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Further To Fall

Page 21

by Catherine Cowles

  Switching off the hairdryer, I scratched Blue under his chin. “What a sweet boy you are.” I could swear he grinned. Slipping my phone and charger from my purse, I thanked my lucky stars that my bag had been in the living room and had escaped the intruder’s wrath. I had a missed call and text from Ford, wanting to see if I was okay and asking if I needed anything. Liam or Austin must have looped him in on what had happened. I shot him a quick text back, letting him know I was fine and slipped beneath the covers. The sheets were butter-soft. I let out a sigh. Heaven. I patted the mattress, and Blue leapt up, burrowing into a spot right next to me. I shut off the light and fluffed my pillow.

  As soon as I shut my eyes, my mind was filled with images of red writing and clothing torn to shreds. My eyelids popped back open, and I stared at the ceiling. Clearly, I wasn’t quite tired enough. I rubbed a hand over Blue’s fur, and he let out a contented snore, no trouble sleeping for him. For the next hour, I tossed and turned, unable to get comfortable. Then I started to think that I heard things outside, only to realize it was nothing. I was beginning to crack up.

  Giving up, I threw back the covers, startling Blue into a standing position. “Sorry, baby,” I said. “Want to go sleep with Austin?” Blue cocked his head to the side as if considering. “Come on.” I patted my thigh, and he jumped from the bed.

  I slowly opened the bedroom door and listened. No sounds came from across the way or the rest of the house. I bit my lip. Austin was probably already asleep. Tiptoeing across the hall, I knocked faintly on the door. Hearing nothing, I nibbled on my lip a little more. Should I just go in? Knock harder? Call his cell?

  The door swung open, and there stood Austin in black boxer briefs, eyes groggy from sleep. Holy hell, he was hot. I slowly looked up from his six-pack and the dusting of hair that disappeared beneath his waistband. “Everything okay?” His voice was gruff, only adding to the overall sexiness of the image. Good Lord, someone help me.

  “I couldn’t sleep.” My voice sounded just a little squeaky. “Do you think I could sleep with you? I promise not to molest you or anything.”

  Austin grinned at that. “Of course, you can.” He stepped aside and pointed to the bed. “Get in, and I’ll go get the dog bed.” Before I could tell him that I let Blue sleep with me, he was gone. He quickly reemerged, dog bed in tow. Austin set it down next to my side of the bed and then circled around to climb under the covers. He paused just as he was about to turn off the light and glanced from me to a forlorn-looking Blue, who sat expectantly at the side of the bed. Austin’s eyes came back to me. “You let him sleep in the bed, don’t you?”

  I sent him my most angelic smile. “I don’t want him to be lonely.”

  Austin groaned. “He’s not sleeping in my bed. Blue, go to your bed.” He pointed at the dog bed. Blue whined. “Blue…” Austin had the perfect I’m-serious dad face going on, and I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing. Blue huffed but settled into his bed. Austin clicked off the light. “See, you just have to be the alpha.”

  “Mm-hmm,” I mumbled, still trying not to laugh.

  “Come here, Firecracker.” Austin pulled me into his body, positioning my back to his front. Something very large and hard pressed between my butt cheeks, but I tried not to think about it. “Think you can sleep now?”

  I squirmed a little. “Yeah.”

  “Okay, sweet dreams.” He kissed the side of my neck and squeezed me a little closer to him. I let out a slow breath and closed my eyes, but as soon as I did, I was bombarded by the same images. My muscles clenched, and my eyes flew open. “What’s wrong?” Austin asked.

  “Every time I close my eyes, I see my wrecked bedroom. It’s like I can’t get it out of my head.”

  Austin had started drawing circles on my lower stomach as soon as I tensed up. Now, his fingers were trailing lower, and my body tightened for a whole other reason. “How about I give you something else to think about, okay?”

  “Okay,” I whispered. My voice suddenly sounded husky. Austin’s fingers slipped below the band of the boxers I was wearing, and I sucked in a breath. He trailed his fingers lightly through the dusting of hair I had and then lower. My legs automatically opened slightly as if he were controlling them himself.

  He slipped a finger between my lips and groaned in my ear. “You’re already wet. So responsive.” He dipped a finger inside, and my lower belly tightened. “God, you’re so tight. I can’t wait to be inside you.” My core clenched at his words. “You like that idea?”

  “Mm-hmm.” It was all I could get out.

  He bit down lightly on my neck. “Not tonight, but soon.” Austin continued to work his finger in and out of me. My body felt like it was winding up, growing tauter, like I would snap with one wrong move—but in the most delicious way. I moaned as he added another finger. There was a slight burning sensation that melted quickly into intensity. He trailed his thumb through the wetness that had trickled out of my opening and brought it to my clit. I gasped as he circled the bundle of nerves, making smaller and smaller circles as he pumped his fingers in and out of me.

  All of a sudden, I was spiraling down. I cried out as I clutched the sheets, breathing hard. Austin slowed his movements as I rode the wave of sensations, then he eased his fingers out of me and from beneath the sheets. I watched him as he brought those fingers to his mouth, sucking them clean. His eyes closed briefly. “Even more delicious than I thought.”

  I swallowed. “Will you show me how to do that for you?” I was sure my cheeks were as red as a tomato, but I wanted to give him the same pleasure he had just given me.

  He bent his head towards me, laying a soft kiss on my lips. “Soon. Tonight, was just for you.” Another soft kiss. “See if you can sleep now.”

  I burrowed back into Austin, the length against by backside had gotten unbelievably harder and longer. He groaned, stilling my movements. I kissed the arm that had remained under my neck. “Love you, Austin,” I said softly and then fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.



  I awoke to a dick so hard it could pound nails, and an empty bed. Neither of those things made me happy. I panicked for a moment when I didn’t see Carter or Blue, but then I smelled the scents of coffee and breakfast wafting from the other room and relaxed a little. She should have woken me.

  I swung my legs over the side of the bed and plodded into the kitchen. The sight that greeted me was pure heaven. Carter faced the stove, wearing my threadbare t-shirt, her delectable curves peeking out from beneath the fabric, and her legs seeming to go on for days. I searched for something else to focus my attention on and remembered waking up alone. “You didn’t wake me.” It came out a little harsher than I had intended. I blamed the pain in my cock.

  Carter turned at the sound of my voice, spatula still in hand. “Someone’s grumpy this morning.”

  Damn right, I was grumpy. I needed coffee and then a long shower where I could alleviate some of this pressure before I had an aneurysm. “I was worried.”

  She bounded over, giving me a far too brief kiss and then was back at the stove, flipping some bacon. “Sorry I scared you. Your stylist left some basics for me on the doorstep and a note saying she’d bring the rest by later today. Thank you for arranging that so quickly.”

  I froze. “You went outside? By yourself?”

  Carter slowly turned around, looking just a little sheepish. “You have a security fence and a coded gate. I had to let Blue out to do his business.”

  “From now on, you wake me up. Got it?”

  She grinned and turned back to the stove. “Sir. Yes, sir!”

  “Come here, you little smartass.”

  “I’m cooking.”

  I walked up behind her, slipping my hand beneath her shirt. I cupped her soft, warm breast. Her nipple beaded as I gently swiped my thumb across it. “You are such a troublemaker,” I whispered into her ear and then nipped the lobe.

  Carter gave a small shriek but panted as she said, “You�
�re going to make me burn breakfast.”

  I grinned into her neck. “Worth it.”

  She lightly shoved me away, my hand falling from her breast. “Go put some clothes on, you’re distracting me.”

  “Fine.” I smacked her ass before turning to head back to my bedroom. I quickly brushed my teeth and then went in search of clothes. As I entered the closet, I smelled something off. Flicking on the light, I didn’t see anything immediately out of place, but something definitely smelled bad. I pulled on track pants and a tee. Bending down to pick up my favorite sneakers, I froze with my hand inches away from the shoes. “CARTER!” I bellowed.

  She came running into the bedroom, a frantic look in her eyes, and Blue hot on her heels. “What’s wrong?”

  I felt bad for freaking her out, but then I noticed that Blue wouldn’t make eye contact with me and wasn’t following Carter into the closet. He looked guilty as hell. I narrowed my eyes at him and then turned my gaze to Carter. “Your dog shit on my favorite sneakers,” I said through gritted teeth.

  Carter’s hands flew to her mouth as her eyes went to the shoes. Then she started laughing. “I’m so sorry, he’s never done anything like that before.”

  “What the hell is wrong with him?”

  She straightened. “Nothing is wrong with him. He’s in a new place. He was probably nervous. And you, Mr. Meanie,”—she drilled a finger into my chest—“wouldn’t let him sleep in the bed with us.”

  I grabbed her wrist and pulled her to me. “Even your dog is a troublemaker.” I said it with a grin and then kissed the tip of her nose.

  “Come on, I’ll get a trash bag to pick up the poop shoes. Then we need to eat so I can get ready for work. Do you mind driving me?”

  She had started to pull away, but I dragged her back. “Are you serious?”

  Carter looked up at me with a furrowed brow. “You want to keep the poop shoes?”

  “Not about the fucking poop shoes, about you going to work. You can’t go to work right now. There’s some nutcase after you!”

  She sighed. “Austin, I have to go to work. I don’t want to lose my job. You can drop me off and pick me up. I won’t go anywhere alone, and I’ll have my phone with me at all times. Promise.”

  I groaned as she shot me her please-understand eyes. “Fine, but on one condition. And if you don’t agree, I’ll call your parents and tell them about everything that’s going on.”

  On the car ride back to my place last night, Carter had begged Liam not to tell his parents or hers about what was going on. She didn’t want to worry them when they were currently taking care of her grandmother, who had Alzheimer’s.

  Her jaw dropped. “That’s not fair.”

  “Take it or leave it.”

  She huffed, crossing her arms under her chest. “Fine, what’s the condition?”

  “One of my security guys sits in the hallway outside your classroom.”

  Carter glared daggers at me, but I didn’t give in. “Oh, all right,” she said after a lengthy stare down.

  Gripping the back of her neck, I brought her lips to mine. “See, compromise?”

  “More like coercion.”

  I grinned. “Whatever works.”

  “You can clean up your own poop shoes,” she said with a huff, pushing off my chest and turning to leave.

  After a hurried breakfast and a quick call to my head of security, John, we were on our way to Carter’s school. I wasn’t happy about it, but I knew John would be at the top of his game. Brushing my thumb across Carter’s knuckles, I asked, “Are you sure about this?”

  Carter had been quiet since we’d gotten into the car, and I was wondering if she was having second thoughts. “I can’t let this person control my life. That would be letting him win.”

  “You’re brave, you know that?” She sent me a small grin. “Just don’t be too brave, okay? If anything feels the slightest bit off, you get John and call me.”

  She squeezed my hand. “I promise.”

  John met us in the parking lot, and after brief introductions, we headed inside. Carter kept a firm hold on my hand as we walked down the familiar hallway. “I need to get John a visitor’s pass and explain why he’ll be lurking in the hallway for the time being.”

  “Lead the way, Firecracker.” After a few minutes explaining the circumstances to the principal, he reluctantly agreed to let John stay. It might have been my death glare that convinced him.

  As we filed out of the office, I spotted that douchebag, Kyle. Carter stiffened at my side when she saw him headed our way. Slinging an arm over her shoulders, I pulled her flush against my side. She melted into me. “Good morning, Kyle,” Carter said, the picture of polite professionalism.

  “Carter,” Kyle greeted stiffly. “What’s with the entourage?” he asked without glancing at John or me. What a piece of work.

  Carter fidgeted next me, so I spoke up. “Carter’s having a little trouble with a creep who can’t seem to get the message, so John here is her new security detail.”

  Kyle’s eyes darted from Carter to me and back again. “You can’t be serious?” he spluttered. “If you’re having trouble, it’s probably one of the riff-raff he associates with regularly. That’s what happens when you surround yourself with the bottom of the barrel of society, Carter. You need to get away from him. Surely, you can see that.”

  I was going to pound this prick into the pavement. John must have sensed my aim because he grabbed hold of my arm, growling low into my ear, “That’s exactly what he wants.” He was right, of course. This guy was probably hoping I’d take a swing at him and get banned from campus.

  There was something about Kyle that had never sat right with me, something slimy about his good-guy persona. I always thought it was just that he wanted in Carter’s pants, but maybe her stalker was standing right in front of us. I didn’t know much about his and Carter’s relationship, but Liam had assured me it was never serious. Maybe them never being serious stuck in Kyle’s craw, or maybe he had deluded himself into believing their relationship was. I definitely needed to get Massey to look into this guy.

  Carter stepped in between the two of us. “Kyle, enough! Don’t talk about Austin like that. If you don’t stop with these ridiculous insults, I’ll file a report with Principal Hughes.”

  Kyle’s face was getting redder by the second. He looked moments away from stroking out. “Lie down with dogs, and you’ll wake up with fleas. I’ll see you around, Carter.” He stepped around Carter and stomped down the hall.

  Carter’s shoulders slumped. I reached out to bring her to me, but when she felt my hand, she spun around, her eyes blazing. “You baited him! You basically accused him of being my stalker!”

  I purposely kept my voice low. “He could be your stalker. That guy is a total creep.”

  “My stalker could be anyone. Literally, anyone. You making things more awkward and uncomfortable with someone I work with and have to see almost every day is not helping anything.”

  I deflated a little at that. “I’m sorry, baby. You’re right. I’ve just never liked that guy.”

  She let out a long breath. “I know. I don’t like him much anymore either. He certainly showed his true colors. I can’t believe I dated him.”

  “You dated that tool?” John piped in.

  “What can I say, your boss broke my heart. I was willing to try anything to get over him.” She said it with a small smile on her lips.

  I grabbed her around the waist. “Such a smartass,” I said, kissing her hard on the mouth.



  I walked into the living room, Blue trotting behind me, and found Austin sitting on the couch, knees spread wide in that quintessential guy stance, scrolling through something on his phone. The fading late-afternoon light hit his face just right, warming the apples of his cheeks and highlighting his cut jaw. He was beautiful. I knew a guy would never want to be called beautiful, but that’s what he was. My heart clenched. God, I loved him.
r />   Hearing the soft footfalls my socked feet made on the tile, he looked up. “Hey, babe, what sounds good for dinner?”

  I didn’t answer. Instead, I plucked the phone from his hand and set it on the coffee table. Then I steeled my nerves and straddled him. His eyes widened slightly, but his hands immediately went to my hips. “You know, I’m not all that hungry at the moment.”

  “You’re not, huh?” Austin’s fingers flexed into the flesh at my sides.

  “Nope.” I leaned in and brought my mouth to his. Tasting a bit of bitterness from the beer he had been drinking and that flavor that was uniquely Austin, I groaned slightly into his mouth.

  He slipped a hand beneath my t-shirt, trailing up the small of my back and around to my stomach. “So smooth. I’ll never get tired of touching your skin.” I needed the barriers between his skin and mine gone. I took my hands from his shoulders, moved them down to the hem of my shirt, and pulled it up and over my head. Austin’s eyes were fixed on the swells of my breasts peeking out from my new blush lace bra. I reached back and unfastened it, letting it fall to the floor. He continued to stare, then lifted his eyes to mine. “So damn pretty.”

  He skimmed his hand higher, swiping his thumb across my nipple in the way I loved. “More,” I said, biting back a moan. Austin dipped his head and took my pebbled bud into his mouth. This time, I did cry out, loudly. The pulls on my nipple sent zings of pleasure directly to my clit. My head fell back as he moved to the other nipple.

  He nibbled lightly. “I wonder if I could make you come like this?”

  “Please.” I was panting.

  “My eyes! Dear God, my eyes, they’re burning!”

  Those words, spoken by that voice, were a bucket of ice water thrown on my overheated body. I shrieked, throwing my body forward so that my chest was pressed up against Austin’s, concealing myself.


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