My Sister's Boyfriend (The Trouble With Twins 1)

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My Sister's Boyfriend (The Trouble With Twins 1) Page 12

by Sylvia McDaniel

  “It’s going to raise a lot of money. I won’t let you be fired.”

  “I hope not.”

  Yet the bachelor auction stood between them, an ugly secret, along with his history with her sister. This relationship seemed doomed from the very beginning, yet he still couldn't help but hold out a small amount of hope. And that was odd. Before, he would have just walked away.

  There was a moment of strained silence until she asked, "The list of participants does include you, doesn’t it?"

  He felt awkward. "No, I thought I'd be so busy helping run the event that I wouldn't have a chance to participate."

  "Oh, no. I have plenty of volunteers, so you'll be able to stand in line with all the other bachelors and take your turn up on stage. You are a bachelor, Brent. And you do want to raise money for the new pediatrics wing of the hospital."

  Brent swallowed, his throat suddenly getting tight. How could he say no?

  "I’m sure Chairman Weaver would want to know you participated.”

  The threat hovered in the air. She played hardball, and how could he deny her after everything he'd done to her the day before? "Of course. I'm looking forward to the night."

  "It's going to be an interesting evening."

  "So we're okay?" he asked, wondering at her sudden change in attitude.

  "I'll do everything that I can to help make this auction a success for the children of Smith County. They're our real focus, not the two of us."

  A trickle of unease wound its way down his back. She was being nice, yet he felt like Jennifer Riley had just put a target on his back.

  Chapter Ten

  Jennifer looked around at the crowded reception hall. The last two weeks had flown by with the preparations for the auction consuming every waking moment and even some of her sleep time. So far she'd managed to make sure that she was never alone with Brent, keeping him at a distance. She’d gotten over her anger, but still he was dangerous to her emotions and her psyche.

  Yet if tonight was as successful as it appeared, how could she harbor any lingering feelings of resentment? Not only would the hospital raise money for the new pediatric wing, but ultimately the children of Cook County would benefit.

  Regardless of how the bachelor auction had gotten started, it appeared the end result would be successful. And how could she criticize a man for helping children? His caring nature was one of the things she admired most about Brent.

  If only he could share that same nature with her.

  Warmth stole over her as she sensed his presence behind her.

  "Over five hundred people have come through the door this evening," the deep voice she'd been avoiding all afternoon said close to her ear.

  She whirled around and looked into his warm emerald eyes and wondered once again why this man held such a grip on her heart. No matter how angry she'd been, her heart still leaped at the sight of him.

  An unrestrained smile spread across her face. Nervous excitement pulsed through her as she thought of her plans. "The silent auction is going very well. At this moment some of the items are bringing more than double what we expected."

  "And the bachelor auction starts in ten minutes," Brent said excitedly. A serious expression came across his face. "Look, you've been great about the auction. Regardless of your feelings, you got behind it, and no matter what happens tonight, you've been wonderful."

  "Thank you, but the night is far from over," she gently reminded him.

  "I know, but you've worked hard to make my idea a success, and I wanted to personally thank you."

  For a moment Jennifer felt a twinge of guilt. Yes, she had worked hard to make tonight a success, but the night wasn't over, and she had plans of her own. At first, she’d intended to even the score, but as she looked around at the success of the event, she knew he’d been right. Tonight her position as development director of County General would be viewed as a complete success because of Brent.

  "Thank you, Dr. Moulton. I think our goals were the same, only we had different ways of achieving them." She paused, realizing how far they'd come in the last few minutes. "You better go. Your turn in the spotlight awaits you."

  "Are you going to watch?" he asked.

  "I wouldn't miss it," she responded, hoping her voice didn't betray her. "I'll be on the sidelines handing out drool rags."

  He shook his head, his smile wide and inviting. "Let's just hope we raise lots of money."

  "Yes," she replied and watched him walk away, unable to keep from noticing his tight little tush.

  Thirty minutes later, Jennifer sat in stunned disbelief as women haggled over a date with a professional football player. The bid started at five hundred and quickly rose to five thousand, where the contest had narrowed down to a tug of war between two women old enough to be grandmothers.

  If this continued, they would raise more money tonight than she'd dreamed possible. She only wished that Brent had come to her with the results of his impromptu arrangements before their meeting with Chairman Weaver. Yes, she'd been relentless in her effort to prove her capabilities as the new development director, but this was her job, and she wanted to do her best. Yet there was a stubborn side of her which would probably never have listened to him if the chairman hadn’t forced her.

  "Sold! Cowboys running back, Louis Stapleman goes for six thousand dollars to bidder number twenty-three." The crowd applauded. "Don't know where you two are going, but for that kind of cash, I hope you have a good time."

  The crowd of mainly women laughed before focusing on the next auction.

  "Our next bachelor is Dr. Brent Moulton, one of the organizers of this event. Tell us a little bit about what you like to do on a date, Dr. Moulton. And what kind of lady you're looking for."

  Brent took the microphone from the local disc jockey who had volunteered his services tonight. "Is everybody having a good time?" The crowd cheered. "I want to thank everyone for coming out tonight. And a special thanks to the hospital’s new development director, Jennifer Riley, for doing such a great job."

  The lighting guy turned the spotlight on Jennifer, and she waved to the crowd. The big geek had singled her out, yet she felt warm that he'd acknowledged her help in such a public way.

  "Okay, Dr. Moulton, tell us your dream date," the disc jockey said."

  Brent tilted his head and smiled widely. "My dream date would be to go to a nice restaurant and then come back to my house and get wet together." The crowd laughed at his entendre. He glanced over at Jennifer, and she met his gaze. "I have a swimming pool or a hot tub. Either one is a great way to end the evening. It doesn't matter what we do, just as long as I'm with a woman I enjoy."

  "Whoa, Dr. Moulton, we're going to be here all night, if I don't take the microphone away from you."

  The crowd laughed, and Brent grinned at them sheepishly. "So, who will make the first bid?"

  Jennifer stood up and waved her number. "One dollar."

  Everyone laughed at the opening bid.

  “Five hundred,” Taylor, one of the committee members, called out.

  For the next few moments she and Taylor battled over the young doctor, and Jennifer was determined to win.

  "Eleven hundred," Taylor said, countering Jennifer’s latest bid.

  "Twelve hundred," Jennifer insisted.

  Brent looked over at her and smiled. Oh, he had no idea, what kind of water works she and Julia had planned for him.

  "Thirteen hundred," the redhead said.

  "Fourteen hundred," Jennifer retorted, her voice steady.

  Taylor stood up, her bottom lip thrust out in a pout. "You just aren't going to let me win, are you?"

  The audience laughed at the spectacle the woman was making of herself while Jennifer raised her brows more determined than ever.

  "Fifteen hundred," the woman whined.

  "Sixteen hundred," Jennifer answered, knowing with certainty she'd drain her bank balance before she'd let Taylor win this bid.

  This time the woman didn't respond, a
nd Jennifer knew she'd won. She'd spent a ridiculous amount of money on a date with Brent Moulton.

  For revenge? It had started out that way, but after his apologies and the fact he’d made her look good, how could she carry out the plan she’d discussed with Julia? How could she get even? No, their date would be so much more.

  "Sold, for sixteen hundred dollars."

  Brent hurried off the stage and came up to her. "Should I be worried that you paid so much to have a date with me?"

  She smiled wickedly at him. "Maybe."

  "So what do you have planned?" he asked.

  She raised her brows. "You'll have to wait and see.”

  “Should I expect you in a raincoat again?” he teased.

  “Hardly. The limo will pick you up at six tomorrow evening. Dress formal."


  The doorbell rang, and Brent hurried to the door. The limo driver stood waiting for him. He took a last glance in the mirror in the hall at his tuxedo, checking his tie one more time. He opened the door.

  "Dr. Moulton?" the driver asked.


  "Miss Riley is waiting in the limo for you," the driver informed him, and Brent closed the door behind him, wondering what Jennifer had planned for their date.

  He was still awed and honored at how much money she'd donated to the hospital for a date with him. Somehow he knew tonight would be interesting. If she was still angry about the bachelor auction, he would be at her mercy. Yet somehow he didn’t think her capable of being mean spirited. They would have a good time, and he was looking forward to the night.

  The driver opened the car door for him and he glanced inside to see Jennifer wearing the black chiffon dress she'd worn when she jumped out of the coffin. That night now seemed so long ago though three months had barely passed.

  Brent let out a low whistle. "Wow! Fantasies do come true."

  She raised her brows and smiled. "This is just the first of many surprises tonight."

  He slid into the car and the driver shut the door behind him while he let his eyes feast upon her. Unable to resist, he leaned over and kissed her, savoring her moist lips. Making himself a promise that there would be more kissing later, he reluctantly released her. Trying to slow his breathing, he leaned back against the seat, his nostrils filled with her soft musk perfume.

  You look great,” he said, his hand along the back of the seat, touching her shoulder.

  “Thanks,” she replied. “You look pretty good yourself.”

  A bucket of ice held a champagne bottle, and for a moment he thought he might need to place a piece of ice against his skin to cool himself off. Even better would be to trail the icy cube down Jennifer's low-cut dress. Later, he reminded himself.

  Brent hoped the evening would be a slow foreplay that culminated with the two of them back at his place, ensconced in his king-size bed. However, that would depend on what transpired this evening.

  "You mentioned surprises?" he asked, remaining close.

  Opening her evening bag, she pulled out a deck of cards. "Yes, I wondered what we could do to entertain ourselves for the next two hours on our trip to Dallas. So we're going to play truth or dare, or strip and go naked. Winner’s choice."

  Brent felt his pulse leap at the thought of peeling her out of that dress. The window between them and the driver was up, the privacy shield firmly in place.

  "Would you care to explain this game?"

  "Sure. You open the bottle of champagne and I'll explain the rules."

  Brent pulled the bottle from the ice bucket, twisted open the metal wiring, and then gently eased out the cork. A pop resounded in the moving car.

  "We play blackjack, and when you lose a hand, the winning player gets to either ask a personal question and play truth or dare, or the loser must remove an article of clothing, jewelry, etc."

  He laughed, feeling very confident as he poured champagne in the crystal flutes. "I'm a very good card player."

  "So am I," she promised.

  "But can you beat me?"

  "I'm going to do my best." She shuffled the cards. "I'll be the dealer, and you're playing against me. I must stand at seventeen. And may the best card player win either the answer to all of his or her questions or see a large amount of skin."

  "Okay, deal the cards," he said, leaning over and handing her a glass of champagne.

  She placed the flute in a cup holder and dealt the cards. The first card he picked up was an ace, a portent of things to come, he hoped. When he won this hand, would he play truth or dare or would he ask her to remove a piece of clothing?

  Definitely clothing.

  The next card was a king. He smiled and turned his cards over.

  Jennifer saw his blackjack and raised her brows. "So what would you like to do, play truth or dare or have me remove something?"

  "Remove something." He smiled, enjoying this game and the thought of seeing her undress. If he had his way, he’d have her naked by the time they reached Dallas.

  "So what happens when we get to dinner? Does the loser get to put his clothes back on?"

  She raised her brows at him. "Clothing that covers the vitals, yes. Undergarments optional."

  He couldn’t help but grin. "Well, I wanted to be certain. I feared us going down the highway leaving a trail of clothes behind.”

  "And have the state troopers pull us over?" she questioned. "Think again."

  "So hurry up and take something off so we can get on to the next item."

  Reaching up to her ear, she removed an earring and laid it next to the cards.

  "Hey I thought you said clothing."

  "I also mentioned jewelry."

  He frowned. "We'll just have to keep playing until I see skin."

  Jennifer dealt the next hand, and this time, he lost. He glanced up at her expectantly, knowing instinctively she was going to play truth or dare.

  "So which one, truth or dare?" he asked.

  "Truth," she replied. "Back in high school you dated my sister. Do you still have any interest in her?"

  This game could become dangerous. Did she know about him and Julia and hoped he would confess? Should he tell her about sleeping with her sister? No. He wanted to have fun with Jennifer tonight, not argue over something he'd done as a teenager. Julia was a sweet memory, but this was their date and he didn’t want to think of Julia tonight, only Jennifer.

  "That was years ago and whatever interest I had in Julia is no longer there," he answered truthfully, skirting the issue of his past with her sister.

  She picked up her champagne glass. "Good answer, Brent."

  He clinked his glass against hers. "Now deal the cards. I have another earring I need to have you remove before we get to the good stuff."

  She smiled. "We'll see."

  Jennifer dealt the cards and won again. Frustrated at losing twice in a row, Brent watched her decide whether to ask for clothing or another question.

  "This time I think I'm going to request you remove a piece of clothing," she said.

  “No problem,” he said as he removed a cuff link.

  She shook her head. “I knew you were going to remove something so inconsequential that I almost dared you to let your inhibitions go and experience whatever happens tonight."

  He grinned. “I tell you what. I’ll do both just for you."

  She smiled. "You don't know what I have planned."

  "And you don't know how much I wanted this date with you," he replied, knowing it was true. He enjoyed being with her and had wanted this date for a long time.

  "Just remember, you said you wanted to get wet."

  A grin spread across his face. "I'm game for whatever waterworks you have planned."

  Jennifer sent him a wicked smile, and he felt a trickle of unease.

  "Deal the cards. I'm falling behind."

  Two hands later, she'd lost both of her earrings, but the next hand went in her favor as she turned up a blackjack.

  "You've sworn off marriage, but have you had an
y serious relationships since high school?"

  "I dated one girl in college for six months before I found out she was telling everyone we were engaged. So I quickly ended that relationship. Since then no engagements, no marriages, no babies, no STDs. I'm very safe."

  For the next two hours they played until the bottle of champagne was almost completely gone and they were each down to having to remove a revealing piece of clothing.

  Brent dealt the next hand, knowing this time if he won, she would have to remove something that showed skin.

  "Okay," he said, flipping the cards up to show she had a ten. He peeked at his own cards to see a ten and a seven. It all rested on her down card. If it were a low number, she'd be forced to take another card.

  A frown marred her forehead, and she motioned with her hand that she needed another card. He dealt it face up to reveal a nine. She had nineteen showing.

  With a confident smile, he watched as she turned over her down card. She revealed a four, which gave her twenty-three. He'd won!

  He flipped his cards over to expose his seventeen.

  "Truth or dare, or a piece of clothing?" she asked reluctantly.

  Brent laughed. "You're down to skin, so I say remove a piece of clothing."

  The driver came on the intercom between them. "Miss Riley, we're about ten minutes away."

  Brent groaned. He'd seen the skyline of Dallas approaching and knew they were close.

  "Thanks," she said.

  She turned and faced him, picking up her jewelry and putting her earrings back on. "You heard the driver, we're almost there."

  "But you did lose, and you still have to remove something."

  "All right," she said with a knowing smirk.

  She reached up under her long dress, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment. She must have a slip on that he couldn't see. Something that would keep her from having to remove the dress.

  Jennifer rose up and shimmied her hips in a move that sent his pulse rate into overdrive. She gave a little kick with her feet, reached down and held up black silk thong panties.


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