Last Place in the Chalet

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Last Place in the Chalet Page 19

by Sue Brown

“And your kids?” Noel asked quietly.

  “They didn’t take it well, but we’re getting there.”

  He didn’t elaborate, and Noel nodded. “I’m glad.”

  “Me too. Now I have to extricate Frankie and Marv from the babe or we’re going to miss our flight.” Angel hugged him, and Goldie returned it and whispered something Noel couldn’t hear in his ear. Then Goldie shook Noel’s hand. “You take care of him,” he ordered.

  “I will,” Noel promised and grabbed Angel’s hand. He had no intention of letting Angel out of his sight.

  It all got noisy as they said goodbye to the wise guys and Maria and Joe, and Noel found himself hugged more in that five minutes than he’d been in years. Promises were made to keep in touch. Even if that didn’t happen, somewhere in the seven days, these people had turned from chalet acquaintances to friends.

  Angel wrapped an arm around Noel’s waist as they watched everyone depart. Don was giving the three men a ride to the airport, and Charlie had opted to go with him, knowing Noel and Angel would still be there.

  The silence when they left was kind of overwhelming.

  Angel tilted his head to look up at Noel. “Are you okay?”

  “Huh? Yes, why do you ask?”

  “Because you’ve gotten a dazed and confused look on your face.”

  Noel shook his head. “I can’t get over the fact that our vacation is over. We’re going back to our normal lives.” He felt the tension flood through Angel, and he realized what he’d said. He turned Angel in his arms. “We’re going back to our normal lives together.”

  Angel smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Are you sure?”

  “I’m more than sure,” Noel assured him.

  “Good,” Angel said. “Let’s get coffee.”

  Noel was back to dazed and confused. “What?”

  “I need coffee, and Charlie said he left breakfast in the oven for us. He made it before dawn because the wise guys were leaving for an early flight.”

  “I thought we’d have to forage for ourselves.”

  “You know Charlie. He’s always organized.”

  Angel held out his hand and laced their fingers together. He led the way back to the kitchen, and Noel followed him, wondering if this was going to set the pattern for their life together—Angel leading, him following. The more he thought about it, the more he decided he didn’t mind the idea.

  Breakfast was pancakes, crispy bacon, and syrup. Noel’s arteries shuddered, but his taste buds told his arteries to pipe down. It was Christmas and this was heaven. They took their loaded plates and steaming mugs of coffee out to the Adirondack chairs on the veranda and ate their breakfast quickly, wrapped in blankets over the chairs. It was kind of silly, but tomorrow Noel’s view would be apartments and office blocks. He wanted to make the most of it while he could.

  “I wish we could take this view back with us,” Angel murmured around a bite of pancake.

  “We could come back here next Christmas,” Noel suggested.

  Angel beamed at him. “I’d like that.”

  Noel thought about it. He’d never been anywhere that had meant enough to him that he wanted to come back a second time, but this place had a special meaning for him. He’d started to live here, gotten a second chance to love life.

  “Finished?” Angel held out his hand for Noel’s plate.


  “Give that to me. I’ll clear up the kitchen. You go pack.”

  “Don’t you need to pack?” Noel asked.

  “I did that last night.” Angel licked his lips. “Besides, if you’re in the bedroom, we could have a little fun before we leave.”

  Noel got to his feet, turned Angel around so he could rest his chest against Angel’s back, and blew across Angel’s ear. “What sort of fun are you thinking about, Mr. Marinelli?”

  “We don’t have much time.” Angel’s voice cracked as Noel sucked lightly on his earlobe.

  “We don’t,” Noel agreed. “I could suck you.”

  “You could.”

  “Or fuck you against the wall.”

  “That sounds good too,” Angel said breathily.

  “You’d better take those plates back.” Noel swatted Angel’s ass, but only lightly. He didn’t want Angel dropping the plates.

  Angel made a strangled noise as he disappeared around the corner toward the kitchen, and Noel smirked. Angel’s gait seemed a little unsteady, but his butt was just perfect.

  Noel had just jammed the rest of his gear into his suitcase when Angel burst through the door.

  “We have ten minutes before they get back,” Angel said as he shoved Noel down onto the unmade bed.

  “How do you know that?” Noel asked breathlessly.

  “I asked Charlie to call me when he was on his way back. He only just remembered. I’m going to blow you.”

  Angel attacked Noel’s zipper and encouraged Noel to raise his hips so he could shove his jeans down his thighs.

  “What about you?” Noel asked.

  “Baby, this is all for you.”

  Noel didn’t have time to think as Angel stopped talking and put his mouth to other use. He came down Angel’s throat as Charlie yelled out they were back. Noel jammed the back of his hand into his mouth to keep from crying out.

  Angel looked up, a wide smile curving his lips. “Be right there,” he called out.

  Noel couldn’t speak. He was too busy trying to bring his brain back online.

  NOEL AND Angel barely spoke as they traveled to the airport in the back of Don’s truck, and Noel could feel the tension building in Angel as they came in sight of the airport terminal. They’d held hands the whole journey, Angel’s slender fingers wrapped around Noel’s. As Don found somewhere to park, Noel brushed his lips across Angel’s knuckles to reassure him, and brought a smile that lit up his sparkling green eyes.

  “You make me very happy,” Angel whispered.

  Tears prickled the back of Noel’s eyes as he turned Angel’s hand and kissed his palm. “You’ve changed my life.”

  It was true. Angel’s genuine love and affection made him happy. He’d forgotten what it was like to feel this good. He wanted to run back to the chalet, shut the bedroom door on the rest, take Angel to bed, and forget the world ever existed. He’d been so happy last night, kissing Angel until they were both breathless and making love until they slept wrapped around each other.

  Don gave them rough hugs as they said goodbye. Noel felt swallowed up in his embrace, but Angel seemed to enjoy it and hugged Don fiercely.

  “Thank you,” Angel murmured.

  Don grinned down at him. “You’re welcome. Remember what I said.”

  “I will,” Angel assured him. “You take care of Charlie.”

  Then he leaned forward and whispered something in Don’s ear. The big man went crimson, muttered something under his breath, and rolled his eyes when Angel let out a bark of laughter.

  Noel eyed them in bemusement, not sure what was going on.

  As they walked away, Noel’s curiosity got the better of him. “What was so funny?”

  Angel snickered again. “I overheard something, and I had to check. You know Charlie’s name is Charlie Shepherd?”


  “Well, Don’s last name is Key.”

  “Yes? And,” Noel rocked back on his heels, “Don Key? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” People looked around at his roar, but he ignored them. “You mean we had Mary, Joe, a baby, a shepherd, and a donkey?”

  “And an Angel and three Wise men.”

  Noel thought about it for a long while. “Then what was I? I was the only one who didn’t fit in.”

  Angel snuggled up to him. “You were the one who made room for the man in need of a bed.”

  “I didn’t really have a choice,” Noel confessed as he put his arm around Angel’s shoulders.

  “I could have been a seven-foot leather daddy,” Angel pointed out.

  Noel raised his eyes. “You think
that would have been a problem?”

  He enjoyed Angel spluttering behind him as he led the way into the airport.

  Chapter 18—Day 7

  home day afternoon

  ONCE THEY were in the terminal building, they looked up at the departure board, and Angel groaned. “The flight’s delayed by an hour.”

  Noel grimaced. They could have had an extra hour in bed if they’d had that information earlier.

  Angel worried at his bottom lip. “I need to reschedule my ride home.”

  “Won’t they keep an eye on the flight time?” Noel asked.

  “It’s my grandpa picking me up. It wouldn’t occur to him to check before he left. In fact if I don’t call now, he’ll already be on his way. He always arrives hours in advance.”

  Angel pulled out his cell phone and scrolled down his list of contacts. Then he looked up and smiled at Noel. “Is it too much to say I’m just pleased to have more time with you?”

  Noel shook his head, looked around, and leaned forward to brush a kiss on Angel’s cheek. “I feel the same way.”

  Another blazing smile and then Angel connected his call. “Grandpa, it’s Angel. No, my flight hasn’t landed. Put your keys down, the flight has been delayed. No, no, don’t leave yet. I’ll call you when we’re boarding. Grandpa, don’t leave then, the flight is three hours.” Angel sighed and clutched at his hair. “Grandpa, let me talk to Nonna.”

  Noel wondered if he ought to offer him a ride home, but would Angel’s grandpa understand that? As Angel tried to convince his grandparents that there was no point leaving for the airport yet, Noel’s thoughts wandered. He wasn’t sure what he was going back to. He’d started his vacation in a relationship with Adam. Was Adam still at their apartment or had he been living elsewhere over Christmas? The apartment was Noel’s. If Adam was still there, he was going to have a hard conversation with his ex-boyfriend. It wasn’t a conversation he was looking forward to.

  With a sigh of frustration, Angel disconnected the call. He rolled his eyes as he slipped the phone back into his pocket. “Grandpa is going to leave now ‘just in case.’”

  Noel chuckled. “He’s a bit stubborn?”

  “Ya think?” Angel huffed and looked around. “I need coffee. Lots of coffee.”

  Noel tucked Angel’s hand in the crook of his elbow. “Let’s go get you caffeine.”

  Over the largest cup of coffee he could find, Noel told Angel of his concern regarding Adam.

  Angel stroked the back of Noel’s hand. “It will work out, I promise. You can stay with me while you sort things out if you want,” he added.

  They’d discovered during the vacation that they lived in the same neighborhood. How Noel had never noticed Angel before he didn’t know. Angel stood out in a crowd.

  Noel looked down at Angel’s hand on his. He was so free with his affection. Noel hadn’t realized how touch starved he’d become. It was as much his fault as Adam’s, he acknowledged. They’d just stopped being a couple and become roommates who shared a bed. He couldn’t even say when that happened. Why had he thought marriage would be an option?

  They talked for a long time, but afterward, Noel couldn’t remember the conversation. He’d spent the whole time staring at Angel and wondering how he’d gotten so lucky. He’d wallowed in self-pity on the outward journey, barely noticing the sweet man at his side. Just seven days later, he held Angel’s hand and didn’t want to let him go. He thanked whatever deity was listening that fate had forced him to open his eyes.

  After coffee and seeing yet another delay to their flight, they went in search of breakfast, and Angel ordered pancakes and bacon. Noel had learned not to be surprised at the quantity of food Angel packed away for his small frame, but his eyes widened at the amount of bacon on Angel’s plate.

  Angel shrugged when Noel had to say something. “I’ve always been a big eater. I’m just lucky not to put on weight. My pops and grandpa are still as skinny as rakes.”

  “Now I don’t use the gym. Running is the only exercise I get, but I like swimming,” Noel said, “and horseback riding when I get the chance.”

  Angel’s eyes widened and he leaned forward and placed a hand on Noel’s. “Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone you’re a closet cowboy.”

  “I ain’t a closet anything,” Noel drawled.

  Angel sat back and studied Noel. “I can see that.” His husky voice sent a spark to Noel’s cock, and he laughed as Noel fidgeted in his seat. “Got a problem, Mr. Garrett?”

  The café was crowded, and they were hemmed in by tired-looking tourists in ski jackets. Still, no one was paying them any attention as Noel leaned forward and said in a low voice, “I have a boner, Mr. Marinelli, and if you keep talking to me in that voice, I’ll expect you to take it in hand.” He almost laughed at the shock, naked lust, and indecision on Angel’s face. His sweet boy was anything but. He was a heartbeat away from suggesting they find somewhere quiet and do just that when he caught sight of the departure board. “We’ve got a gate number now.”

  “Wha-at?” Angel shook his head as though to clear it. “Uh… what did you say?”

  “Our flight has a gate number now. We should be boarding soon.”

  Angel liked dirty talk. Noel tucked that piece of information for future reference. There would be a future for them, he was determined.

  When Noel felt he could move from the table without embarrassing himself, he suggested they go buy water and snacks for the flight. Angel smirked at him, but they moved away from the table. It was claimed by a harassed-looking woman before they’d even maneuvered their small suitcases out of the way. She sat down and glared at them as though they weren’t moving fast enough for her liking.

  Once upon a time, Noel would have been irritated by the rudeness, but now he let it all wash over him.

  “Perhaps she’s having a bad hair day,” Angel muttered. He didn’t look quite so Zen about it.

  Noel looked back to their table. “Almost certainly,” he agreed and promptly forgot about the rude woman. She wasn’t going to ruffle his feathers.

  By the time they boarded the plane, Noel was ready to get home and sort out his future. They’d altered their seats so they could sit next to each other, and unlike the outward flight, Noel spent most of this one with a smile on his face.

  Angel yawned. “Do you mind if I nap? I didn’t get much sleep last night.”

  Noel smirked at him, knowing exactly the reason Angel hadn’t slept. “Sure, I might sleep too.”

  He put up the armrest between them and gathered Angel into his arms. Angel settled on his chest with a contented sigh and fell asleep almost immediately. Noel closed his eyes too, but he was too excited to sleep. Finally he gave up and spent most of the flight staring down at the man in his arms. How had he gotten this lucky?

  The flight was too short in Noel’s opinion. He could have spent the entire day holding Angel close to him, but finally there was a call for armrests to be put down and trays to be put up, and he woke Angel with a brush of his lips on Angel’s temple.

  “Wakey, wakey,” he murmured.

  Angel opened one eye, wrinkled his nose, and sat up with a huge yawn. “Are we landing?”


  “I feel like I’ve just closed my eyes.” Angel yawned again and leaned over the armrest to put his head on Noel’s shoulder.

  “You’re not going back to sleep, are you?” Noel teased.

  “No,” Angel murmured sleepily.

  “Uh-huh.” Noel didn’t believe him for a moment.

  But by the time the plane taxied up to the gate, Angel had sat up and scrubbed his hair until it stuck up in all directions. Apart from the barest hint of stubble, he could have been a disreputable schoolboy. Noel couldn’t resist the urge to smooth down the wayward locks.

  Angel gave him a teasing grin. “You think I look too scruffy?”

  Noel eyed him thoughtfully and decided to give him an honest answer. “I like touching you.”

  A small s
tain of color spread across Angel’s cheeks. “Wow.”

  He shook his head, and Noel said, “What?” a little defensively.

  Angel leaned forward and cupped Noel’s cheek. “Where’s the irritable, non-touchy-feely man I met just a week ago?”

  Now it was Noel’s turn to blush. “I realized he was being an asshole and left him behind.”

  “I’m so glad,” Angel said. “I like this man much better.”

  Then the doors opened, and Noel didn’t have time to reply, but he agreed with Angel. He liked this man much better too.

  They collected their suitcases and Angel’s skis and headed for the doors. Noel was starting to dread the time he’d have to say goodbye. Angel was quiet too, and Noel guessed he was having the same thoughts.

  As they walked through the doors, the breath was knocked out of Noel. On the other side was Adam, looking as sleek and gorgeous as ever and with a smile on his face, although Noel noticed it didn’t reach his eyes.

  Adam caught sight of Noel. “No, over here.”

  Noel gritted his teeth. He hadn’t missed being called No.

  “Who’s that?” Angel asked.

  “Adam,” Noel bit out.


  Noel looked down at Angel, whose focus was fixed on Adam. “Angel?”

  “He’s very handsome,” Angel said.

  “I guess so.”

  Angel looked at him, but then Adam rushed forward.

  “Baby, you’re back.” He reached out to Noel, who took a step back. A hurt look crossed Adam’s face. “No, baby?”

  “What are you doing here, Adam?”

  “I needed it and you didn’t, and the spare keys were in the nightstand. I’m here to give you a ride home from the airport.” He smiled at Noel, who didn’t return it. “You don’t look pleased to see me.”

  “You dumped me, remember?” Noel ground out. “Why would I be pleased to see you?”

  Adam shrugged, and that careless gesture infuriated Noel more than his presence. He’d been in pieces, and Adam just shrugged it off?

  “It was a mistake,” Adam said quickly. “I knew you were going to… I found the ring.”


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