To Love and Protect

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To Love and Protect Page 8

by Lindsay McKenna

  Sliding his finger provocatively across her waist to the band of her slacks, Niall gently eased it open. The garment fell to the floor around her bare feet.

  "You are so beautiful," he whispered, as his hands moved to her silken briefs.

  Closing her eyes, Brie felt him run his large, water-roughened hands across her hips to divest her of the last of her lingerie. Unable to think coherently, she managed to loosen his jeans with her trembling fingers. Heart pounding, she closed her eyes, her hands gripping his waist. Niall's fingers moved tantalizingly up across her flared rib cage, then upward to cup and hold her breasts in his hands. Prickles of heat and longing exploded through her. Feeling dizzy, Brie rocked forward, wanting more of his touch. Wanting him.

  "It's time," he whispered in a husky tone against her ear. Removing his jeans and briefs, he drew her to the bed and guided her down upon the soft, feathery duvet. As Niall eased next to her, naked, their hips and legs brushing together, he smiled. Brie's eyes were half-closed. He saw the sunlight in their depths, the longing, the need of him as she lay there facing him. Sliding his arm beneath her neck he brought her fully against him. When her breasts brushed tantaliz-ingly against his chest, he groaned. The sensation was so fiercely hot that he felt himself harden instantly. As her trembling fingers slid from his arm to his neck and then on to trace the line of his cheek, he leaned down and captured her tempting, smiling mouth.

  A moan of pleasure rippled through Brie as his mouth took hers, with a commanding strength that sent a message straight to her heart: she was his. All his. And he was claiming her; like a man claimed his woman. His breath was ragged and moist against her cheek as he continued his silken assault upon her lips. Hungrily, Brie responded in kind, unable to get enough of Niall, of his taste, his wonderful male fragrance or the rough texture of his skin as he rubbed seductively against her.

  When he gripped her hip, pulling her hard against him, letting her know he was more than ready to take her, claim her, she cried out softly.

  "Enter me," she whispered raggedly against his mouth. "Take me! I need you so badly, please! Now..." And she thrust her hips against him.

  As she looked up into his glittering, silvery eyes— eyes narrowed like those of a predator—she moaned. This was the man she loved. The man she'd waited so long for, and thought she'd lost forever. Now he was hot, sleek and powerful as he moved above her to claim her. Never had Brie thought they'd be in one another's arms again. The moment had sweetness, hope and such a palpable beauty that her heart mushroomed with joy. Her breath hitched in anticipation as his knee moved her thighs even farther apart.

  Just as the sunlight broke through the ragged clouds to strike the rainbow colors of the stained glass, Niall entered her aching, tense body. He flowed into her like all the colors of the rainbow. Like sunlight to her heart, she welcomed him, all of him, into herself. Arms closing around his shoulders, tight shoulders, she arched against him with a husky cry of pleasure.

  Every movement, every thrust and equally joyful response flowed through Brie until she was breathless, riding on a wave of such pleasure that her world spun out of control. Absorbing his male odor, she reveled in the way their bodies fused and glided together. He fit her so perfectly, melded with her in such a glorious golden cloud of happiness, that all Brie could do was surrender to her wildly beating heart.

  Niall was her life. She was a part of him, and he a part of her. Two halves that made a whole. He made her feel complete, and strong, and beautiful. His breathing was ragged against her ear, his breath hot, his growl deep as he claimed her and made her his. The violent explosion of heat, light and love that occurred deep within her being tore the breath from her. She arched and climaxed, spinning off into a kaleidoscope of rainbow colors.

  And when Niall stiffened, his hands gripping her shoulders, fingers digging in, she knew he was gifting her with his life, his love, in that wildly spinning moment torn out of time.

  For the next few minutes, all Brie could do was feel the aftershocks riffling through her body, one after another. The pleasure was so intense, she truly did feel faint. All sounds ceased except Niall's breathing near her cheek, his wet kisses against her brow, nose and, finally, her smiling mouth. His hands ranged knowingly along her length, as if reacquainting himself with her in every possible, intimate way. She loved his exploration of her afterward, the gentle touch of his trembling fingers caressing her taut breasts, the way he suckled her and made her moan with want of him all over again.

  Time had no meaning to Brie as she languished in Niall's arms, a prisoner of pleasure. How wonderful it was to kiss him in return, to see the joy in his stormy gray eyes, that feral look as he rose above her, that crooked smile of triumph in his handsome face. His dark hair was plastered against his brow, perspiration gleaming on his taut body in the aftermath. Brie watched, mesmerized, as light streamed through the stained glass window, sending color flowing across them.

  "The colors of life," she told him, her voice husky, "are flowing across us again."

  Niall lay against Brie, propped up on the one elbow, his arm beneath her head. "Yes..." he agreed, watching the gold, crimson and emerald colors move in graceful asymmetry across her hips, torso and breasts. How much he loved her. Looking down at her, he ached to love her again, to show her once more, how much she meant to him. Running his fingers across her damp red hair, he whispered, "You're my life, darlin'. I was a ghost walking the land without you. Now—" he lifted his head and looked at the brilliant, sunlit window "—you've given me back my life. Now I'm not walking in a land of black, white or gray. You complete me. You give my life color, meaning, a reason for being. A reason to wake up in the morning full of hope, of happiness..."

  Tears drifted down the sides of Brie's face as she reached up and gently stroked his cheek. "You're no less to me, Niall." She saw his eyes flare with surprise. "It's so wonderful to hear how you feel... I love it. I love hearing how you feel about me...about us."

  Capturing her hand against his cheek, he rasped, "I'm sorry I never shared this part of me with you, Brie. I will now...if you'll give us a second chance?"

  How could she say no? Brie smiled and nodded. "Yes, I want that second chance with you, Niall. I'm willing if you are...."

  A sigh of relief flowed through him. Placing her hand against his heart, he said brokenly, "When you gave me back the wedding band and engagement ring, I kept them. I never threw them away or sold them. I've kept them in the same red velvet case they were in when I gave them to you the day I asked you to marry me."

  Touched, Brie felt hot tears falling across her cheeks, blurring Niall's features. "Oh, Niall...I didn't know...."

  Shrugging sheepishly, he wrapped his fingers around her hand. "When you left, I set up that table with those photos. In the drawer are the wedding bands."

  "You never quit hoping, did you?" she choked out.

  "I guess not. I didn't want our marriage to be over, Brie, but I didn't know what else to do, or how to get you back."

  "Because you were in as much pain over the loss as I was." Brie shook her head and slowly sat up. "I was just as blinded and grieving as you were, Niall. I didn't realize all this about you."

  "Listen," he whispered, pulling her back into his arms as he lay against the headboard, "we lost our baby. How else could you feel? You were wild with grief. With shock. I understood that later. But not at the time. I was too wrapped up in my past, the abandonment... and I ran just like my father did." Mouth turning down, Niall held her in his arms and pressed a kiss against her furrowed brow, "I promise you, Brie, that will never happen again. I've learned my lesson. I want this second chance with you. And it doesn't matter if you ever get pregnant again. I'll accept whatever the future has in store for us. As long as we're together...."

  Sighing, Brie snuggled deeper into his warm, strong arms, her cheek resting against his darkly haired chest. She could hear his heart pounding. "I want babies, Niall. Even now, I hope that our making love has cr
eated one. If it has, I'll be overjoyed. And I'll be scared, too. I'll be afraid of losing this second one as I lost the first."

  Hearing the carefully concealed anxiety in her voice, Niall placed his finger beneath Brie's chin and forced her to look up at him. "Listen to me, darlin'. We'll take this one day at a time. If you get pregnant, we won't jump the gun like we did last time. We'll be talking to one another this time, and that will help a helluva lot. In my heart, I don't feel you'll lose the next baby. Things happen for a reason. But we have grown and matured in the last two years, so that this time around it'll be different. Better." And he gave her a devastatingly charming smile.

  Niall's dazzling male smile could always coax Brie out of her deepest worry or despondency. That was his priceless Irish legacy—that smile that made rainy days in her life dissolve in the sunlight.

  Pressing a kiss to his shoulder, she lifted her head and smiled up at him. "I'm game if you are."

  Nodding, Niall sighed. "That's a roger, my beautiful lady."

  "I don't want to live with you, Niall."

  His heart plunged and he gave her a look of shock. But when he saw her lips curve in a smile, her eyes widen with happiness, he realized what she meant.

  "Think we ought to call the station chaplain and tell him what's in our minds and hearts?"

  "Yes, and soon," Brie said archly. "And I think you'd better get those rings out, clean them up and get down on your bended knee and ask me to marry you."

  Chuckling, Niall ruffled her hair. This was the Brie he loved so much. She was part child, part adult, and someone who loved him unequivocally. Best of all, she'd forgiven him. And now he could forgive himself and move on to a better, happier life with her. Oh, Niall didn't fool himself; he knew they'd have rough times again, unhappy times. But life had taught him many good lessons that he was going to use as positive tools now to make this second chance with Brie a success.

  "You know what?" Niall said, his voice an intimate growl as he cupped her cheek and looked at her, their noses touching. "I'm going to get them right now. And when I ask you this second time to be my life partner, it's going to be forever."

  Brie smiled softly through her tears. "Yes...forever, darling. No matter what life throws at us, we'll be there for each other, to protect, support and love one another. I'm not afraid, Niall. Not now. Not with you standing at my side. I love you so much! I always have and I always will...forever...."

  * * * * *

  Available from Silhouette Intimate Moments:


  by Lindsay McKenna—

  a brand-new book in her



  ISBN 0-373-48466-6


  Copyright © 2002 by Harlequin Books S.A.

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  Copyright © 2002 by Lindsay McKenna

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