Running Away From Love

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Running Away From Love Page 22

by Jessica Tamara

  One thing I will say about this pregnancy is that it is making me a complete bitch with a short ass fuse. Once I’m annoyed I am ready to snap on people for the smallest things. It took everything in me not to punch Lisa in her mouth. I wanted to take out all of my frustrations on her face, but I needed to check myself when it came to that situation. She isn’t the one I should be take my anger out on. If Q would have kept his damn dick in his pants I wouldn’t have to deal with this shit! So I forced a smile back onto my face and rejoined the event I had a job to do.

  It’s been a while and Trey still hasn’t heard a word from Jasmine since their encounter. Not a single day went by that she wasn’t on his mind. It felt like the memory of her haunted him every single waking day. She invaded his dreams every single night. It was devastating when he called her phone only to find that the number was disconnected. He couldn’t understand what he did to make her just disappear quicker then she had appeared. How could she be okay with walking away from him? He couldn’t understand how she couldn’t love him anymore. If it was one person in this world who he knew loved him it was her. Instead the woman he loved moved on, and found love in the arms of a man who wasn’t him. Maybe it was time for him to accept that she moved on, and he needed to let her go. As much as it pained him to come to this conclusion he needed it in order to maintain his own sanity. He couldn’t keep doing this to himself. Today Trey had to meet up with Mike for a quick lunch to go over some business. Melo had just signed a multimillion dollar deal with Island Def Jam. This was the big break that Trey and Mike had been waiting for. Finally all of their hard work and sacrifice had paid off. This was a huge milestone in Trey’s life, but he didn’t feel the happiness he should be overwhelmed with. He wished Jasmine was there by his side to celebrate this moment with him. She was what was missing. His heart ached just to see her smile, and tell him how proud she was of him. As he waited for Mike to show up his phone rang. It was a 716 phone number that he didn’t recognize. He answered it reluctantly saying hello.

  The female caller’s said “Hello is this, Trey?”

  Trey said “Yeah, this is he. Who is this?”

  The caller said “Hi, Trey, this is London.”

  Trey was surprised and scared at the same time. He really hoped that bad had happened to Jasmine; he wouldn’t be able to handle it. So he said nervously “Oh, okay, London. What’s up? What made you call me?”

  London said “I know this is out of the blue. I hope you don’t mind me calling you. I got your number from your mom. I’m in town for Jasmine’s wedding tomorrow. But there are some things I think you need to know. Can we meet somewhere so we can talk?”

  He was beyond shocked to learn Jasmine was getting married. So he said slightly annoyed “Listen, London I really don’t want to talk about Jasmine anymore. It obvious that she has made her choice. She chose him and not me. So right now I’m trying to focus on moving forward. Talking about this shit is only going to piss me off.”

  London said “Believe me I understand how all this must make you feel. If you love Jasmine like I know you do, then you really need to hear me out. Listen I don’t want Jasmine marrying that clown either. I would rather her be with the man that she really loves, and that man is you Trey. Can I meet you somewhere where we can talk please?”

  Hearing the sincerity and urgency in London’s voice Trey agreed to meet up with her. So he said “Alright I will meet you. Where are you staying?”

  London told him the hotel she was staying in and then said “Okay, see you in a little bit.”

  Just as Trey hung up with London Mike walked in. Before he could sit down Trey said “Hey, I need to handle something real fast. I will get up with you later. Is that cool?”

  Mike could tell that something was up. But he just said “Okay, man handle your business just hit me up when you’re done. Is everything good though?”

  Trey just nodded his head as he proceeded to walk out the door. During the whole drive to London’s hotel, Trey’s mind was racing with thoughts. He couldn’t help but think about what he was doing. Jasmine had completely cut him out of her life after he professed his love for her. And to make matters worse she agreed to marry another man. He couldn’t help but wonder what the hell she was thinking about. He knew Jasmine was stubborn but to go on like she has been lately is crazy. What else could he say or do that he hasn’t tried already?

  Trey walked into the lobby of the hotel where London was staying with his stomach in knots. He had no idea what type of information he was going to hear besides Jasmine was getting married. As he walked into the hotel lobby he spotted her sitting down waiting on him. She was far along in her pregnancy. She looked like she was ready to have that baby any second now. As he got closer, she noticed him and stood up. Trey said “Wow you look like you’re ready to pop. Are you even supposed to be traveling right now?”

  London flashed him a bright reassuring smile as she said “Yeah, I’m fine to travel. My due date is like a month away. I took the train here I didn’t fly. But that is the least of my worries right now. Can we go somewhere a little quieter to talk? There’s a café up the street; do you want to go there?”

  “Yeah that’s cool; let’s go.” As they walked towards the café London tried her best to ease his worry.

  So she said “Thank you so much for meeting me. I know you didn’t have to, and I realize how hard this must be for you.”

  Trey just said “It’s cool you sounded like this was important.” As they walked in and sat down Trey didn’t want to waste any time.

  “Okay, what’s up, London? Receiving a call from you out of all people has me confused. I know you didn’t like me very much when Jasmine and I were together. Does Jasmine even know you’re talking to me right now?”

  Sadness fell over London as soon as Jasmine was brought up. She said in a low tone “No, she doesn’t know. We haven’t been on very good terms since she agreed to marry Quincy. Once she told me how he put his hands on her, and how he was cheating I couldn’t believe she still stayed. It was over; I could care less about him. But for whatever reason beyond common sense, she decided to marry him. Needless to say, we fell out over the whole situation. I told her she was making a huge mistake, and she basically told me to mind my business. We haven’t spoken in a while now.

  “She emailed me and told me that she wasn’t having any bridesmaids, and that I can attend the wedding if I wanted to. It’s just crazy to me how she didn’t even want to hear anything I had to say. I mean we’ve been friends for years. We have always at least listened to each other’s advice even if we weren’t going to take it. I know I may always give advice even when it’s not needed, but she at least heard me out. Now it’s like with Quincy she doesn’t want to hear shit anyone has to say. Maybe it’s because she knows she is making a mistake, and she doesn’t want to own up to it. Jasmine knows exactly where she wants to be, but she keeps fighting it. She keeps fighting off her love for you. Trey you are her heart!”

  Trey listened to her trying to understand how Jasmine and London were barely on speaking terms. Jasmine never let anything or anyone come between them. So he said “I don’t understand what all of this has to do with me though.”

  She said “Well, Jasmine told me about the night that you two shared after her fight with Q. She was at my wedding reception when Q showed up and proposed to her. She wasn’t even happy to see him. I could tell that deep down she wished that it was you who showed up that day. You should have seen this whole thing play out. She wasn’t even happy when he proposed to her. It was like she accepted out of some sort of obligation. When she accepted I was pissed. Even her mom noticed that she wasn’t happy. Anyone who really knows Jasmine read it all over her face that she doesn’t want to marry him. She was in the bathroom talking to her mom. So I went to the bathroom to talk to her also, and she started throwing up out of nowhere. And as I thought about it, she had been saying she was feeling sick for about a week when she was back home. We got into an argument on
ce I told her she was making a mistake. She got upset and walked away from me refusing to talk about it. But as she was walking out of the bathroom a pregnancy test fell out of her purse. The test was positive. From what Jasmine explained to me the night she shared with you, it was amazing. I feel like she left you after that night because she still hasn’t found a way to let go of the hurt from what happened between you two in the past. She has been running scared from you since you guys first reconnected again. There is no doubt in my mind, and I’m sure there is no doubt in yours that she loves you. I’ve been tripping about this whole thing, because you know Jasmine never keeps secrets from me, or her mom. I still don’t think she has told anyone she is pregnant. I know her mom and dad don’t know. I’m sure that she hasn’t gotten rid of it, she would never do that again. The only reason I would think she would keep it a secret is because she is pregnant by you, Trey. I know this sounds like some shit straight out of a soap opera. I just don’t know what she is thinking to be honest with you. I think if she sees you again, she will wake up.”

  Trey sat back in his chair as he tried to process all the information that London had just revealed. Just when he was ready to let go he was pulled right back in. Jasmine pregnant with his child? He knew this was definitely a possibility, but he didn’t think it would become a reality. But nothing can change the fact that she had agreed to marry another man. Maybe he should have come after her once she left him. Then maybe he would be the one she had agreed to marry. But then again they would never be able to really move forward unless Jasmine forgives him once and for all. She can sit there all day and say how she is over everything. But just based on how she has been carrying on lately is saying otherwise. Jasmines stubbornness was now beyond all logic. He had no idea what he should do at this point. But if she was carrying his child he couldn’t let her marry that clown, and not have something to say about it. He didn’t realize his thoughts made him tune London out.

  So he said “Wow, I’m speechless. I really don’t know what to do anymore when it comes to Jasmine. I know I hurt her more times than I would like to admit. Please believe me when I say that I have tried everything in my power to make it up to her. I was ready to get down on one knee and ask for her to marry me, but every single time we came across each other she ran away from me. No matter what I did, or what I said she refuses to really listen to me and accept my apology. I mean after all that has happened between us, I’m confused as to how she still went ahead, and agreed to marry this dude. I just don’t understand why she is doing this to herself let alone doing this to me. Agreeing to marry this dude even though she knows that she may be carrying my seed. Like in all honesty, London, Jasmine has really lost her fucking mind!”

  London was silent and just let Trey vent. So he continued on saying “It seems to me that she has made her choice, and she didn’t choose me. I don’t want to set myself up again just to get shitted on. We have done nothing but go in circles with one another. I love Jasmine very much there is no denying that. If she really is pregnant with my child then, yes, of course I would want us to be a family. But how can you even be sure the baby she is carrying is mine and not Quincy’s? I’m pretty sure she was still fucking him at the time as well. That night probably would have never even happened if she didn’t get into that fight with her man. This shit between me and Jasmine has gotten out of control. I didn’t think that love was supposed to be this hard and complicated. I feel like I have been losing my fucking mind ever since I saw her again. I don’t know if I can keep doing this with her.”

  At this moment London realized that this Trey was much different than the Trey she used to know. She always knew that they loved each other, but she was never really sure if he loved her like she loved him. But today she saw he really did love Jasmine the way she deserved. I guess its true absence does make the heart grow fonder. So she lightly touched his arm to comfort him. She could see the pain and hurt all over him.

  She said “Listen honestly I really do understand everything that you’re going through. I’ve been there before trust me. Love and being in love can be very trying and annoying as hell. Everything you have just said may very well all be true. But what I do know is you two are meant to be together. I know all of this has taken its toll on you and her. I just felt like you had the right to know since you didn’t the last time she was pregnant with your child. I haven’t been your biggest fan in the past. This is considering everything you and Jasmine have been through. I’m going to give you all of the wedding info. Now whatever you decide to do in the end is up to you. I will respect your decision either way. But I know Jasmine is hiding something really big, which is why she has been acting the way that she has been. And just so you know, Quincy has been trying to get Jasmine pregnant for months now. But she was nowhere near interested in having his baby. From what I know she made him use condoms every time. She was telling me how she was focusing on her career before she decided to get pregnant. Plus she didn’t want to have his child, because he was trying to force her to give up her career. He wanted her to be a full time mom if she had his child. That’s how I’m pretty sure that the baby she’s carrying is yours. She would not have gotten pregnant by Quincy I’m pretty sure of that.”

  Trey said “Look thanks for the information, London. I really do appreciate you telling me all of this, but I don’t think I want to even be bothered with this shit. It seems to me she has made her choice, and I’m done with the bullshit. I know I was a piece of shit back in the day, but I don’t deserve what she is doing to me. I really do hope you two can eventually work it out, and be as close as you used to be. I just can’t do this with Jasmine. If she wants me she knows exactly how and where to find me.”

  As Trey got up to leave London stopped him and gave him the wedding invitation. She said “Please, Trey, just think about it.” Trey just nodded and proceeded to walk out the door.

  Chapter 9:

  Today was my wedding day but it all just didn’t feel right. You’re supposed to be surrounded by your girlfriends laughing, and everyone sharing in the joy of your big day. Instead here I am sitting in this room alone the furthest thing from happy. For as long as I can remember I have dreamed about my wedding day. So far it is nothing I had expected. Marriage is finally within my grasp but it is under all of the wrong circumstances. The reality is my world recently has been filled with secrets and lies. It is not only the secrets of my fiancé, but my secrets as well. I have been hiding the fact that I am now four months pregnant from everybody. It’s been killing me not being able to share this news with any and every one. I haven’t even met him or her yet, but I couldn’t be more filled with love and joy for my unborn child. Recently I have gained a considerable amount of weight. My breast, hips, and ass are much fuller. I really had to squeeze myself into this wedding dress. My stomach was now poked out slightly. So to hide it I chose not to wear anything to tight and clingy. I guess I was doing a pretty good job as no one seemed to have really noticed my weight gain. A million and one thoughts of what was wrong in my life were racing through my mind. Out all of the feelings that I should be feeling the only thing I felt was emptiness, sadness, and guilt.

  I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t even hear my mom come into the room. My wedding dress was an off white custom made Vera Wang gown. It was a stunning dress, and Q spared no expense when it was made for me. It had the halter top which sparkled with Swarovski crystals all throughout. The bottom was an off white silk with a long flowing train that had Swarovski crystals as well. My makeup was flawless I kept everything very clean and natural. My hair was swept up with curls slightly falling in my face. As soon as my mom saw me, her eyes immediately began to water. She came over to me and we embraced in a long hug.

  She said “Wow, you look so beautiful, Jasmine. Are you ready to finally get married?” I didn’t say anything I just nodded my head yes. I tried my best to hold back my tears. If she could read my thoughts she would know that I’m filled with guilt and confusion. I h
ave never been good with hiding when I’m upset so I knew that it is written all over me right now. And my mom picked up on it immediately.

  She looked at me concerned and said “Baby girl, are you okay? You’re awfully quiet for it to be your wedding day Jasmine. Today is supposed to be the happiest day of your life, but you look the furthest from happy. Are you having second thoughts about going through with this? You know it isn’t too late to call it all off if you are having doubts. All you have to do is say the word.”

  I gave her a half smile as I said “No, I’m fine mom. I’m just trying to take all of this in. All of this is a little bit overwhelming, but I will be fine I promise.” She decided to let it go by not saying anything else she just helped me put the finishing touches to complete my look. I could tell that she wanted to talk more but was hesitant. So I decided to pull it out of her.

  “What’s on your, mind mom? I can tell by the look on your face that you have something to say.”

  She stopped primping me and took a seat, and motioned for me to sit next to her. I did as I was told. She looked at me and said “So when are you going to tell me that your pregnant?”

  My heart stopped and my face went blank as soon as the words left her mouth. I couldn’t help but wonder how in the hell she even know. I haven’t told a single person about me being pregnant. But a part of me was kind of relieved that someone else knew besides me. The only thing was that I couldn’t bring myself to do was disclose the fact that Trey was the father and not Quincy. If my mother knew all of the aspects of my life recently she would literally kill me for carrying on like I have been. So I said quietly “What makes you think that I’m pregnant?” She rolled her eyes at me as she said “Come on, Jasmine, I am your mother; I know these things. I have noticed you put on a considerable amount of weight recently. It’s all in your breast, hips, and behind. You have never been a thick girl. Plus the fact that you used to always have had a flat stomach, and now your stomach is slightly round and poking out. You have also been more tired than normal. Every time I call for you, you’re sleeping, or you’re telling me you don’t feel good. So how about you just come clean, and tell me why you have been hiding this from me. Does Quincy even know at least?”


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