Last Place in the Chalet

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Last Place in the Chalet Page 11

by Sue Brown

  “Let’s play.” Don focused on Maria.

  She gave him a wicked smile. “You are so on.”

  At some point Don broke out the whiskey again and poured generous fingers for him and Noel, while Maria and Angel contented themselves, if with grumbles, with soda.

  The impromptu card party finally broke up around four in the morning, and that was only because the yawns from everyone were starting to interfere with the game.

  Maria left first with a thank-you to everyone for the best night she’d had in a long time. She caught Angel’s smirk and stabbed her finger at him. “Shut up, you.”

  He saluted her. “Yes, ma’am.”

  Angel was starting to look tired too, and although he suggested another hand, Noel vetoed it and told him it was time he slept if he was going to do any skiing the next day. Don agreed because he would have to be up in three hours. Angel wasn’t happy, but he put the cards away and wished Don a good night.

  Noel knew he was going to regret all the whiskey, so he made sure he downed a pint of water before he went to bed.

  “Can we sleep together?” Angel asked hopefully. “I sleep much better when you’re cuddling me.”

  “Course we can,” Noel agreed, “if you give me back my pillow. And you’ll have to put up with my whiskey breath.”

  “I think I can cope,” Angel said.

  Angel snuggled in close to Noel for the second night and fell asleep almost immediately. Noel took longer to relax, but eventually the whiskey and fatigue overtook him and he slept. At some point he woke to discover Angel’s head on his chest. It was nice, and he didn’t feel like moving, so he went back to sleep, comforted by the grounding presence of the man in his arms.

  Chapter 9—Day 4

  Day before Christmas Eve


  ANGEL WAS already out of bed when Noel woke, and Noel felt a fleeting disappointment at not finding Angel curled around him. He lay in the mess of sheets and listened, but there was no noise from the bathroom, so he assumed Angel was already up and dressed.

  Noel yawned and scratched his belly. It was tempting just to roll over and go back to sleep. It was his vacation, after all, and curled up in bed on a snow day sounded amazing. But the practical side of his brain pointed out that he was there to ski, this vacation hadn’t been cheap, and he should get onto the slopes.

  As brain and body warred, the door opened, and Angel came in with a tray. He beamed when he saw Noel.

  “Hey, you’re awake. That’s good. You missed breakfast, so I brought you hot chocolate and pastries.”

  “You brought me breakfast in bed?” Noel sat up, puffed up the pillows and leaned back against the headboard. “Are you feeling better? The hot chocolate smells amazing.”

  “I’m feeling fine apart from a few bruises. The chocolate tastes even better,” Angel assured him as he carefully placed the tray on the bed. “I begged Charlie for another cup for me.”

  Knowing his host, Noel was sure there wasn’t much begging involved. He took the cup and inhaled deeply. It was the real deal—genuine hot chocolate. Angel pushed the pastries toward him, and Noel took a flaky croissant.

  “You should have woken me up,” he mumbled around a mouthful.

  Angel shrugged, careful not to spill his drink. “I figured you needed the sleep, and I went for a walk.”

  “You barely had any sleep. How can you be awake at this time? You’re one of those morning people, aren’t you?”

  “Yep.” Angel laughed at Noel’s sour expression. “Even before the sleeping problems, I’ve always been awake with the sunrise, and I did sleep all evening.”

  Noel shuddered, because who did that? He struggled out of bed at 7:30 a.m. to go to work. On the weekend he rarely got up before midday.

  “Now aren’t you glad I left you in bed?” Angel said, a smirk playing around his lips.

  Noel grinned back because of course Angel was right. He popped the last of the pastry into his mouth and washed it down with the chocolate. “What are the slopes like?”

  “Perfect, and the weather’s better too. I’ll take the tray back while you get ready.” Angel leaned forward and gently wiped at the corner of Noel’s mouth. “You missed a bit.” He held out his finger to show a crumb of the croissant.

  Noel took Angel’s finger and licked it away. He heard a strangled noise and looked up to see Angel staring, his green eyes fixed on him. “I’m sorry.” He hurriedly dropped Angel’s finger.

  “It’s okay.” Angel sounded breathless. He busied himself arranging the cups and the plates, but then he looked up and saw Noel’s worried frown. “It really is okay, Noel. I’ll take this to the kitchen.” He left Noel sitting in the bed.

  Noel cursed under his breath, but he decided to take Angel’s words at face value. He brushed away a few crumbs, climbed out of bed, and headed into the bathroom. A shower would wake him up.

  A minute later he was standing under the hot stream of water with a happy sigh. Showers were near the top of the list of his favorite things. Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens could take a back seat to a steaming hot shower and a pert butt. He closed his eyes and let the water slide over his face and chest.

  “Noel, you’ll never guess what I just saw.”

  He opened his eyes just as Angel pushed open the bathroom door.

  “What?” he asked.

  Angel’s eyes opened comically wide. “I’m so sorry. I never thought you’d be in the shower. I mean, it was stupid of me. Where else would you be?”

  He shut his mouth to stop the rambling and Noel did his best not to laugh at Angel’s flustered expression. Noel realized he was giving Angel a show. The door hadn’t steamed up sufficiently to obscure the view of his naked body, which didn’t faze him. He was used to showering around other guys at the gym, but he had the feeling that, even though Angel was an EMT, he was still shy around naked men.

  Angel started to back away, but Noel said, “What did you see?”

  Angel turned away so he wasn’t staring at Noel, but Noel could see the grin on his face. “Guess whose bedroom I caught Goldie coming out of?”

  “Uh… his own?”

  “Nope. Marv and Frankie’s.”

  “They are friends,” Noel pointed out.

  “Sure they are. And how many friends’ bedrooms do you leave wearing only your briefs?” He paused for the kicker. “And your friends are both naked.”


  “Stark butt naked,” Angel confirmed.

  Noel blinked. “Well, well, the wise guys are more than business partners.” He squeezed shower gel into his hand and rubbed it into his chest. “I’d never have guessed those boys were in a ménage.”

  “Me neither. I thought of them each with a wife and five kids back home.”

  Noel nodded. “And church on Sundays. Just shows you can never judge a book by its cover.” Angel didn’t answer, and Noel looked over his shoulder. Angel’s gaze was fixed on Noel, who raised one eyebrow. “Like what you see?”

  Angel flushed and bit his bottom lip, which was cute. “You have a lovely cover.”

  “I’m glad you approve.”

  Noel snapped off the water and stepped out of the shower. Angel stepped forward and handed him a towel, which Noel used to dry his hair and then wrapped around his waist.

  “Shame,” Angel murmured, obviously having gotten over his embarrassment.

  Noel was not going to blush. He was not going to blush. Just because the cute guy stared at his naked body, that didn’t mean he had to behave like a teen on his first crush.

  “Skiing?” he squeaked. He coughed and tried again. “Do you want to get out on the slopes?”

  “Sure.” And now Angel was almost purring, and a small smile played around his mouth. When did he suddenly get so confident?

  Very soon Noel was going to give Angel a completely different show if they didn’t get out of the bathroom. He gritted his teeth, mentally warned his interested dick to pipe down, and said, “I�
�ll be out in a moment.”

  “Okay.” Angel was obviously disappointed, but he backed out, leaving Noel alone, horny, and frustrated in the steamy bathroom.

  It didn’t take long for Noel to dry off, shave, and brush his teeth. Angel had yelled he was ready and would meet Noel in the mudroom, so they didn’t have to face each other for a few minutes. When he opened the bathroom door, Noel was relieved to find the bedroom empty. Then he cursed himself for being a coward. A gorgeous man obviously wanted him. Why didn’t he just take the first step into Angel’s arms? Noel sighed as he hunted for his clothes.

  The reason was a couple of thousand miles away at home. Every time he thought about Angel in his arms, Adam’s face appeared. He wasn’t going to toy with Angel’s feelings while he was so screwed up. Angel deserved better than that.

  “I deserve better than that,” he muttered.

  But he deserved happiness too. As he stood with one foot in his ski pants, a thought struck him so hard he nearly fell over. What the hell?

  Noel had always known Adam wasn’t the love of his life. He was funny and witty, even if his sense of humor could be cruel at times. But when Noel had thought about growing into old age, it wasn’t Adam by his side. Noel had resigned himself to the fact that he’d probably be alone. Despite that, he’d wanted to take the chance and ask Adam to marry him. But now, as he thought about the era of high-waisted pants, false teeth, and rocking chairs, there was a man next to him… and it was Angel.

  The revelation made his legs give way and Noel sat down heavily on the bed. “This is ridiculous. You’ve known the man for two minutes. He can’t be the love of your life.”

  Why not?

  Noel told his brain to shut up, and he continued getting dressed, but the image of him and Angel, side by side as elderly men with a lifetime of shared history behind them wouldn’t go away.

  THE WISE guys were on their way out as Noel arrived by the front door. He was amused to see Goldie flush as he spotted Angel, and neither of the other two men would meet Angel’s eyes. Oh yeah, they were way more than business partners. Angel pretended not to notice their embarrassment, but as soon as the door was shut behind them, Angel giggled.

  Noel chuckled too. “They’re never going to be able to look at you in the eye again.”

  “I know. Did you see Goldie’s face? He was praying the ground would open up.” Angel leaned against the wall and mopped the tears from his eyes. “I’m going to have to tell him at some point that we really don’t care.”

  “We?” Noel cocked his head at the phrasing.

  Angel furrowed his brow. “Does it bother you? The three of them together?”

  Noel shook his head. “No. I’ve got friends in threesomes, one in a five with two women. I think that’s about my limit of other-than-couples.”

  “I don’t know anyone in my personal life, although I met an elderly lesbian threesome through work.”

  “Adam was in a polyamorous relationship before he met me.”

  It was getting easier to say Adam’s name. It still kicked him in the gut, but it was easier.

  “I don’t think it would be for me,” Angel said.

  “Nor me,” Noel agreed, “but you never know who you’re going to meet.”

  Their eyes locked, and for a moment, Noel felt time stand still. He stared into Angel’s pale green eyes, and it was as though he saw himself reflected in Angel’s eyes and Angel thought he was worthy.

  Angel looked away first and coughed lightly. “Shall we go?”

  “Uh, yeah.” Noel shook his head to clear it.

  He jumped as the front door opened and Charlie stood there with a large box in his hands. Noel stepped forward and took the box from him, staggering under its weight.

  “Thanks,” Charlie said.

  Noel hefted the box so it was more secure. “Where do you want this?”

  “In the kitchen, please.”

  Angel glanced outside. “Do you need a hand unloading the truck?”

  There was a new Toyota Tacoma parked outside, the back loaded with boxes and bags.

  Charlie beamed at him. “That would be great. Usually Don helps, but he’s gone to see his brother.”


  Noel placed the box in the kitchen and then returned for more. Between the three of them, they managed to unload the truck with Noel carrying the last box in just before it started to snow.

  “Perfect timing,” Charlie said as he shut the front door with his foot. “Thanks for the help, guys.”

  “No problem.” Noel stretched his back and rolled his shoulders. Some of those boxes had been heavy. Beside him, Angel did the same thing. Noel thought about offering him a shoulder massage but didn’t want Angel to think Noel was implying he was weak.

  “Hot chocolate as a thank-you?” Charlie asked.

  Noel shook his head. “I’m fine, thanks.”

  Angel rolled his right shoulder again and winced. “I think I need a hot pack before I start skiing. I might have pulled a muscle.”

  “Maybe we ought to take you to the hospital,” Noel said. “You should have gotten checked out.”

  “I’m fine.” But there was an edge to Angel’s voice.

  No white knight. Got it.

  “Oh no.” Charlie looked worried. “I think I can find you a hot pack.”

  “I could give your shoulder a massage,” Noel offered.

  “It’s okay.”

  “I took a course,” Noel said and waggled his hands. “I know what I’m doing.”

  “You took a course in massage?” Angel asked doubtfully.

  “Don’t look so skeptical,” Noel said. “I took sports science as a minor in college. I thought about majoring in physical therapy.”

  “Go sit by the fire,” Charlie said to Angel. “I’ll find a hot pack. I can be your chaperone if you need one.”

  He waggled his eyebrows at Noel to show he meant nothing by it.

  Noel rolled his eyes and guided Angel into the great room. He took one of the chairs by the dining table and put it in front of the fire. “Let me get my massage lotion.”

  Angel blinked. “You bring your own massage lotion?”

  “I thought Adam and I could use it,” Noel said quietly.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t think,” Angel said.

  Noel patted his shoulder. “No worries. Now get your T-shirt off. Or do you need a hand with your shoulder?”

  Angel wore long-sleeved T-shirts under his ski jacket. Today’s version was pale blue, which went well with his coloring.

  “I think help would be good,” Angel admitted.

  “Sit there. I’ll be back in a moment.” Noel pointed at the chair.


  Angel collapsed onto the chair and waved Noel away. “Hurry up.”

  “Yessir. No sir.” Noel backed away, saluting him.


  Noel grinned as he headed to their bedroom. He didn’t mind missing a few hours skiing to get his hands all over Angel. When he returned with a bottle of vanilla-scented massage oil, Angel sat, shoulders slumped, and his eyes closed.

  “You’re only supposed to sleep after I’ve massaged you,” Noel said.

  “I know that,” Angel said sleepily. “It’s just warm and comfortable.”

  “T-shirt first. Then you can doze while I work on the knot in your shoulder.”

  Noel helped Angel ease his right arm out of the sleeve and then pulled the rest of it over his head.

  Angel sucked in a sharp breath. “You’d better be good with those hands, because I’m not going to miss a day’s skiing.”

  “You could rest today and ski the rest of the week,” Noel suggested.

  “Get massaging.” Angel’s tone was very firm.

  Noel made Angel straddle the chair the wrong way around and put a cushion between Angel’s chest and the back. Then he settled himself behind Angel and tipped oil into his hand to warm it up.

  “Just relax and let me do the work,” he

  “You just wanted to get your hands on me,” Angel said sleepily.

  “Can you blame me?” Noel muttered as he smoothed the oil into both hands and laid them on Angel’s shoulders.

  Angel sighed as Noel started the massage. “That feels so good.”

  Noel didn’t trust himself to speak. He’d given many massages over the years, but few of them had him wanting to kiss all the bruising from yesterday’s accident. Just the feel of Angel’s lean muscles under the creamy skin was making him fidget, and he had to hold back the urge to kiss at the base of Angel’s neck where the curls ended. He rubbed the shoulder and neck muscles, taking his time to make sure the shoulder muscles were fully relaxed before he probed for the knot causing the problem. It was easy enough to find, and he worked at it, drawing a hiss of breath and then soft moans as he kneaded the sore spot and the muscle around it.

  “That feels so much better,” Angel moaned.

  Noel worked over his shoulders and neck again until Angel was like a limp noodle under his hands. Finally he stood back and flexed his burning hands. He’d forgotten what hard work it was. “How do you feel now?”

  “Like I could sleep for a week.”

  “Rest for a while.”

  “Oh no. We’re going skiing.” Angel sat up and rolled his shoulders. “Wow, that feels better. I ought to employ you as my personal masseur.”

  Noel shook his head. “You’re damn stubborn.”

  Angel grinned and stood, an annoying half-naked cherub in the middle of the great room, the warm colors of the flames flickering off the canvas of his skin. “That’s why you love me.” He laughed as Noel rolled his eyes. “See, you do.”

  Noel kept his mouth shut as he took the massage oil back to their room. Angel was far too perceptive for his own good.

  ANGEL TOOK stubbornness to a new extreme. Rather than rest his shoulder, he seemed determined to push himself to new levels. After the first time, when he ripped Noel’s head clean off for suggesting he should take it easy, Noel gave up trying to help him. Instead he took longer rests himself between runs—a hot drink here, a slice of cake there. Angel had two choices. He could go on without Noel or stick by him for the enforced rests.


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