Dragon in the Mist

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Dragon in the Mist Page 10

by Julia Mills

  Drawing lazy circles around her swollen clit, Uther’s fingers continued to work Mara towards the explosive orgasm that he longed to see. Every few swipes he bent the tips of his fingers, gently brushing her sensitive bundle of nerves he intuitively knew drove her wild.

  Needing to taste her more than he’d ever needed anything in his very long life, Uther quickly removed his fingers, chuckled as Mara whined at the loss, then drove his tongue as far and as fast into her pussy as he could. The unique taste that could only belong to the one the Universe made for him exploded on the Guardsman’s tongue. Flashes of light burst before his eyes and his dragon continuously roared in his mind.

  Devouring his mate like a man possessed, Uther devoured every drop of the arousal that flowed from his Mara. She tasted of sunshine and home and everything right in the world. The more his tongue moved within her, the drunker he became. Her legs came over his shoulders and closed around his head. Breathing became almost impossible, and still, he consumed all she gave.

  Feeling her tense just a second before her orgasm overtook her, Uther doubled his efforts. Coming on his tongue, filling his mouth until her juices ran down his chin, Mara screamed his name as the Avenger continued to lick and tease his mate back to earth.

  Looking up, Uther found Mara smiling a lazy smile and gazing at him through passion-filled, half-opened eyes. His only thought was that he wanted to keep that exact look on her face for all of eternity.

  With his cock pulsing against the zipper of his black pants, but not wanting to leave the heaven between Mara’s thighs, Uther gave up the fight and in one fluid motion got to his feet. Throwing off his surcoat, he tore the black long-sleeved T-shirt over his head and reached for the buckle of his belt, shocked to find Mara’s hands already there.

  His eyes flew to hers. “What are ye…?”

  “It’s my turn, Mr. Blackthorne.” She winked with the perfect blend of mischief and love in her eyes, forcing all thoughts of anything but being buried deep inside from his mind.

  Undoing his pants, Mara never once lost eye contact. Pressing her body to his, the sensation better than anything he’d ever felt, her hardened nipples teased the muscles of his chest, making his mouth water with the need to taste her all over again.

  With her thighs pressing against his, Mara turned their bodies until the bed bumped the back of Uther’s knees. Wanting to be as naked as she was, but with his pants held up by his knee-length boots, Uther started to bend, but Mara was quicker and with her hands on his shoulders stopped his progress.

  Shaking her head, she gently pushed against his chest until Uther gave in and sat on the side of the bed before Mara drove the breath from his lungs by kneeling before him. The look she gave him through the fringe of her long dark lashes made his heart skip a beat.

  Needing to be inside her more than he needed his next breath, Uther grabbed Mara’s shoulders, attempting to pull her onto his lap, boots and pants be damned. But his mate simply shook her head, denying him the pleasure he so desperately needed with a twinkle in her eyes. His stunning mate had a plan, one she would not abandon, no matter how close to death she pushed him, and the Guardsman couldn’t be happier.

  Lifting first one foot and then the other, Mara removed his boots and then his pants. She ran her nails up his shins and across his thighs, stopping just inches from his straining cock before lightly drawing figure eights on his heated flesh, the friction of her touch against the smattering of his short dark hair, rose goosebumps all over his body.

  Mara’s thoughts were completely open to him. She let him feel as well as hear that his pleasure was her only focus. She wanted to please him as he had pleased her and mark him as hers, just as she was his.

  Coherent thought became impossible as her lips closed around his cock. The air fled his lungs when she sucked as much of his considerable length into her mouth as she could fit. Then with a slow precision that threatened the very fabric of his sanity, she worked him in and out of her mouth, her tongue massaging the pulsing vein that ran from base to tip.

  Uther’s head fell back as his body shook with the sheer power it took to restrain himself from lifting Mara off the floor, throwing her on the bed, and burying himself deep inside her. The pleasure she gave him literally threatened his very sanity.

  “Ye are killing me, mo ghrá,” he sent directly in her mind.

  Her answering chuckle was maddening and incredibly sexy as she teased, “You can do it, my mighty Avenger. I have so very much faith in you.”

  Any response he could have imagined was driven from his mind as Mara pulled her head back until only the head of his cock lay on her luscious lips. The tip of her tongue dipped into the slit at the very top, causing his erection to jump and the muscles in his thighs to shake. Continuing her exploration, Mara licked him like an all-day sucker while her hands closed around his balls and massaged. Her nails scratched against his ass, adding a whole new dimension to the web of love and seduction she wove.

  In one swift motion, Mara sucked him deep into her mouth, the tip of his cock touching the back of her throat as she hollowed her cheeks and swallowed while her hands worked the base of his shaft. Falling backward, his arms keeping him semi-upright as his balls drew tight to his body right before he released into her mouth, Uther’s shout of ecstasy echoed throughout the cottage.

  Floating back towards consciousness after experiencing the best orgasm of his life, Mara’s thoughts of undying love filled Uther’s soul as she continued to work him with her sweet lips. Needing to feel her skin against his in the worse way, Uther pulled his already hardening cock from her mouth and slid his hands under her arms.

  Resisting the motion, Mara instead pushed Uther onto his back, and as he watched she climbed over his body with the grace of a jungle cat. Her heavy breasts hypnotized him as they swung side-to-side with her hips following in the same seductive dance. The closer she came, the clearer he could see the evidence of her desire wetting the inside of her thighs and his body shook with the need to have her taste on his tongue.

  However, her hands on his chest and the look in her eyes stilled Uther’s movements. Licking her lips, Mara’s tongue wet a trail across the top and then the bottom. Unable to look anywhere but her mouth, Uther moaned in total bliss as Mara straddled his waist, his straining cock fitting perfectly between the full cheeks of her gorgeous ass. With her eyes locked on his, she rocked her hips back and forth, lifting ever so slightly in order to drag his erection through her juices.

  Growling low in his throat as Mara lifted to her knees, gripped his cock, and positioned it at her opening, Uther was sure he would die from the sheer pleasure of their first, true mating. But then his mate shocked him again as she slowly seated him deep within her.

  The fit together like two pieces of a finely cut jigsaw puzzle. Her body quickly adjusted to his girth, fitting around him like a glove. Sighing in unison, the sound of complete bliss a loving embrace between them, Uther could not believe how perfectly together they were.

  Through their mating bond, he could feel how important it was to his mate to control their first time together, so he resisted the urge to move as Mara’s body contracted more frequently and with more pressure until the Guardsman was sure he would embarrass himself.

  “I’m going to die beneath you, mo ghrá,” he panted, wheezing with the effort to breathe.

  “And what a way to go,” Mara chuckled, thankfully as breathless as he was.

  Finally, right before Uther lost consciousness, his mate lifted, tightened around him as she raised her body so high he feared falling from her. But Mara would not be denied, descending until he was buried deep, rolling her hips when she touched down, starting a rhythm…rising and falling…tightening and rolling…that drove Uther nearly insane.

  Cupping her breasts, Uther felt the pebble of her hardened nipple against his palm as he massaged her silky skin. The sight of his mate riding him with such wild abandon brought the dragon to the forefront, Brennus would no longer be de

  Grabbing her waist, Uther rolled them over until Mara’s blue eyes were looking up at him as she struggled to catch her breath. Her legs automatically tightened around him, her hands grabbed his shoulders, and his mate held tight as he began thrusting into her.

  Meeting him thrust for thrust, the sounds of their flesh slapping against one another mixed with their harsh breaths filled the room. The faster they moved, the louder Mara moaned. Her hands slipped from his shoulders, the wonderfully erotic bite of her nails sliding down his back as they loved one another as the Universe intended.

  Brennus roared. Uther’s back arched. Mara screamed his name and joy filled the Guardsman’s heart, knowing he’d driven his mate to such heights.

  Her pussy contracted tighter as his cock swelled and his balls again grew tight. They were both so very close, looking over the precipice of wild abandon.

  Reaching between their bodies, Uther rubbed his thumb against the tip of her throbbing clit. Mara’s nails bit deeper into his back. Her back bowed up until only the weight of his body kept her from flying off the bed as he slammed into her, bumping her cervix on every thrust.

  “Look at me, Mara,” Uther commanded as he lightly pinched her clit between his thumb and forefinger.

  Mara’s eyes snapped to his. Their hearts beat a single heartbeat in perfect unison and together, their climax made them both see stars.

  Mara’s pussy contracted around him, holding Uther tight, milking him of every last drop. When she finally began to relax, several spectacular moments later, he moved slowly in and out of his mate, wringing the last of her orgasm from deep within her soul.

  Uther’s heart clenched in his chest, and his dragon purred as Mara stretched beneath him, the lazy grin of contentment gracing her lips. Unwilling to leave the haven of his mate, the Guardsman rolled to his side taking his mate with him until their heads rested comfortably on the pillows at the head of the bed.

  It wasn’t long before Mara cuddled against his chest, her contented sigh leaving a path of heat across his cooling skin that caused him to give a tiny shiver.

  “Chilly?” She chuckled.

  “Never with ye, mo chroí. Never with ye in my arms.”

  Feeling her thinking, but trying not to be nosy, Uther waited patiently, confident his mate would share her thoughts with him. Seconds later, he was rewarded for his patience as she whispered, “I love you like no other, Uther Blackthorne, from now until eternity.”

  “And I love ye with all that I am, Mara Blackthorne. More with every beat of me heart.” Kissing the tip of her nose, he added, “I look forward to every moment of our eternity together.”

  “Right back atcha, big guy…right back atcha.”


  Following Uther and the jaguar named King, Kayne bitched under his breath as the rocks burnt through his gloves and the steam singed the tip of his nose. He knew they had to retrieve their brethren, knew the Berserkers were being held against their will and deserved to come home, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that something more than lost Guardsmen was buried in the depths of the mountain called Devil’s Kiss.

  Climbing onto the ledge, waiting as Drago and Angus, the last of their group, joined them, Kayne looked up at the apex of the mountain. It was amazing that Uther had climbed the damned mountain in front of him and rescued Mara not even twenty-four hours after digging himself out of a hole in the ground.

  See? That’s what being in love will do for ya’. Make you crazy enough to climb inside a volcano…

  Wondering how long it would be before the lava reached its boiling point and the volcano erupted, drenching the landscape and the sea with steaming rock and ash, a flash of light drew the demi-god’s attention.

  Narrowing his eyes, he used the enhanced perception of his Dragon King to study the billowing clouds of smoke, trying to locate what or who was crazy enough to be on the top of an active volcano. Zeroing in on what appeared to be a shadow, but had far too much substance to be a mere trick of the light, Kayne poured more magic into his preternatural sight.

  It took several long seconds, but what had been eluding discovery finally came into view, making the golden dragon doubt his own sanity. He recognized that long golden beak and those luxurious wings covered in thick tawny feathers, knowing they belonged to a bird most people thought was long gone from the world.

  But we know differently. Don’t we, pretty girl?

  Her eyes, yellow and round and magnificent in their ability to see more than most, met his. Ailill, the Dragon King with whom the demi-god shared his soul, growled, lifting his head, and flashing the horns on his head as a way of enticing the lovely fowl.

  Wondering why she was there, contemplating simply asking, the Strix beat Kayne to the punch. Her thick British accent and lilting tone filled his mind as she gave a single flap of her wings and rose into the air. “I see you, and yours have finally come to retrieve your lost kin.”

  “We have,” Kayne grinned.

  “Then I suggest you hurry. The one called Zared is fading fast. I can only do so much with the abilities I’ve been given. You dragons are a hard lot to heal.”

  Trying to understand what was giving the Strix so much trouble, Kayne’s heart ceased to beat as the huge mythical owl with the fantastic powers of intuition, foresight, and healing, pointed the tip of her beak downward and dove straight into the mouth of the volcano.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Kayne bellowed.

  “Your job, son of Lugh. Don’t like it? Hurry your ass up.”


  Book #1 in the Dragon Guard Series



  Sassy and stubborn have gotten Kyndel through everything life had to throw at her. Will her moxie help when destiny falls at her feet?

  Hundreds of years of loyalty to Dragon Guard have made Rayne a fearless leader. When the long-foretold pull of his mate rocks the Commander’s world to its core will he be able to save her from his enemies in time?

  The chemistry between this strong-willed curvy girl and fierce warrior makes all the difference in the world where nothing is as it seems. The existence of an ancient race of honor-clad, tradition-bound protectors might be hard to accept but now the dead are coming back to life and holding a knife to her neck.

  Can these fated mates defeat their greatest enemies and get their happily ever after?

  Fate Will Not Be Denied!!


  Dragon Guard #27

  Coming December 19, 2017

  It’s over the river and through the woods, and straight to Christmas hell for Chance Nichols. His twin has taken off on a mission to the Frozen North and most of the other Guardsman are cuddled up with their mates, so it’s up to Chance to get the Lair decorated before the snow begins to fall.

  One trip to town for decorations and Happy Holidays has turned into Scary Grinchmas. According to the latest report, the North Pole is completely shut down. The elves have revolted, the reindeer have flown the coop, and Mrs. Claus is on strike – talk about up the proverbial tree without an extension cord.

  Visions of sugarplums can’t fix this one. It’ll take a whole lot of dragon magic, sprinkled with fairy dust, and tied together with yards of tinsel and garland.

  Grab your eggnog and a bowl of figgy pudding, cause the Gingerbread Man has made a call and Fate is on the way. Never fear, if all else fails, we’ll be tangled in tinsel and singing Jingle Bells. There’s no better way to spend your holidays.


  Dragon Guard #29

  Coming Soon

  Decades trapped at the bottom of the sea. Doomed to spend eternity in a watery grave, the Guardsman known as Atticus had given up hope and then the impossible happened, he hears the voice of his mate.

  Tired of being the youngest and smallest, Tallulah longs for adventure, a chance to prove she has dreams bigger than the sea and possesses the strength and
determination to carry them out.

  Forced to the bottom of the sea by her dreams of a man in need, caught in the middle of an undersea earthquake that causes a tsunami, this strong-willed mermaid must not only fight to save herself and her sister, but also the man whose violet eyes haunt her dreams and speak to her heart.

  The waves are crashing against the shore, time is running out and as if things couldn’t get any worse…the Afanc have been disturbed by the storm and are seeking revenge against one of King Arthur’s own – a true descendant of an original Dragon King, an Enforcer.

  It may cost this little mermaid more than her tail to have her happily ever after, but she’s willing to give up every scale she has for the treasure of her dragon…if only Lulu knew it would be enough.

  The Sea may be a harsh mistress, but She never met Tallulah.

  Fate will not be denied…

  BAIN: Resurrection of Her King

  Kings of the Blood ~ Book 4

  Coming 2018

  The King pulled up to the same private hospital he had been visiting every month for nearly fifty years. It sat near the sea in the coastal city of Nafplio on the Peloponnese peninsula, tucked away amid a vast array of chalets and villas available for use by the millions of tourists that visited his homeland every year.

  Getting out of his car and taking a deep calming breath, Bain wondered how much longer his game of subterfuge with his brothers could go on. As it was, three of them had already found their fýlakas tis kardiás mou and the couples were spending more and more time in Greece. He feared it wouldn’t be long until they found out what he had been doing and who he had been hiding.


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