With a flash of something pink, an intense vibration rested at the apex of my channel. He’d materialized my two-headed device to simultaneously work my pussy and sensitive clit while he slid in and out of my private space with his very needy sex.
He whispered in my ear, “The vibrator works much better in my hands, Tia.”
The results ignited another explosion of hormones. My mind couldn’t decide which of the three intense experiences to focus on, so I connected them all to one electrical charge.
My screams filled the room, and we came in a simultaneous eruption that joined together in our souls. Our skin covered one being before we collapsed and worked hard to draw breath and slow our heart rates.
I pulled close to his side and whispered, “I’m glad I waited for you, Zane.”
He had no verbal response, but his devotion was as clear as day. We fell asleep under his security with the full realization that I was finally at home.
Too soon, our time together was over, and my new staff returned. Fully and one hundred percent committed to his soul, I was heartbroken the first morning he prepared to leave for work.
“Please take me with you, Zane. I promise I won’t be any trouble.”
He tried to explain. “I am not surrounded strictly by our coven. I have a job in the human world, and they wouldn’t understand a mate by my side every day. Besides, you have your own training.”
“But I would make better progress with you. We’re fully connected now, and I need you to grow stronger.”
I tried to keep my tone sincere, but it was a cheap trick, and he knew it. With the ability to relax myself, his presence was neither a distraction nor a requirement.
After a little begging and some sad, puppy dog eyes, he smirked. “When things settle down, you can come with me once or twice a week in your symbolic form. It isn’t unusual for humans to take pets to work. Simon can handle you, and if you’re a problem, he can take you home.”
I was skeptical. “What will your boss say?”
He laughed again and kissed me on the forehead. “Pet, do you really think I have a boss? I am the owner of a privately held corporation. We make our money in the human world.”
“Do you use your powers? Isn’t that a little like cheating?”
“How is it cheating if I am using the powers and strength that I was given? There are many of us in business. And yes, most of us are very good at it.”
My high school teacher’s lessons on the classic entrepreneurs in American history defeated my need to ask for clarification. The redefinition would somehow have destroyed my understanding of human nature and the capitalist experience.
As sorry as I was to see Zane leave, I was glad to see Simon return. His sarcastic demeanor had defined an unspoken part of my life, and our week’s separation was by far the longest period of time I’d ever spent without him.
When asked what he’d done, he just smiled, but I found his hawk state at perfect peace. Reminded of the sacrifices he’d made to care for me, I hugged him closely.
To my surprise, however, he refused to return to his cat form. “It’s a big house. I fit better here than your nursery, and there are no humans to impress like New York or Ohio. Do you really think I liked being a cat all the time? Creepy things, cats are.” He actually shuddered a little.
“But I love rubbing your head,” I whined.
He leaned down so I could reach the top of his still bald head. “Knock yourself out, short shit.”
I walked away in disgust.
Chapter Ten
Kiyo made Hawa look like the nursery teacher that she was. Instead of relaxation techniques and gentle massages, I began a rigorous physical and emotional journey under a very hard taskmaster.
Picture a personal trainer who threatened to paddle your ass if you conceded defeat too quickly, then tell your master if you displayed any attitude. It only took a few days before Kiyo followed through with both of his threats, and the stinging reminders worked for days to keep me focused on my assigned tasks.
Weight machines were introduced for strength, exercise bicycles and treadmills for cardio, and kickboxing and judo for defense. Whatever I accomplished on a Monday, I was expected to exceed on Tuesday. Attempts to quit were met with a stone wall of male dominance.
I resorted to frustrated tears on more than one occasion. My muscles ached and exhaustion hit long before any bedtime Nanny had ever imposed. I had no trouble falling asleep curled by Zane’s side every night.
Within a few weeks, however, the rigorous physical regime had its impact. My stomach flattened while my thighs and biceps toned to chiseled stone. The new stamina and strength provided even easier access to my subconscious without the almost groggy level of relaxation. I had much more simultaneous control over my two unique worlds which made other people’s thoughts easier to read.
When I uncovered that Kiyo’s favorite movies were sappy chick flicks, I teased him mercilessly. He mumbled under his breath before slamming the window to my portal and assigning me additional treadmill time as penance for my intrusion.
Simon laughed while I panted through the chore. “You still haven’t figured out who you can piss off, have you, brat?”
I’d never thought of myself as a fighter, but the martial arts instruction was actually pretty cool. Balance control allowed me to mix muscle tone with my internal strength to make me almost formidable. Even though Simon and Kiyo outsized my tiny frame, my powers could give them a legitimate sparring session.
Kiyo tended to take it easy on me, but Simon had no trouble laying me out on the floor if he thought I was too arrogant. “Take that, you little shit. That’ll teach you to come at somebody from behind. You aren’t the only person with an extra sense, you know.”
The only thing wounded was my butt and my pride, but both had grown pretty tough.
My days were filled with a lot of physical work, but Hawa came a few times a week for a massage and gentle yoga moves. I asked her about the castle, but she hadn’t been back. “I work at Zane’s office now. There are a lot of humans there, but he hires many from our coven as well. I enjoy the work.”
As always, she didn’t talk about her life and even managed to keep closed off to my strengthening powers. I suspected Zane had something to do with it.
Inevitably, it was my training that defeated me at the end of a particularly long, exhausting day. I preferred to blame somebody else, but it was probably my fault.
Simon’s freakishly tall body seemed committed to kicking my ass during our mock battle. Bruises formed on my thighs and calves while my growing anger interfered with the ability to defend myself. I just couldn’t hit him.
He recognized my weakness and taunted me mercilessly. “You couldn’t kick a soccer ball.” A full-blown smack hit my butt, and I lost my focus even further.
Kiyo didn’t help. Instead of helping me relax, he scolded me on my blocking. “If he’d been serious about hurting you, you never would have stopped that blow. Get your arm out there.”
They both annoyed the hell out of me, and the situation was obviously unfair. “He’s a foot and a half taller than I am and solid as a linebacker. How do you expect me to counter that?”
While Kiyo lectured about my power, I climbed onto a table to what I thought would provide a physical advantage. He scolded me to get down, but I took a kick at Simon when my foot slipped. I hit the floor with a thud.
The pain in my shoulder was intense, and I let out an amazing slew of curse words before my small staff surrounded me. Even Zane sensed my trauma from his distant office and was there almost immediately.
I was not a good patient. Zane carried me to our bed, and I swore heavily. “Don’t fucking touch me. It fucking hurts. I need to go to a hospital or something, for fuck’s sake.”
Zane barely scolded for the lapse in vocabulary while Jeanne brought ice for my shoulder, and Kiyo hovered in the background with supportive kindness.
But Simon mumbled, “
Working on an Academy Award, Drama Queen? You acted like this when you fell off your bike, too. That scraped knee took almost two whole band aids.”
I was annoyed to hear Zane chuckle and snapped, “It isn’t funny. It hurts like shit.”
He continued his smirk but spoke patiently, “I know. But we can’t just take you to a hospital around here. You’d stand out a little bit. Didn’t you ever wonder why you never went to a doctor or a hospital when you were with Owen and Anna?”
I sniffled. “I just figured I was a very healthy soul.”
“When you were sick, you were seen by one of our doctors then Owen or I hid the memory. In our world, doctors come to you, so just be patient. She will be here in a minute.” Additional reminders about the massive childhood conspiracy did little to help my mood.
As if on command, a very skinny woman appeared. She had spider tattoos up and down her arms and at least a dozen piercings in her ears, nose, lip, and of course, her tongue. Her short hair was dyed a deep black with red stripes, and her makeup was dark and thick.
Operating under the belief Zane wouldn’t spank me with my pain level already off the chart, I didn’t mix words. “No fucking way, Zane. Find another doctor.”
He took my chin with a scowl. “Your shoulder isn’t going to hurt forever. Don’t make me start that list you talked about. Behave yourself and let Dr. Bell take care of you.”
I mumbled, “If this is Belle, I’d sure as fuck hate to see what the Beast looks like.”
Simon laughed out loud, and we both got a glare from Zane. “That’s one, Tia. Not another word.”
Protests were still easy, and I countered, “Why is it one for me and nothing for him? He laughed, too.”
Zane held up two fingers, and I was smart enough to know when to shut up.
Surprisingly, Dr. Bell turned out to be pretty good at her job. Even though she looked like a gothic teenager, it turned out that she’d just aged well.
She chased everyone out of the room, including my master. “Zane, you know me and trust me not to hurt your mate, but I work better alone, so go away.”
Her first goal was to relieve my pain. The shot worked immediately, but just like human painkillers, they made me a little loopy.
While she explored the damage, I sang to her with enthusiasm the words to Dixie and stated my desire to be in the land of cotton instead of California with a busted-up shoulder.
When she added loud and impressive machinery, life blurred a little, so I changed my song to the more solemn, The Battle Hymn of the Republic. I felt better seeing the glory of the coming of the Lord. It made sense at the time.
She spoke gently, “You have a small tear in your rotator cuff. We’ll use ice and heat, along with anti-inflammatories, and you’ll have to rest it, of course. You’ll be fine in a few weeks.”
I stopped entertaining the nice doctor. “Rest? Does that mean I can’t do the crazy training shit with Kiyo for a while?”
She smiled. “If it involves your shoulder or even too much moving around, then nope. Just gentle stretching and a little PT.”
When Zane was allowed into the room, I had an inexplicable vision of my eleventh-grade Shakespeare curriculum, so I growled in a deep, gravelly voice. “Ah…something wicked this way comes…”
He raised his eyebrows at Dr. Bell, and she shrugged while I broke into my rap version of The Star-Spangled Banner.
It was a glorious recovery, although they did cut back on my pain medication. Jeanne waited on me with comfort food and all the home baked cookies and cake I could handle. Simon entertained me with puzzles and cards, and Kiyo even played games with me to alleviate his obvious guilt, although I assured him the blame for climbing on the table rested with me.
“That’s another thing we will discuss when you are feeling better,” Zane said dryly.
I was even given a brand-new laptop, and Zane hooked me up with a credit card. “Don’t abuse it. But you can buy some books and movies if you’d like.”
Without a clear definition of abuse and prepared to postpone any concern over the future of my bottom, I made plans to enjoy myself to the fullest extent of my Wi-Fi.
Snuggled on the family room couch, the sun warmed my muscles to a soft puddle. An unwatched movie played lazily in the background while I browsed the Internet in search of a new bathing suit.
The sudden quiet caught me by surprise, and I reached out for Simon. With no effort, I found him in the kitchen with his head buried deep in the refrigerator.
He answered with a growl. “I’ll be right there, Tia.” At least he wasn’t in the bathroom.
Almost immediately, one of the maids joined me. She wore the khaki pants and a white collared shirt that represented all of Zane’s staff. Tall and thin, she looked to be about my age. Luxurious blonde hair was pulled into a high ponytail that drew attention to brilliant blue eyes.
We made eye contact first, and she spoke softly, “Can I get you something else, Tia?”
Zane had assured me that the staff were all trusted members of the coven, but they’d kept their distance and she was a stranger. Her presence ignited the memory of absent friends who’d shared my age and my interests. The woman was bright, energetic, and looked like she could be a lot of fun.
I asked shyly, “Which one of these bathing suits do you like better?”
She looked around the room to verify that we were alone. With a conspiracy-driven smile, she said, “You should just get them both. Zane has a ton of money. I bet he won’t even care.”
A woman after my own heart. I hit the purchase now button, and we both laughed.
“I’m Emily,” she said, and our new friendship was firmly established.
With his special radar, Simon returned to the room with a frown. Emily’s presence and the open computer brought a simple shrug. “Don’t spend too much money, Tia. Zane will have your ass.”
I cringed over the lack of privacy, but Emily’s friendly laugh joined my side and Simon’s cynicism was quickly outnumbered.
Over the next few weeks, Emily and I spent a lot of time together. She brought me Hollywood gossip magazines, and we watched reality TV and daytime talk shows. Nice mindless fun, they were all activities I adored, but nobody else in my limited world had any patience to follow.
Emily was born a member of the coven in Oregon, and her large family appealed to the only child in me. No matter how much we enjoyed the individual devotion from our parents, singles always wondered what it would be like to have such a close tie to another soul.
Tales from her childhood also provided a better understanding of our existence shrouded in plain sight among humans. School, parties, holidays, and other festivities had created a rich past where she’d learned about life from people who were just like her.
Hidden away in Central Ohio as a child and sheltered in California as an adult, I’d clearly missed out on many close relationships in our tight-knit community. Even access to her subconscious was denied to me, and I questioned my own strength.
She scowled. “Zane has a lot of control over you. You know that he decides what you see and hear.”
I nodded slowly, and the thought left me a little annoyed.
Zane understood my need for a friend and didn’t object to Emily, but he did object to my credit card bill. “I told you to be reasonable, young lady. How could you spend over $3,000 in three weeks?”
As he spoke, I silently used my foot to push a new sundress under the bed, but the evidence of my crime was apparent on the bill. The indiscretion was added to the list, and payday was quickly coming.
Sure enough, I rested peacefully on my lounge chair in front of the pool with a plate of chocolate chip cookies and large iced tea when Dr. Bell came to check on me. Within a few minutes, she pronounced me healed, and I could return to my normal activities.
Simon laughed. “Should be an interesting evening when Zane gets home. How long do you think that list is after six weeks?”
I’d hoped nobody kept track,
but given the magical powers of my mate, I should have known better. The tally had grown, and Zane made me repeat each and every transgression from climbing on the table to the gorgeous pair of three-hundred-dollar tiger-print stilettos. The credit card bill alone apparently required some unidentifiable instrument of torture that left me in a puddle of regret.
Nestled over his familiar knee, he applied his fine layer of stinging correction to my very sensitive bottom, making sure to keep the redness evenly centered. By his third application, my remorse was apparent, and I never wanted to see the tiger-print stilettos again.
The stinging punishment had the same inexplicable effect on my pussy, and he clearly enjoyed the reaction. Still over his knee, he dropped his hand between my legs and toyed with the swollen folds. “I might need a new punishment for you. You enjoy these a little too much.”
I rewarded him with even more wet encouragement and a few wiggles of my breasts over his cock made it clear that we weren’t stopping with a butt warming.
Zane settled me on the bed and stripped his clothes. My sensitive bottom met the smooth sheets with a strange comfort, but I didn’t immediately give in to his power. With a smirk, I played with his firm cock, and he groaned softly.
All too quickly, he took control, and I was bolted to his favorite position of vulnerable exposure. This time, my punished bottom was also forced to the silky smooth sheets and wiggling was limited to a matter of centimeters.
His size betrayed his readiness. Settled between my thighs, he drove his cock deeply into my vagina with a massive thrust. By his third advance, I’d connected fully to his game with an extra whimper to define my submission.
He nodded his approval and continued to master my release. Each subtle movement brought me closer to the explosion I’d come to expect. Nerve endings danced their focus to my clit, and muscles tightened without my permission.
But Zane controlled my world. Every time I reached for the end, he pulled back slightly and withheld my ultimate goal. Raging hormones demanded appeasement and frustration built the edge to a volcanic force. My legs tried to open even further in encouragement, but his actions taunted me with the reminder that he held the power over my body.
Training Tia Page 13