The Secrets of Paradise Bay

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The Secrets of Paradise Bay Page 20

by Devon Vaughn Archer

“The club can have you as one hell of a jazz singer,” Clyde said. “But you’re all mine as a beautiful, vivacious, sexy-as-hell woman I want to be with.”

  “And you’re mine as a gorgeous, sexy man who definitely knows how to mesmerize this lady.”

  It made Clyde think about being with Ivana, and how they had charmed each other. But that was different. He didn’t experience the highs with her that he had with Stefani and was still feeling right now. If this wasn’t love, it was damned close.

  I’d better not go there right now. No need to spoil things by scaring the lady to death for something she may not be ready to hear.

  At the same time, Clyde felt that if they were going to go somewhere with this, he should be up front about an important part of his past. If she couldn’t handle it, he needed to know now.

  “I have to tell you something,” he spoke softly in her ear.

  “Please don’t tell me you have a wife and three children somewhere,” Stefani joked humorlessly.

  “No, nothing like that.” Clyde drew in a deep breath. “I spent some time in prison.”

  Stefani raised her eyes at him. “Really?”

  “Yeah. I got into a fight with a friend and, well, things got out of hand.”

  She was aghast. “Did you kill him?”

  “No, but I hurt him pretty bad.”

  “So what made you get into this fight with a friend?” she asked curiously.

  Clyde pondered the question. He didn’t want to involve his brother in this discussion. Or even think about the secret he carried about Trey in that regard.

  “It was something stupid,” he said regretfully. “We had a disagreement and came to blows. He got the worst of it and I ended up in prison. I wish it hadn’t happened, but it was a time in my life when I was too immature and hung out with the wrong people.” One person, in particular.

  “It’s all right,” Stefani told him. “Life can sometimes be a lesson to us all. I’m sure that part of your life is behind you.”

  “It is,” Clyde promised, hoping to hell it didn’t come back to haunt him again. “I just wanted you to know before Albert mentioned it.”

  “Uncle Albert likes you, Clyde. I doubt he’d ever hold past sins against you.”

  Clyde mused. I hold them against myself, but that’s another story. “That’s good to know.”

  She tilted her chin and went for his mouth. “I’m a big girl. I make my own choices in men based on chemistry, intelligence, good looks, and what my instincts tell me. And I choose you.”

  Clyde grinned, feeling warm all over. “That means more than you know. I choose you too.”

  He kissed her, and it turned into more passionate kisses. They made love again, slow and sensually, then fast and furious, before Clyde reflected on the start of what promised to be a lasting, satisfying relationship, minus the drama and second thoughts of his brief involvement with Ivana.

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  Luther handed Willie a brown paper bag. “Check it out, man. I think this is what you wanted.”

  Willie opened a bag as they stood in an alley. He pulled out a Ruger P345 automatic pistol and liked the way it felt in his hand. “Yeah, this’ll work just fine. Where’d you get it?”

  “Friend of a friend,” said Luther. “Been stripped, so it’s cool.”

  Willie took solace in that. “How much?”

  Luther told him. “You’re getting your money’s worth.”

  “I know that.”

  Willie got out the hundred-dollar bills that Roselyn had taken from an advance on her credit card, and handed them over, aware that Luther was only acting as a middleman here and, as such, Willie didn’t want to take a chance in screwing someone else over.

  “So you gonna rob a bank now, or what?”

  Willie smiled, tucking the pistol in his pants. Not that he hadn’t considered it, but he had other plans for the gun. “Naw, man. I’ll leave the bank robbin’ to the pros. Like I told you before, I just want to have an insurance policy, in case somethin’ goes down.”

  Luther looked at him suspiciously. “You still plan on gunning for Clyde?”

  “What if I am?” Willie asked tersely.

  “I’m with you, man. But he ain’t worth spending the rest of your life in prison. Everyone knows what he done to you. Including the cops. You think if he’s offed they won’t come lookin’ for your ass?”

  Willie’s nostrils flared. The thought of rotting away in some cold cell with cockroaches at his feet didn’t exactly sit well with him. Neither did letting bygones be bygones where it concerned his ex–best friend, Clyde. If Clyde could survive years behind bars it couldn’t have been too bad.

  Don’t mean I want to follow his footsteps. Or watch him live the good life while mine continues to suck.

  “I got a score to settle with Clyde,” Willie said without apology. Maybe more than one. “There’s other ways to get it done than taking a life.” He could think of few things that would be just as satisfying.

  “I agree,” Luther said, sounding relieved. “He’s got a weakness just like everyone else. Once you find it, you’ll know what to do.”

  Willie grinned mischievously. “Yeah, like Samson. Only I know it ain’t shavin’ his head.”

  Both men laughed, but inside Willie was anything but jovial. Clyde Lancaster had gotten the upper hand on him one time too many. He planned to change that in a way he wouldn’t soon forget.

  Willie lay beside Roselyn in her bed, smoking a joint. It was a sweet aftermath to going at it for a good hour or more. The woman was insatiable. He wasn’t complaining, though, as Willie gave as much as he received. And maybe a little bit extra. More importantly, she gave him money when he needed it, which was often. Seemed like a fair exchange to him.

  Roselyn took the joint from Willie and inhaled deeply, then gave him a toothy smile. “That’s so nice,” she hummed.

  “You like it?” He smiled, amused.

  “Not as good as sex, but yes, it’s good.”

  Willie grabbed the joint and sucked on it, already feeling his libido and erection returning.

  “Will you take me to the grand opening of that jazz club Saturday night?” asked Roselyn.

  Willie’s left brow shot up. “What jazz club?”

  “The one over on Broadway. Used to be the Violet Supper Club. Now it’s called Clyde’s Jazz Club. Think I heard that these two brothers bought the place and it will feature a jazz singer. I just love listening to that kind of music.”

  Willie barely even paid attention to her as his mind was still caught on the jazz club owned by two brothers. Clyde’s Jazz Club?

  He knew instinctively who the brothers were and which one had financed the buyout. It irked Willie that Clyde had gone over to the other side, deciding it was better to take his brother’s money than resent it like before.

  Maybe I’ll take some of it too. And this time I won’t let him or anyone else stop me.

  “Well, how about it, honey?” Roselyn entreated. “It would be fun.”

  “Yeah, let’s go. Maybe we’ll even run into this Clyde dude himself.”

  Willie sucked on the joint and felt it taking effect. So too was the anger boiling over in him like water in a kettle in seeing his old friend leading the good life as if he had a right to. You’ll get yours and so will your rich-ass brother.

  Roselyn took the joint from him. “Think I’m in the mood for something else now.”

  Willie felt an adrenaline rush. “Yeah, me too.”

  “So let’s do something about it.”

  “Whatever you say, baby.”

  Willie climbed on top of her and started to have sex, while thinking about raining hard on Clyde’s parade so he never knew what hit him. ’Til it was too late.

  Chapter Thirty

  Clyde was admittedly nervous for the official grand opening of the club. It was the first time in his life that he was actually pretty much solely responsible for something other than himself. He wanted this to be big in
Paradise Bay and something that even Trey would have to approve of.

  “Chill out, man,” Raymond told him, straightening Clyde’s burgundy silk tie. “Nothing’s going to go wrong.”

  “Wish I could be so sure,” Clyde said, fearing that bad things seemed to follow him around like a shadow.

  “Look at it this way: we both just spent time in hell. How much worse can it get than that?”

  Clyde nodded thoughtfully. “Good point.”

  “Damned good one.” Raymond tucked the tie into Clyde’s charcoal suit. “I’d say you’re all set now for your grand opening.”

  Clyde favored his friend in a pinstriped suit. “I think we both are.”

  Raymond buttoned his coat. “Hey, anything beats prison denims.”

  “Amen to that.”

  A little later Clyde was talking with Albert, confirming that the bar was well stocked and ready.

  “The folks can order anything they want and we’ve got it,” Albert said.

  “That’s what I like to hear.”

  “We aim to please—you and everyone else.”

  “I appreciate your joining me over here,” Clyde told him sincerely. Not to mention introducing him to his niece.

  Albert’s eyes crinkled. “You kidding? And miss out on a chance to move up a bit in the world? My pleasure, Clyde.”

  “About Stefani . . .” Clyde hesitated, not wanting to say the wrong thing. “I don’t know how much you—”

  “I know you two have become an item and I’m cool with it.” Albert patted him on the shoulder. “She’s a wonderful niece and I know you won’t hurt her and have to answer to me.”

  Clyde grinned. “Wouldn’t think of it.”

  “Then I hope things work out for you.”

  They were already working out better than he could have expected as far as Clyde was concerned. Stefani had given him a whole new reason to live; one he didn’t intend to turn his back on. He was happy to have Albert’s blessing to take this wherever it was meant to go.

  “Well, time to get the show on the road,” he said, taking a breath.

  “I’m with you all the way,” Albert told him genially.

  Trey took his seat beside Ivana for opening night of what he suspected would be a very successful venture he and Clyde had embarked on. After a hard life, Clyde deserved to find some success and happiness. Maybe even love in his life. Clyde had indicated to Trey that Stefani might be the one.

  Trey hoped that was the case, as the two of them seemed to belong together and Stefani was definitely a calming influence on his brother’s life. It was rather ironic to Trey that, while things seemed to be coming up roses for Clyde, he was still trying to get his own life together. On the surface, Trey and Ivana were still one of the most envied couples in Paradise Bay. But behind closed doors, they were anything but the ideal couple.

  Trey was still trying to make amends to his wife for past sins. Though continuing to sleep in separate rooms, they had managed to find more time for each other, including in bed. Trey sensed that Ivana was still holding back on him, unable or unwilling to give her all to him intimately or emotionally. He would take each day as a step forward, slowly but surely, determined to win Ivana back in full, loving her that much and never wishing to have a life without.

  Trey ordered cocktails, with an eye on not allowing Ivana to overdo it. The last thing either of them needed was for her to go off the deep end and ruin the grand opening, while setting things back in their progress as a couple.

  “You look beautiful tonight,” Trey told Ivana, and she watched his eyes admiring the designer crimson halter dress she wore.

  “Thank you.” Ivana gave him an appropriate, sweet smile. She didn’t necessarily feel beautiful, but it was nice to hear the words from him. At least if he focused on her, Trey’s eyes wouldn’t wander to Helene DeCroch, whom Ivana had spotted there with her husband. Or Stefani, who Trey seemed as attracted to as Clyde. Or am I just imagining all this and getting worked up over nothing?

  Perhaps Trey now really did only have eyes for the woman he was married to. Ivana wasn’t sure she could say the same as Clyde approached their table, looking resplendent and at peace with himself.

  “How’s everyone doing?” he asked, avoiding her gaze.

  “We’re fine,” Trey said.

  “Good.” Clyde scratched his cheek. “If you need anything—”

  “We’ll be sure to holler,” Ivana said with a catch to her voice, while wondering if he truly meant anything. Including anyone.

  He met her eyes briefly. “You do that.”

  “Go run your club,” Trey said affectionately. “We’ve got things covered here.”

  “All right.” Clyde nodded, patting him on the shoulder.

  Ivana watched him walk away, seemingly content with his life these days. She only wished hers was as satisfying. Maybe in time it could be again. Or would there always be obstacles to finding true happiness with her husband again?

  She sipped her drink and gave Trey another smile as he studied her as if to see if she was going to lose it. Ivana had no intention of making a fool of herself in public. She’d done that enough in private to last a lifetime. All she wanted now was a little peace and stability, even if both stood on shaky ground at the moment.

  “It’s time,” Clyde told Stefani after Winston had warmed up the full house with his terrific piano playing.

  “I’m all set,” she assured him.

  Clyde surveyed her stunning almond strapless crinkle gown. Her hair was pinned up and her mouth shone with mocha ice lip gloss. He wanted very much to taste those lips, but kissed her cheek instead so as not to mess up her makeup.

  “You are totally hot tonight,” he uttered.

  She flashed him an admiring smile. “You too.”

  “Maybe we can do something about that later. What do you think?”

  “I’m counting on it,” she said teasingly.

  Clyde met her eyes hungrily. “So am I. Every moment I’m with you, I don’t want to be anywhere else.”

  Stefani squeezed his hand. “You certainly know how to make a woman feel special.”

  He thought momentarily about Ivana. “That’s because you are special.”

  She lit up. “Thank you.”

  “No, thank you,” he said honestly. “Knock ’em dead out there.”

  “I’ll do my best.”

  A few minutes later, Clyde was transfixed as Stefani stood before her audience and the club was completely silent. She glanced at Winston and nodded, signaling the time to begin playing. She began belting out, “I’ll Be Seeing You.” This was followed shortly after by, “I Thought About You.”

  Clyde joined everyone in applauding. It was clear that Stefani had the crowd in the palm of her hand. She would do wonders to draw people in and keep others coming back. More importantly, Stefani was there for him at a time in his life that Clyde needed her. He didn’t take that for granted, or what they could do for each other in offering comfort and romance.

  “She’s really good,” Roselyn said.

  Willie studied the singer, having seen her cozying up to Clyde before she went on. Bet he’s banging her. Bastard. Something I wouldn’t mind doing if I had the chance.

  “I’ve heard better,” he grumbled and sipped the cocktail that had him feeling a bit courageous in combination with the joint he had smoked before coming to the club.

  “Where?” she challenged him. “Certainly not in Paradise Bay.”

  “Yeah, whatever.”

  Roselyn turned to him. “What’s got you in such a crappy mood? I thought you wanted to come?”

  Why would I be happy to be in a place owned by my sworn and bitter enemy? “I’m cool,” he told her. “Enjoy the show.”

  Willie felt antsy just sitting there. He got up.

  “Where are you going?” Roselyn asked.

  “To take a leak. Be back in a minute.”

  After separating from her, Willie took another look at the sexy singer
before heading in the direction where he saw Clyde going. It was time he told him what he really thought of his ex-homie and this club Clyde was using to hide from his past.

  “Glad you could make it,” Clyde whispered to Grant and Helene DeCroch. He made it his business to circulate amongst those who came, knowing it was a smart thing to do as an up-and-coming businessman. Even if there was some history between Trey and Helene that had indirectly led to Clyde getting it on with Ivana.

  “We wouldn’t have missed the grand opening for the world,” Helene said agreeably. “Thank you for inviting us.”

  “My pleasure,” he said, knowing that it was more Trey’s doing than his.

  “That singer is magnificent,” Grant said. “Where did you find her?”

  “I’ll never tell,” Clyde quipped, sensing that Grant’s interest was more than passing.

  “Well, if you’re ever foolhardy enough to let her go, she’s got a place at one of my hotels.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind, but I don’t expect Ms. McNeal to be vacating the premises anytime soon.”

  Grant grinned. “I would have been surprised if you’d said otherwise.”

  Clyde grinned back. So would I. He expected Stefani to be an important part of this club and his life for some time to come. He could even imagine them one day tying the knot and bringing a new generation of Lancasters into the world. The thought made Clyde consider that Trey had lost out on the chance to become a father. Whether another opportunity would come along for Trey and Ivana was anyone’s guess.

  One of the security staff interrupted Clyde’s train of thought. “We’ve got someone trying to stir up trouble,” he whispered. “Apparently this dude is asking to see you and refuses to take no for an answer.”

  Clyde raised a brow. “Where is he?”

  “Over there.”

  Clyde looked toward an area near the entrance and saw Willie Munroe glaring at him, while being restrained by Raymond and another staffer.

  How the hell did he get in here? And what does he want with me? As if I don’t know.

  Clyde took a breath and walked away smoothly so as not to attract attention to himself and away from Stefani.


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