Running Away From Love

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Running Away From Love Page 5

by Jessica Tamara

  He said “So I’m really curious to know why you don’t have a man. I mean from what I’ve gotten to know so far you seem like the perfect catch. Should I run now because you being single seems real crazy!”

  I laughed at his comment. I really didn’t want to get into why I wasn’t in a relationship so I decided to keep my answer simple and short. Plus I don’t think me saying I have trust issues, and I’ve been running away from men and relationships were appropriate for a first date. The truth was I was afraid to let another man into my life in fear of getting my heart broken. I didn’t want to run the man away before we got a chance to know one another.

  I laughed it off but added, “I don’t know, maybe you should run. I could be crazy for all you know. But to be honest I really don’t have any specific reason on why I don’t have a boyfriend. I just don’t have one. I guess I haven’t really made the time to look for one. My work is who I am in a relationship right now. And I haven’t met anyone who I can see myself standing still with for a while. Most guys find me difficult. I’m at a point in my life where I’m not pressed to become anyone‘s girlfriend. But I am definitely open to it if the right man comes along.”

  I thought about what I had just said. I was not even sure if what I just said was true, or if it even made any sense.

  He just stared at me as he said “Well I’m a very interesting man, and I’m confident I can get you to stand still with me for a while. That is if you would be interested in that with me. Plus I love the challenge of a difficult woman. It makes the chase that much more fun for me. When I finally get my hands around her I’m never letting go.”

  When he finished, he placed his hand on my thigh, and slightly licked his lips as he looked into my eyes. I just smiled as I knew what was on his mind too bad he was far from getting it. I could barely meet his stare back, as I felt a tingle run up and down my spine by his touch. There was no doubt I wanted him. So I sipped my champagne to try and calm my nerves, and I shifted my leg to remove his hand. He knew he had me feeling nervous but he just smiled at me, and placed his hand back on his own leg. All he had to do was look at me a certain way, and I would instantly get turned on. If I had any panties on right now they would be soaking wet. I guess it really has been way too long for me not to have had sex. I know my body was giving me hints I needed to take care of this problem, and right now my body was screaming out for Q to please me.

  After I had like two glasses of the Ace of Spades I was feeling real nice, and started to come out of my shell a little more. The song Invented Sex by Trey Songz and Drake came on. That is my song so I got up out of my seat, and I decided to start dancing by myself. I slowly began to wind and rock my hips to the beat. As I was dancing I noticed all eyes were on me. I didn’t even notice it at first, because I was in my own little world. I loved to dance. If I wasn’t in the journalism business I definitely wanted to be a professional dancer. I saw Q staring and admiring me. I could tell he wasn’t really feeling all the other dudes staring at me all hard, but he held his tongue.

  So I came up next to him and said “Come dance with me.”

  He smiled at me as he said “No, I don’t really dance.”

  I laughed as I said “It‘s okay, just leave it all up to me.”

  I extended my hand out and he took it. I began to dance all around him making sure to touch him slightly with my hands and body. It was crazy I was usually never this flirtatious. I guess it was the drinks in my system that had me feeling kind of loose. I stood in front of him and started a slow grind up against him. He didn’t do much but stand back, and watch me. He grabbed my hand as I slowly snaked my body down to the ground up against him. As I stood back up he turned me around so that I was facing him.

  He smiled and whispered in my ear, “so I see you know how to move that sexy body of yours.”

  I laughed as I said “I know how to do a little bit. Sometimes I can‘t help myself when my song comes on.”

  He said “Yeah, okay, you better cut that shit out before you start something you ain’t ready to handle. Plus you are getting way too much attention. I’m not really feeling them other niggas trying to steal your attention away from me.”

  I blushed as we sat back down together. I sat back down, this time much closer to him, and he gladly received me into his body.

  Coyly I said “The other guys shouldn’t even matter, being that I’m here with you. I am curious about some things as well. So tell me, Quincy, why is it that you don’t have a girlfriend? Judging from all the girls in here burning a damn hole in my head while I was dancing with you, you are a wanted man.”

  He laughed as he noticed how observant I was.

  “A lot of the girls in here are fake as hell. They are only attracted to the money and the fame that my lifestyle can bring. They couldn’t really care less about the man behind that lifestyle. They only think about what I can do for them. I need a woman who has her own shit. I don’t need a girl on my arm for show. I’m looking for a real woman who happens to have the looks of a trophy wife.”

  I laughed as I playfully smacked him on the arm. “Are you saying you’re the guy who only dates beautiful women? That’s really vain of you.”

  He smiled. “No, the women I date don’t need to be flawlessly beautiful. Sometimes it’s a woman’s imperfections that make her flawlessly beautiful. But I will say that you, Jasmine, are flawlessly beautiful on the inside, as well as your physical appearance. What I see on the inside is what attracts me the most to you.”

  I smiled at him as we gazed into one another’s eyes, trying to figure out what this thing was developing between us. As we were talking, a girl approached us. She was about 5 foot 6 with caramel colored skin. She wore her hair in a short edgy Rihanna type haircut. In fact, she could have even been mistaken for Rihanna. She was a very beautiful woman. I watched her approach us, hoping she wasn’t about to start no shit. She was dressed in short black mini skirt that hugged her body perfectly. She matched it with a shimmering gold metallic tank top and some strappy gold heels.

  As she approached us she wasn’t focused on me at all. I guess in her mind I didn’t exist. Her eyes were locked right on Q. I began to wonder if this was his girlfriend. As he saw her approaching us he pulled me in closer into his body. When he did I knew that she couldn’t have been his girlfriend. If she was his girl, he would have pushed me away as if he didn’t know me. Most men act totally brand new when they get busted out with another chick.

  She stopped and stood right in from of me. “Long time, no hear, Q. How have you been?”

  “Why are you even over here?” He sounded annoyed. “What can I help you with?”

  It was written all over her face that she was aggravated at my presence, and by his uncaring attitude towards her.

  “Damn,” she said, obviously offended, “it’s like that now? You were my man for three years, and now you want to act like you don’t even know me. That’s a real brand new attitude to have all of a sudden, don’t you think?”

  Finally she then turned her attention to me and said “Why don’t you introduce me to your little friend over here?” I laughed at the little jab she threw at me. She looked me up and down with a frown on her face.

  I just laughed. “Okay, I guess you two need to talk alone. I’m going to go to the bathroom and let ya‘ll talk.”

  I was about to get up, but Q gently pulled me back down.

  “No,” he said, “you don’t have to go anywhere. You’re good right here by my side. Let me introduce you. Jasmine, this is my ex-girlfriend Tierra. Tierra, this is Jasmine. So keep it 100 Tierra, you only came over here to be all up in my business. So this is Jasmine, now you have a name to match to her face. You can leave now. I’m trying to enjoy my date. We were having a real good time until you came over here tryna fuck up my mood. I mean you know I don’t have shit to say to you. This isn’t anything new to you.”

  She was getting angrier by the minute by his blatant disrespect towards her.

hatever Quincy!” she snapped. “I don’t know why you trying to act all brand new, because you’re with your new chick of the week. But you and I both know this shit won’t last. She is just another chick who wants to get at the ball player. She really doesn’t want your ass. I thought by now you could spot the gold diggers and groupies out of the bunch!”

  I just laughed at her comment I knew she was speaking out of jealousy now. I decided to call her bluff.

  “First of all, I don’t know you, and you don’t know me. I am far from being a gold digger, or a groupie. I do not need Quincy for anything, sweetheart. So whatever issues you have are between you and him. You really need to not address me in your conversation period! I will say that you are making it pretty damn obvious that you’re feeling some type of way about seeing him here with me tonight. Trust me I didn’t force him he definitely chose to be here with me tonight! Jealousy only makes you look foolish so try to stop.”

  She turned to Q pissed off at how I just came at her. She didn’t have anything to say to me after that. At that moment I knew she was nothing but talk.

  So she said highly upset, “Quincy are you really going to let this chick come out her mouth to me like that? Like you haven’t known me longer than her? I mean what she got you pussy whipped already that you can’t check her ass?”

  He smiled as he said “If we are sexing each other it really shouldn’t be a concern of yours. She is right, though. You came over here starting shit with her first, so it’s only right that she came back at you. So you can now take your ass right back from where you came from. I told you many times before I don’t have shit to say to you.”

  She walked away, furious about what had just played out. In my mind I analyzed the situation. Was I really ready to deal with the whole dating scene again, because this shit is annoying! I didn’t miss how petty chicks could be. They always get mad at the girl, and not the man who they really have the problem with. Nine times out of ten he is lying to the both of us. I didn’t want to get an attitude with the girl, but she came at me with the foolishness first.

  I guess he could sense my attitude and knew I wasn’t really feeling the whole scene that had just played out. I’ve never been the girl about the drama. I liked to just chill, and have a good time drama free.

  So he said in a concerned tone, “I’m really sorry about that, Jasmine. Tierra is an ex-girlfriend of mine. I guess it’s safe to say we didn’t end on good terms. So in case you’re wondering I will tell you about her. To make a long story short she cheated on me, and got pregnant by another dude. She had me believing the baby was mine, up until the baby was born. The little girl came out looking nothing like me, and that’s when she finally decided to come clean about everything. She had me out here looking like a damn fool. And after that I left her alone. I haven’t spoken to her since. I mean she keeps trying to call and plead her case. But I really am not trying to hear any of that shit. Her reasoning was that I always left her alone while I was on the road working, and that made her cheat. She couldn’t handle the lifestyle I lived. I guess she figured she would do it to me before it could ever happen to her. So that’s basically why my words were so harsh towards her. I’m normally a really nice guy, but her ass hits a nerve with me.”

  I didn’t respond at first. All I could think about was how this was seriously killing the vibe that I had. He was beginning to worry.

  “Come on, ma, don’t be mad at me. We were having such a good time before this shit happened. I hope you don’t let what just happened ruin our night.”

  I gave him a smile that eased his worry. “It’s okay. I’m not mad; it’s whatever. I’m still having a good time with you. I understand how it feels to have ill feelings for your ex trust me. I had a liar in my life as well.”

  He flashed me a bright smile as he said “Plus, I think the fact that you look so damn sexy in this dress tonight damn near drove her insane with jealousy. I have to admit it is driving me crazy. I can’t keep my eyes off of you. I think you are beautiful. You have been getting way too much damn attention in here though. I found myself getting possessive when any other man was trying to steal your attention away from me. I want all of your attention for myself.”

  His flirtatiousness brought a big ass smile onto my face.

  He added in a serious tone, “You do look beautiful tonight if I didn’t say it enough already.”

  He hung his head and laughed.

  “Damn you got me nervous as hell right now, and that ain’t even me. I’m normally the smooth and confident dude. But you got me stumbling all over my words. I don’t know what it is about you that has me all out of my element.”

  I rolled my eyes and playfully pushed him, “Stop it. You know I do not make you nervous. You just trying to tell me what you think I want to hear. Seriously though, I have had an amazing time with you tonight. This is the first real date I’ve been on in a very long time, and I want to thank you for showing me such a good time. And between you and me, my weakness is a well-dressed, nice-smelling man. Good thing for you I’m being a good girl tonight.”

  He laughed as he said “It’s a good thing for you that you’re a good girl, because I could definitely turn you bad real fast. But I know you’re not ready for all that just yet so I will let you live.”

  I rolled my eyes. He smiled and reluctantly said, “I know you have a lot to do tomorrow so we can leave.”

  I put down my glass, and collected my purse. “Okay, I’m ready.”

  He grabbed me by the hand and helped me up as we prepared to leave. As I got up he pulled me into his body, and the smell of his YSL cologne filled my senses completely. I don’t know what it is about a man’s cologne but it always does something to me. My body temperature rose up instantly. He held me firm and soft just how I like it. I felt slightly intoxicated within his embrace. I was fighting to keep myself from melting in his arms first, and then right into his bed next.

  I was beginning to feel a little bit uncomfortable, but the uncomfortable feeling came from me enjoying being in his arms. It’s been such a long time since I had this type of attention from a man, and it felt really good. I guess I never really realized how much I actually missed being in the presence of a man. I mean I dated a few guys here and there. But I didn’t have any type of real chemistry with them, and for me I need to feel that instant chemistry from the beginning. Normally if it’s not there from jump then it’s kind of pointless to even pursue it any further.

  With Q, I felt that instant spark as soon as his hands touched mine. I can’t even really explain it, it just felt right. I won’t lie these feelings coming over me this quickly was scaring the hell out of me. I didn’t really know how to handle it. On the other hand I was curious to see where these feelings could possibly lead me. It could either lead me to a good or bad place, but what I do know is the choice is all mine.

  He lightly kissed my neck and whispered into my ear, “I’ve been dying to hold you in my arms ever since you first fell into them at the airport. It’s crazy how you’ve been on my mind so much, and I don’t even know you that well. I feel like it’s this connection between us is nothing like I ever felt before with any woman. I’m sorry if I’m being forward with you, but all I can think about is kissing your lips. I’m extremely curious to know everything that I possibly can about you.”

  I tried to collect my thoughts as I stepped out of his embrace. I didn’t know how to respond. I was definitely feeling the same way, and I really wanted to let him know. I never moved this fast before with anyone. I could see myself ending this night in his bed. I just knew he would make it well worth my time. Nevertheless, I knew I couldn’t go that fast on the first date. I wasn’t trying to come across like a hoe.

  I slowly walked back up to him and said “I feel the same way about you; I really do, but I really can’t move this fast with you. I’m just not that girl. I think we need time to get to know each other. Start off as friends first. That way we can date, and really get to know each other.”r />
  He just nodded his head in agreement like he understood where I was coming from. I knew he was a little disappointed, but he had no choice but to respect it.

  “Okay, ma, I respect it.”

  Before we walked out he said all of his goodbyes to his friends.

  I had no idea how the walk to my door was going to go. I didn’t know what to expect. After our embrace in the club the physical attraction is definitely there between the two of us. I just hoped he wouldn’t ask to come in. I liked him and all, but late night company could lead to things I shouldn’t be doing. I was wondering if I should even kiss him goodnight. I felt like I was in high school again because of all the unsure feelings I was having.

  As we approached my door he seemed to be slowing up his stride as we walked. When we reached my door, I turned around to face him to say goodnight.

  “Well, I had an amazing time tonight. You definitely were an impressive tour guide, and a complete gentleman as well.”

  He laughed. “I’m glad you had fun, Jasmine, but I would be lying if I said I wanted this night to end here though.”

  He gave me a look that sent a chill up my spine. I bit down on my bottom lip hard trying to keep my composure he was so damn sexy. I had no clue what to say to him at this point. He really had me nervous. All I could do was fantasize about me jumping into his arms, and wrapping my legs around his waist as I kissed his lips. I wanted to taste him so bad. He knew what the hell he was doing to me I was convinced. I never yearned for a man’s touch like I did his. I’m a naturally shy person, and once I feel slightly embarrassed it’s written all over me.


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