Harlequin Kimani Romance June 2017 Box Set

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Harlequin Kimani Romance June 2017 Box Set Page 53

by Arthur, A. C.

  No one on the van ride to Atlanta could believe Zoe hadn’t stayed in Southwood for one more evening with Will. Kenzie, the main person rooting for a union between Will and Zoe, asked everyone to cut Zoe some slack. Luke sat in the van and ticked off a list of the places he freelanced for that were interested in her work for the same position. Zoe needed to come up with a new plan, and this time it might include having to move and try resettling someplace else. She sighed heavily and reached for the stack of mail on her counter, still hating the idea of leaving. Where else would she find a neighbor willing to drop off her mail while she was out of town?

  A soft knock came at the door. She figured it was either Mr. or Mrs. Doherty, coming to check on her after all the noise she’d made coming inside. Without thinking, she opened the door. It took several blinks for her eyes to adjust to the image in front of her.

  On top of her heart breaking, it now melted. Will, still in his suit, leaned against the jamb. The first three buttons at his neck were undone and the tie hung loose. A rustle of plastic caught her attention. Down by his side he held a takeout bag sporting the red, black and white of the Trinidad and Tobago flag.

  “You went to Trudy’s?”

  “I called it in. We were supposed to have our first official date when we got back to Miami, Zoe,” Will said with a calm voice. “We couldn’t decide on Monday or tonight, so I chose now.”

  “I’m not hungry,” she lied. The delicious scents caused her mouth to water.

  “I don’t understand. I didn’t peg you for a sore loser.”

  Of all the audacity in the world! Zoe’s mouth widened as a few choice words came to mind about Will and his nerve. “Sore loser?” she hissed. “How did you even know what apartment I live in?” The locks on her neighbor’s door clicked and Patrick Doherty poked his red head out. “Sorry to wake you, Patrick.”

  “Everything okay?”

  For a moment Zoe wondered if she needed to get rid of Will. He may have arrived with dinner but the way his eyes bored into her soul unnerved her. “I’m okay, thanks for asking.”

  After a reluctant few seconds, filled with five-foot-eight Patrick sizing up Will’s six-four frame, her neighbor nodded and went back inside his place. Zoe stepped back and allowed plenty of space for Will to enter her apartment.

  “Your address was on your résumé,” Will answered her. As he passed, she couldn’t help but be mesmerized by his powerful stride. He went straight to the open kitchen and set the bag down. Fragrant aromas from the Trinidadian chicken stew filled the air.

  Despite the rumble in her stomach, Zoe leaned against the counter and folded her hands. “Why are you here?”

  “We have a date.” Will helped himself to a view inside her refrigerator and shook his head. “This is funny.”

  “You’re mocking the contents of my fridge?” Zoe squared her shoulders.

  “I’m laughing at yet another thing we have in common.” Will widened the door. “We have matching contents.”

  Zoe rolled her eyes to keep from grinning.

  Will closed the door and turned to lean over the counter. He covered her hands with his. “I’m sorry with the way things ended with the CDD position, Zoe.”

  “It is what it is. And you warned me you weren’t interested in my work.” The key word in there was “work.” There was no doubting his attraction to her. Zoe thought about her newly discovered feelings. Somehow, this was not the moment to confess she was in love with him. Anger and disappointment still seethed within.

  “Don’t act like that,” said Will. “The board put the restrictions on me this morning. They specified that the makeup artist who did the winner would get the position. I’ve watched you work with the staff and crew at Magnolia Palace and I’ve learned to appreciate your work. I even was sure I knew your work. I looked for all the ladies with the drastic winged liner you do. I was sure Waverly was yours.”

  “Well, she wasn’t,” Zoe snapped. “She was Titus’s. Of all people, she was Titus’s.”

  “So are you mad at me for not voting the right person?” Will asked, squeezing her hand. His dark eyes pleaded with hers.

  Zoe tried to jerk her hand away but he held on to her. “Oh,” she chuckled sarcastically, “I believe you picked the person you wanted to pick.”

  “Zoe, I looked for everything you taught me over the past few days.” He let go of her hand and ticked off on his fingers the things he’d learned. “She even had the glittery mixed-matched lipstick thing you’ve been doing.”

  “That was from Ravens Cosmetics,” Zoe grunted. “I thought you gave that to us on purpose. The products were great for women, but not the group of young girls I was assigned.”

  Will shook his head. “How in the hell was I supposed to do that? I wasn’t allowed to see you all day.”

  “It was in the beauty box from your company,” she gritted through her teeth. Realizing this wasn’t going anywhere, Zoe took a step backward. “You know what? It doesn’t even matter anymore. Titus won and your frat brother won. That’s why you knew all along I wasn’t going to get the position.”

  Will stood back as well and held his hands in the air in surrender. “Hold up. I had no idea Titus and Waverly would be paired up or that Dominic decided to sponsor a beauty queen. The whole point of the separation from the contestants was so that we didn’t fraternize.”

  “Funny you mentioned frats. That’s not the vibe I got from Dominic.”

  “Wait, when did you talk to Dom?” Will rushed to Zoe’s side. “Did he say something that bothered you?”

  “He didn’t have to.” Zoe avoided Will’s touch. “He alluded to it enough. I just wish you would have told me.”

  Will didn’t take her attempt to brush him off well. He stepped even closer. So close, she backed up against the archway leading into the living room. Using the back of his knuckles he caressed her cheek. “I’m not sure what’s going on here. I didn’t know Dom was sponsoring anyone until after the pageant. Talk to me.”

  Zoe hated herself for melting. There were plenty of jobs she had gotten in the past and she didn’t need anyone to comfort her like this. But being here with him was different. If what he said was true, then there was no moment of conspiring against her or favoritism. Zoe’s eyes stung from the overwhelming sensation of feeling foolish. “Look, I get not getting the job. I can handle it. It just stings that it’s to someone like Titus. I’m bitter.”

  “You’re not mad at me?” Warm breath brushed against her nose when Will chuckled. “But bitter over Titus?”

  Not appreciating his laughter, Zoe pushed his chest away. “You’re laughing at my pain?”

  “No. Just your honesty.”

  Zoe moved toward the living room, all too aware of Will hot on her tail. She tried to focus on the bookshelves across the room on the wall, but only thought strangely of future photographs of the two of them, like at Lexi’s from her and Stephen’s wedding. “Something I figured you would appreciate.”

  Will wrapped his arms around her from behind. The bitterness slowly thawed. His forearms were cradled beneath her breasts and lifted the stress of their weight and her emotions. Zoe leaned into him, willingly allowing him to lead her to the sleet-gray couch. Chills ran down her spine from the feathery touch of his fingertips. “What can I do to make it up to you?”

  Zoe turned in to him. “Hire anyone else but Titus.”

  “What is the deal with you and Titus?”

  “Nothing other than the man not having an original thought in his brain.” Zoe wrapped her arm around Will’s shoulders. Her fingers splayed against the curly hairs at the nape of his neck. She pushed out an irritated sigh. “You say a lot of the contestants had the same winged eyeliner and the glitter lips, right?”


  “Titus has been stealing every design I do. That’s why my
designs on certain celebrities are so elaborate. I make them impossible for Titus to copy without getting caught, but as you know, no everyday woman walks around with a couture face.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me any of this before?” Will stroked Zoe’s thigh.

  “And sound like I’m a complainer?” Zoe shook her head, letting it rest on his shoulder. The beat of his heart comforted her pain. “I respect your decision. I’m resilient. I’ll make other plans.”

  Will pulled his head back, and wrinkles marred his perfect face. “Other plans?”

  “The reason I went after the Creative Design Director position is because I wanted something permanent in Miami.”

  Will stroked Zoe’s left arm and trailed it down to her hand where they locked fingers. “You’re not thinking about leaving here, are you?”

  “I don’t know,” Zoe said with a shrug. “I have a few weeks to think about it.”

  “Good,” Will said, maneuvering Zoe so her back rested against his chest. “I have a few weeks to convince you to stay in Miami.”

  Large hands stroked the swell of her breast and moved down toward her belly. Zoe moaned. The material of her dress crept up her legs as Will pulled it up. “I have a few jobs out of town,” Zoe moaned in between sharp breaths. “But if I want to do anything in beauty, I’ve got to go somewhere else. Ravens Cosmetics holds the monopoly on practically everything in South Florida.”

  “You’re leaving me?”

  “Well, not right now.” Zoe turned to tilt her face to his.

  Something about their mouths meeting, something felt right. Something felt like home. Zoe purred. His hands stirred at the apex of her legs. The panties she wore were instantly wet. Slightly embarrassed, Zoe—as much as she hated to—pushed Will’s hand away. “Will,” she moaned. “I just got off the plane. I haven’t showered.”

  Instead of listening to her, Will’s index finger circled her nub. The length of his middle finger slipped deep inside. Zoe bucked her hips forward and, obliging, Will pressed his palm against her, grinding against her flesh. The other hand slipped the through the V of her dress and freed her breast.

  Ecstasy consumed her. Heated blood boiled her bones. Zoe tried to get her thoughts together but it was hard, as hard as the erection pressing against her back. Will rubbed deeper, harder. His mouth skillfully worked hers and branded him on her. Their tongues reunited with a spark. Will used his legs to keep her legs spread wide. Moisture dripped from her body. She heaved, bounced and eventually rested her feet against the coffee table for leverage. Will hit the right spot over and over. Zoe broke the kiss. Her hands gripped the fabric of her couch and steadied herself with the right rhythm. Will pressed his lips against her earlobes and began to suck, and Zoe’s body went crazy. She cried out for him over and over with each orgasmic wave.

  “And now we shower,” Will whispered into her ear before sweeping her up into his arms.


  In the few weeks after Zoe and Will returned to Miami, they tried to have a normal relationship, but it was damn near impossible for Will to have Zoe to himself for more than a couple of days at a time. She’d flown out to LA for a celebrity wedding right after they returned from Southwood. Then they had two full days together, which they spent in her apartment without ever leaving the facilities. Right after that she drove up to Orlando for the annual MET Awards, where she was surrounded by celebrities, all of whom gave Zoe a shout-out when they won an award or gave her name when interviewed on the red carpet. Will hoped her excessive traveling while they developed their relationship would make her want to stay. According to Zoe, her parents maintained a long-distance relationship. Zoe swore she never wanted that for herself.

  “I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever,” Zoe wailed on her side of the FaceTime connection.

  Will glanced down at his blotter calendar. After this Labor Day weekend, Zoe would be in New York for Fashion Week. If she felt like they hadn’t seen each other much since they returned from Southwood, it was going to be even busier in the next few months.

  “Me, too.” Will tried to sound excited, when deep down inside he was equally frustrated. She’d warned him that her life was hectic. He understood now why she wanted something more permanent and he hated himself for not being the one to give it to her. “You don’t have my face as the screen saver on your phone?” The moment he said that, the five-minute timer on his computer screen expired and the selfie Zoe had taken of the two of them together out on her balcony filled the screen. Will pressed the space bar and brought up the projected figures in spreadsheets for Ravens Cosmetics.

  “You’re cute,” Zoe said drily.

  “And even cuter in person,” Will added. “Speaking of which, when do I get to see you?”

  “You’re seeing me now.” Zoe laughed and blew him a kiss.

  “I meant naked in my bed.”

  A pretty shade of red brushed across her cheeks. Someone near her laughed. A flutter shook his heart with the idea of her on the Fisher Island Ferry, heading toward his home on the barrier island neighborhood. She was close. “Where are you?” he asked, looking at the images behind her. She must have been sitting with her back against a wall.

  “I’m not alone but I was heading toward your place.”

  Knowing she was this close, he felt excitement flush him. The hands on the grandfather clock in his office slowly ticked away toward five, but since it was Friday, why the hell not kick the weekend off early? Half the support staff had left already, including Will’s secretary. So keeping up with everyone else, Will pulled his briefcase out from under his desk. This weekend they were going to have time together. Will had made arrangements to have everything they needed at the tips of their fingers in his home. He toyed with the idea of having a personal masseuse but broke the pencil in his hand in half at the idea of someone else touching her body.

  “Give me forty-five minutes and be naked when I get there.”

  “Will—” Zoe pleaded.

  Not wanting to hear a protest, Will slid his finger to the red icon and disconnected the line just in time. The door to his office pushed open without a knock. Donovan and Marcus entered.

  “Hey, little brother,” Marcus said, taking a seat. “Zoe must be in town.”

  Since the pageant, there had been no way to keep his relationship with Zoe quiet. Eva and Dana were already hounding him about when to have a wedding and whether he and Zoe wanted it in spring or summer. In his last email from Dana, she’d wanted permission to contact Jamerica Baldwin, Zoe’s mother. It wasn’t quite permission but more of a reminder that Dana still had modeling contacts she could use to get in touch with her. Right now, Will found the way his sisters teased him amusing. Nothing was set in stone. Will hadn’t even broached the idea of marriage with Zoe. Hell, compared with the intimate time at Magnolia Palace, the two of them barely spent any time together.

  “What makes you think Zoe’s in town?” Will asked.

  Donovan snorted and elbowed Marcus in the ribs. He leaned back in his seat and propped his feet on Will’s desk. “You’re about to pack up and leave for the day.”

  “It’s so cute,” Marcus mocked. He lifted his fingers in the air and pretended to pinch Will’s cheeks from across the room. “Don, you remember a few months ago when Will burned the midnight oil every night?”

  “Is there something the two of you wanted?” Will asked. He kicked his briefcase back under his desk.

  “We don’t want to alarm you,” said Donovan, “but the board just called an emergency meeting.”

  Will swore under his breath. “What now?”

  “I couldn’t get anything out of Charles or Brandon,” Marcus began, “but Dixon’s secretary has been pulling the data for the online work from Titus.”

  The online magazine was Titus’s field. The new CDD of Ravens Cosmetics had
sunk a lot of money into technology for people to order their cosmetics and products via their website. Because Titus held a tech degree, Will trusted him to sweeten the site.

  “And you know this how?” Will asked with a slow drawl. What ran through his mind was a potential lawsuit. They were beginning to run out of single women working at Ravens.

  As usual, Marcus smiled smugly and leaned back in his chair. “Don’t you worry your pretty little head over that. Your big brother is handling things.”

  Will decided to ignore the mental list of corporate crimes sounding off in his head with the illegal implications of what Marcus said. The last thing they needed was a lawsuit. “I’ll buy you a drink for taking one for the team.”

  “No worries. It was actually my pleasure.” Marcus shrugged his shoulders. “She was pretty hot and flexible. I think she only missed the Olympics in Brazil due to a hurt back. But her back is fine now,” Marcus concluded with a sheepish wink.

  Rather than listening to his brother’s escapades, Will preferred hearing the news. He cleared his throat and gained his brothers’ attention. “What did you find out about the data she’d been collecting?”

  “It was data on the Creative Design Director, the one you handpicked,” said Marcus, reminding Will of a choice he would never live down. “What were you thinking?”

  “Me?” Will gasped. “You were at the impromptu board meeting where they said whoever styled the winner of the pageant I voted for would get the CDD position.”

  “Which you still got wrong,” Marcus reminded him—something he reminded Will of every time they got together. This included the moment before Titus had attended his very first meeting. “Zoe was perfect for the job.”

  “And now she’s perfect for Will.” Donovan chuckled.

  “Can we get back to this meeting?” Will asked, resisting the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose to ward off an oncoming headache.


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