My Sister's Boyfriend (The Trouble With Twins 1)

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My Sister's Boyfriend (The Trouble With Twins 1) Page 7

by Sylvia McDaniel

  “Because we could have a lot of fun with this information and Brent Moulton. He is attracted to you, isn’t he?" she queried.

  "I'm not certain. One moment I think he's interested and the next he's done a complete three-sixty. Two weeks ago he was upset with me because I vetoed his bachelor auction. Now all I know is that he likes my homemade chicken soup.”

  “Chicken soup?”

  “Never mind, that’s a different story,” Jennifer said, glancing at the clock and knowing that she had to leave very soon.

  Julia took a sip of coffee, gazing intently at her twin. "You still haven’t told me how you feel about him. Are you still in love with him?"

  She'd so wanted to avoid this question, but knew instinctively that Julia would not let her back away from the truth. "Of course not. I was a kid then. It’s been too many years, and we’re different people now. Besides, he’s completely commitment phobic."

  "Commitment phobic?"

  "Yeah, as in, he's never marrying because his father's been married five times and is about to go through yet another divorce."

  "Whoa, I can understand why," Julia said with a frown. "Brent thinks he slept with me, and you still have feelings for him, and he's not interested in marriage. Hmm…"

  "I no longer have feelings for him. He’s incredibly smart, sexy, and entertaining. Fun to date, nothing more," she said, though from the look on Julia's face, she knew her twin wasn’t listening.

  "The solution is simple you know," Julia said, her eyes wide, her expression matter-of-fact. "Don't tell him it was you all those years ago, and then seduce him."

  “Seduce him? Who said I wanted to have sex with him again?”

  Julia rolled her eyes at her. “Come on, I recognize the signs.”

  How could she deny it when the thought had crossed her mind many times? God they looked alike and sometimes even thought alike. "And what would that gain me?"

  "You either get him out of your system once and for all, or Brent will realize that he was with the wrong twin all those years ago."

  "Seems too simple," Jennifer responded. Would one quick boff get him out of her mind? Besides, too many years had passed for him to realize it was her, not Julia, that night. Yet maybe she could get on with her job at County General and erase him from her memory once and for all.

  But could she seduce Brent and then walk away? Casual sex was not something she usually indulged in.

  “It’s the K.I.S.S. principle: Keep it simple, stupid.”

  Jennifer glanced at her watch, set her coffee cup on the table, and gave Julia a slow smile. "I have to run, but I’ll give your advice some consideration."

  Julia waved her hand. "Go to your class, and we'll talk about the seduction of Brent Moulton later. It'll be fun."

  Jennifer walked by and gave her sister a hug. "Thanks for being so understanding. Most sisters would never forgive me for what I did."

  "We all do foolish things when we're young." Julia laughed. "Me and Brent Moulton doing the nasty in the back of his car. Ha! That's the best laugh I've had in years. I should feel sorry for the poor confused man, but I don't."

  Chapter Five

  The Tai Chi class helped clear some of the fuzziness from Jennifer's mind, yet she still felt the need to practice her moves. Mainly she hated being indoors on such a beautiful spring day. So she took the hiking path away from the recreation center until she came to a clearing in the midst of the tall pine trees. In a remote section of the park, she practiced the first circle of Buddha's stamp, her mind focused on her breathing and on moving her arms and legs correctly. She shifted her weight to her right foot and curved her arm in front of her.

  The sound of someone running came from behind, but she continued with her right arm curved horizontally, her palm facing up. Her eyes were open, but she focused on relaxing, trying to keep her toes pointed in the right direction as she pivoted on her heels.

  Laughter erupted behind her, jerking her out of the calm atmosphere she'd created.

  "Are you trying to scare the birds or look like one?"

  Startled, she recognized Brent’s voice as she continued her movement. She turned and gave him a once-over. Her heart accelerated at the sight of him in running shorts, his firm, tan thighs clearly defined by the skimpy shorts that clung to his long legs. Her gaze traveled up to the tank top that outlined his broad muscular shoulders all the way up his neck, to the full lips that grinned at her. There were no visible chicken-pox marks remaining.

  Her throat seemed to swell as his eyes danced with emerald merriment. "I like what I'm doing. Anyone can run, but not everyone can do Tai Chi."

  She spun around, and her hand connected with his hard chest when he stepped into her path. For a moment she stared into his gaze, feeling his warmth envelope her like a blanket in the warm sun.

  "Hmm…I like that move. Should we try it again?" he asked, his voice low and suggestive. "If I move around here, you could curve your arms around me like this."

  He pulled her arm around his waist, fitting her snugly against him. She looked up into his eyes, and her breathing changed from deep and slow to quick and shallow.

  "I think that's called a seduction move, not a Tai Chi move." She stepped out of his embrace, needing to put distance between them.

  "Can't blame a guy for trying," he said with a smile that turned her knees to liquid.

  Gazing at him, she couldn't help but think of the conversation she'd had earlier with her sister. The seduction of Doctor Moulton. Hmmm…

  “Hey, thanks for bringing me soup and keeping me company last week. It meant a lot.”

  She gave him a long glance. “I’m not seeing any spots, so you must have recovered.”

  “Oh I still have a few left, but I’m better. I return to work on Monday.”

  Why was she so attracted to this man? He was muscular, sweaty, and wearing an Oklahoma Sooners tank top. She'd graduated from the University of Texas at Austin, a long-standing OU rival, and yet when he smiled at her, she felt a rush more powerful than any prescription drug.

  "Since I’m better does this mean our truce is over and come Monday we’re back to fighting one another over the bachelor auction?”

  “What fight? There will be no bachelor auction.”

  He laughed but didn’t reply.

  “You obviously don’t give up very easily, but then neither do I.”

  She took a step closer to him, not certain of what she intended but wanting to be nearer to him. Did she still care about this man, or would one quick tumble in his bed cure her of this attraction as Julia suggested?

  His green eyes darkened, and for just a moment she thought she saw lust backlight his gaze.

  "I've been trying to understand why you don't want to do this bachelor auction," he replied. “We could raise a lot of money.”

  She gazed up at him. "It's not too difficult to understand. I don't believe in capitalizing on another person's situation in life. It seems barbaric for men and women to bid for a date with someone. I find the suggestion offensive and not something that a public institution should participate in."

  "Lighten up. It's for charity, and it's all done in fun. We should focus our efforts on raising money for the children.”

  "I agree we should be focusing on the children. My job as the hospital’s development director is to do fund-raisers that benefit the hospital and protect its image. I’m not willing to risk my job for a bachelor auction.”

  “Your job’s not in jeopardy.”

  “I agree, because I’m not going to risk it. And even if I did, what happens if no one bids on one of the participants? Have you considered how that person would feel? To stand in front of a crowd and have no one bid on him or her?"

  Jennifer watched him consider that possibility. "That's something I could control."

  "Oh please," she said in frustration. "Spoken just like someone who always thinks he can control everything around him."

  He took her by the arms, and she felt the zing of
his touch all the way to her toes. She glanced up into his gaze, her flesh warm beneath his touch. Their eyes locked in a silent battle of wills.

  "I think maybe a quick dip in the pool would cool you off a bit," he said, his voice husky and playful.

  She stood her ground, bringing her arm up in a slow Tai Chi move, and pushed her palm against his solid chest gently but firmly until he dropped his hold. Sure, she'd shown him her strength, but now she missed his touch.

  They both stood for a moment staring at one another, feeling the tension vibrate through the air. From the moment he touched her, the atmosphere had changed. It felt charged, only needing a spark to set off an explosion.

  Brent smiled. "Impressive. Remind me not to get into a fight with you."

  "Tai Chi is much more than just martial arts training. Its focus on balance helps in all areas of your life and teaches you faith that you will be able to stand by yourself or resolve conflicts with hand pushing by coordinating or cooperating with others. I simply pushed with my hand until you retreated."

  He held up his hands. "I surrender. Take me away and do with me as you will. Just don’t hurt me too much," he said with a wink.

  She shook her head, unable to keep from grinning at his silly antics. "I'm sure my sister's business has an outfit I could borrow. One of those all-leather dominatrix outfits. You know: whips, chains, and high heels."

  He covered his eyes. "Please, that's an image a single man doesn't need to envision. You in leather will have me running this track all day."

  She laughed. "Well, you did bring it up."

  He shrugged. "That’s not all that came up at the vision of you in leather."

  For a moment she didn't say anything, and then her cheeks flushed at his meaning. She felt off balance and hot all at the same time.

  "I need to get home."

  "Running away?" he taunted.

  Yes, she wanted to reply. She was running from the passion that overwhelmed her at his touch. Running scared because more and more she thought about seducing Brent one more time. The man's touch had her engine humming and convinced her she definitely needed another test drive.

  "I'm retreating," she taunted, knowing she wasn’t the type of woman who played with men like Brent. "At least until I have a comeback for that last line of yours.”

  “That will never happen,” he responded. He paused for a moment as he carefully considered her.

  “Just like your bachelor auction will never happen,” she said slowly, letting her words sink in. “Our next committee meeting will certainly be interesting. I'll be ready for you Dr. Moulton."

  "I can hardly wait," he said, trailing a finger down her cheek. "Until our next meeting." He took off running, and she watched the muscles in his legs flex with his powerful stride. How could a man drenched in sweat leave her so hungry?

  Because her mind conjured up images of him naked, gasping with a fine sheen of sweat and a satisfied glow about him.

  Yeah, Julia was right. She needed to seduce him and get him out of her system once and for all just so she could get on with her life.


  Brent walked down the hall of the pediatrics wing and nodded to a nurse he knew. She smiled and continued on her way. He heard the crying of a baby, and the sound of its mother’s soothing voice. It felt good to be back on the job. Nothing could be more important than taking care of children. He felt passionate about his job and the importance of taking care of future generations. The new wing would benefit his patients, and he’d do everything in his power to see the building built.

  No matter what, he had to keep that thought in the uppermost region of his mind. The new wing could help so many children, and whatever means it took to raise the money were acceptable.

  Even if that meant hurting Jennifer.

  He cringed at the thought and hated these new feelings of guilt regarding her. She’d taken care of him while he was sick when no one else, not even his own family, had seen after his needs. And yet he was going to repay her kindness by going behind her back.

  It seemed cruel even for him.

  But the new wing would help so many children. He shut his mind off, refusing to think of the consequences of his actions today.

  At the nurse's station he saw Jerry, the male nurse he sought, and hurried to his side.

  "Hey Jerry, are you busy?"

  "Welcome back, Doctor. Things are quiet at the moment. Is there something you need?"

  "I have a question for you. I'm considering a bachelor auction to raise money for the new pediatrics wing. Right now, I'm trying to see how many bachelors I could get to participate."

  "What do you mean a bachelor auction? I wouldn't have to strip or anything would I?"

  "Of course not. Women would bid for a date with you."

  Brent watched the man's chest puff out. "You mean as in they would take me out and show me a really good time?"

  "That's it."

  "Sign me up. If the lady’s paying, I'm game."

  Brent laughed. "I don't know if this thing is going to fly, but right now I have five bachelors who are ready to put their bodies on the line for the new pediatrics ward, so we'll see if the administration agrees."

  Jennifer Riley would hate him, but he would be one step closer to getting the new wing of the pediatrics department. And maybe in her anger, he’d be safe from his attraction to her.

  "You need to sign up Stephen. That RN has women drooling all over him." Jerry rolled his eyes with exaggeration.


  Brent searched until he found Stephen Gibson, a twenty-eight-year-old single male, in one of his patients’ rooms.

  "Good morning," he said as he walked into the room of a seven-year-old who'd recently had his appendix removed. Brent hoped the surgeon released the boy to go home today.

  "How are you feeling, Matt?"

  "I want to go home," the kid whined.

  His mother stood by the side of the bed. Stephen checked the child's IV drip.

  "Maybe today," Brent said, lifting the child's gown to check his incision. "It looks really good. Have you been walking the hall with your Mom?"

  "She wouldn't let me play in the game room."

  Brent laughed. "Well, maybe she'll take you back down to the game room later."

  "We walked to the end of the hall, and he seemed tired, so I brought him back to the room," the boy's mother said. "So he's doing okay?"

  "He's going to be fine. His chart shows his temperature is down and there's no swelling around the incision. If the surgeon agrees, I think we’ll send you guys home today."

  "Great," his mom said with a relieved sigh.

  "But I want to go to the playroom!"

  "As soon as they take your IV out, I think you could go," Brent told the little boy.

  Stephen started toward the door, and Brent felt anxious to follow him but knew that duty came first.

  Brent wrote his directions on the boy's chart. "Matt is to take it easy for several days when he gets home. No rough play, no strenuous exercise. You'll need to call my office for a follow-up visit unless he starts running a fever, and if that happens, call me immediately."

  "Thank you, Dr. Moulton," the mother said, reassured.

  "You're welcome. See you later, Matt," Brent said to the boy and hurried out of the room after the male nurse.

  When he got outside the door, he rushed down the hall after Stephen. He turned the corner to see the sought-after nurse talking to Jennifer at the nurses’ station.

  The peach-colored suit she wore left her pale complexion golden and her blue eyes intense. Her lips shone with a pale lip gloss that made her mouth look ripe and kissable. And the urge to taste her rocked him.

  The memory of her in his kitchen fixing him dinner was a pleasant reminder of how she’d cared for him when he’d been so sick. Guilt rocked him, and he tried once again to push the thoughts aside.

  He couldn’t think of Jennifer, but rather how many children would benefit from the auction.
  She laughed at something the nurse said, sending trails of awareness down his spine. He loved the way she laughed. Yet he responded with a visceral reaction, which meant absolutely nothing, he told himself, except that his body responded to beautiful women. A typical male reaction that he chose not to explore.

  So what was Jennifer doing with Stephen? The guy had a reputation for dating half the female staff. A surge of jealousy swept through Brent, and he frowned at the unexpected feelings. He had no reason to feel this way.

  She glanced at Brent and gave him a brilliant smile that sent his pulse racing. Another visceral reaction, nothing more.

  "Good afternoon, Dr. Moulton."

  "Good afternoon, Miss Riley."

  Jennifer’s cell phone vibrated and she glanced down at the raucous noisemaker. “Excuse me. I need to take this.”

  She walked over to the desk, leaving Brent and Stephen alone. He felt bad for not being honest with Jennifer, but he had every intention of winning this challenge. He needed to show Jennifer that this bachelor auction was a viable way to raise money. Yet he also felt a twinge of guilt at blatantly lying to her—until he thought of the children the money could help.

  "Stephen, I'm trying to find out how many guys here in the hospital would participate in a bachelor auction for charity."

  The nurse looked at him oddly. "A bachelor auction?"

  "Yeah, you know, where women bid on a date with you. You go out with whoever wins the bid and the donated money will be used for the new pediatrics ward."

  Stephen shook his head. "You’re actually recruiting bachelors?”

  “Yes,” he replied tersely.

  “I would have thought that Miss Riley would be setting up the charity events, not you, doc."

  "She is, but she didn't like my idea. Said it was barbaric. But we need to raise two million dollars for this project, and I know we can make money with guys like you signing up. You know how badly this hospital needs a new pediatrics wing."

  For a moment the male nurse stared at him as if he were crazy. "Yeah, we do need a new pediatrics wing, but I’m not willing to sell my soul for it. The latest gossip on the rumor mill is that you're hot for this woman." He paused. "Let me give you a piece of advice, Doctor Moulton. She isn't going to like you one bit for doing this behind her back. In fact, she's going to hate you. Give it up or lose the woman."


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