmth crawling up her cheeks.

  And then she was restrained again, the hand on her lower back pinning her in place, her legs wider than before and held open.

  This time two hands reached between her. Fingers toyed with her clit, making it swell. The other hand spread her wetness from her pussy to her rear hole.

  She clenched her cheeks tight.

  “Relax, baby.” Trace’s voice, low and deeper than usual.

  She could feel his gaze on her most private area.

  “One finger, baby. We have to work your tight hole open a little at a time so we don’t hurt you. Breathe deeply. Let me in.”

  Renewed moisture rushed from her pussy. She feared she would come from his words. They were more powerful than the finger tapping her tight entrance and the one circling her clit.

  Trace—she thought it was Trace—reached lower again to gather more of her arousal, and then he pressed his finger into her ass with no warning during a moment of hope that he’d abandoned the idea for now.

  She sucked in a breath at the intrusion. It was so much more in the light of day, both men hovering over her, watching her intently, concentrating on every part of her nudity.

  Hyperventilation was a real possibility.

  One of them—Keegan maybe—stroked her clit hard, flicking over it several times, forcing her closer and closer to the edge of sanity.

  She held her breath, focusing on the finger at her clit, trying to ignore the one currently fucking her ass.

  That was when she came, hard, breathlessly, knowing she was doomed to this new existence. As much as she wanted to hold on to her independence, her modesty, some semblance of chasteness, there was no way. It wasn’t Nature’s plan.

  A second finger joined the first in her ass as she concentrated on the orgasm still pulsing through her clit.

  Unimaginable bliss. Consuming. Dragging her down into a deep warm place. It was a comfortable location. One she wanted to stay in.

  Even the fingers now scissoring inside her tight ass felt good. Amazing.

  Embarrassing her. Shocking her. Making her squirm as her brain fought a war against her body.

  Finally, the fingers disappeared, leaving her breathless with the anticipation of having them replaced with one of her mate’s cocks.

  But that didn’t happen.

  She was limp as they flipped her over, tossed the pillow out of the way, and spread her legs open again. Before she could gather her thoughts, Keegan thrust two fingers into her pussy, the needy channel that had gotten no attention during her orgasm.

  Trace leaned over and took her mouth in a consuming kiss that made all thoughts flee. His lips, so warm and soft, nibbled hers. His tongue slipped inside as soon as she parted her lips. He kissed her as if he were starving and she was the only sustenance available.

  Her ardor rose again as one of them pinched a nipple.

  Keegan continued to fuck her pussy, driving her once again to the edge, pushing her until she came again, screaming into Trace’s mouth, her voice swallowed by him.

  Their actions slowed as she floated back to Earth. Her body flinched. She gripped the sheets, realizing all the pleasure had been hers and not having the foggiest idea how to rectify that.

  Besides, she was limp, unable to lift a limb.

  When she opened her eyes, blinking in the light, she found both men sitting next to her grinning. Their thoughts were written on their faces. She could see into their souls through their eyes. They weren’t expecting reciprocation right then. It was enough they had made her come. Twice.

  “So beautiful.” Keegan stroked her belly. “I’ll never tire of watching you come. It’s so raw.” He set a hand on the side of her head and brushed a lock of hair out of her way.

  Trace kissed her temple. “I love that we’ll be the only men you’ll ever know. It’s humbling. Thank you.”

  “For what?” she whispered.

  “For saving that for us. For giving yourself to our care.”

  She squirmed. “I’ve hardly done what’s expected yet.”

  Trace smiled bigger. “It’s okay. We move at your pace. We claim you when you’re ready.”

  What scared her most was knowing she would be ready physically much sooner than she would ever be ready mentally.

  And the physical need would win out.


  Wayne held the phone close to his head and tapped his fingers on his desk. He kept his gaze pinned to the closed door of his home office. The last thing he needed was for Penelope to walk in while he was in the middle of this call.

  “Sir, I don’t understand what you want me to do?”

  “I don’t care what the fuck you do.” He sat up straighter, setting his elbows on his desk. “Do whatever the fuck you need to do to make this go away. I don’t care how you handle it. Just put an end to it. Get in there and find a way to keep this under wraps.” If Wayne had to deal with one more incompetent asshole, he thought he might explode.

  The man was silent on the other end.

  “Listen to me, asswipe. You’re nothing to me. Do you understand? Either yo
u handle this situation, or you’re a dead man. Got it?”

  “Yes.” The man actually sounded scared.

  “Wipe out the evidence. Ensure that anything wrong with that casino site is deemed a result of the earthquake. Fire people who are too close if you need to. Just fucking make sure this ends right now. I don’t want this to escalate to the point that the sheriff’s office gets involved. I have eyes at that casino. I know about Keegan Phillips. I’ve done my homework. I don’t want some asshole from the state sweeping in with his high and mighty construction inspection and blowing all my hard work. That man needs to either get on the right side of progress or get gone. And rumor has it he’s getting antsy. Are you with me?” No way in fuck was he going to allow himself to be blackmailed again.

  Nope. This time he intended to turn the tables and ensure he was the one calling the shots.

  “Yes.” The guy probably pissed himself.

  Wayne didn’t give two fucks. In fact, he was done. He ended the call and slammed his phone onto the desk.

  “Son of a bitch,” he muttered to the empty room.

  Chapter Eight

  “You have everything?” Trace set his hand on the open front door and reached out to grasp Melinda’s.

  She flushed for the millionth time and glanced down at herself. “What more is there? I came here with nothing but this dress, my shoes, and my obviously half-empty purse.”

  Trace adjusted his cock—also for the millionth time that morning—and pursed his lips. What he knew was the hand job he’d given himself alone in the shower had done very little to tame the small head. He knew his sexy mate was wearing no bra, because the dress didn’t permit one, and no panties, because she curled up her face at the idea of putting them back on after her shower. They were in the hamper in Keegan’s bathroom. He knew her scent would drive him mad with need in the truck. And he knew they were about to spend Sunday afternoon trailing around with her when what he and Keegan really wanted was to yank her back into the bedroom and fuck her senseless, never letting her leave the house again.

  But reality had a way of creeping in. She had a shop to take care of. She needed to pack some things from her condo and bring them to Keegan’s. And her phone was currently still at Griffen’s.


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